Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread


Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-14 14:18:11
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford

Garnet let out a heavy sigh. Normally, she was very calm ad collected, but even she had her limits and would break down from time to time. Maybe she should try to focus on something else. That boy, Connor, was hosting a pool party. She'd take Steven along on that. It'd be fun for the both of them.

In the meantime she stayed seated, looking around the coffee shop. That girl Jackie was there too. She seemed like the type that'd hangout in a coffee shop. Whatever type that really was. She smiled at her and walked over, sitting opposite of her.

"I apologize for being so straight forward earlier. Even now." She said. "Things are a bit weird in the atmosphere, you know?"

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Edited on 15/01/16 @ 12:05:09 by Honey (#55910)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-14 18:17:24
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Coffee Shop || Legolas, Thranduil (Indirectly), Garnet (Indirectly)

Winter nodded. "Yeah, they're supposed to be humans. But they're probably possessed by demons. I don't see why else anyone would paint their face like that." She said, turning her phone off and putting it back in her pocket. She found herself laughing when Legolas hugged her, and she playfully shoved him away. "A clown would be no match for you, you have unicorn magic on your side!" She joked, chuckling softly. "I'm still not going to let the unicorn joke go anytime soon.' She thought to herself. She watched Legolas as he took a step towards the Coffee Shop, tilting her head to the side. 'I hope he realizes that he's going to have to speak to Thranduil eventually. Yorkville isn't a big place, he can't hide forever.' She sighed and glanced away.

Winter smiled when Legolas curled her hair around his finger, and she looked back towards him. "Can't you twirl your own hair? You sure have a lot of it." She said with a sly smile. She wasn't really bothered with him playing with her hair, she just wanted to take the chance to tease him a bit. "Yeah, the cheesecake is in the Coffee Shop, so we'll just go there and stay away from Thranduil as much as possible, and if he approaches us, I'll chase him away for you." She joked, poking his shoulder. Seeing Legolas looking at something, she followed his gaze to see Garnet watching them. She looked a bit on edge. 'I can't really blame her, lots of strange things have happened in the past few days.'

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Edited on 15/01/16 @ 02:03:45 by BlazeRed <3Loki's Gal<3 (#27478)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-14 22:18:33
W || ??? || The Council
Ark || D

W watched him stride over to the screens, not speaking for a moment.

"... Pines. Stanford Pines." She stated. "He's my main outside connection. Don't just call him and give him orders right off the bat, since he has slight... Paranoia. His number is labeled in his file."

She turned to go up to another part of the ark. "... Ah, well... Just saying that the skeleton you seem interested in has done that a few times. I was startled at first, but then everyone thinks it's a really good costume. Sans is just like that"

With that, she finished walking up the stairs, most likely to sleep.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-15 09:19:45
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Winter's Apartment|| Mentions: Winter

Legolas shook his head in a disapproving manner as he stared at the picture, clearly disturbed. He shook his head and looked away for a moment. "I do not understand what would compel someone to do that." He shook his head yet again as he remarked. "That thing is nastier than an orc." He turned and gave her a grin, knowing that she would understand what he was talking about. He shook his head for the third time as she mentioned the unicorn joke again, and he sighed, knowing she would never let that joke go.

He grinned as she mentioned the fact that he had been playing with his hair and smiled, studying her for a moment. "Yeah, but your hair is much more pretty than mine." He chuckled and tugged on her hair again, wanting to see a reaction from her. He wondered what she thought about his statement; he assumed she wouldn't return his feelings, but he was rather used to that reaction. He raised an eyebrow as she mentioned the coffee shop again, and going inside, and he gave the door to the shop a disapproving look, clearly not wanting to go inside. He knew he would have to speak with his father at some point, but he really wasn't in the mood to deal with him today. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair and mumbled something about parents before grabbing her hand, defeated, and started walking towards the door.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-15 11:54:55
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Coffee Shop || Legolas, Thranduil (Indirectly)

Winter shrugged. "As I said, they're probably possessed by demons." She told him. "What disturbs me even more is that some children actually like those clowns. If I ever have a child, I'm never going to let them come near a clown. Ever." She laughed at his mention of orcs and she nodded. "They are. I actually wouldn't be surprised if they were related to orcs." She smirked when she saw him sigh at the unicorn joke, and she folded her arms. "What's wrong, you don't like being a unicorn? It's a great honor, you know?" She joked.

Winter shook her head when Legolas complimented her hair. "You just haven't seen my hair in the morning yet. It takes me forever to brush it. You Elves don't have to worry about that kind of stuff, your hair always looks perfect. If an Elf developed a tangle in their hair, they'd probably die of shame." She teased. She smiled when Legolas took her hand and began to walk towards the coffee shop. "Finally, I can get my coffee!" She said with a laugh. Once inside the Coffee Shop, Winter found a table far away from where Thranduil was, and she glanced to Legolas. "You can stay at the table, I'll get you your cheesecake."

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 08:39:17
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Winter's Apartment|| Mentions: Winter

He chuckled and nodded, clearly agreeing with her when she said that clowns were most likely possessed. He shuddered at the thought of clowns associating with children and shook his head. He couldn't understand why a child would ever like something as disturbing as a clown. He smirked at the unicorn joke yet again and poked her shoulder. "Well, I suppose you should bow before the great unicorn prince." He just simply rolled his eyes when she said he always had perfect hair, clearly disagreeing with her.

He followed her inside, staying on the opposite side of the coffee shop. He even went as far as pulling his hood up over his head, obscuring his face so Thranduil couldn't see him. He sat down and grinned at her. "Don't you dare take long!" He growled playfully, poking her again in response. He looked around to see Thranduil getting up, almost as if he was about to leave, as well as noticing two men in another booth. One was crying and seemed rather upset; he was most likely a character. Legolas wouldn't ever cry, but he could hear tidbits of their conversation, and he assumed that the guy was pretty homesick, and he could relate well to that.

Thranduil || ?? || LOTR/The Hobbit
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Winter(Indirectly), Italy(Indirectly)

Thranduil was getting slightly annoyed at Italy, who was crying, and stood up, ready to leave. He looked up to see someone around Legolas's age walking in, pulling a hood over his face. He stood for a moment, watching the two people with interest on his face, and finally decided to leave. No leads to his son just yet; he would probably have to go all over town just to find out where he was. ,Maybe he wasn't even here; what if he was already back home? What if the woman had lied? What if he was in the wrong town, the wrong place?

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 11:21:31
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Coffee Shop || Legolas, Thranduil (Indirectly)

Winter rolled her eyes. "Pfft, I bow to nobody." She snapped playfully. She raised chuckled and Legolas' next comment, and she shook her head. "Yes, your highness. I'll make sure to get your cheesecake as quickly as possible." She joked before walking off to go get her coffee, and Legolas' cheesecake. As she waited for her coffee, her gaze drifted towards Thranduil. She crossed her fingers when she saw him look towards Legolas, hoping that he wouldn't recognize him. She didn't need more drama right now.

She found herself letting out a breath of relief when Thranduil looked away and left, and she took the cheesecake and her cup of coffee before walking back to the table where Legolas sat. She set his cheesecake down in front of him and sat down, taking a sip of her coffee. "I think you can take your hood off now." She told him. "But I hope you know that he probably isn't going to give up on searching for you until he finds you."

[I have the worst Writer's block right now, sorry for the horrible reply.]

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 12:42:04
(Sorry for such late reply, wasn't on yesterday and got a bad sleep out of it too. Decided to make up for the lost hours this afternoon aha ^^')

D || 32|| The Council
Ark || W & All in coffee shop (Indirectly)

D smirked to himself before setting his gun on the desk and taking her seat in the office chair. Already his eyes had gotten used to the darkness. The many different screens distracted him at first, but soon he got used to their constant live feed. He wished W had some sort of drink in here - did this world have coffee? Tea? He could use some Chinese tea right about now. D's attention drifted to one of the screens which showed the interior of the coffee shop. Ah, good. At least they had something. Maybe this dimension wasn't too bad after all. He kicked his feet up on the desk and watched a small scene unfold before him through the camera.

Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet

Jackie looked up, surprised, as her subject of writing approached her. She smiled and agreed. "Oh, for sure." Things were especially weird for her, being a Writer, or a Seer as Stanford called her. She wasn't sure if she should continue typing about Garnet or no, for fear that the character would get suspicious or uncomfortable if Jackie kept watching her and writing something new whenever she noticed something new. For now, she retracted her hand from the keyboard, hoping to simply remember the facts for later and expound on them then. Maybe she should start carrying one of those small cameras around, like a go-pro. She'd be more prepared for character encounters then for certain.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 12:54:00
W || ??? || The Council
Ark || D (indirect)

W sighed, opening a door to reveal an unused room with an actual bed in it. The door squeaked as it opened, and she closed it behind her, weariness almost taking over. However, the Council member was unsure if she would be able to sleep after all of that, no matter how weary she was. Deciding to test it out, she slowly got under the covers and closed her eyes.

Would D be adjusted to the screens? W secretly hoped not. Maybe The Council could just leave them alone... In peace. Of course, that wouldn't happen. Not with that feeling of dread looming over her as she drifted off to sleep.

Chara Dreemurr || 9...? || Undertale
Alley > Coffee Shop || Jackie, Garnet

After carving a few pictures into the bricks around them, Chara stood and put the knife in their inventory, walking down the street. Hm, maybe someone interesting was in the coffee shop today. Who knows? They pushed open the doors to the shop slowly before retreating to a booth alone.

Their red eyes first spotted a young woman with a laptop, although she looked away from the subject of her writing very quickly. Chara followed where her gaze led to spot the tall afro lady from the beach party, and they knew she was another character based on the fireside conversations.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 12:56:46
(Did the pool party in the roleplay start yet or no?)

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 13:02:03
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford

Garnet smiled at the girl. Even if things were in chaos, at least there was always time for casual talk. It made the atmosphere much more calm.

"Well it's no secret, you know what kind of a person I am. Oddly enough, I have the ability to see into the future. But it's spotty. It doesn't always happen when I want it to. You'd think I'd be able to figure all this out." She said with a light chuckle.

Thinking more about... She found the lives of these people very interesting. They've lived thinking the characters were nothing more than imaginary beings. And yet, here they all were.

"We're all very different. I appreciate that. I'm sure someone as yourself does too. You like to write don't you?" She said with a calm and friendly smile.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 13:06:03
(Not yet, Simba~)

Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet

Jackie shrugged, slouching in her chair a little. "It's a wonderful way to pass time, and to share your point of view with the world, that's for sure." She replied, taking a sip from her coffee. What did this person know? "My name's Jackie, by the way," she said in hopes of getting Garnet to tell her her own name. So far, on the laptop, she was just a lady with an afro. She wasn't too sure if she believed Garnet had the ability to prophesy, but with everything that had happened recently, she concluded that anything was possible at this point. "You could make a fortune with that ability, though. People pay lots of money to have their fortunes told - and accurately."

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Edited on 16/01/16 @ 20:06:35 by 100percent (1x1 RP?) (#58058)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 13:08:51
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Winter's Apartment|| Mentions: Winter, Jackie

Legolas smirked at Winter and shook his head. "If my father heard you saying that, he would definitely punish you." He chuckled, referencing to the fact that his father was an elven king. He frowned immediately as she called him "Your Highness" and scowled slightly. "Only time I will even remotely order you; please do not call me that. I am no King, nor will I ever be fit enough to become one. I do not even consider myself a Prince anymore." He remarked.

He resorted to watching a woman across the coffee shop as she typed on her computer, seemingly watching Garnet as she typed. He could already tell she was a Writer; she was writing about Garnet right now. He raised an eyebrow; he found it rude that someone would write about another without their permission, but wasn't that what Tolkien had done to him? No, he hadn't. He had technically made up Legolas, and he wasn't even a well-thought out character. He hadn't even bothered to make his mother, and because of it, he would never know her. He tightened his grip on the spoon he had found near the wall on the booth table; he almost snapped it in half when Winter returned. He just gave her a reassuring smile, a sick look crossing his face before he nodded his thanks to her and took the cheesecake, following her advice and taking the hood off.

Smaug || 21 ||Lord of the Rings||
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Everyone

Smaug had been in an alley way, smoking, when he saw the Elven King come out of the coffee shop. He scowled and stamped out his cigarette; he remembered this man, and it wasn't a good thing. He had united with the men of Laketown to destroy him, and for that, he would always hold a grudge. He trudged past Thranduil and into the shop, raising his head high to look over the heads of everyone. He could see several people; Garnet, a woman who was typing on her computer, Legolas and that lady he always hung out with, and a crying man with another standing next to him. He trotted right up to Garnet, as he could see Steven wasn't here, and stopped in front of the table with the woman sitting in it. "Hey, can you inform me of Steven's whereabouts?" He asked, ignoring the woman for the time being. He looked at her, straight in the eyes, and stared at her with his piercing amber eyes before looking back over at Garnet once more.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 13:31:19
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford, Smaug

"I'm Garnet. Yes, it really could be a money maker, my ability. But I've actually become unintentionally famous in the fashion industry. It's kinda funny. It just sorta happened." She chuckled.

She did notice Smaug approaching, he seemed a tad irritable. Then again, he was a powerful dragon surrounded by others little in comparison. Must've been hard to hold back the urge to just set everyone on fire.

"Hello, Smaug. Steven is at home. He's a bit worried about our friends back home at our apartment. If you wanted to see him, here." She said, writing down Stevens number on a napkin and hers as well.
"Maybe you can get him to come out. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." She said, handing him the napkin.

She did hope Steven would come out. Maybe Smaug could cheer him up, she'd like that.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-01-16 14:40:00
Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet, Smaug, Chara

Jackie blinked a few times as the man came up. Uhn, he smelled like smoke... Keeping her mouth quiet, she listened. Most likely another character. Now that she had been told to look for them, she was finding them everywhere - as long as her mind wasn't over working. But, hadn't Garnet said Smaug? As in, the dragon? That was weird... She'd have to ask, but only after he'd left. More and more questions popped up as she thought about it, but she kept quiet for now. It was thrilling, but she feared it might also become dangerous. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a child. It hadn't caught her attention at first, but Stanford's words came back to her and she tensed up without realizing it. She snapped her gaze back to Garnet in case the child saw.

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