Posted by ::Biohazard RP Thread::

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-13 09:41:57

OOC Thread :)

The year is... Well, that really doesn't matter, does it? All that you need to know is that something is WRONG. Why would someone start an organization like this? We've started to call it "Biohazard" thanks to that symbol they put everywhere...

They haven't hurt anyone, yet, though.... Maybe they mean well? They don't seem happy with the government's actions, or what the scientists have done...

Who do you support? Do you think that this government is fine how it is, with the higher classes protecting the lower?

Or are you okay with possible revolution? Will you stand beside it and embrace a new society?


The setting is a small town surrounded by woods inhabited by elves, the tribes few and far apart. Some humans live in settlements outside the town in the woods, alone. They are shut-ins and don't like to be messed with. Sometimes they come into town and sell things.

Weather: Clear. No sign of rain.

Season: Spring. Not too hot, not too cold.

Feeling in the air: Strangely tense. Don't tell me it's about that stupid injection again??


At a politics debate in the middle of town, a figure was caught on video. The figure's identity is unknown, as well as age, gender, height, ect. Their face was hidden by a gas mask and they wore a hood. They quickly fled, but they left a Biohazard mark on the wall they were next to, spray painted on. It's the talk of the town.

Biohazard set off a bomb, injuring a few people. People are already pointing fingers at the elven races. After all, haven't they always hated humans? The elven tribes might not take kindly to this once they find out...

The government is offering rewards for people who wish to help in investigations and whoever can give logical evidence to the actions of Biohazard. The explosion has put the spotlight on them even more than before...

This action wasn't smart.

A member of Biohazard's eyes glow bright red.

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 18:58:36 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

🦇 lucien
🦇 (#30646)

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Posted on
2015-12-28 12:11:10

25 years old
Human with powers
Location;; Town - Café
Tagged;; N/A

Sighing, Sam walked up to the counter and looking over the things. Eh, he could go for a water and that's all he wanted. So he quickly ordered for himself and went to sit down in one of the near spots, letting out a large groan.

Then, all of a sudden, there was a loud noise and he paused. He could feel his heart stop for a split second, his eyes widening as his legs shook under him. Something was wrong. Then, as quick as it had happened, the news changed and his eyes widened. Biohazord has claimed their first victims. That was all that ran through his mind for the next few minutes as he though, cursing under his breath. Why would they do this? What did they want? He could feel some sweat forming on his forehead and his breath hitched just thinking about this. He was angry. Furious.

He stood there for what seemed like hours to him until he heard further news and he could feel his heart race and a small drop of sweat roll down his brow and then down his face. He took a deep breath, "I have to help figure this out." He spoke, his voice sounded extremely angry. You could easily tell by his body language that he was having none of this.

(Finally got this in! Sorry it took forever rip--)

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Edited on 28/12/15 @ 22:04:20 by Etihw ☪ (#30646)

Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-28 19:25:55
((I'm trying not to run off.. Eldrin.. please tell me if I'm running off? Am I? I tried not to change location too much.. and don't worry he won't leave yet. ))

23-25 elf years || Elf || Location ||
Mentions: Kenia, Eldrin


Emrios looked at the elf named Eldrin. "Nice to meet you Eldrin," he said. "Maybe the water will wash the blood off our hands," he said thinking back on what he had said earlier to Kenia. He studied Eldrin, and scanned her. She's different somehow.. different from us at least he thought. "Do you go to town often?", he asked, more of a statement than a question. She seems more comfortable around humans.. "Are these people going to attack us? Do you know anything about biohazard?" he looked at her, his gaze unwavering, it was clear he trusted her, somewhat at least. He stood there for awhile waiting, and listening to their responses Emrios then grabbed the man and pulled the body towards the oil spill. It reeked. Emrios could feel the oil gathering around his feet. When he was a good distance into it, Emrios threw the man towards the middle, then moved back onto where the dry land was. He felt the urge to cover his nose but he didn't want to contaminate more of his body. "On second hand..." he said, "maybe that house will have something to get this gunk off of me.." Emrios kept his distance so the others wouldn't gag at the stench that was on him. "Also... ....", he hesitated slightly before telling them this. He didn't want to abandon these two elves. "I might go back in town. Biohazard.. or whatever it is - is causing trouble but my worry isn't with them. It's with those humans... maybe they won't attack us, or maybe they will. Either way, going into town, at least I know what might happen, and it beats waiting to be attacked", he said flatly. "You ladies don't need to wait for me to check out the house, if you need to be somewhere.. but with me being in this current state, I would hate to continue walking with you smelling like this...", he said sheepishly, and he looked down. Emrios looked at the house out of the corner of his eye. It would in and out, simple investigation. he thought to himself. The tension was building up in his muscles, he felt it.


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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 02:36:19 by Windsparkle (#16196)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 01:05:57
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest- Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: N/A

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Charlie, even if they lived out in the forest, hated the taste of greens on their tongue. When the elf left, they closed the door, not locking it behind them. They hadn't drank all of the potion, but maybe they could save some for later. Liking that idea, they put it in their fridge, which may or may not be working today. They still weren't sure.

It was a wreck of a house, as most shut-ins had. The place was littered with blueprints for machines, pens for making blueprints, and bones of various animals. Every once and a while, one might trip over a gun of a varying size. That, Charlie would always say, is for self-defense.

The lab next door? Charlie looked out their window at it, and was filled with the same chills as every other time they looked at the structure. Various waste had spilled out of it upon a fire two centuries ago, including oil, and contaminated the environment. The elves hated it, which was why Charlie decided to live next to it.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-29 06:49:37
(Sorry, I didn't know if you were going to post or anything and I didn't want to have to go back and read everything to find out what I had said. I apologize.)

Forest|Mentions: Emrios & Eldrin

Kenia looked at the other elf, "My name is Kenia, by the way." She then turned towards Emrios and nodded. "It might, but there's no telling, hopefully it will though if it's that bad." Kenia let out a small laugh as she looked over the elf in front of her, covered in oil. "At least we took care of the body." She watched Eldrin as well, waiting for the answers she would give to Emrios' questions. Kenia thought about what he had said, he was right. Anything was better than just sitting there waiting for a fight. "If you want, I can go with you, it would be pretty bad if there was a huge group of humans and only one of you." She noted looking back at him.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-29 06:50:06
Double posts yaaaaaaaaaayyyyy -.-

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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 13:50:43 by Queen Keezy (#77898)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-29 11:21:36
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning

Location: Charlie's Cabin||Mentions: Emrios, Kenia

Eldrin turned and gave a small smile to the male elf and Kenia. "Good to meet you Kenia... And you..." She trailed off; the man hadn't given her his name yet. She was soon distracted however, by his questions. He must have noticed she wasn't exactly as relaxed or comfortable as she should have been.

The pale elf shrugged a little. "I... I've been to many towns recently, but this was the first time I've ever been to this one..." She said carefully. "I can't say what these humans will do, but I don't think they'll be friendly... And no. I hadn't even heard much about Biohazard until today." El told them spreading her hands a little.

Her ice blue eyes looked between the other two elves as they spoke, then raised her own voice. "I will wait and go with you, I have no where to be..." She ran a hand through her hair, shifting on her feet.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-29 13:32:27

23-25 elf years || Elf || Location ||
Mentions:Kenia, Eldrin, Charlie (indirectly)


Emrios heard Eldrin's pause."I'm Emrios," he said quickly, and it came out sounding awkward. Emrios shrugged. I've never been the smoothest talker.. Guess the womanizing career isn't for me, he thought dryly. When Kenia laughed because of the oil on him, Emrios looked away from them and rubbed the back of his neck, as a trace of pink spread over his face. I look so unkept right now.. He shifted slightly and a crease formed between his brows when he heard Eldrin's reply. He heard Kenia and the the corner of his mouth tugged upwards as he heard what she said. "So much for leaving the town",he said laughing a little. He shifted his gaze, and glanced at Eldrin, then Kenia. "I assume we're all companions now?" he said with some slight amusement and then he headed towards the hut.


When he got towards the hut he realized look used. Definitely would not qualify for the "like new" condition, he thought. humans are strange He looked at the "house". Half of it looked like it was a garage, probably was and Emrios shrugged. He didn't question the rationale of illogical creatures. He studied the structure for a bit. The garage will be my entry point, he thought - most likely anything to wash off the oil would be located in there. He crept towards the garage. Thankfully, there was a door which lead into it. He spent a few minutes trying to pick it, which Emrios decided to give up on. He glanced around, looking for any other entry points. A window.. Thankfully, it was open, and he climbed on in. It was dark... and he waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. Emrios first made his way over to the shelves. Okay.. so.. it must have some sort of symbol right? ... maybe alcohol? he thought. As he searched through the labelled containers. "Rinse" one said. Another was too faded for him to read, and it had some blue liquid inside of it. The thought of experimenting and seeing whether any of these strange, and hazardous looking chemicals could take the oil off of him seemed more unpleasant than his current predicament. Then he heard the sound of the door opening and closing and he looked up in alarm. Someone lives here? Emrios cursed silently for not checking beforehand.


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Edited on 29/12/15 @ 21:07:35 by Windsparkle (#16196)

~Kiannia~ (#27008)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-29 21:49:28
Julianna Giovanni||23 years old||She/her||Human|| N/A
Wandering the forest|| Mentions: N/A

Having allowed her mind to go she simply walked into the forest, enjoying the calm there was there. As she listened to the birds and such, there was an odd smell that came into her nostrils. Wrinkling up her nose she shook her head, it smelt chemical and gross. Halting in her steps she began to wonder if to approach or stay clear. Eventually her want to help others overtook her want to stay away, so she began to head in the direction of the smell. She wondered what it was, other than the obvious. As she walked the soft grass beneath her feet was nice, she did enjoy the forest. Often she preferred to walk in a pair, having the company was always good even if no words were exchanged. Running her fingers through her hair she now paid attention to where she was going, not wanting to end up in anything unpleasant.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-30 00:03:56
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest- Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: Emrios

I'm not alone.

It didn't take long for Charlie to register that when they heard something in their garage. Quickly, they abandoned their non-working fridge and picked up one of the weapons on the floor, which was a small pistol. I don't know who is in there and why, but if it is one of those freaking elves again..

They walked over to the door to their garage, making sure the pistol was loaded. Yes, a couple of bullets. Perfect. They put one hand on the handle, pausing before swinging it open and pointed the weapon...

"... Oh, it's you. Couldn't get enough of me, huh? Tell me, why are you here in the first place?"

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-30 09:00:15
Oil spill|Mentions: Emrios & Eldrin

"Guess so." She felt a small smile spreading across her face as the male elf turned and left, she then turned her attention to Eldrin, "So, since you said you've been city hopping, when was the last time that you've seen other elves? Most of the time we don't really go into the cities except for jobs or something." She was curious about the elf, it wasn't that she was suspicious, she just wanted to know more about her since she had just joined her and Emrios and she had learned some background information on him, plus it was nice to have someone to make conversations with.

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Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-30 09:00:52
(Whoops sorry, my internet was being dumb. I apologize everyone.)

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 16:02:21 by Queen Keezy (#77898)

Keezy B (#77898)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-30 09:01:04

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Edited on 30/12/15 @ 16:01:42 by Queen Keezy (#77898)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 08:50:36
Eldrin||23||She/Her||Elf||Ice Summoning

Location: Charlie's Cabin||Mentions: Emrios, Kenia

Eldrin nodded and managed a small grin when the male elf gave his name. The grin grew wider and more sincere when he said they were companions; she hadn't had a companion in... Well, never really. Animals were wary of her naturally, and noone where he grew up had made the effort. She watched Emrios poke around the cabin before turning to Kenia as she spoke.

"Well, I saw some a few towns North of here." That was true; El had avoided beeing seen by them, but that was a different question. "I haven't seen many others in the cities, even for jobs..." She shrugged. There rreally hadn't been many elves in the cities, but that hadn't surprised her seeing as her race was so predujiced. "I'm from a lot farther North originally. What about you, are you from around here?" It was nice to have a conversation with her own kind again.

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Windsparkle (#16196)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2015-12-31 10:33:58

23-25 elf years || Elf || charlie's house ||


Click!, Emrios froze realizing too late that someone had entered the room. Splotches of a shiny black substance covered him. He heard a man say, "Oh, it's you. Couldn't get enough of me, huh? Tell me, why are you here in the first place?" Emrios turned around recognizing the voice. He saw a short person aiming a small pistol at him. The male looked irritated. Well....that makes two of us "Nice to see you too..." he said dryly, and his muscles relaxed a little. "I see your method of greeting hasn't changed, still threatening people with weapons." he said, eyeing the pistol. And then he scratched the back of his head. "Well.. as you can see.. I took a plunge in that pool by your house. Do you have anything to get this off?" He said leaning against the shelves, letting out a sigh of exasperation. Emrios cleared his throat and looked down at the ground, eyes still on the pistol, "Would you mind pointing that elsewhere? I already had to deal with one dead man today.. " Emrios shuffled his feet and examined the shelves. "If you're going to kill people do it away from the main roads and also.. your work is sloppy," he said looking pointedly at the man and let out a sound of disgust.


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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-31 10:42:13
Charlie || ??? || They/Them || N/A
Location: Forest- Charlie's house/Chemical spill || Mentions: Emrios

Charlie's lip twitched at Emrios' words, eyes narrowing. They let out a very animal-like growl before lowering the gun. "... Listen. I don't know what you're talking about." They huffed, putting the gun away. "Plus, I've never killed a human. Can't say the same for your race, though. I remember having to stab Aerials on several occasions, and a couple of ground elves."

With that said, they turned and stepped into the house, turning back for a moment. "Well? You coming?" Without waiting for a response, they went to their 'kitchen', looking through some shelves.

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