Posted by Flavor text Master list {wip}

Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-26 01:55:31

This is a list of all the interactions you can encounter {replaced the names with cub to avoid confusion}

Cub texts are not influenced by gender.
Female: Cub wanted to play, but she was tired.
Male: Cub wanted to play, but he was tired.

These are adult flavor texts. The cub text is in the second post.


Intrepid (good)
You tell Cub about this standoff you had with three dogs, and she idly wonders why you didn't just kill them all. She states the drooling mongrels fear her deadly claws.

Cub sits next to you and watches the horizon for any incoming danger. Bees included.

You greet Cub and she starts swaying around you with a humming song full of purrs and snuggles.

Cub sees you, gasps and runs towards you, greeting you with lots of compliments and nose licks.

When you approach Cub sleeping on the ground, she slowly wakes up, turning on her back and wiggling around. She tries to touch your muzzle with her paws.

Cuddly (good)
When you greet each other, Cub pushes you on your side to the ground only to cuddle against your manly muscles.

Prudent (Good)
You see Cub walking off with a small carcass, it is probably for her personal food store.

Cub huffs angrily, shaming you for public affection during a morning snuggle. Others might not appreciate it! When you two are alone, she'll give you all the snuggles you want.

Cub approaches you, voicing her concerns about the prides food stores.

Trusting (good)
Cub rolls on her back in front of your paws, inviting you for a gentle tussle.

Cub turns her back towards you, lifting her tail up high and twitching it a bit.

Telling you to stay perfectly still, Cub carefully removes the small piece of bone that has been stuck in your teeth for days.

As you walk into her sight, Cub proudly gets up to strut in front of you, showing off her sleek fur.

Nurturing (good)
Cub approaches you and starts licking your muzzle, cheek and ear. You obviously should look your best today.

You apparently ate something bad last night, and you just flop on the ground. Cub comes up to you and asks if you want anything. She brings you some grass and water, and sits next to you until you feel better.

Romantic (good)
When you come near, resting Cub makes a little coo in her throat, then rolls over to show her belly. She blinks slowly at you and coos again when you groom her.

You come back to the den and find your favorite sleeping spot covered with flowers. Cub is sitting by, sparkles in her eyes, to see if you like it.

Graceful (good)
You playfully got into a tussle with Cub, and although you were stronger than her, you still felt clumsy and big-footed compared to her light steps and dexterous pivots.

Swaying her hips gently, Cub approaches you with a warm welcome.


Emotional (Kind)

Cub goes into a tirade about how some other pride member displeased her. You pat her shoulder and let her vent her emotions.

Cub does not say a word but curls up close to your feet as you sit down near her, seeming to need some affection right now.

You find Cub on an outcropping observing some other lions playing below with a gentle smile.

Cub gives a soft purring sound as a greeting, and moves over a little so you can lay down beside her.

Gentle (Kind)
Cub greets you warmly with a soft rumbling noise like a purr. You feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

You watch Cub quietly for a while, and she grooms herself cutely, seeming to glow in your presence.

You watch Cub quietly for a while, and she grooms herself cutely, seeming to glow in your presence.

You noticed cub pushing an ostrich chick with her nose to help it get up, and watching it tumble away back to its mom. You sit down, smiling at her. What a cutie.

You were pacing back and forth, frustrated at losing to a puny hyena earlier. Suddenly Cub comes up to you, and softly tells you that no one is thinking badly of you for it. She soothingly kneads your mane.

You were trying to hide that you scratched your paw in the last battle, but Cub came up to softly groom it for you. Thanks, sweetheart.

Warm (kind)
Cub stands on her back legs, cuddling into your soft mane for a bit as a greeting.

Newly Claimed Lioness woke you up this morning by flopping onto your side and licking your ear. Hard to be grumpy about that!

Obedient (kind)
Running towards you, Cub greets you from afar and follows you for the next hour to learn from the best.

Confident (Kind)
Cub struts up to you and you greet each other as equals. You later puff up a bit at his/her nerve.

Curious (kind)
Cub runs to you, asking how your day was and what happened and who you fought with and what animals have you seen today and how are you feeling and how many beetles do you have and and and - she gasps for air, and continues with questions.

As you approach, Cub starts sniffing you furiously, trying to learn where have you been.

Soft (kind)
You flop down for a nap, and Cub joins you for a good snuggle! Best cuddle buddy ever.

You got stung by a wasp in your last territory patrol, but luckily Cub was around to gently lick the wound. You feel better after her gentle tending.

You ran up and greeted Cub happily. Oops, you also knocked her over with your gleeful shoulder-nudge. Ah well, she just fell over giggling and flailing.

Ugh, sometimes getting tangles out of your mane is such a hassle! Luckily, Cub offers to help. She is magical at mane-detangling, and you are grateful for her aid.

Candid (kind)
Cub welcomes you with an open greeting, rubbing his side against yours.

Patient (kind)
You were feeling a bit annoyed about being beaten in a fight, but Cub cheerfully assured you that you will always have the chance to try again!

A flock of tiny birds are playing and pouncing all over Cub. He is just remaining where he is, humming softly and letting them go at it.

Wary (kind)
Seeing you, Cub pins her ears down, watching you carefully, but she gets up to greet you when you smile at her.

You were fast asleep when suddenly you heard Cub roaring! You arrived just in time to chase off an invading lion. You're glad she was paying attention!

Focused (kind)
You find Cub carefully watching the ducks in the water. You ask her what she's doing. She tells you that she hunts the best if she knows the behavior of her prey. Smart...but couldn't she take a break? It's been hours!

Upbeat (Kind)
Cub greets you cheerfully and abundantly as you pass her on your rounds.


Awkward (Neutral)
You move towards Cub to greet her affectionately, but she head-butted you in greeting too hard. Ouch, that smarts a bit.

Spontaneous (Neutral)
As you come near, Cub wakes up and yawns, then tries to sit on your back and go back to sleep, making you her pillow.

You were having a nice conversation with Cub when she suddenly suggests heading to the jungle to look at the cool fungi! Wait, right now? Really?

Even-Tempered (Neutral)
Cub invites you for a friendly wrestling session. You win, but he is a good sport about it.

Laidback (Neutral)
You came back from a territorial dispute feeling stressed. Cub bumped shoulders with you and offered to hang out and share a meal by the pond. You relaxed as she told you a funny story of that day.

You lie out under the stars, paws in the air. Cub came by to join you. You both have fun watching the lights and chatting about nothing in particular.

Cub approaches you during a nap and starts kneading your shoulders. Aahhhh. Awesome day.

Cub is relaxing near the back of the den, lazily pawing at you in greeting as you pass. She offers you to join her for a while and chill.

Distant (Neutral)
Cub is standing quietly and watching the clouds move over the lands. For some reason this makes your heart skip a beat.

You woke up and found a little bird snack waiting in front of your nose. Cub is resting nearby, with a little smile on her face.

Mysterious (Neutral)
You come out of your den to find weird markings drawn all over in the dirt. What is Cub up to? Is this modern art?

Evasive (Neutral)
As you two greet each other, Cub moves away when you get too close. You try to approach her again, and she begrudgingly accepts the friendly nuzzle you offer her. She looks a bit bothered about it, though

You were cheerfully telling Cub about her day, but she seemed to get an itch. She excuses herself to groom the itch away in private. {Also encountered in Lazy (Snarky)}

Loner (Neutral)
You look for Cub to greet him, and finally find him near the borders of your territory, growling rhythmically into the wind..

Modest (Neutral)
You greet Cub eagerly, and she nuzzles you demurely in return. She doesn't want to take away from your valuable time, but you assure her that her feelings are important too!

Messy (Neutral)
You notice a fountain of dirt. Getting closer, you see Cub head first in a large dirt hole digging for bugs.

With a warm greeting, Cub approaches you. She shakes herself off in front of you, propelling little particles of dirt and grass into your mane!

You watch a bit disturbingly as Cub rolls around, gnawing on a smooth piece of rock and slobbering all over.

Cub snuggles up to you with a loud purring noise as you near her, raking her body against yours. You are now covered in dirt.


Sassy (Snarky)
On a morning stroll, you and Cub notice a bird nest, full of baby birds. She asks if she's the best chick around, and you better not say no.

Sarcastic (Snarky)
Cub slunk up to you, commenting wryly that she totes saw you stumble all over yourself in that last play fight. What a fantastic show that was! She could watch it all day.

Loud (Snarky)
You hear some caterwauling. You stumble upon Cub singing at the top of her lungs while your other pride mates laughed. Did she chew on fermented fruit again?

Snarky (Snarky)
You made the mistake of asking Cub how your mane looked today. She just grinned and remarked that it looked great compared to your face. Ouch. Put some snuh on that burn.

Cub nudged you affectionately and told you that your battling looked far better than yesterday. Was...that a compliment?

Stubborn (Snarky)
As you walk up to her, Cub stares at you intently. She awaits a greeting, and does not return one until you have given exactly 6 nuzzles and a lick to ply her with..

Cub waves her tail in greeting as you near her, but seems too absorbed in trying to coax a lizard from its burrow to pay attention to you afterwards. She's probably been at this for a while.

Lazy (Snarky)
You were cheerfully telling Cub about her day, but she seemed to get an itch. She excuses herself to groom the itch away in private.

You ask Lazy if she wants to join in the play tussling, but she politely shakes her head no, for she is quite content just watching.

Harsh (Evil)
You want to tell a pride mate that they need to correct their behavior, but you couldn't find the words and you felt bad. So, you approach Cub and ask her to do it for you. She laughs at your ineptitude, but agrees. You can trust her to say what needs to be said.

This is a wip list, and I would like you guys to post them below in case I missed some ^^

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Edited on 04/01/16 @ 15:08:22 by Sassy's Feline Harem (#65022)

Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2015-12-26 01:55:49
Cub flavor text (not influenced by personality)

Cub doesn't want a nap. Doesn't NEED a nap. Which is what they are telling you. Crying. At the top of their lungs. Yeah. Sure. You carry the little bugger to bed.

Cub mews and brushes against you for attention. You give her a playful nudge back towards the direction of her mother. She can handle this needy cub.

Cub rolls in front of you to play, but then she realizes there is a blood stain on her belly. She looks embarrassed and leaves in a hurry!

Cub is sitting in the grass looking bummed. You pick them up by the scruff of the neck and carry them to your sleeping spot, where you groom them until they feel better.

Cub asks you why you wrestle with lionesses so much. You tell them it's...good exercise…yeah. That.

Cub appears out of nowhere and attempts to tackle you! Sadly, she just thuds against you and flops onto the ground. Stupid cub.

Cub just woke you up from sleeping. Again. For more water. And they have to pee. But it's dark. Ugh.

Cub got in trouble today for biting too hard. You feel bad, but you relegate them to the time out bush. They have to learn to play nice.

You get into an argument with Cub over who would win in a fight - Apedemak or the Sangoma Leader. The cub says Apedemak, because he's a lion.....but you've seen what the human does with the weather.

You majestically stand on the biggest hill in your territory, surveying your lands. You notice Cub standing next to you, copying your glorious stance. Awww yeah. We're the best.

You were just chillaxing when Cub came over with a mouthful of flowers. Awwww, cute. You don't mind how mashed up they got while the cub was walking.

You settled in for the night to sleep, but then you felt something trembling next to you. You find Cub, looking scared. You pull them close with your paws and let them snuggle until you both are asleep.

You find Cub sniffling sadly. It turns out, they got pushed away from the carcass by the others and now they're hungry. Poor little one! You scrounge up some leftover scraps for them, and they are delighted.

You were enjoying the soft sound of birds. Then, Cub proudly sauntered up, farted, and then died laughing. They think it's far funnier than you do. Cubs.

Cub is telling you about a weird dream they had last night. Apparently you battled a walking feathered lizard thing, and then a flying metal thing shot light at you, and then dead, decaying hyenas chased you, and then you were talking to ghosts...are they sure that wasn't a nightmare?

You attempt to teach Cub how to grab fish, but they get distracted just rolling in the water. Ah well. You join them and eventually you both come home with muddy paws.

As you pace around your pride, you suddenly feel watched. You look behind you to spot Cub crouched in the grass, butt wiggling and ready to pounce!

Cub has decided that now is the perfect time to practice killing! Growling and nipping at you, the attack is fierce; so you roll onto your back, yowling, and feign your impending death.

Cub is too absorbed in scratching at the ground to notice your presence.

You were listening to your pride mate's hunting plans when Cub flopped on your face. Ah, great, cub butt everywhere. So much cub butt.

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Edited on 04/01/16 @ 15:16:21 by Sassy's Feline Harem (#65022)

Whisper (#79966)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 06:48:34
I had one for a NCL with a calm(kind) personality that said:
You find Newly Claimed Lioness on an outcropping observing some other lions playing below with a gentle smile.

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Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-27 08:12:01
Thanks ^^ Adding it to the list

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 11:00:53
Here's one:
Trinitie just woke you up from sleeping. Again. For more water. And they have to pee. But it's dark. Ugh.

This is one of the cub texts.

Edit: Also, just got another one:
Tiari got in trouble today for biting too hard. You feel bad, but you relegate them to the time out bush. They have to learn to play nice.

Also a cub text. :P

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Edited on 27/12/15 @ 18:06:50 by Saeginko (#34696)

Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-27 11:18:07
''time out bush'' I just xD

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 11:18:59
I know right? xD (Expect to see me a lot on this thread, because it feels like a goal to me now to help you complete it. X3)

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Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-27 11:19:47
Thanks xD

These flavor texts sound like a normal day a human would have

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 11:21:23
xD And to think that they're all unique. ;v;

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Whisper (#79966)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2015-12-27 13:49:33
Here's another adult flavor from a Gentle(Kind) Lioness:
You noticed Newly Claimed Lioness pushing an ostrich chick with her nose to help it get up, and watching it tumble away back to its mom. You sit down, smiling at her. What a cutie.

...and you can expect to see me pretty often too. XD I love getting these texts.

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Saeginko (#34696)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 13:52:16
Seems like you've got yourself some helpers, Sassy. xD

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ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 13:54:05
Cub asks you why you wrestle with lionesses so much. You tell them it's...good exercise…yeah. That.

Cub appears out of nowhere and attempts to tackle you! Sadly, she just thuds against you and flops onto the ground. Stupid cub.

Cub just woke you up from sleeping. Again. For more water. And they have to pee. But it's dark. Ugh.

Lol the first two though xD

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 13:55:49
I have a few . My favorite one so far is the lioness telling stories with other lions gathered around her.

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Sassy's Feather
Harem (#65022)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2015-12-27 16:17:46
Hello liodeners :D will be updating this list tomorrow when I have WiFi ;; the hotel I'm in has crappy connection

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Devour (#18971)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 16:23:37
I actually had a really weird flavor text appear :o Here it is

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ClockKey (#74714)

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Posted on
2015-12-27 18:24:48
I had this today!

You hear some caterwauling. You stumble upon Chargo singing at the top of her lungs while your other pride mates laughed. Did she chew on fermented fruit again?

Her personality is loud (snarky)

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