Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
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Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 14:56:41
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Garnet, Smaug

Steven took Smaug's hands, leading him into a dance. He smiled, keeping his attitude positive. He was entertained by Smaug's attempts at dancing. Even if he was struggling, he did attempt to keep at it, and Steven loved that.

"Don't worry. You're doing great! Everyone starts somewhere. Garnet can tell you how much I used to stink at the fusion dances." He said, releasing Smaug's hands and dancing beside him. "Besides, I can see you're determined. He chuckled.

Steven hadn't realized his tongue had slipped at the mention of fusing. It didn't seem like a big deal. After all, fusion dance could just mean a certain dance move or style.

"I call this one the dancing dragon! Fierce, yet elegant! He said, moving his arms in a wave then doing a twirl emulating a dragon's form while flying upward, doing his Steven-y laugh he always did when he was having a lot of fun.

Garnet || Appears 25|| Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Steven, Smaug, Legolas

Garnet's eyes shifted under her shades when Steven mentioned fusion. He was just a child, it made sense for him to slip up sometimes. It wasn't a big deal. She did worry a little... Whenever Steven was excited or happy, sometimes his gem would glow, as it seemed most powerful when he was determined and focused. He seemed fine for now.

She watched the two dance, an endearing smile on her face on both Steven and Smaug. It was really nice of him to dance to with Steven. She could tell she'd like him. She went back to the chairs, and grabbed a can of soda and walked over to the kid sitting at the table. She gave the kid the soda and smiled, then headed back to chairs to greet the blonde man.

"Hello, I'm Garnet. You are?" She asked politely. Hopefully you're down to play some volleyball. We'll start that soon. I'm still learning the basics. Setting the ball on fire is apparently the wrong way to play." She said.

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Edited on 02/01/16 @ 22:11:02 by Honey (#55910)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 15:00:01
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment > Beach || Legolas, Steven (Indirectly), Smaug (Indirectly)

Winter walked out of the apartment, making sure to lock the door, then looking to Arya. "You ready to go to a party?" She asked the dachshund with a smile. They set off towards the beach, this time Winter decided to take the stairs, for Arya's sake. When they made it back outside she let out a breath of relief, observing the weather. 'It's perfect for a beach party.' She thought. Even though she was wearing her swimming attire under her outfit, she was pretty sure she wasn't going to swim. She wasn't very fond of the ocean.

Once at the beach, she glanced around trying to spot Legolas. It wasn't hard to find him, and she walked over to him, quickly scooping up Arya and dumping the small dog on his lap, trying to surprise him. She sat down on a beach chair beside his, giggling as she watched Arya jump at Legolas' face and proceed to lick his nose. "Hello." She greeted him casually, as if nothing happened. She opened her mouth to say something when she saw a kid and an adult dancing together, the adult clearly not knowing what to do. "A child teaching a grown man how to dance, that's not something you see every day." She pointed out, clearly amused by the strange sight.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 15:14:08
Legolas/Lord of the Rings/Outside/Winter, Garnet, Steven (Indirectly)

Legolas was watching in amusement as Smaug completely failed at dancing, and the kid's ironic name of the dance he had created. What a purely coincidental situation. He looked up at Garnet as she approached him and smiled at her. "Legolas, m'lady. I suppose I would be interested in volleyball, although someone might have to teach me the ropes." He chuckled at her comment. "Ah, well, I shall keep that in mind. Do not set the ball on fire." He laughed and smiled at her. He quite liked this woman.

He jerked his head back as Arya attacked his face with licks, licking his nose. He chuckled and held the dog, patting her head before setting her down on the ground next to Winter. He chuckled at her nonchalant greeting. "Quiet a way to greet someone, if I do say so myself." He smiled at her and turned in the chair to face her, scowling slightly at the uncomfortable position of the quiver on his back and readjusted it, following her gaze. "Yes, well, I'm very surprised he would do such a thing. That man must have been really impressed by that boy. I would dance with him, though. We elves like to dance, although some aren't very good at it, such as I. There is something about that kid that I like, however. That man usually isn't one to do such mundane things." He pointed out, his attention captured by the odd pair.

Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit//Beach Party//Mentions: Steven

Smaug stopped dancing, panting slightly from overworking himself. He smirked widely at Steven's praise and straightened back up to catch his breath whilst watching the boy for a few moments, determined to try and copy his dance moves. The minute he tried, he almost fell again. He wondered for a few moments what a fusion dance was, but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind.

He smirked yet again at Steven's name for his dance. "Quite accurately named, if I do say so myself. Dragons are rather magnificent and fierce, if I do say so myself." He walked to Steven and copied his movements, adding his own to mimic the taking off sequence he normally did when he was preparing to fly. "Now only I could perhaps find some flint rocks, and I could teach you how to breathe fire!"

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 15:20:41
Chara Dreemurr || 9...? || Undertale
Dock/Beach || Garnet, Steven, Smaug, Legolas, Winter

More people.

Ha, so they were right all along. There would be more subjects. But, shrugging that off, they put their bag down and walked over to where the two were dancing, though off to the side. ... Fusion? They cringed at the thought. In their eyes, it meant something completely different than what a gem did.

But Chara picked up a stick, sitting down and drawing shapes in the sand. Soon, the shape of a sunflower appeared. It had a smiling face. For a split second, Chara was reminded of something. But the coldness soon returned. They spent a long moment looking at the flower before standing up and kicking the picture, sending sand spraying everywhere.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 15:42:50
Garnet || Appears 25|| Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Everyone at the beach

There were two coolers, the red one for adults, and the blue for the children, both were labeled accordingly. The last Garnet wanted was children drinking that sort of thing. She'd keep an eye out too. After greeting Legolas, she grabbed a drink of her own from the red cooler, sipping it and making an "ah" sound.

Things were going well so far. That was good, and she could tell Steven was having a wonderful time. I made both Ruby and Sapphire happy to see him enjoying himself. Garnet knew he would miss home, but she was happy to have him with. Maybe in time Pearl and Amethyst would join them.

She set her drink down at one of the nearby tables and grabbed a volleyball. It had a drawing of Steven's rose quartz gem on it. He must've added that himself.

"Alrighty everyone! Soon we'll begin the volleyball game. Steven will explain the rules. They're still a bit fuzzy to me." She said, twirling the ball on her finger tip rather fast. In fact, a little fast as it began to smoke a little. Of course, she stopped in time. Oops. No need to damage the ball, they needed that.

Steven || 14|| Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Everyone at the beach

Steven watched with eager eyes as Smaug did his own variation of the "Dancing Dragon". He was actually quite good at that and Steven was incredibly impressed with him. When he mentioned breathing fire, he got excited. If only he could do that. Gems could shapeshift, maybe if he were able to shapeshift into a dragon, he could do it someday.

"Breathing fire would be awesome! I've only seen magicians do it, but it's probably not as real as it would be if a dragon did it." He imagined himself as a dragon. Now that would be the coolest thing ever.

When Garnet called for volleyball, he got excited even more. He looked back at Smaug. "This will be fun. I'll explain the rules. Garnet plays volleyball a little weird. She hits the ball a little too hard."

He ran over to Garnet, taking the volleyball as she handed it to him. "Alright everyone. I am Steven! It's nice to meet all of you. So, this night we will be playing volleyball. It's really simple. All you gotta do is hit the ball over the net with your hands, or head. Don't let the ball fall on the ground, if it does, the other team will get a point. To win, you must hit the ball over the net and onto the ground of the other team's side. Whoever gets to 15 points first wins!."

He counted the people first. Garnet, Smaug, Steven himself, that kid drawing in the sand, the blonde dude, the girl the blonde dude was with... Would they have enough? Hmm.

"Garnet, if Ruby and Sapphire were here, we'd have just enough players for volleyball. If not we can wait for more people. Or we can do three on three." He said.


Garnet nodded, if he needed more people, perhaps Ruby and Sapphire would make an appearance. Of course, she'd excuse herself before unfusing if it came to that.

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Edited on 02/01/16 @ 22:43:31 by Honey (#55910)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 15:55:07
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment > Beach || Legolas, Garnet, Steven

Winter listened to the conversation between Legolas and the poofy-haired woman, slightly interested. When she mentioned volleyball, she sighed. 'Watching Legolas trying to play volleyball is definitely going to be interesting.'. She thought. She wasn't very good at volleyball, but it could be fun, so she'd think about joining the game. When the woman mentioned lighting the ball on fire, her eyes widened slightly. 'How on Earth did she manage to light a volleyball on fire?' She thought. Maybe this woman was a character, like Legolas? She had caught the woman's name earlier, and she believed she was called Garnet.

When Legolas mentioned her strange greeting, she smirked. "I know, I have an amazing talent at catching people's attention." She said, laughing softly. She grabbed a can of soda and opened it, taking a small sip. She wasn't going to drink anything with alcohol in it tonight, at least not around all these strange people. When Legolas said he wasn't good at dancing, Winter tilted her head to the side. "You? Bad at dancing? I can't imagine you being bad at anything." She told him, sounding slightly surprised. She was telling the truth, Elves always seemed so perfect. So good at everything, and Legolas was a Prince, which made her even more surprised.

When a child, who she assumed was Steven, began to explain the rules for volleyball, she glanced over to Legolas, seeing if he'd want to play. If anything, she was sure this was going to be interesting.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:09:02
Legolas/Lord of the Rings/Outside/Winter, Garnet,

Legolas grinned at her expression and rolled his eyes. "I know what you're thinking. Yes, I am going to be quite terrible at this, but I think I know how this game works." He hadn't actually been listening to the rules, so he leaned over and pulled one arrow out of his quiver and twirled it in his fingers, watching the point of it turn. He turned to look at her and smirked. "Why, the only thing I consider myself exemplary at is shooting arrows. He promptly reinforced that claim by loading his bow and shooting a walnut off a tree that was around thirty feet away. It wasn't a very long distance compared to what he used to shoot from, but it still worked. He sighed softly. "I have to get that, don't I?" He mumbled. He slowly stood up, curling his lip and leaving it there. He strode over to the red cooler and opened it, pulling out something and popping the tab after a moment of picking at it to figure out how it worked. He took a sip and stood there, contemplating the taste before shrugging and putting it down on the nearest table and striding over to Garnet. "Are you playing?" He called back to her.

He turned his head to hear Smaug talking about teaching the kid to breathe fire as he was walking over to the woman with the ball, which had begun to smoke slightly due to how fast she was spinning it, and Legolas shook his head. "Oh, no. He had better not roast that kid. I don't feel like battling that nasty lizard." He grumbled, just loud enough for Winter to hear.

Smaug//21 (around two hundred in dragon years)// The Hobbit//Beach Party//Mentions: Steven

Smaug smirked yet again at the kid's enthusiasm. "Yes, well, a dragon breathing fire is a magnificent sight to see, if I do say so myself." He boasted. He turned his attention to Garnet, ignoring the fact that he had no idea what a magician was. He knew he was better at breathing fire, however, and wasn't too worried about any challenges of that sort. His lip curled as he imagined himself giving Steven a ride and showing off dragon fire. If he was allowed to do so he would already be burning half the trees in sight.

He noticed the elf staring and he snorted deeply, lifting his head and turning away. He listened to Garnet's explanation, going over to stand by Steven as he decided that he was on his team. He knew he would probably hit the ball way too hard as well, but as long as he didn't break it, or pop it, everything would be fine.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:15:24
Chara Dreemurr || 9...? || Undertale
Dock/Beach || Garnet, Steven, Smaug, Legolas, Winter

... A game?

Was it going to be anything like those pointless puzzles that skeleton tried to make the human go through? Nevermind that, but Chara abandoned the now destroyed picture of the flower for the now larger group of people. One even pulled out a bow and shot a tree.

Then they recognized the people from the elevator earlier. They smiled slightly, not without the same coldness that never seemed to cease to them, and they waved. Then they looked to Steven as he explained the rules. "... We get to hit things?" Chara asked, tilting their head.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:31:46
Garnet || Appears 25|| Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Everyone at the beach

Alright then, I'll pick my teammates then. You, Legolas, you're with me. And the other child, didn't catch the name, you too." She said, her voice raised in enthusiasm. She then turned to the child. "Yes, we get to hit that ball." She smiled.

This would interesting. She would let Steven spike the ball first. Looks like it would be three on three. It was perfect actually. They would get by perfectly like this.

She waved her hand, motioning to the left side of the net, getting herself ready for the game. She had played this game once before with the gems and Steven's friend's family. It was a weird game, nonetheless fun. She was looking forward to it. Her normally flat expression was now filled with determination and competitive excitement.

Steven || 14|| Steven Universe || Beach
|| Mentions: Everyone at the beach

Steven smiled. He was glad Garnet would let Smaug be on his team. Seemed it was a mutual thing between both and and Smaug too.
"Alright, so it's me, you, and her- uh, what's your name?" He asked the girl. "I'm Steven, but I'm sure you probably figured that out. Welcome to the cool side! Well, Garnet's side is cool too."

He moved over to the right side of the net with his team, getting ready to discuss a plan. "Okay, so here's a tip. When spiking the ball, try not to pass it to Garnet. She hit's it really hard and might get points. If you do, it's okay, we'll just have to hit harder." He said confidently.

Both teams had good potential, or so Steven saw it that way. And so, Steven would be the first to spike.

"Alright! Here we go!" He said, spiking the ball, looking at it go over the net in satisfaction.

Of course, Garnet did hit it, but surprisingly not too hard. Steven was able to smack it back over the net with his head.
But now, who would hit it back?

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Edited on 02/01/16 @ 23:32:46 by Honey (#55910)

kittycat (#66797)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:36:47
Genesis||25||Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core||His house, 189 LOVELESS lane||I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself when trying to think of a name for the street he lives on. Please forgive me.

Genesis eyed Bahamut, his scarlet macaw, as he plucked ingredients from his refrigerator. Bahamut was perched on a nearby chair, watching Genesis' every move. After retrieving everything he needed, Genesis quickly chopped up a variety of fruits and vegetables, small amounts mind you, and put them on a porcelain plate. Some would see it as a waste as he then moved the plate over to the bird, allowing it to eat. He put what was left into the refrigerator, then cleaned his cutting board and knife.
"You better appreciate that Bahamut. Organic always costs more, you know." He murmured absently, easily dodging a piece of orange that the bird had flung in his direction. He picked up the orange and tossed it, before walking to the finished plate of food.
"As always, you make a mess more than you eat." He then grumbled, before cleaning the plate and leaving it to dry.
"I want the crazy ratchet!" Bahamut screamed at the top of his tiny bird lungs. Genesis winced, pressing a hand to his ear.
"Warn me next time, Bahamut. Do try to be more quiet, I'd rather not have the neighbors call the police again." He informed the bird, then took him to a different room. This room had a large cage that was open, and filled with all sorts of toys. Genesis put Bahamut down on top of the cage, then left and closed the door to the room. He left his house, locking it and going into his car.
He disliked the vehicle immensely, much preferring the freedom of flight to get around. But he had a feeling it would attract attention here, so he had gotten it. It wasn't much, just a metallic red Chevy Camaro. He drove into town, and stopped at a grocery store. He picked up more fresh fruits and vegetables, along with a bit of meat. He put it all into a cooler he kept there for this precise purpose. He stopped at a coffee shop on his way home, ordering himself a caramel latte.

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StrangeJellybeans (#53669)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:39:45
Weed || 12 || Ginga Densetsu Weed || Outside/Beach || Everyone playing volleyball

After getting some stuff ready, Weed rushed outside and made his way to the beach. He would be a little late, but he didn't mind. He slowed down a little as he neared his destination. It seemed there were a lot of people attending this event, many more than he thought would actually come. Well, the more the merrier! He observed quietly as they hit the ball back and forth. Sitting down at one of the tables that were set out, he picked the team with the teenager - 'Steven' he had overheard - to cheer on.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:42:14
(OOC: It's chill B) )

Chara Dreemurr || 9...? || Undertale
Dock/Beach || Garnet, Steven, Smaug, Legolas, Winter

Chara grinned when they heard they got to hit something. Finally!! They got on the same side as Garnet and the other guy-Legolas, was it?-and watched as Steven hit the ball over the net. Chara, could it be said, seemed to be the youngest on the court, but it helped that Garnet was on their side, then, correct?

They looked towards Legolas as the ball came towards their side. Who would hit it? Chara was eager to pull out their knife and stab the ball immediately.

"My name's Chara." They suddenly said while beside Garnet. They were puny compared to the gem, and they prepared to try and jump and hit the ball if Legolas didn't go after it.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:44:27
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment > Beach || Legolas, Chara,Steven, Garnet, Smaug

Winter watched as Legolas shot the walnut, impressed. She doubted anyone on Earth had skills like his. But then again, he was an Elf. As he went off to join the game, she sighed, getting out of the chair and forcing herself to stand. Arya watched her go before leaping onto the beach chair where Winter had sat earlier, curling up in it and closing her eyes. Winter was fine with letting Arya do her own thing, since the dog never went too far away from her. "If you think you're gonna suck at this, wait until you see me." She told Legolas, flicking a strand of hair out of her face. "I haven't played volleyball in a long time."

Her green gaze flicked between Steven and Garnet as she waited for the match to start, but a familiar voice caught her attention, and she turned to see the child that lived on the same floor as her. She found herself giving Arya a worried glance. She didn't know what a messed up child like this one would do to a dog, and she wasn't going to take any chances. She took a step closer to Legolas, narrowing her eyes at the child. She then huffed softly and looked back to Garnet.

When the teams were picked out, Winter sighed. "Well, looks like we're on opposite teams." She said, pretending to sound sad for a moment, but suddenly she smiled, a small spark appearing in her green eyes. "I'll see you when my team wins!" She laughed and gave him a playful shove before running over to join her team mates.

"I'm Winter." She said to Steven when he asked for her name. After giving her name, she went silent, listening to the boy's advice. She didn't know who the man with the red hair was, but she didn't get a chance to ask before the match started. She became focused, wanting her team to win. If they didn't, Legolas would probably tease her about it for the rest of the night, and she wasn't going to let that happen.

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Edited on 02/01/16 @ 23:52:00 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

kittycat (#66797)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:48:01
Genesis||25||Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core||Coffee Shop>Beach

Genesis, after retrieving his latte, went back to his car. His cooler would keep everything chilled for a while, so he decided to visit the beach briefly. He might find some good shells to decorate his house and Bahamut to destroy. Because that is what birds do. A faint smirk graced his face as he found himself a new parking space at the beach, and finished off his latte. That mission completed, he walked down to the beach. He noted that some people were playing volleyball, but didn't pay them much mind. Instead, he began to comb the beach carefully for shells. Every time he found one, which wasn't often, he would stick it into his pocket.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-02 16:53:17
Legolas/Lord of the Rings/Outside/Winter, Chara(indirectly)

Legolas chuckled at her words and shrugged. "I doubt you will do terribly at this. You know this game better than I." He smirked and playfully bumped his shoulder into hers. He watched as a few people hit the ball back and forth, and as it came soaring over to their side, he caught that creepy kid from the elevator staring at him. His eyes quickly flicked back to the ball, and he took a running jump, smacking ball with a loud popping sound. Unfortunately for him, the minute he hit the ground his foot slipped and he landed on his face, sitting back up and spitting sand out of his mouth.

Smaug, however, wasn't in the mood to play a game much, so he decided to piss everyone off, especially Legolas, and hit the ball extra hard, almost certain he might have popped it. He sneered and turned his head to watch Legolas scrambling back onto his feet.

Legolas was still pissed about falling, so he took out his bow and promptly shot the ball in mid-air. deflating it. Realizing what he did, he just kinda stared at it. "Oh." That was all he could say. He sincerely hoped they had another ball, otherwise this situation would get bad. What if they sent him to go buy another one? His eyes widened a little and he shuffled over to Winter, giving her a look: Help.

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