Posted by Prehistoric Patrol (Dinosaur RP) (RP Thread)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:30:56
The three dinosaur eras and the Ice Age have clashed together - the Ice Age on one half of the area and the other half the three dinosaur eras. However, a world is not without evil, and so a team has been established to defend. It has the fiercest, bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight. The Prehistoric Patrol is made of youngsters, but that doesn't make any difference, now does it?

Fiercest: T-Rex (Fangor) (Simba)
Bravest: Dire Wolf
Fastest: Smilodon/Saber-toothed tiger
Strongest: Triceratops
Keenest of Sight: Pterodactyl


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Edited on 19/01/16 @ 14:00:57 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Poop) (#27778)

Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:21:47
(I suck at starters but as a wise man once said "screw it")

Malin||dire wolf

The area around was full of beauty but she wasn't here for sight-seeing. Dawn had awoken her and her stomach and so she was now low to the ground, breathing silent and eyes locked onto a small bird. Her meal wasn't something great but it'd keep her going so when close enough she lept up only a few feet and was feeling the bones being crushed and meat going down. Behind Malin heard a rustle of leaves.

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 08:35:49 by Zanzear (#79048)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:34:45
(Zanzear, Tyrael is the Dire Wolf in the Prehis. Patrol, not Malin.)

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:36:25
(What u on about (this is what I meant earlier XD))

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:39:09
(What do you mean by what am I on about this?)

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 08:40:03 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Poop) (#27778)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 01:39:55
Ravnilo//Male//Giant Cheetah//Leader//Antagonist//Outlands//Mentions: Malin//4 years

Ravnilo was the source of the rustling. He and other Giant Cheetahs slithered out of the bushes. "Well well well... if it isn't Malin... it seems you're on my TURF..." he cackled. "Now, what do we do to those who invade our territory?" "We kill them!" said one of the other cheetahs. "Exactly!" replied Ravnilo, and he moved closer to the pup. "In the Icelands and the Jungle, you might be the hero, but in the Outlands... us cheetahs are the protagonists!"

Fangor//Male//T-Rex//Protagonist//Prehistoric Patrol//Fiercest//5 months//Mentions: Giant Cheetahs, Prehistoric Patrol, Malin

Fangor caught the scent of Malin but... near Giant Cheetahs? "Prehistoric Patrol! I think Malin is in trouble! Giant Cheetahs I think, but maybe someone else. We've gotta go help Malin!" he roared, and followed Malin's scent. He sighed, hoping Malin was okay. Who knew what she was going through? She could've been dead now for all he knew! "I know Malin isn't on the team, but she's a friend, and we've gotta help her."

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-22 03:27:35
Male // 5 Months // Prehistoric Patrol
Mentions: Giant Cheetahs, Fangor, Prehis. Patrol

Dark blue eyes locked on Fangor as he spoke, the young Dire giving a howl in response to the roar. His paws pounding against the earth as he ran with the T-Rex, "We protect." Was all he growled out, racing forwards and jumping through bushes to reach the young dire before the cheetahs killed him. Or worse. Ty's eyes narrowed, the bit of silver in them glowing slightly with determination. Come on.... We can get there!

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 03:40:24
Female||Malin||dire wolf (sorry had to go somewhere :P)

She simply stopped eating and faced the enemy her mind was racing and calculating everything it could but her voice was quite calm "oh?, I thought I could get a welcoming party" her face was almost smug but her body was fighting ready but when the howl was heard part of her relaxed just a bit.

Of course a she wouldn't come out on top normally but they were cocky so they'd easily miss small movements and why not give a show? "But then again your social skills are quite... Non-adequate" she lunged the nearest cheetah and expected a flinch and withdraw. Malin pounced at the nearest on and managed to get a good bite in before leaping off to face the enemy hoping they would get here soon.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:27:21
Fangor and Ravnilo:

"Indeed we do." Fangor replied. Finally he got here, but he had wound up in the Outlands. Several cheetahs were knocked to the side by the pup. The smell of blood was in the air. Still, they kept leaping at her, most getting knocked back. Ravnilo then leapt onto Malin. "Okay, enough playing! now, we're getting to the killing part, yeah?" he cackled, and grinned, showing all his teeth. At the exact moment, Fangor and the Prehistoric patrol showed up. "Malin! Are you okay? Cheetahs, release him immediately!" Fangor asked. "Hah! Just try, hatchling..." Ravnilo replied. Fangor charged at Ravnilo at a surprisingly fast speed for a T-Rex, and knocked Ravnilo off. Rvanilo got up and aimed to pounce on Malin again though.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:30:57
Male // Bravest

He let loose a feral snarl as the cheetah leaped at Malin, "Ravnilo!" His voice boomed loudly, tail snapping behind him as he jumped to meet the cheetah mid-flight. Adrenaline coursing through his veins as their bodies clashed, his teeth snapping at various places on the cheetahs front. "Leave the dire be!" His fur bristled up as he snarled, backing off the male once they hit the ground and stood before the cheetahs. "Go! Leave this area and go back to the holes you crawled from!!"

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:30:57

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 15:31:14 by Wolflord {Grounded} (#17200)

Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:36:15

She followed Fangor at a fast pace, her speed almost causing her to outdistance Fangor. She skidded to a stop, sides heaving as she sucked in lungfulls of are, digging her claws into the ground. She hissed loudly at the cheetahs, her back arching, ready to fight at a moments notice. She lunged at Ravnilo as he cried to pounce on Malin, and attempted to slam her body into his and divert him by rushing around him. She wasn't sure her plan would work, but she sincerely hoped it would. She hissed once more and flicked her eyes to others, hoping they would help her out; she could smell raptors.


Svang could here the commotion. His head shot up as he sniffed the air, the needle-sharp thorns of his fan around his neck flaring up as he sensed his enemies. Lifting his head, he let out a shrill cry, so high that it would have busted a human's eardrum. He set off at lightning speed, flicking his tail towards the others to allow them to follow. He arrived at the scene; a few giant cheetahs were messing around with the prehistoric patrol. Svang hissed and screeched, lunging and burying his claws into the sabre's back. Ser-Bane yowled, blood running down her flank, and tossed him off. He hit the ground hard and quickly righted himself, letting out another hiss of fury.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:37:37
Female||Malin||dire wolf (edit: sorry calla I didn't see your msg... Oops)

Although so far she was doing well her body was starting to get tired although her mind was in 'fight mode' and wasn't until she saw the dinosaur run pass she came back to the world around and even though she might not be the fastest she isn't the dumbest nor stupidest either.

She pushed of giant cheetah away making him land on his side and instead of running away from a pounce she simply jumped back at him smanking his head up a his claws doing close to no harm because of her fur. She turned around ready to survive the next wave of her attackers but managed to sneak in a sarcastically-joking comment to simba " yay, here is pee-pee to save the day" she smiled before pouncing to a another, now slightly scared, cheetah.

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Edited on 22/01/16 @ 16:40:50 by Zanzear (#79048)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 08:59:05
Ravnilo and Fangor:

Ravnilo was batted off Malin by several animals. He now had several scars, them all oozing blood. Several other cheetahs leapt at the others, several holding each. Fangor managed to get the cheetahs off him. He tried getting the other cheetahs off his friends, managing to get several off of most, but not all. But by then most cheetahs had ran back to the dens. In fact, only two were holding the others down. Fangor then turned to Malin. He observed the area for a bit, noticing it was mostly rocky but also slightly slippery, and any kind of liquid could make it even more slippy. "Yeah... I guess. Y'know, that gives me an idea. Suppose you could-" Fangor started saying, before Ravnilo pounced onto him. "Hah, you're outsmarted. I can kill your little friend easily. You want the T-Rex, come and get him!"

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-22 09:09:10
Female||Malin||dupire wolf

She had managed to pout at what he was saying before he was tackled and she forced her self not to roll her eyes at how how the t-Rex was pinned down. she knew the others could overthrow there cheetahs with relative ease but right now she was feeling kinda cunning and so she thought that she would act it out.

Making her seem bigger then she actually is, saliva hanging a bit from her mouth and claws scratched against the rock with each step. Malin knew exactly what she was doing, her eyes was locked onto ravnilo and each step seemed big although the distance was shortened by only tiny amounts. A almost-evil chuckle escaped her mouth followed by "I only wanted a bird, but your carcass is much bigger, I'm sure it'll be more filling". She could hear herself sounding slightly insane but this was exactly what she wanted. Now she was only a few feet away and closing in.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-01-22 09:11:21
(just a tip, when your playing 2 characters in one post when one starts talking leave it.. If the other begins separate it, it makes it much easier on the rest of us ^^''
So it'd be like
"Yeah... I guess. Y'know, that gives me an idea. Suppose you could-" Fangor started saying, before Ravnilo pounced onto him.
"Hah, you're outsmarted. I can kill your little friend easily. You want the T-Rex, come and get him!"))

Tyrael // Bravest

His eyes turned towards Fangor, the silver in his eyes gleaming brighter. "No!" He slammed upwards, throwing the cheetahs off him and forcing them to disappear. His eyes changing from the raptors to the cheetahs with a snarl, they landed on Ravnilo and Fangor again. Charging forwards and once again slamming into the creature. "Go away!" He snarled, aiming his snapping jaws at the cheetah's lower jaw. "Fangor get Malin out of here!" Once, and if, his jaws connected to their mark he'd ram forwards until the cheetah fell off balance and either ran or kept going.

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