Posted by Prehistoric Patrol (Dinosaur RP) (RP Thread)

FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-01-18 11:30:56
The three dinosaur eras and the Ice Age have clashed together - the Ice Age on one half of the area and the other half the three dinosaur eras. However, a world is not without evil, and so a team has been established to defend. It has the fiercest, bravest, strongest, fastest, and keenest of sight. The Prehistoric Patrol is made of youngsters, but that doesn't make any difference, now does it?

Fiercest: T-Rex (Fangor) (Simba)
Bravest: Dire Wolf
Fastest: Smilodon/Saber-toothed tiger
Strongest: Triceratops
Keenest of Sight: Pterodactyl


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Edited on 19/01/16 @ 14:00:57 by ~Simba the Fluffy Lion~ (Poop) (#27778)

Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 08:22:06

Sorratt|Male|Smilodon|5 Years Old|Location: Battle (idk where it is lol)|Mentions: Prehis. Patrol, Others- Open for Interaction
Sorratt stared at the others, growling softly in impatience. He was curious, and wanted in on the fight. He interrupted the silence by standing, padding out of his hiding spot. He was huge for a Smilodon, muscles easily visible over his light fur. His large canines hung from his jaw, sharp and ready to dig onto something. He gazed at the others, sighing. "If you want answers, then you will have to force it out of the scaly scum." He shot a glare at the velociraptor, before continuing. "And no, I won't be doing it for you. I've spent quite some time enjoying this. It's like watching newborns wrestle." He chuckled, sitting down. "Don't mind me. Now, continue." He watched the others, waiting for their response. He looked relaxed enough, but he was still able to break any of their necks if given the chance. The odd adult was deadly, and the others knew it.

(ack thats probably bad writing but whatever)

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-01-29 08:30:11
female||Malin||dire wolf (ive got get used to writting again to :P)

She turned quickly to see the new face and soon her mind was racing again-trying to predict what he would say... or who'd kill but kept her voice calm and replied with "I'm pretty sure we don't need to spill his blood..." she paused before continuing "at least not yet". Malin's ears were up and her whole body ready to run, or dodge. She hated to admit it but being in a fight with this smilodon was a bad idea yet Malin had a status for not running away in danger and it wouldnt be rid of now. "although while waiting you can always have a snack" once again her voice was calm and light as she gestured to the carcasses of fallen enemies with her own stomach slowly growling to be filled.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 00:41:47
Ser-Bane and Svang

Svang nodded gently to her and straightened up, his eyes still darting around to make sure nobody intended to attack him again. He stated silently at Fangor, who hadn't even allowed him to speak the first time, and intended to keep an eye on the T-rex to make sure he wouldn't inflict any more damage on him. Ser-Bane stared at him curiously for a few moments. "Who is 'them'?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow. Svang stared lightly at the young cub for a few seconds before answering, the quills on the back of his head moving slightly in a nervous way. "The others. Velociraptors, Cheetahs, you know, those who oppose you." He took a step forwards, looking into her eyes. "They want to take over these lands. They'll drive the rest of you out. I can't let that happen, and neither will you. With the good ones gone, they'll tear apart everything; all the prey will be gone, and we will die so fast we won't be able to regret what we have done. Which is why I have decided to follow you. I want no part in this, and I intend to lead the raptors out of this."

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 01:36:21

Malin had heard the conversation and thought for moment "we've just completely wiped them out". Her eyes dug into svang a as she could read what in his mind. She tilted her head "how could they possibly drive us out?" There was genuine curiosity in her voice as well as a bit of relief of somewhat understanding what's going on. "Although, imagine a massive war with great heroes that will eventually become legend" she paused for dramatic effect "and the name will be 'PP'" a small faded smile appeared on her face " you REALLY didn't think about the name too much did you".

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 01:40:10
Fangor and Ravnilo:

Fangor eyed Svang suspiciously, but didn't bite him again. "Why would you want to help us? And couldn't you just tell your own kind not to take it over if you don't want it taken over? And you're in the Outlands. What do you care about the Packlands?" he asked. "Well, if you so want to help... you can help us by driving these cheetahs back to their dens so we can take Malin back to her pack. There's multiple Dire Wolf packs out there, you know." he added in, jumping down. "Had I known you had good in you, I wouldn't have bit you, but you could've told em your intentions before I attacked." he then added in, the jumped off of Svang. Ravnilo got up at hearing the statement. "Svang, Svang, Svang... look who came back. How do you expect to drive us off when there's plenty of us and one of you? And this IS our turf, after all. Also, the pup did come into the Outlands, she's an easy meal. Finders Keepers, they say." Ravnilo sneered, coming up close to the raptor. Turning to his cheetahs, he commanded to them, "Seize the pup!" Several cheetahs pounced on Malin, attempting to hold her tight. Turning to Fangor, Ravnilo then said, chuckling, "And youngsters shouldn't be meddling with adult affairs, you know..." Fangor replied, "Well I'll have you know, it IS my business."

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 01:47:48

She was now completely pissed off and her mood had took a dramatic swing "you made a mistake" her voice was completely empty and any 'happiness' there was... Was diminished. She bucked and managed to throw off one of the cheetahs and was engaged in her fight and there was no mercy in her blood-thirsty rage and for moment she had forgot about evrything else around her and was wanting to kill.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 01:56:51
Resha- Female- Cheetah

Finally managing to make it back towards the rest of her group, she noticed they were engaged in a fierce battle. A heavy sigh left her lips along with an eye roll. What were they after anyways, a scrawny little pup? She had caught bigger prey and it was waiting on the rest of the group to go and eat.

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Bailysis (#71958)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 02:08:03

The huge smilodon had stood, and was pacing around the others. When the cheetahs attacked Malin, he let out a loud roar, leaping at the thinner felines. He bat, clawed, bit, and tore at their fur, trying to free the dire wolf pup. Of course, he gained a few scratches himself. One of the cheetahs pounced on Sorratt's back, and he was distracted in trying to get them off.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-13 04:26:43

With the added help she was quite quickly freed and added a small "thanks" before helping protect him from a few cheetahs taking advantage of his blind stop and just for a second noticed one staying near the edge and thought outloud "not all of them are idiots then" but now she wasn't being pinned down she was starting to enjoy the fight just that little bit more and once again the thought of 'why' this fight was going on wasn't thought of. Malin's mind was back to evaluating the fight and was easily making kills and eventually got to ser-bane and fangor "plan?" For once she actually hoped he had an idea.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 02:43:16
Ravnilo and Fangor:

Ravnilo snarled as Malin had managed to buck off some of the cheetahs holding her down. His stomach growled, but he decided to stop because they were obviously getting nowhere. "You know what? Have the pup, she's all yours. But only because we can eat easier food, and it'll be more satisfying than a scrawny Dire Wolf pup. Cheetahs, get off the pup and we're eating that antelope Resha caught for us today instead. Svang, I suggest you leave before that pup nips you." he called, then trotted to the feeding area as he and several other cheetahs tore into the antelope. "Well, that was... different. Ravnilo usually doesn't give up that easily. But anyways, come on Malin. We'll take you to your pack." Fangor said, gesturing to the pup to come with them. "Svang, if you can find that save good in you as it seemed you did now, next time, feel free to come and tell the Prehistoric Patrol." he then added in with a toothy grin, and led the group back.

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Lady Calla N. Of
Winterfell (#76766)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 03:02:41
Ser-Bane & Svang

Svang snarled loudly as they doubted him. "You don't understand! I am not a God, I cannot control them anymore! I cannot even stay with them." He trailed off as the Cheetahs appeared, and he desperately tried to leap in and help Fangor and the others, but failed miserably. He was nothing; he couldn't even fight like he needed to. As the fighting ceased, he diverted his attention away from the retreating Cheetahs and settled his eyes on Fangor, who was speaking to him. Dipping his head, he began to walk away, not knowing where he would go now that he had no home to return to.

Ser-Bane followed Fangor and the others, but as she turned away, she spotted Svang walking away in a defeated way. "Hey?" She called out softly. She stared at him when he turned around, her soft blue eyes filled with sympathy. "Do you want to come with me?" She asked. She knew he would say no, as there was no hope for a raptor in their lands, but it was worth a try.

"No. I can't. I'll be fine, Ser-Bane. Don't worry about me. We can speak to one another again on other terms." Svang stated lightly, and began to trot off, disappearing under the sun's rays. Ser-Bane sighed and left her new-found friend behind, following the others.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 03:11:12
Resha- Female - Cheetah

Resha had already eat her meal for the day, catching her own snack so she didn't have to share with the others. She watched as Ravnilo and the others ate. "What's the matter you couldn't wait for me to get back with a meal?" she teased the others she laughed at the bruised and beaten cheetahs.

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FoolsgoldFenrir (#27778)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 03:24:20
Fangor, Rairai, and Dogo:

Fangor turned to Svang. "Well, okay then... but if you do want to stay with us, you can come to us and we'll arrange something for you." he offered as he also left with his group. "Well I best be off, if anything else happens, then come to me." he added in, running off to his own home in the Packlands. "Whew, I am quite tired." he said to himself, and trotted to his sleeping area, and quickly fell asleep, ready to take a nap.

In the meantime, a few Cave Lions were plotting something. Rairai, the leader of the Cave Lions, turned to Dogo and her mate. "Tomorrow is Kupatana, the one day those Packlanders will let us get away with anything, since it's supposedly a "peaceful" day. We're going to stroll in and get invited somehow, and then when we get there, it'll be a lovely feast just for us lions. And we're gonna do it Cave Lion Style!" she told the others, chuckling. "And Dogo, you'll get us invited. You will trespass into the Giant Cheetahs' territory, specifically in Ravnilo's den. let them chase you but make sure to call out to the Prehistoric Patrol so they come chase the cheetahs away. When they do, call out a signal to us, and we'll decide what to do from there." "Okay!" Dogo replied, smiling. He then followed Rairai and her mate to their den, and he fell asleep at Rairai's side.

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Zanzear (#79048)

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Posted on
2016-02-14 06:50:11

She let herself relax now that the wave of enemies had officially retreated and was willing to get back so she could once again see white in her fur not blood stains. Malin said nothing to the conversations and simply listened before trailing Fangor to go back to the pack. All this started from a single meal... a silent chuckle left her mouth but the smile stayed on her mouth which was now completely red. "hey, you reckon this'll look good for when I my rank in the pack?" pretty soon she would have fight to stay above the omega while take orders from the alpha or take big punishments- this was somehow a lot more scary then what had just happened.

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