Posted by ::Biohazard RP Thread::

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 09:41:57

OOC Thread :)

The year is... Well, that really doesn't matter, does it? All that you need to know is that something is WRONG. Why would someone start an organization like this? We've started to call it "Biohazard" thanks to that symbol they put everywhere...

They haven't hurt anyone, yet, though.... Maybe they mean well? They don't seem happy with the government's actions, or what the scientists have done...

Who do you support? Do you think that this government is fine how it is, with the higher classes protecting the lower?

Or are you okay with possible revolution? Will you stand beside it and embrace a new society?


The setting is a small town surrounded by woods inhabited by elves, the tribes few and far apart. Some humans live in settlements outside the town in the woods, alone. They are shut-ins and don't like to be messed with. Sometimes they come into town and sell things.

Weather: Clear. No sign of rain.

Season: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.

Feeling in the air: Strangely tense. Don't tell me it's about that stupid injection again??


At a politics debate in the middle of town, a figure was caught on video. The figure's identity is unknown, as well as age, gender, height, ect. Their face was hidden by a gas mask and they wore a hood. They quickly fled, but they left a Biohazard mark on the wall they were next to, spray painted on. It's the talk of the town.

Biohazard set off a bomb, injuring a few people. People are already pointing fingers at the elven races. After all, haven't they always hated humans? The elven tribes might not take kindly to this once they find out...

The government is offering rewards for people who wish to help in investigations and whoever can give logical evidence to the actions of Biohazard. The explosion has put the spotlight on them even more than before...

This action wasn't smart.

A member of Biohazard's eyes glow bright red.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:58:36 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-04 10:34:03
Oil spill|Mentions: Eldrin and Emrios

Kenia smiled at the other female elf, but her attention was soon caught by the same thing that caught hers, a small black wolf. She watched as the wolf scratched at the door, and couldn't stop the confused expression from coming across her whole face. Soon after she noticed a familiar face at the door and her face returned back to a normal expression, with a small smile formed on her lips. She listened to all Emrios had to say and nodded, he was definitely right, we didn't need a war right now. She looked to Eldrin as she looked to her, then back to Emrios "Well, I'm not going to be the first one to leave out of our group." She shrugged, a small giggle escaping from her mouth, "Plus I don't have anything better to do, and I'd like to stop the oncoming war as much as possible." She smiled, "So north it is, then?" She asked looking between the elves before her.

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Heda (#635)

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Posted on
2016-01-04 14:30:57

Arvaya Lúthien Hunter||20 years old||She/her||Human mix||Shapeshifting
Charlie's house/chemical spill || Tagged: Charlie, the elves (indirectly) ||

She watched as they moved around the house, doing her best not to flinch away if they came to close, although sometimes it was hard. Her muscles remembered, even if her brain tried not to. As soon as Charlie put the water down, black-pelted Aya stood and trotted over, hastily plunging her long muzzle down and lapping up the water. She figured it was neither drugged nor poisoned, and while it did not dull the ache like alcohol did, it did enough. Looking up at the small human moving around, she realized they were going to try and feed her, and she knew she wouldn't eat.

Moving easily, the lithe wolf gently grasped Charlie's hand in her jaw, pulling them away from their task to look for food, and instead lightly guiding them to the window, where she released them. Standing on her hind legs, she placed her paws on the windowsill, looking out at the departing group of elves, then back at Charlie, a questioning look on her face, as if she were asking them what they had planned. Because clearly there was something going on. Hyper-aware Arvaya had a pretty good sense of people, and in a normal situation (not that this was, what with that mad masked Biohazard fellow running around), a shut-in would never do something unless they gained something from it. So with curiosity written on her wolfish face, the ebony canine gazed at them, awaiting an answer.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-04 21:28:25
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest-Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: Arvaya, Elves (indirect)

Before they found the food, their hand was suddenly grasped in jaws. Charlie wasn't expecting that, but they forced themself not to panic. Instead, they followed the wolf as it led them.

When Arvaya gripped their hand in her mouth, it might be obvious that there was a strange frailness to it. Sure, at such a height anyone would be frail, but there was something above that as they approached the window and looked out, and then back at the wolf, green eyes confused for a moment.

"... A-Ah.... You're smarter than you look, aren't you?" Charlie spoke almost nervously. It wasn't every day a wolf pads into your house, especially not an intelligent one. "Listen, I don't want to be a part of this, though I figure it might do some good later on to help out. Maybe something will happen, maybe they'll stop this possible war. Or maybe not. I'm fine either way. I personally hate all of those races."

Their eyes met the wolf's for a moment. "Listen, I don't know what you want or how you're so intelligent, but don't think there's something deeper to this." They seemed to put emphasis on that last point.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-07 10:53:36

23-25 elf years || Elf || Outside of Charlie Hut ||


Emrios smiled, "I guess so... although I've heard those elves don't take too kindly to outsiders" His voice grew serious. "Keep your eyes peeled for any river... we're supposed to see one. Do you two need to grab any belongings.. or weapons or provisions of the sort? It'd be better to grab them now. " he said to the two females, with a nod. He put down his backpack and it landed with a heavy THUD! Reaching into it he pulled out a full length sword with and strapped it onto his back. And then he brought out two heavy pistols that he attached onto the hip holsters. "You can never be too careful" He looked at the two. "I can carry anything you two need" He looked thoughtful for a few minutes. Then he waited for the females' response.


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Edited on 07/01/16 @ 17:55:14 by Windsparkle (#16196)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-07 11:30:47
Oil spill|Mentions: Eldrin and Emrios

Kenia thought for a few moments at the male elf's question. She would probably need a few more weapons considering what he has said about the elves. She watched Emrios as he pulled out the sword and guns. "I can go to my house for a few more weapons, it's not far, so if you guys don't feel like coming you don't have to." She smiled brightly at the two of them, "I can just fly there so I won't be long." She flapped her wings until she was a few feet in the air and made her way to her home. Once inside she grabbed her bow off of the wall, strapping it across her back along with a bag of arrows. She kept her dagger in her boot, and grabbed a longer sword, putting it at her hip, before flying back to the two elves. "See?" She chuckled lightly.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2016-01-07 12:39:07
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning

Charlie's house/Oil Spill||Kenia, Emrios

Eldrin nodded, her grin still faintly visible on her pale lips. After a moment's thought, she slung her bag down onto the ground and crouched to rummage through it. It didn't take her long to pull out a long dagger in its sheath, which she strapped onto her belt. Then, zipping her bag her hands moved to unlatch a side pocket, revealing a miniature crossbow, which she adjusted so that it would be easier to grab at a moment's notice before lifting the bag.

She felt underarmed compared to the Emrios and Kenia, with the dagger and crossbow as her only visible weapons, but she didn't need many more. Her Icey power could be used to form weapons or projectiles, such as crossbow bolts. Besides, swords never felt balanced in her hands. Shouldering her bag, the pale elf brushed some of her white hair from her face and looked between the two. "I'm ready to go when you guys are."

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-09 10:30:12

23-25 elf years || Elf || River ||
Mentions: Kenia Eldrin


     The corner of his mouth turned up slightly when he saw them return. Eldrin doesn't look like she has many weapons.... he thought. He thought back to Kenia's wings and his eyes grew stormy as he eyed them. Must be nice to have wings that come out and don't make you crazy..., he thought to himself. The rare times Emrios' lineage had shown up both had been times where he went almost mad, and flew into a rage, taking his anger out on anyone or anything. It won't happen again, he thought, but it did little to quiet his uneasiness. "Alright let's head off then.", he said, speaking to no one in particular.

He seemed... distracted.

           Emrios started off, and he was quiet as he felt the soft dirt earth underneath his boots. Birds could be heard, singing and chattering the day away. It was still early enough for them to be heralding the world. The fair skinned elf continually checked every couple of minutes for the telling swshsh of the rushing water. What he heard was quite different from what he expected. The river's soft tinkling laugh echoed through the forest as it flowed over the riverbed and rocks. He stopped briefly as he saw the river about four hundred meters ahead. Crystal clear water streamed from it dancing over the stepping stones Charlie had describe. No doubt, it's probably cold he thought. He gray eyes scanned the horizon past the river. Charlie was right, he thought as he noticed the dark green dots, which marked the presence of the evergreens, were growing in number. Past the river the various shades of green disappeared leaving just the dark green of the pines.

"That river up ahead is what Charlie must have been talking about."

     "I'll cross it first... it looks slippery so make sure you guys don't fall in it"
He said lightly followed by a wink. Cautiously, he stepped onto the first stone. It shifted underneath his weight, and the mossy green bottom of the rock could be seen. Emrios could feel the freezing river against him, chilling the outside of his boots. He made his way over to the next stone, and then a few more, with some splashes and almost falling between the landings. When he made it to the other side, Emrios' coat was wet in some places, and dry in others, creating a patchwork like effect. His hands were numb from the icy dips he took in the river. He grinned and shook the water from his hair. "You two coming?" His eyes gleamed in jest. Emrios groaned inwardly as he felt his damp hair sticking to his skin. I hate it when my hair gets wet, he thought as he tried to finger comb it. He settled on just running his hand through it, until it looked somewhat like it used to. He made sure to keep his eyes on the Kenia and Eldrin, ready to assist if they needed help.



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Edited on 09/01/16 @ 19:41:51 by Windsparkle (#16196)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 10:39:07
??? || ??? || ??? || ???
Location: River || Elf Trio/???

"Ha, hey! Look at those idiots!"

The voice was so hushed that it would be difficult for even the elves crossing the river to hear. Somewhere across the river, on the side of the evergreens, four figures were hiding among the foliage.

"Ahaha... They came at the wrong time."

"Three of them, four of us. Hey, Cal. Go back to the camp, tell them we found someone."

"Wh-What?! M-Me...??"

There was only hushed laughter, and then silence except for the beating of wings, recognizably Aerial. That was all from the figures that could be heard, but none could be seen.

Needless to say, the three weren't even all the way into the elves' territory, and they already knew they were there.

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Heda (#635)

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Posted on
2016-01-09 12:14:00
Arvaya Lúthien Hunter||20 years old||She/her||Human mix||Shapeshifting
Charlie's House || Tagged: Charlie

Aya huffed slightly, wondering why the sharp-toothed shut in seemed to hate the other races so much. Finally, after listening to his words, she gave a distinct grin, parting her lips to reveal dagger-sharp teeth. Shifting slightly, she realized a small smudge of blood had appeared beneath her front paws. Cursing in her head, she quickly bent her head to lap it up, staining her ivories crimson and hoping Charlie had not noticed. She always forgot that the injuries she sustained in one form carried into the next, making her sliced up wrists quite a bother when she shifted forms. Luckily, her ebon fur hid the wounds for the most part, so it was only a light dusting of blood that stained her paws.

Disregarding the fact this was their house, she snuffed around until she found some soft white fabric, seemingly unused (although perhaps it was bed sheets, and she simply chose to ignore that fact). Gripping a piece in her powerful jaws, she pulled back, obtaining a long thin slice. In a surprising show of dexterity, she used her jaws to manipulate the fabric around first one paw, then the other, very similar to the bandages she wore in her human shape. Arvaya no longer cared about her... friend Charlie thinking she was normal, knowing he'd already figured out she wasn't a normal wolf. Instead, there would be less questions when she shifted back if she didn't let him see the wounds that scarred her. After deftly bandaging her front paws, she looked over to him, her silver eyes staring at him intently.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-10 07:16:31
River|Mentions: Eldrin and Emrios

Kenia nodded as she watched Emrios cross the river, intently. Every time a rock would shift Kenia would get more and more nervous. As he made it to the other side she let out a deep breath she didn't even know she was holding in. Kenia looked over at the elf beside her and shrugged before taking a few steps closer to the edge of the river. She decided to not just fly above the river in case there were other elves around that might see her, so she followed the path that Emrios had taken. As she got halfway across the river, Kenia almost fell in, she felt the water against her left foot, it was freezing. She felt her heart racing as she steadied herself on the rock and quickly jumped the rest of the way across, she grabbed tightly to Emrios' arms as she made it to the other side to assure to herself that she was on solid ground again, then quickly let go of him as she realized just how tightly she had been gripping his arms. Kenia felt her face heating up slightly, so she quickly turned away to watch as Eldrin crossed the river.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 09:01:07
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest-Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: Arvaya

Charlie watched with a raised eyebrow as the wolf wrapped its paws up. How interesting...

Shrugging, they walked over to the couch, looking under it for something before speaking. "You seem to be an intelligent wolf, and I can't help but speak to you as if you were secretly human. Naturally, I would know nothing about that, nor do I know your gender. But, I do know that as a creature you must grow bored."

Chair stood up with a wrench in their hand. "So, unless it would offend you, I have something. It isn't exactly a stick, but I wouldn't recommend using the ones around here. Why not play fetch?"

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Edited on 10/01/16 @ 16:01:25 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Heda (#635)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 10:41:48
Arvaya Lúthien Hunter||20 years old||She/her||Human mix||Shapeshifting
Charlie's House || Tagged: Charlie

Aya titled her ebony head, listening with pricked ears, unsure of where this conversation was going. When they reached under their couch, she trailed them with her silvery eyes. Finally, they emerged with a wrench, offering a game of fetch. A pang tore through her heart, as her memories swept her back, to days when Melody and Silver would toss twigs and watch her gleefully bound after them, anything, anything to please her precious little sisters. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Tha-thump. Her heart pounded in her ears and her claws sunk into the flooring, leaving tiny depressions. Tha-thump. She forced herself to focus on her breathing, and finally shook herself, as if clearing the feelings away. In this form, and without alcohol, the feelings would never be gone entirely, but they would lurk and wait until she could deal with them.

Instead, she wagged her tail slightly, taking a few bounds towards Charlie and snuffing at the wrench, then dancing away, as if her head were not a maelstrom of torment and her heart wasn't threatening to explode from her chest. It was easier to hide as a wolf.

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Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 11:33:57
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning

Forest/River||Kenia, Emrios

Eldrin was tense the entire time that Emrios was crossing the stones, and that didn't change when Kenia started across. One wrong step and they would go into the frigid water, with nothing she could do to help. The current was fast, and she'd probably end up drowning if she tried swimming. Her power wouldn't help either, despite how quickly he could freeze the water; the sudden cold and shock might kill them...

Before she knew it, it was her turn to cross. Nervously, El glanced up at the two standin on the other side, and adjusted her bag before leaping to the first stone. One after the other she jumped across, not easily, but not havin difficulty until the third from the other side; her foot slipped back, going more than knee deep in the water before she could catch herself. The cold itself didn't bother her, it could barely be consided cold to her, but the rock was wet and her grip uncertain.

Gritting her teeth, she pulled her leg from the water and stood tentatively. Eldrin jumped the last teo stones quickly, not wanting a repeat, and stumbled onto the bank. Her pant legs were soaked and her arms and hair wet, but luckily her bag escaped most of the water.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-10 12:01:17
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest-Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: Arvaya

Something isn't right.

The thought hit Charlie, and even remained there when the wolf seemed happy about the wrench. Shrugging, they opened the door, allowing the ebony creature out the door. Personally, they wouldn't have minded if the wolf left. Being alone was the best in their eyes.

Something told Charlie that this wolf was different as they threw the wrench. Unsurprisingly, the wrench didn't go far, seeing how their arms almost looked like twigs. After the throw, they nervously rubbed their left shoulder again, even though they threw with their right. The pain had eased and it was much better, but the uneasiness still remained. What was in that potion...?

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-11 13:16:24

23-25 elf years || Elf || Location ||


The river's laugh was filled with mirth as it gurgled and bubbled along the shore. He glanced back at the river and realized all his muscles were straining as if he was going to be attacked. Good thing I wasn't this nervous before crossing the river He took a deep breath and relaxed his muscles, trying his best to remain calm and composed while to other two crossed the river.

It was all seemed to be going smoothly when Kenia began to cross the river. Thankfully, he noted, she was stepping on the dry stones, although there wasn't many dry places in general. Halfway through he saw her almost fall from the rock, he took a sharp intake of breath and immediately started on the first stone to get to her. He saw the surprise in her face. The river's too fast, if she falls... He cleared his head, he couldn't think about what if's. If she fell, he would get her. Thankfully by that time, she had already righted herself and was continuing on another dry stone. As she approached, Emrios was unsure of whether he should offer her his hand to help her down or not. If I offer my hand, she might think I'm being forward, but if I don't, I'm being rude There wasn't a lot of time to think as she had almost made it to the other side. When Kenia grabbed onto him, assumingly out of fear of almost falling in the frigid water, he breathed a sigh of relief as he was saved from having to make that decision. That relief soon turned into a feeling of awkwardness, as he felt the strength of her grip on his arm and her close proximity to him. It's like a vice he thought with slight surprise at her strength. She let go a few minutes later, and since Emrios didn't know what to say or do at that particular moment, he turned towards Eldrin and focused on her.

Eldrin looked tense, which worried Emrios, and he tensed up slightly. His eyes followed her as she leapt from rock to rock, his body shifting slightly with every time she landed. When the female elf slipped in the water, his eyes widened, and his body instinctively went forward, as he watched her grit her teeth and pull herself out of the river. He knew not to help unless it was asked, but seeing her almost fall, scared him. As she landed a bit roughly onto the bank his looked at her and breathed a sigh of relief. "I can carry both of your things on my back, including your bag." He offered his hand to Eldrin. He spoke to both of the two females, but he was concerned with Eldrin slipping next time. "Besides the next time around Kenia can use your wings" he said with a crooked smile at Kenia. It'll be easier for her to cross, because we will be crossing this river again. Emrios stubbornly thought. They would be coming back. He tried to not think back to the warnings Charlie had given them.

He waited for Eldrin to stand, and he realized she might be cold. "Are you cold? ...I can give you my coat if you need it.", he said and quickly took off his jacket and held it out to her. We can't have anyone weakened not with these elves he thought with a sharp glance at the trees, trying to see if anyone was there watching them. We don't even know how far we are in their territory, they could be watching us right now. The thought disturbed him, and he said quietly to his companions, keeping his body language calm and composed, "Keep your eyes and ears sharp.. I think this river could be the border. Their land.. is where the trees get thicker with the coniferous." He said his pale eyes flicking towards the bunched up clusters of dark green trees by the horizon line. It looks like we're already in their land... He grimaced, and his jaw clenched at the thought that they could be walking into an ambush.



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Edited on 11/01/16 @ 23:08:47 by Windsparkle (#16196)

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