Posted by Halfblooded RP Thread

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-02 06:49:59
Halfblooded~ Some human's were just born this way, others were forced, some were accepted. These human's aren't completely human. They are part animal. The animal they turn into is their INNER ANIMAL. Some human's are part bird, part bear, part wolf, part horse. These 'humans' are shape-shifters. Not everyone started like that, though. Some people are trialed to be one, some people steal a serum that makes them halfblooded. Some people are forced to take the serum. But they all have one thing in common. They were all sick. It all started when mad scientist Dr. Corvelis mixed up blood and a toxin. He gave the toxin to a patient with cancer and the next morning, she was fine. They thought it was a break through, so they gave it to as many people that could afford this pricey drug. What they didn't know, was that the toxin changes the person into an animal. They start to blend with a certain animals' thoughts, they get their senses. Sometimes, they turn into the animal and never return. Over years, a school has been formed to tame these beasts inside of people. The school is called "The Academy" by the students. The original name has been lost in time. Halfblooded people from all over the world come here to unlock their beast side and tame it. After you school here, you should be able to become your inner animal whenever you choose to. You get the animal's senses, looks, and thoughts. You can be a student, a teacher, someone going through the process, or a thief.
If your parents were Half&Human, you most likely didn't find your ability until late teens(15+) If parents were Half&Half, you probably first turned when you were between 5-10.
If you took the serum, you turned a few days later.

There are rules, but not too hard to follow.
1- Follow Lioden Rules
2-On the top of every post put Name-Gender-Animal, except with your names. (Ex- Miley-32-Cat)
3- 3+ sentences please.
4- If rules are not followed you get a strike 3 total strikes.
5-In other, type Following Footsteps so I know you read the rules.
6- If you do not respond in four days, you get a PM asking if you are still in. If you don't respond in a WEEK and have not INFORMED me of it, you get a strike. If you do not respond in TWO WEEKS you are kicked out.
7- You must tell me if you are dropping/won't be able to reply for a certain number of days.
8- 3 characters MAX
9- Keep cursing to the minimum.
10-Try to stay updated with this thread, I may add new rules, new people may join, and stuff of the sorts.

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Have fun!!

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Edited on 04/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:15:50
Arya || Female || Student - Beginner || Bengal Tiger

Arya pursed her lips. She couldn't guess on her own, but maybe with help from the tiger... Biting her lip, she opened her mind, just a tiny bit, a tenth of a tenth of an inch, to get some of its senses. Everything became clearer suddenly; the school and people, the sounds, her smell. Taken aback, she channeled it at Sid, trying to pry clues that could help them guess from the things her senses picked up.
Some... Deer?
That was all she had time to think before the tiger leaped, pressing through the tiny crack she had left open. Pain exploded through her body; she felt her teeth grow, a bizarre feeling.
"N-no!" She gasped silently, feeling terribly powerless as the crack expanded... And expanded...
With sheer will she pushed the tiger back, hurled the doors closed and clamped every mental lock over its cage. The tiger snarled.
Arn || Male || Student - Expert || Leopard

He picked his way through the chairs and tables and the occasional student, following Harley toward their teacher. On his way, he saw the red-haired girl standing beside another girl, both were by the looks of it first-years. He bumped into her slightly, his expression saying accident. It wasn't, though. As she looked up, he made sure to meet her gaze, his mouth curving in a smirk. "Flare," he greeted her, before he brushed past her and picked out Harley again. It all happened in less than a second.

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Edited on 03/08/15 by Sheba (Forever Hufflepuff) (#52208)

Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:16:15
Alec - Male - Blackinston's Fish Owl
Alec noticed two girls had joined the small group currently in front of Sid. One had long black hair, and the other had red hair. He tried to guess their inner ankmal based on their appearance. Hmm... I bet the girl with red hair is a Fox, and the girl with black hair is a raven. Alec chuckled to himself. Probably not, though. I mean, I look nothing like an owl.

Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara
Sid watched as one of his students seemed to struggle with something. Arya, I think her name is... He assumed her inner animal must be trying to get out. She seemed to have it under control, but he was on alert judt in case. Walking up to the girl, he lowered his voice and asked, "Hey, are you okay? Take a couple deep breaths. In, out. In, out. I think you have control, but if you feel your animal getting out of control, take some more breaths. If you think you're going to turn, tell me that you need some space and I'll take you away from the others"

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Edited on 03/08/15 by Kamay (#37519)

{Side} (#5191)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:28:32
Scarlett | Female | Student - Beginner | Black Panther

Scarlett notices Arya's pain and discomfort, and a hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright, Arya?" she asks, a concerned look on her face and looks around at the other students, making sure that no one had noticed her slightly slip. She notices a younger boy looking at them and she tilts her head, wondering if he was guessing what they were just like they tried to with the teacher. She looks back at Arya, waiting for an answer. She looks at Sid when he asks Arya if she's OK and Scarlett looks back at Arya, hoping that she's alright.

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LiveSoft (#27509)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:29:02
Caiden - Male - Teacher - Lion
Nodding at Conner, Caiden replied, "Call me whatever you like. As long as it isn't mean," he added as an after-note. He then looked at Valentina. "Deer are really graceful. I love them. However, my animal does have a bad relationship with deer. I can turn into a lion." Caiden was very proud of his animal, but he often felt like others were scared of him and how powerful his animal side could be.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:29:17
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger

She felt the crawling sensation of eyes resting at her and turned to see a boy with oddly blue, sparkling eyes staring at her. "Hi. I'm Arya. Bengal Tiger, she told him, a friendly smile on her lips. She supposed he had been trying to figure out what kind of animal she was. Then she looked up as their reacher came towards her. "I'm okay, thanks," she said, frowning apologetically at him. We need to cooperate more, you know, she said to her beast, which didn't respond at all. "I'm sorry, i was trying to see if i could use its senses without losing control... It worked to some extent, so yes, i've got control, but thank you," she said.
"Yeah, i'm fine," she reassured Scarlett. Was it that obvious? she didn't like the thought of it; so far two teachers had approached her about her slips. She appreciated the concern, but she hated to consider the possibility that she might be looked upon as weak already. You try controlling a bloodthirsy tiger and see how easy it is, she thought at them. To scarlett, she mouthed: Deer.

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Edited on 03/08/15 by Sheba (Forever Hufflepuff) (#52208)

LiveSoft (#27509)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:32:17
Titan - Male - Student - Red Panda
"Excuse me, Sid?" Titan asked quietly. "Are the boy and girl dorms separated?" He had the feeling that they wouldn't want the dorms too close to each other, as some people could be pretty promiscuous. He found himself wondering what life at the school was going to be like, and he started to worry. What if he didn't fit in? He would have to leave! He started to panic then, feeling the need to run and hide in a tree.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:40:48
Nikki McCuri ~ Female ~ Student ~ Raven

Nikki huffed and got out of her chair to follow her newly assigned teacher, Sid, or whatever. She glanced around at the other students and wondered which were her roommates, some Aryan and Scarlet. Huh. Game of Thrones much? She didn't say much, although her raven wanted her to squawk and fly away. Too bad, she told herself, you can't just fly away. You have to stay here- for now. Until you probably get expelled... again. She brushed the thought away by flicking her head once to the side, like a little twitch. It was something she had picked up when she had first turned, and she didn't mind it. So far so good, she told herself.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:41:38
Valentina ~ Female ~ Student ~ Axis Deer

Valentina's eyes went wide when Connor put his arm around her, but she quickly recovered from the shock and folded her arms. "That wasn't fair." She told him, trying to sound annoyed, but not managing to hide a small hint of amusement in her voice. It had been a while since she had gotten to joke around with somebody like this. She didn't really have many friends and her parents didn't speak to her much when they found out she had stolen the serum. She feared things had only gotten worse with them when they had seen her shift. Hearing Caiden speak, she laughed slightly. "Well, yes, they are graceful, and very fast, too. And don't worry, lions don't hunt axis deer. Their only natural predators are tigers and jaguars." She told him. "Plus, I don't actually think you two are gonna try to hunt me." She joked.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:41:48
-Ignore, accidentally refreshed the page ^^'-

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Edited on 03/08/15 by 100percent (#58058)

Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:43:15
Conner~Student~Male~Grizzly Bear
"First off," Conner said, looking at the female. "How do you know we won't try to hunt you? I don't have a very good grip on my other side. I could get mad," And Conner narrowed his eyes. He then smiled. "Second," He said, looking at Caid, "Could you shift sometime? I'd love to see a bear up close!" Cooner said when his teacher said his inner animal. Conner wondered what it would be like to meet a lion when he was in grizzly for. Griz doesn't usually like other animals, though. Conner likes to call his other self Griz. Grizzly Bear is too long, and Griz is cool. Conner loked at his teacher, waiting for a response

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Edited on 03/08/15 by Jacques CP Faircross (#47535)

{Side} (#5191)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:49:08
Scarlett | Female | Student - Beginner | Black Panther

Scarlett smiled at Arya, happy that she was in control. She knows how hard it is to control a seemingly uncontrollable predator. "Okay," she whispers, as Arya mouths something to her. *Deer?* she wonders, then looks at Sid and realises what she was saying. "You think so?" she whispers back, seeing how he could be some kind of deer but then again she doesn't look like a panther, so who knows. She takes her hand off of Arya's shoulder and looks around at the other students, thinking that it might not be too bad here, as long as her panther starts doing as it's told.

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Sáracen (#52208)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:56:43
Arya || Female || Student || Bengal Tiger

She nodded. "I used the tiger's senses. It's not exactly a deer, but i don't gave any other name. How many are missing again before we can start?" She frowned, glancing around. Most of the teachers and pupils had left; only the Experts and the Beginners were left, and she couldn't see the Experts' teacher. What if they don't have one? Just study on their own? The thought intrigued her.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 02:59:16
Valentina ~ Female ~ Student ~ Axis Deer

Valentina listened to Connor, not seeming very worried. "I guess I'll have to keep an eye on you, then." She said, not sounding very scared. As long as she kept an eye on him she could easily run away. Plus, Caiden would probably be watching over them and would interfere if Connor's animal form tried anything. Her reddish-yellow gaze observed the classroom, and her mind slowly began to wander. She wondered what her room would look like, and what they would be taught in the classes. Somehow her mind drifted back to her parents, and she wondered what they were doing right now. She had zoned out, and was now staring out the window, thinking about her life back at home. She didn't usually zone out like this, but Connor and Caiden seemed to be speaking to eachother, and she didn't feel a need to join in on their conversation.

(I need to head off to bed soon.)

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Kamay (#37519)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 03:01:03
Sid - Male - Patagonian Mara
"Okay, it's always good to know your limits." Sid turned to another one of his students, a boy with bright green eyes. "Yes, the boys and girls dorms are seperate. For privacy." Sid looked up as another student joined his group. Six... he counted, adding to the list of students present. 4 students were still missing, but he was sure that they'll join the group sop enough

Alec - Male - Blakinston's Fish Owl
"Hi, i'm Alec. Blakinston's Fish Owl. It's basicallu just a really big owl." Alec replied. He watched as the teacher, Sid, came up to Arya and said something to her before turning to another student.

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Edited on 03/08/15 by Kamay (#37519)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2015-08-03 03:02:45
Nikki McCuri ~ Female ~ Student ~ Raven

Nikki glanced around her, wishing she had something to do with her hands. They felt useless, dangling by her side. Usually they were filled with a pen or notepad, or a pair of gloves with the fingers cut off. She listened in a few conversations around her, but none particularly caught her interest. Her eyes followed the gaze of one of the girls in her group over at the other group of students left. They must be the powerful Experts. Huh, that at least made The Academy worth-while. She turned back to study their teacher. Always study your enemy, eh?

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