Posted by ShadowPack Camp & Territory

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-23 13:22:20
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ShadowPacks territory comprises of sprawling, green woodland where the trees are spaced far apart and the undergrowth is rich in plants and critters. Numerous streams trickle through their glens and glades, providing life to the forest throughout all the seasons. In winter snow blankets the ground and ice laces the edges of the streams, muting the natural sounds of the forest and giving everything an ethereal look. Herds of deer and the occasional wild boar forage and provide food for the more predatory beings that reside here, while squirrels and turkeys provide hearty snacks. ShadowPack has made its camp in the heart of the forest where all is quiet save for the trill of bird and the humming of insects. Dens dug out beneath the roots of mighty firs and within ancient trunks provide shelter. This packs border is close to the nearby Duskfall Pack, and the mountain range of the Sunrise Pack can be seen from higher points.
forest photo: Forest untitled.jpg

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Edited on 30/01/16 @ 19:56:51 by Sunfire (#26490)

πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-25 13:18:36
(Oh!! Lets have the patrollers not recgonize them...technically they wouldnt anyway because the only wolf from our original batch is Shayla, so no one would remember them besides maybe shayla...i cant wait for them to be brought to the pack and an uproar be raised XD)

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Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-25 14:59:24
Kiche | Female | Delta
Mentions: Raphael

Her tail stops moving abruptly and she blinks, "Nervous habit.." She mumbles, catching the same scent of deer on the breeze. It wouldn't be long until they moved into the meadow to feed. She glances around the unfamiliar territory, pondering over Raphael's question. They could definitely use the soft ground to their advantage.. and the clearing was very small so they wouldn't have to get out of the cover of trees to get in close to a target. She slowly looks back the male and smirks, "Well, gamma," She says, eyes darting back to the clearing as the first deer, a large buck, steps out, "the clearing isn't too large.." She adds slowly, her voice dying down at the sight of the prey animal, "we're going to split up and each take a side of the clearing and I'm going to pick one out and run them towards you." She states this matter-of-factly, eyeing the other wolf. "If that's okay with you." A bit of tease comes to her voice at her last statement and she flicks her gaze back to the deer.

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Edited on 25/11/15 @ 22:51:05 by Catatonia (#43404)

Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-25 15:46:52
(me too lol. Shaylas gonna be all over them haha. She is their aunt technically. Which sucks cuz she and Killua would be so cute together ><)
Raphael | Gamma | M
Raphael's body tensed and his pupils narrowed when the buck stepped out into the light of the clearing. Its smooth brown pelt and arching antlers shone in the evening light and he couldn't help but admire it. A pity that one of its kin would be nothing but bones within a week. He listened to the plan and nodded slowly. It was a good one as he had ever heard. At the teasing note in Kiche's voice the corners of his mouth turned upwards. "Oh, that's fine by me. I'll get all the glory when I bring it down anyway," he joked, and raised himself up onto his haunches very slowly so no movement would be detected by the deer. "On your signal, Kiche."

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-25 16:16:55
(Omg XD and Lyrac is her pops, right? And yes shed basically be their 'cousin-aunt' if thats the case xD lol)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-25 23:34:26
(Yeup. She's argents cousin lol)

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Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 09:41:07
Kiche | Female | Delta
Mentions: Raphael

Kiche stands up with him, her gaze resting on the few deer that had now wandered out into the meadow and were feeding. She gives Raphael a quick nod as her "signal" and crawls out of their hiding spot, making her way through the brush on the right side of the clearing. Her eyes study the deer as she creeps closer, her movements slowing as she gets within charging range. A small spike. His antlers had barely came in and he had a rather large gash on his left shoulder. Most likely from another predator. Her eyes focus on the wounded stag as she crawls a few inches closer, finally coming to a stop when she could all but reach out and touch him. Her eyes slowly move from the deer and she scans the treeline on the opposite side of the field for Raphael.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 09:59:09
Raphael | Gamma | Male
Raphael ghosted through the undergrowth, keeping to the shadows of the tees with his eyes focused on the herd of deer. His alert ears picked up the sound of Kiche moving through the brush on the other side of the clearing- if weren't concentrating on it, it sounded like the wind moving through the branches and nothing more. He had adjusted his own movements to do the same. When he heard her stop moving he did as well, and looked for the prey she had chosen. When he saw her close to the buck and noticed the gash on the shoulder, he understood it was that one and prepared for its flight towards him.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 12:09:01
Isis flicked her ears in acknowledgement before moving on to where the nursery was chosen to be, in the tree with smaller spaces between the roots. She pushed through, snapping down on one branch and breaking it to give more of an entrance way before beginning digging. She carefully dug the space out, dirt flying out at many different angles and the space being able to fit 4-5 wolves comfortably.

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Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 12:30:17
Kiche | Female | Delta
Mentions: Raphael

She spots the male and notes that he's also focused in on the spike. Her muscles tense and she takes a deep breath before lunging herself at the deer, teeth bared. She sinks her canines into the spike's thigh and swings him in the right direction, a hoof grazing her shoulder in the process. With a quick hop backwards she hastily chases after the stag, snapping at his heels as he runs. Perfect. He would stumble on Raphael any minute now. She slows her pace a bit so she won't get nailed by a hoof once the other wolf grabs hold of the deer.

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 14:04:02
(So where tf is Link anyway, half of us are on pause until they post -.-)

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 16:18:02
(I know. I'll pm Link. In the meantime lets just get on the the patrol anyway)

Shayla | Gamma | On patrol | Mentions Coy and Kismet

Shayla looked up at the tree tops as they walked through the forest towards the border. She loved the sight of the swaying boughs and how the sunlight filtered through the shaded green leaves, casting pretty patterns on the ground below. You didn't get much of this on the marsh. It was only when she nearly fell into a somersault tripped on a root that she returned her line of sight to the path they were making through the underbush. "I wonder what the other wolves are like," she mused to Coy and Kismet. "And why didn't they make this forest part of their territory too? It's so pretty! I could stay here forever." She breathed in the sweet scents of the forest and sighed happily. It was worth all the travelling to find this place.

Raphael | Gamma | Hunting with Kiche

Raphael watched with baited breath as Kiche attacked the deer, forcing it to run in his direction within seconds. He lowered himself into a crouch and tried to conceal his presence as much as possible so the target wouldn't notice him until the last second. The deer thundered closer, his hooves striking and sending tremors through the ground. Heart pounding, Raphael launched himself from his cover as the buck passed, and clamped his jaws down where the neck of the beast met the shoulder. He clung on with his front paws while he kicked at its ribs with his back legs, throwing it off balance and sending it crashing into a tree trunk. The deer brayed in fear and its eyes rolled to show the whites. Raphael felt a surge of adrenaline and pleasure at the thrill of the hunt and heaved downwards, dragging its torso closer to the ground though every muscle strained. The deer was very strong after moons of feeding on rich grass.

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Anarch β˜… (#43404)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 17:10:18
Kiche | Female | Delta
Mentions: Raphael

Kiche's tail begins to wag as she sees Raphael launch into the air and grab the deer. Her legs were shaking either from the run or excitement, she couldn't tell which. After a second of catching her breath she charges back into the fray, grabbing the back leg of the animal and practically laying down on the ground to stop it from moving. Even wounded it was putting up a struggle. She lets go momentarily only for a hoof to flail back and cut open her cheek. A soft growl comes from her throat as the pain fuels her anger and she clenches her teeth around the deer's back ankle, bearing down until she hears the familiar snap of breaking bones.

Coy | Male | Gamma
Mentions: Shayla & Kismet

The male's eyes dart over to Shayla as her voice breaks the silence and he slowly gazes around at the dense tree cover. He nods slightly to agree with her words even though she wasn't looking and his eyes slowly shift from her to the beta and then to the ground. His ears rang slightly as the three fell into silence again and he couldn't help but feel a bit out of place. He had thought about returning to the lone life in the past but Kiche had talked him out of it, times like this reminded him of how awkward he really was around others. The presence of the territory border growing near broke him out of his thoughts and he glances up as the strange scent of the neighboring pack began bleeding in on the pure smell of these woods.

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 19:59:22
Killua | Former Duskfall Warrior, Assassin of main Shadowpack | 2

As Killua followed the scents of his birth pack through the outskirts of the forest alongside his brother Illumi, he listened to the sounds around - enjoying the noisy silence of the forest. That is...until he heard the droning chatter of wolves nearby, which quickly turned to silence once again. {Idiots. Ruining the perfectly good peaceful forest noise.} He glanced at Illumi, and smirked, flicking his tail toward the location of the patrol, the pine needles muffled their pawsteps greatly, but many creatures could still sense their careless trampling and the vibration it caused. "Shall we surprise them a bit?" He whispered, his voice barely audible for even Illumi. "You go for stealth approach, ill circle behind - like normal." He nodded curtly to his brother before dropping low to the ground, his pure white pelt was covered in mud that he had found at the banks of one of the rivers that flowed into Duskfall territory. Killua stepped carefully, making sure his pawsteps went unnoticed by the excited wolves, not making a sound.

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Sunfire (#26490)

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Posted on
2015-11-26 20:19:31
Raphael | Gamma

Raphael snarled in anger when the buck managed to inflict an injury on his packmate and tugged down harder. The deer squealed in agony and finally dropped to its knees, it's ankle breaking being the final straw. The dark brown wolf shifted his bite to the windpipe and sank his teeth in again, piercing the velvety skin and causing hot blood to gush over his tongue. (short, sorry)

Shayla and Illumi | Gammas

Illumi sniffed the air quietly and recognized one of the three new wolf scents present. Shayla.... Their overbearing cousin. One part of him didn't look forward to the over friendliness she sometimes exerted on him. He didn't know who the other two were but it didn't surprise him that Meruem had picked up rogues and loners along the way. That was the kind of wolf she was. He nodded to Killua and padded forward until his form was hidden behind a tree. He slowly peeked around until he saw the three wolves. Shayla, along with two larger white males. He held back a chuckle when Shayla gazed around with an idiotically happy expression on her face. She had always been the brighter natured of the family. After a moment he retreated to the shadows of the tree once more, completely invisible.

Shayla padded close to Coy and whispered quietly in his ear "Don't freak out. Some friends are here." She smiled and bounded ahead a couple of paces, pretending to inspect a butterfly that had fluttered down to land on an arching fern frond. "Pretty..." she hummed, blue eyes sparkling. She held back from letting her real joy shine through. Had Kil and Illumi really expected to sneak up on her? She knew what to listen for when a patrol as being trailed. Being a prime tracker back home hadn't been for nothing. The second the birds and insects had quieted in the surrounding trees, she'd known they were not alone, and her patrol companions probably knew as well. Other than that she hadn't been able to detect other wolves. A deer or pig would have given itself away within seconds but not even the breeze brought her any scents. She knew only a handful of wolves who had the skill to stalk so silently, and the wolves from the neighbouring packs had no reason to be this side of their border. The feeling of being watched grew stronger but she continued with the facade. Acting was one of her stronger suits after all. Argents litter hadn't been the only one to be trained in ShadowPack.

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πŸŒ™ Morrígra
πŸŒ™ (#33027)

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Posted on
2015-11-27 01:25:43

Killua hesitated when a wolf that he faintly remembered as a distantly related cousin bounded around and stopped in front of a butterfly. {Ok. Carefree and unguarded is one thing, this is just STRANGE. I feel like itd be normal for this particular wolf in a well guarded camp, and they know better...right?} Killua resumed his stalking through the shadows before he paused, he could see the two new pack mates right ahead of him, and beyond that he could feel his brother's gaze on his pelt. Waiting for his brother to reveal himself or a signal to reveal himself forst, he waited.

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