Posted by The Council RP Thread

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2015-12-26 05:20:25
OOC Thread
Art Thread
Poll Thread


Hello. Welcome to the town of Yorkville, Massachusetts. Doesn't look like much, does it? Didn't think so. No one really ever thinks that, and I don't blame them. But what they don't know is the history behind this place, and what amazing things can happen.

1. All characters must live in peace with the humans.
2. No fighting is allowed between characters unless otherwise stated.
3. Your existence must be kept a secret. Don't tell everyone who you are.
4. If a member of The Council approaches you, do not panic.
5. If these rules are broken too many times, the offender(s) will be forcefully returned to the pocket dimension.
6. Any characters who do not resemble a human must request an item to hide them before setting out to the new world.


Yorkville, Massachusetts is a coastal town with a port out to sea. A hug wooden "ark" can be seen at dock all the time, though no one knows where it came from.

There is an apartment building in the Northern part of the town and houses off to the West. East heads off to sea while South has a heavily forested area. In town there are many attractions for the residents.

There is a local coffee shop, perfect for meeting up with friends. A movie rental place allows for some leisure when at home. A general store is in the center of town, not far off from the apartments. A comic book store often has teenagers outside, buying comic books and partaking in tournaments in various card games and video games. A pawn shop is right next to the ocean. There are benches near the dock, which gives an amazing view of the ocean.


Name || Age || Universe (Show, Game, Ect.)
Location || Mentions


Something is wrong. Sure, everyone is living in peace and all, but... That doesn't change this feeling of dread among the characters. Some humans with a connection like a Writer or Seer can feel it. They can sense it coming off of the characters like waves, and are sometimes drawn to them. Rumors of W among the characters are spreading, and the person could appear any day now....

As of now, W has been discovered after she revealed herself to a group of characters. Soon, news of we discovery will spread to most characters in Yorkville.

Day of the week: Sunday

Weather: Windy and chilly.

Season: Fall. The leaves are just starting to turn, and a few are already falling.

Feeling in the air: No one really knows what this is.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 12/01/16 @ 17:09:44 by Adamymous ☣ (#68231)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 15:38:02
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Apartment Building > Winter's Apartment|| Mentions: Winter

He just grinned as she called him the worst, and shrugged lightly. "Hey, I can whatever I want. And you know you like the fact that I annoy you." He chuckled, poking her. He grinned as they stepped inside and she hugged Arya, telling her to beat him. He rolled his eyes and leaned over, snatching the leash off the wall and winding it absentmindedly around his hand a few times, thinking random thoughts about home. He sighed and tossed Winter the leash, making sure he didn't accidentally clunk her in the head or something.

He reached down and patted Arya's head, watching the little dog for a second. "Try and beat me, ya stump-legged dog." He joked, poking the dog's forehead and grinning at Winter as he teased the dog. He stopped for a moment when he thought she wasn't looking and sweeped the apartment with his eyes, looking for any cameras on any of the walls. He couldn't see any, but he felt way too uneasy for his own good.

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Beannu (#66879)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 16:11:21
Sans // ??? // Undertale
General Store // Maxie

He shrugged, "i might as well go in. after all, i can't have just any ketchup. it needs to be quality ketchup."
He then started for the door before pausing, "do you mean the council? every 'warning' they make seems to go right through me, so they don't really scare me. especially considering..." Sans trailed off, his eyes going dark for a moment, and he shook himself. "nevermind. time to get some ketchup." He then walked into the store as if nothing had happened, heading for the aisle which was labelled to have condiments and other such items.

(OOC: I'm sorry if any of this doesn't make sense, but I'm tired so.)

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 20:57:29 by Sans the Skeleton (#66879)

GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 17:00:24
Stanford Pines || About 60 || Gravity Falls
Apartment 116 || D

Instantly, Stanford recognized that the voice did not belong to W. He instantly took his attention off the book and instead started straight ahead, listening as the voice gave him instructions for... Coffee...? He gritted his teeth, forcing himself to not demand to know what's going on right off the bat. He simply forced a smile as he paused for a moment after the other stopped talking.

"... So. Friend of a friend, huh? How did you get this number, then? And how do you expect me to figure out where to deliver a coffee in the first place...?"

Maxie || 45 || Pokemon
General Store || Sans

Trying not to sigh, Maxie followed the skeleton, catching a few glances from people. He simply shrugged. If anyone asked, they were going to go cosplaying or something. He looked a lot like himself in the games, so it was a perfect excuse. He caught up to Sans before speaking in a low voice.

"Alright, you got me there. But seriously, it's like something bad's going to happen. Something's about to surface, and I don't want to get caught in it."

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 19:58:04 by Adamymous ☢ (#68231)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-21 18:50:39
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment || Legolas

Winter rolled her eyes at Legolas' statement. "Ha. Funny." She said sarcastically, playfully shoving him away. She caught the leash when he threw it to her, and she got Arya to sit still so she could clip it to her collar. As she put the leash on Arya, she heard Legolas tease the dachshund, and opened her mouth to snap something back when Arya let out a loud, determined bark. "Yeah, you tell him!" She said with a laugh, scratching the dog behind her ears. She admired how feisty Arya was, despite how small she was. "You're going to beat him, aren't you, liefje?" She had a habit of using Dutch nicknames for Arya, and she didn't really care if her language confused Legolas. She stood up and glanced over to the blond-haired Elf for a moment. "Okay, let's go." She said happily, walking towards the door and opening it.

Once she and Legolas came out of the apartment, she locked the door and walked towards the elevator. "It's been really weird around here recently, it feels nice to be doing something normal again." She told Legolas with a soft sigh.

[Sorry for such a short post, I'm really busy right now]

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 12:50:19
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Apartment Building > Streets|| Mentions: Winter

He stared at her, slightly confused as she spoke in a different language, but he shook that feeling off. He followed her out, leaning down to pat the dog's head and headed into the elevator. He nodded to her statement, staring at his feet. "Yeah, well, I am not exactly normal, m'lady. I suppose I'm the weirdest thing you will have to deal with right now." He chuckled, half joking and half trying to be serious. He looked back over the elevator space, settling his eyes on the panel of buttons. He had become more familiar with the weird thing lately, as they had been using it a lot, and leaned over, poking the button that he believed would send them to the first floor. He grinned at Winter, clearly wanting to show her that he wasn't such an idiot when it came to modern stuff.

He walked out, holding the door to the outside world open for her so she didn't shut the dog in the door or something, and quickly followed her out. "I agree, though." He stared in response to her last statement. "Everything has been odd lately, even for an Elf." He chuckled, looking up at the sky for a moment, watching the birds fly by. It was almost sunset; when was that party again? He shrugged in response to his own question and continued walking.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 15:32:56
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Apartment > Streets || Legolas

"I was speaking Dutch. I grew up speaking that language." Winter explained to Legolas, seeing his confused expression. She smiled at what he said next, shaking her head. "It was a bit strange at first, but I got used to you quite easily, actually. You don't seem that weird to me." She told him. Watching him press the elevator button then grin at her, Winter chuckled. "Congratulations, you've figured out how to use the floating box thing." She teased, folding her arms. Even though she was teasing him now, she was pretty sure that if they were in Middle-Earth, their roles would be reversed; she wouldn't know how anything worked there.

She smiled politely at Legolas when he held the door open and she walked out, glancing back to make sure Arya was following. "Yeah, it's going to be a bit weird for me, going back to work tomorrow and knowing that a lot of the people in there are probably characters, since the Coffee Shop seems to be a popular hangout place for them." She said, taking Legolas' hand as they walked, and hoping he'd be fine with it.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 01:38:27
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Apartment Building > Streets|| Mentions: Winter

Legolas sighed and looked at the dog; her tongue was lolling out and she looked rather happy to just go for a walk. He laughed and shook his head, baffled at how anything could find a walk to be one of the best things in the world. Then again, he hadn't had much time to apprecaite much lately due to the fact that he just got sucked into another world. He sighed and squeezed her hand, nodding in agreement.

"I suppose I could tell you who is a character and who isn't. I've been around here long enough to find out who is. Plus, I'm pretty quiet." He chuckled and grew quiet for a moment, thinking about everyone else, and how he might never see them again. He wondered if he really should go talk to his father; maybe this was the last time he would see him. He shrugged and looked up, spotting Smaug stalking past them, headed for the apartment building.

Smaug || 21 || The Hobbit
Location: apartment Building || Mentions: Steven

Smaug threw open the glass doors to the apartment building, looking around for a moment before stalking towards the guy at the desk. He flashed his teeth, which had sharpened, and the man shrank back. Smaug held his hand, stating; "I need the keys to an apartment. Steven's apartment. Know who I'm talking about?" The man nodded and threw the keys at him, and Smaug gave him a smile before climbing up the stairs. Reaching the apartment's door, he knocked on the door and leaned against it, not caring whether he fell in it or not. At the moment, he couldn't care less about what happened to him anymore. He had nothing left to worry about, since he had been dragged away from home.

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 06:55:19
Garnet || Appears 25 || Steven Universe
Coffee Shop ||Mentions: Jackie Ford

She watched as Smaug walked away, hopeful that he'd be able to cheer up Steven. He really needed a friend in a time like this.

Garnet turned her attention back to Jackie and resumed their conversation.
"As far as the visions go, I see numerous possibilities. Time flows like a river, flowing into many creeks and then into lakes. I pilot my way into the future I see fit. That's how I've been able to save my little Steven many times." She said.

It was her visions that gave her the upper hand in some scenarios, even things such as video games.
"Of course, there are always things can alter fate." She said.

Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Garnet's Apartment
|| Mentions: Smaug

"I just wish we were there to protect you." He sighed, looking at his phone and the numerous pictures he had of him and his friends.

He heard a sudden knock on the door. Was it Garnet? He pulled himself out of bed and made his way to the front door.
Oh, it was Smaug. That was a pleasant surprise actually.

He quickly opened the door, happy to see his new friend.

"Oh, it's you! Hi! Welcome to Garnet's place. Pretty fancy. Much more than I expected, hehe." He chuckled.

Garnet becoming a famous model was still pretty funny to him. She was always so... Calm and quiet, yet very blunt too.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-01-23 20:45:21
Winter Silvers || 25 || Writer
Streets || Legolas, Smuag (Indirectly)

Winter sighed with relief and relaxed slightly when Legolas squeezed her hand, happy that he was fine with her taking his hand. She smiled and shook her head at his offer. "It's fine, I can figure it out myself. You've been doing so many favors for me recently, I'm surprised that you're not sick of me yet." She joked, watching Arya happily walk along, her tail wagging. She soon spotted Smaug walking over to the apartment building. He was probably going to see Steven. How that boy actually liked Smaug still baffled her, but she shrugged it off. Steven was a good kid, and she'd be happy if he could make Smaug a bit nicer; maybe then she'd give the dragon-man a chance to prove that he wasn't so bad. 'If he's even willing to talk to me, that is. I did call him an over-sized lizard when we were playing volleyball.' She thought. She and Smaug hadn't really made a good first impression on each other.

Winter noticed that Legolas was being more quiet than usual, and she assumed he was thinking about something. So she stayed quiet for a few minutes, letting him think. "What did you think of me when we first met?" She suddenly asked. She knew it was a very random question, but she was curious. She didn't think Legolas would find the question too weird, since stranger things had happened to them recently. 'He's going to need to get used to weird if he wants to hang around with me.' She thought with a chuckle.

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Hange Zoe (#72802)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 04:25:06
Italy(Feleciano Vargas)/ 916/ Country in Spain/ Hetalia/Coffee shop

He looked at the male in shame as he watched him laugh. And then smiled when he mentioned England's work. "Y-ya it does!..." He agreed while laughing a bit. But then he expression saddened once he heard the albino's reasons. "But don't do miss the other countries?....even Germany?....." He asked while looking down because he was certain that he really missed home and wasn't sure if there's a way to get back. The he looked at Prussia when he picked up a piece of paper. "What's this?...." He questioned himself while putting his face onto the sheet of paper and then suddenly gasped. "Oh a pool party!!!! How exciting!!!!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down like a idiot. "I'LL BRING ZE PASTAAAA!!!!!" He swooshed his arms with joy, while laughing to himself and skipping in circles ,not caring if he caused a scene.

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AustriaLovesPiano (#68656)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 05:04:33
Prussia (Gilbert Beilschmidt) || 926 || Hetalia
Coffee Shop || Mentions Italy

Caught off guard by the Italian man's question, Prussia almost choked on his coffee, but managed not to, because choking would definitely be unawesome. Pretending than nothing had happened, the albino responded to the somber question. "Well of course I do! Mainly Spain and France though. We had some really awesome times together, like back when we awesomely kicked Austria's stuck up ass," he exclaimed with fond look on his face as he remember all the awesome battles he had fought.

Although he began to snicker at Italy's reaction, Gilbert was just as excited as the brunette, but he didn't show it in the same way. There was simply a glint in his eyes that only those who knew him well would be able to recognize. Grabbing his companion by the arm, Prussia threw open the door, then marched out of the small shop and began to head towards his small home, not bothering to tell Italy anything. He just had a smile on his face that was not to be trusted.

(About the age, I looked it up again and realized that 716 was wrong , so I fixed it.)

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Edited on 24/01/16 @ 12:07:42 by AustriaLovesPiano (#68656)

Hange Zoe (#72802)

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Posted on
2016-01-24 08:21:09
Italy(Feleciano Vargas)/Male/916/Country in Spain/Coffee shop/Mentions: Prussia

He gave a girlish scream when the albino grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the shop. "Aghgh!!! Gilbert where are taking me?!?" He asked the man in concern, but his hazel eyes widened as he saw the male's smile and cowered inside of himself. He gulped nervously and didn't say a word.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 00:53:33
Legolas || ??|| Lord of the Rings
Streets|| Mentions: Winter

He chuckled and poked her side with his free hand. "Nah, I would never get sick of you. You're my only friend!" He laughed. He thought for a moment about her question, staring at the ground. "I thought you were one of the kindest people here. To come up to some guy who is sitting a corner, doing nothing, and just speak to him takes a lot of courage as it is." He chuckled again. "I didn't think I would become friends with you, as I had to try and stop myself from doing so. I didn't want you to end up knowing, leading to us both hating each other. I have no idea why I told you the truth; I suppose it was because I involuntarily become your friend, and I didn't want to lose you. Although I told you the very thing that I was afraid would drive people away from me." He sighed and looked at the dog, lost in thought as he watched her walk along, so oblivious to what was going on behind her. "So, you're the only human who knows who I am, and I would prefer to keep it that way." He gave her a serious look for moment before he softened, smiling a little. "Although I trust you enough to know that you aren't one to become fickle when dealing with secrets."

Smaug || 21 || The Hobbit
Location: Steven's Apartment || Mentions: Steven

Smaug looked at the apartment for a moment before stepping inside, stepping rather cautiously. Human dwellings made him a little nervous, as he had no idea what was in them, but he tried to keep his nervous attitude un-noticeable. He gave Steven a grin and crossed his arms, looking down at the much shorter person in front of him. "I came to make sure you weren't eating a hole of homesickness and nervousness into your gut, because that would be unfortunate." He chuckled, a bit of smoke puffing out of his nose. "Now, to the point; I actually came here to make sure you were fine. As it is, I am rather bored, and I would much rather talk to you than any of the others. Well, except for Garnet. She seems to understand me. Slightly."

(OwO sorry if it's short, my internet is acting up.)

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Honey, Lord of the
Lesbians (#55910)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 05:30:07
Steven || 14 || Steven Universe || Garnet's Apartment
|| Mentions: Smaug

Steven closed the door behind Smaug and then went into the living room, sitting on the couch and leaving a place for Smaug to sit.

"I am a bit homesick... I just hope my friends are okay. We used to fight monsters and evil space ladies all the time. Things have been peaceful so far, but I worry." He said.

He was really happy that Smaug likes talking to him though. He noticed the others didn't get along as well with him at that beach party they had. Everyone needs a friend though, and Steven was more than happy to be his.

"You're welcome here anytime you want too. Garnet and I like your company. She is a bad conversationalist at times though. She just stares hehe." He chuckled.

Maybe they could play video games too? He knew Garnet liked them.

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100percent (#58058)

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Posted on
2016-01-25 09:16:49
D || 32|| The Council
Ark || Stanford Pines

D audibly groaned into his phone. Such a shame, he didn't get it. "Go to the coffee shop, yes? I want a 'tight cap' on characters there, you understand. Some certain 'white stuff' is visible and it shouldn't be, and I can only send you right now because I hate it when things 'spill' the beans. Pun intended." D hated to demand things of the stranger, but what else was he to do if he couldn't deduce the hints dabbled in his speech? "Just keep them safe, alright?" He added, just in case this Stanford still didn't get it. Hopefully, though, he'd be able to set things back on track. He didn't feel like answering the other questions, as he determined they weren't necessary. The number could have only come from one place, after all.

Jackie Ford || 21|| Human
Coffee Shop || Mentions: Garnet

Jackie raised an eyebrow and started typing again. She kept the keystrokes as quiet as she could, and tried to make it as if she were just continuing an email or some other non-related correspondence. "Oh? How so?" She asked as Garnet brought up fate. Was that how this all happened - fate? Still, she briefly wrote down what Garnet had said about the future - parts she summarized, parts she quoted. An idea reached her head quickly, and she followed her own question. "Could you possibly tell me my future? Or, do you not control it? Or do people not want to know? Is it like a spoiler alert for a book?" With each question, Jackie leaned forwards a little as her mind wandered around the subject. Fate was suddenly fascinating.

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