Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
Art Thread
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Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 16:53:00
Stanford Pines || About 60 || Gravity Falls
Apartment 116 || D

As D explained the complicated backstory thing, Ford audibly huffing in amusement in the phone. "Wow, very good hints." He almost laughed. "I'm guessing you're one of The Council members who've come down, correct...? W said there might be some. Didn't think it'd be this soon."

He did, however, stand up as he was talking. Might as well follow orders, right? "Say, I'm in my apartment right now, you don't have to talk in code or anything, uh... What should I call you? Any codename you'd like to use?"

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 18:55:42
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Streets || Legolas

Winter smiled at what Legolas said, and she shook her head. "I bet if I talked about Loki for long enough, you'd get sick of me." She said with a chuckle, watching Arya for a moment before glancing back to him. "Well, I've always had a strange habit of walking up to strangers and starting conversations; especially if that stranger happens to be good-looking." She teased him in a slightly flirtatious tone. She raised an eyebrow at what he said next. "There's no way I'd hate someone just because I found out they were a character. It's kinda cool that you're an Elf, actually." She told him. "And don't worry, your secret's safe with me." She glanced at the sky, seeing that it was becoming darker. "Do you want to head back so you and Arya can have that race?" She suggested with a smug smile. She acted like she was confident that Arya was going to win, but she knew that Elves could also be very fast, so she was slightly unsure. She was leaning towards the dachshund, though. 'Legolas doesn't know how fast Arya is, maybe it'll take him by surprise.' She thought, glancing down at the dog for a moment.

[I have Writer's block right now, sorry for this horrible reply .-.]

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Beannu (#66879)

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Posted on
2016-01-26 12:16:41
Sans // ??? // Undertale
General Store // Maxie

Sans chuckled, turning a sharp corner into the sacred ketchup aisle. "heh. i don't disagree with you that something might happen soon, but it can't be as bad as some of the things i've seen..." His eyes once again went dark for a moment before returning to normal, and he scanned the ketchup section, picking up a bottle every now and then, inspecting it, and putting it back down. "...what makes you so sure it's gonna be something bad?"

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Edited on 26/01/16 @ 19:17:48 by Sans the Skeleton (#66879)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 02:11:27
Maxie || 45 || Pokemon
General Store || Sans

Great. This guy is taking forever to look through literally every single bottle of ketchup available... Wow. Maxie sighed internally, deciding not to say anything about it. "... Well, I know the feeling. The world has almost ended several times in my universe thanks to people like me. All the water almost evaporated... Someone almost made a machine to kill everyone on the planet..."

Maxie was aware some people called Pokemon a kid's game. It wasn't like they had lived through that chaos... "In other words, I can feel it. I usually don't jump to conclusions without experimenting first, but it's... Strange."

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 13:34:54
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Streets|| Mentions: Winter

Legolas shrugged as she mentioned Loki and curled his lip. "I would most certainly express my annoyance if you did so." He chuckled, bumping her with his shoulder. "That would never make me leave your side, however. No matter how amazing you think Loki is." He turned towards her and grinned, looking at her and listening for a moment before speaking again. "You are pretty brave, walking up to a stranger like that. Especially when the stranger in question was sitting with his hood over his head." He laughed, reminding her of when they had met in the apartment building lobby. "For the record, I would have never taken a liking to you if I didn't find you interesting, which I do, in fact, find you very interesting. Not to mention that you are rather good-looking yourself." He smriked and patted the dog's head, starting towards the building. He was pretty confident that he was going to win the race, and he gave her a smug look.

Smaug|| 21 || The Hobbit
Location: Steven's Apartment || Mentions: Steven

Smaug looked around the apartment for a little bit, surveying the space. His eyes landed on the TV, and he stared for a moment, finding the odd, shiny object rather intriguing. It reminded him of ebony, which was pretty easy to come by when you lived in a mountain. He had had tons of the stuff back home, but he was forced to leave it behind when he came here. The object didn't smell like ebony, and therefore Smaug found it worthless, curling his lip and leaning away from it.

"I take it Garnet will be staying at the coffee shop for while. She found an odd woman with a strange contraption that she is currently speaking to." He remarked, staring down at Steven with his amber eyes. "No matter. You are much more entertaining than those who Write, in my opinion." He stated with a slight smirk.

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Edited on 28/01/16 @ 17:32:39 by Calla N.<<Legolas's Girl (#76766)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-27 21:28:27
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Streets > Apartment Lobby|| Legolas

Winter chuckled when Legolas said he wouldn't leave her side, and she sighed. "I think you're underestimating how much I can talk about Loki." She joked, turning and starting to walk back in the direction of the apartment. "Well, yeah, if the stranger is hooded I usually wouldn't approach them, since they might be some criminal that would try to steal my stuff, but I was curious. Also, it was daytime in a crowded apartment lobby, I don't think a criminal would've tried anything there." She said, her green gaze observing the area around them. She found herself smiling when Legolas complimented her, and for a few moments she actually considered telling him her feelings, but she decided not to. 'His father is going to confront him eventually, and if we ever got together he definitely wouldn't be happy. I don;t care what Thranduil thinks, but I don't want to give him and Legolas another reason not to get along. It would only make things worse, and Legolas would become even more upset about it. That's the last thing I want.' She thought, looking down at the ground. "Stop trying to flatter me." She eventually responded with a laugh, shoving him away slightly and smiling at him. "And stop giving me that smug look, before I make Arya maul your pretty face off."

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 05:49:37
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford, Standford Pines (indirectly)

"It's mostly futures I take part in, but yes I can see multiple possibilities for you." She said, adjusting her glasses.

There was definitely a possibility the two would meet again, that was for sure. And as always, there were odd things she saw.

"The old man, Standford. I met him once, didn't catch his name. But you two will be meeting in the near future. Or so that's one of the possibilities I see."

Garnet was careful about revealing too much. Some people couldn't handle the thought of not knowing or knowing too much.

"It's always best to keep some parts to myself. Sometimes knowing too much can cause paranoia. As for how this future vision started and how I came to be, that's a story about two rebel lovers." She smiled, looking down at her palms. Ruby and Sapphire.

Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Garnet's Apartment
|| Mentions: Smaug

Garnet seemed like she had important things to do. Before she left she seemed very off.

"I think she's trying to find a way to help the council find the missing members. She was really worked up. I swear she almost unfused." Steven said.

Though he did smile at the compliment. He was glad someone like Smaug found him entertaining.

"You're pretty cool yourself, Smaug. Say, we could always get out of here and go somewhere remote. I can show you my cool gem powers!" He said, lifting up his shirt a little and revealing the Rose Quartz gem on his tummy.

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Edited on 29/01/16 @ 17:27:54 by Honey (#55910)

100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-01-28 14:15:04
D || 32|| The Council
Ark || Stanford Pines

"Call me D," the council member replied. "We council people have a thing for letters, in case you couldn't tell." D started walking around the room in a circle as he talked. Casually, his eyes glazed over the screens, dodging to the next one each time he got bored. Most of them were dusty and empty. The ones that were occupied looked dull. And then there was the skeleton... "At the general store, you'll find a skeleton. I believe he's buying... ketchup, yes? That's the word." D ran a hand through his hair, still walking in a circle. He'd be dizzy soon, but he didn't care. "I really have no care if people think it's a costume. I will not tolerate such exposure, unlike some of my colleges. Sorry, mate, that's how it's going to be."

Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet

Jackie nodded slowly. Sure, she and Stanford would meet soon. He wanted to see what she'd written, after all. Still thinking, she typed a little more on her laptop and took another sip of her coffee. "I understand that," she replied when she had finished typing. "Sometimes spoilers ruin the movie, right?" Jackie took up her cookie and began nibbling on it, careful that she didn't take too much to avoid an awkward pause in the conversation due to crunching. It was sweet, and smooth, like a cookie should be. Well, at least one thing was still normal. "Can you see your own future?" Jackie asked between the crumbs. She guessed Garnet wouldn't mind, she didn't seem the type to.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 23:50:43
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Streets > Apartment Building || Mentions: Winter

He nodded as she spoke and shrugged slightly. "Yes, I suppose that would be a good reason to approach someone." He chuckled. "Although you would be surprised about what a criminal will do for money." He spoke, much more serious than he had been a few seconds ago. He was thinking of Boromir, to be honest, but he didn't blame Boromir for giving in to the ring. Legolas himself had wanted to the moment he saw it. He shook the thought of the ring away and turned back towards Winter, rolling his eyes at her threat. "Oh, I'm terrified." He chuckled, grinning and throwing open the door to the lobby. "Let's see how fast your little dog can run." He suggested, smirking as he started running towards the bottom of the stairs.

Smaug|| 21 || The Hobbit
Location: Steven's Apartment || Mentions: Steven

Smaug nodded a little at his mention of Garnet's change in mood, and turned his head to the side thinking. "I do not understand why she would be so interested in the affairs of silly humans who are not entertaining in the slightest. But no matter. She can do whatever she likes." He did look a bit confused at the mention of unfusing, but said nothing.

He looked at Steven with interest as he mentioned powers and nodded slowly. "If we found a better spot, I could take you for that flight I promised, but we are being watched like a dragon watches gold." He murmured, his eyes flicking over to the walls, searching them for any cameras or anything out of the ordinary.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 00:48:04
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment Lobby|| Legolas

Winter nodded. "Yeah, yeah. Don't worry. I know how dangerous criminals are. When I was younger, every time I wanted to go out, my father would remind me of how horrible criminals can be. We better drop the subject now before you start to sound too much like him." She joked. Although she sounded quite happy, it slightly saddened her to talk about her parents, since they didn't really talk to her much after she left to become a writer. They had wanted her to take over some family business, but it just wasn't for her. "You should be afraid. Queen Arya may be short, but she still has sharp teeth." She said with a laugh, looking down at the dachshund. "I think she's going to surprise you with her speed, maybe you should stop underestimating her." She said, walking over to the stairs. She took her leash off, but still held onto her collar. "Okay, Arya, if you win this, I'll give you some treats." The word 'treats' was familiar to the dog, and her ears pricked up. "Alright, you both start when I say 'go'." She told him, keeping a tight hold on Arya's collar to make sure she didn't start running too soon. She wanted her to win, but she still wanted it to be fair. "!" As soon as Winter released her collar, Arya shot off, running up the stairs at a surprisingly fast speed. It was funny, seeing such a stumpy-legged animal running, but she was still going fast. "Good luck!" She called to Legolas, smirking. She walked over to the elevator, taking it up to her floor, then going to the stairs to wait for Arya and Legolas.

[Calla, you can decide who wins, but I think that it would be hilarious if Arya would win X3. Also, I'm sorry if there are typos, I'm on mobile.]

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AustriaLovesPiano (#68656)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 06:26:25
Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) || 926 || Hetalia
Streets || Mentions Italy

His smirk growing ever broader, Prussia only gave Feliciano a look that seemed to say, 'you'll see'. Then, he kept briskly walking, feet pounding on the hard concrete of the sidewalk.
When they finally arrived at the doorstep of his small home, the albino stopped in his tracks and loudly declared "Feliciano, you have been humbly graced with the awesome opportunity of entering my awesome house!" Once he managed to find his keys and unlock the door, Gilbert marched right in and dropped himself on the sofa that sat in the pristine living room, expecting the brunette to close the door behind him.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-30 07:41:34
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford

"Yes. It's nice to be surprised. But yes, I do see my own future. Though, it can be altered as I said before." She said. "Heh, but I suppose what you're writing about me will be most impressive. To be honest I'm quite flattered." Garnet said with a smile, making it clear that she didn't mind at all.

If anything, it was nice to just talk to someone about herself. She hardly got the chance to without drawing attention.
"The reason I can see the future is because a gem named Sapphire is a part of me. You see, I am actually a fusion of two separate gems. Ruby and Sapphire remain fused as me as a symbol of their love."

Garnet smiled as she thought back on her days when she first came into existence. Fusion between two different gems was unheard of. And yet, fate brought Garnet together.

"Sapphire saw her life from beginning to end. Everything she saw happened exactly as it was supposed to. Until Ruby came along. Ruby saved Sapphire from harm, throwing off everything she knew. And it was scary at first, as she went her whole life knowing what would happen. Then it all changed so suddenly and her vision expanded into new possible futures. But I know she wouldn't have had it any other way."

That was quite a lot to take in for someone, and Garnet was more than happy to answer questions if need be.

Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Garnet's Apartment
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven remembered the numerous cameras he saw at the Ark. That made him feel really weird.
Were those cameras in his home too?

"Oh yeah. The cameras. I really hope they don't have any in bathrooms. That's just freaky." He said.

He understood the need for security, but the thought of being watched constantly made him uncomfortable.
Maybe that forest by the beach?

"Yes! That'd be so cool." He said, already heading for the door.
"Imagine me... Flying." He said, his eyes shining as he thought about it.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 12:57:36
Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet

Jackie paused for a moment as Garnet mentioned her writing, but she couldn't help continuing as the model resumed her story. After hearing about the fusing gems and such, Jackie's face went blank. While she was ready to accept all these weird character things, she was certainly not prepared to understand them all. "Sorry... Gems? As in, other people named after gemstones? They, fused together to make you?" Without realizing it she looked Garnet up and down for any visible signs of being two separate people at one point. "I'm sorry," Jackie said with a small laugh. "I haven't read or watched your... dimension before. I've no idea what you're talking about..." She cocked her head like a dog while her eyebrows furrowed. One thing at a time, she told herself. One impossibility at a time.

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Edited on 01/02/16 @ 19:57:59 by 100percent (1x1 RP?) (#58058)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-02-01 22:30:50
(OOC: I have five characters and I'm only posting with one. Seems legit XD)

Stanford Pines || About 60 || Gravity Falls
Apartment 116 || D

Stanford half laughed and half huffed into the phone. "You guys like it short and sweet, huh? D and W, who would've thought?" As he spoke, he stood and pulled on his trenchcoat. "Alright, alright, I'll go make sure nothing bad happens. But next time, think of a code word instead of a code phrase. I'm in my apartment, no one is going to hear us. Even if so, I would be speaking in code if I was in public."

With that stated, he hung up, dropping the phone in his pocket as he left the apartment, taking the elevator down. Time to see what was up with this. He started towards the general store when he got to the lobby, deciding to stop around its entrance. I'm not going to make a scene inside.

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Edited on 02/02/16 @ 05:31:18 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

Hange Zoe (#72802)

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Posted on
2016-02-02 12:28:20
Italy(Feliciano Vargas)/male/916/Country in Spain/Hetalia/ Prussia's house

He coninued to be dragged until they showed up at a house and right away he could tell that it was the albino's home. When he came in he looked around in awe and curiosity, as he closed the door behind him. He watched the male slump onto his sofa, and had a dazed expression while walking around his living room. "Why did you bring me here??" He asked as he sat at the corner of the sofa. His eyes widened in astonishment, suprised that he didn't know that a couch could be this soft. He smiled while laughing to himself and stroked the sofa, putting his hands all over it as much as he could.

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