Posted by Feral Pokémon RP S-U/I-C

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 06:25:17
This is a Sign-Up/Interest Check for a Pokémon RP consisting mostly of wild or feral Pokemon. If you want to sign up, there's a form below, and if you have any suggestions on how to better the storyline, I'm all ears! :3

The Myth...

Legend tells of an island, far beyond the reaches of any human, where Pokémon live wild and free. There are vast rivers, towering forests, and a mountain that reaches into the clouds. There is a place for every type of Pokémon! But, this doesn't mean life is easy. The weak fall prey to the strong, packs of thug Pokémon roam the lands, and an all-encompassing mystery hovers over the heads of every Pokémon; How did they get there? What force brought them to the shores of this feral paradise, and why can't they leave? Perhaps the answers lie at the very top of the mountain, a place made invisible by a shroud of mist that gets thicker the higher you climb...

That's the abridged version of the story. It's a place where Pokémon will randomly wash up on shore, or wake up after flying through a storm, and all with no memory of how they got there. As if some force is teleporting them there. Any ideas? Changes? Additions?

Da Rules!
1. No GodModding! Shouldn't this be a given by now?
2. Only join if you know FOR A FACT you can be VERY active! I mean at least once a day. Seriously.
3. No Legendary Pokémon! No, you can't be Arceus. That's basically the definition of GodModding.
4. Only give your 'Mon moves they can actually have. Egg Moves are acceptable, but nothing they can't be taught naturally, no TM or HM moves unless they came from an old Trainer, and that must be included in their descriptions!
5. You can have shinies, but don't go overboard, okay? I'm limiting myself to two.
6. Minor design alterations are allowed, but again, no going crazy with it.
7. You can have a MAXIMUM of 6 Pokémon, just like a standard team, even if they never interact with each other.
8. I'll say it again, NO LEGENDARY MONS! I'm including Latias and Latios in this!
9. Keep your Pokémon's level BELOW 50, please. There will be leveling in-game, but it will be realistic. Well, as realistic as possible.

Now for some... different rules. I'm making an alteration to the usual rules of Pokémon, mainly pertaining to the move pool. You're limited to 4 moves only in the games, but I've always found that annoying. Oh, you wanna learn Gust? Guess you don't know how to Peck now! >:T Seriously. But, I also don't want you to have an infinite number of moves, so here's what I'm doing.
You can have 4 Physical moves, and 2 Status moves, for a total of 6.
I don't count moves like Rest and Sand Attack toward the pool, since those are things that, realistically, anyone could do. I could kick sand in your face, and you would have a hard time seeing. Doesn't take a lot of skill. HOWEVER! Snore and Sleeptalk, those are moves that must be listed, as not everyone can do that.

<*IMG SRC=Optional*>
Held Item:
Moveset: (Move(Type,Physical/Special/Status)

Questions? Comments? Feel free to speak up! Also, I have the ORAS and XY games, so general Pokémon chat is always welcome. :3

Alright, guys! HERE is the RP thread! Don't jump the gun, though. I wanna make sure everything is perfect before we start.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 01:11:41 by Kamaria (#73186)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 07:18:54
I can't wait! Even if we have to make due with minimal RPers, I really want to see this happen. Haven't RPed my 'mons in a while... I miss them.

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 08:24:33
I got a bit carried away... haha I've added my other characters =D))

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 08:39:48
Nice! I like em all! :3 I may be adding one of the Pokémon from my Omega Ruby team as a character here. Possibly two. X3 I love my team so much.

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 08:51:48
Can't wait to see who you add =D))

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Valkyrie (#44815)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 08:55:16
I was considering a new character as well. cx
Loving the new ones too!

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MoscoMoon (#78788)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 08:57:55

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:13:14
Ooh, loving the shiny Vibrava! I'm adding more to my list, I have their WIPs up, working on the rest of it now. And there will be more to come!

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NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:21:04
I spent waaaaay to long on her history, a lot more than I should have XD


Name: Abigail, Abby for short

Pokémon: Riolu

Gender/Sex: Female

Level: 37

Type: Fighting

Ability: Steadfast

Nature/Characteristic: Mild, Capable of taking hits

Held Item: Lucarionite held in the button of her Bandanna (Given to her by her old trainer)


Quick Attack (Normal; Physical)

Force Palm (Fighting; Physical)

Poison Jab (Poison; Physical - Trainer Taught)

Earthquake (Ground; Physical - Trainer Taught)

Screech (decreases the target's Defense stat by two stat stages)

Copycat (causes the user to use the last move that was used in the battle, she doesn't really use this move much)


Incredibly shy when you first meet her but if you get her to open up shes a kind hearted girl who's normally kinda laid back but if something big/important happens she'll be serious about it .If you manage to fully anger her she can go berserk with rage and just start punching things without thought, it's a bit hard to calm her down when this happens.Abby also has very low self-esteem so expect her to put herself down a lot and not care about herself as she's more than willing to take any hits/put herself in danger for the sake of her friends.

History: Abby was still a young child when she was found by her trainer Devon in the wild, the riolu was passed out on the ground running a dangerously high fever.Not wanting the child to pass on from her sickness he took her to his home and cared for her. She was bed ridden for 3 whole weeks before she was well enough to leave but when the time came she couldn't find it in her heart to go, Abby had grown fond of this human and it wasn't like she had anywhere to go or anyone was waiting for her as she just hatched one day and found no parent in sight.After conveying her wishes to Devon he captured her and with her by his side he started his very own pokemon journey, years went by and the two of them grew inseparable, Abby saw him as best friend a father even and Devon easily returned this feeling. However it wasn't until recently that Devon had to stop his journey due to him getting a fetal illness, Tuberculosis. Hearing the news the riolu was devastated but she soon became determined to give Devon the best last days possible, in turn Devon did everything he could to make Abby feel happy, He got her a bandanna with a Lucarionite in it to remember him by and gave her two TM's so she could defend herself better when he was gone, on his last day he released Abby from her pokeball telling her he wanted her to be free to find wherever or whatever would make her happy again when hew was gone The embraced in a hug one final time before he passed away in her arms.On the day of the funeral she stayed by his grave sight all through out the day and night not even bothering to leave when a mysterious strong storm began to come through, due to her not really being exactly heavy the winds easily picked her up and flew her away. When she woke up she found herself washed up on a beach with no real explanation as to how she got there, curiosity getting the best of her she decided to explore the area in hopes to get some answers.


Name: Axel

Pokémon: Typhlosion

Gender: Male

Level: 48

Type: Fire

Ability: Blaze

Nature/Characteristic: Modest, Strong Willed

Held Item: Quick Claw (what his earring is made of)

Moveset: Flamethrower (Fire; Special)

Brick Break (Fighting; Physical - Trainer Taught)

Flame Burst (Fire; Special - Egg Move)

Thunder Punch (Electric; Physical - Trainer Taught)

Attract (If the target is the opposite gender of the Pokémon who launched the move, the target becomes infatuated.)

Protect (protects the user from all effects of moves that target it during the turn it is used, including damage. This does not include damage afflicted by weather it is susceptible to, or damage from a status condition that it obtained on a previous turn)


He has a very sarcastic and laid-back, "go with the flow" outlook on many things, including battles. He also is known to have a very kind and protective side towards those he know and cares about and acts like an older brother towards them. Axel is somewhat of a flirt,hence his attract move, only really flirting when it seems convenient for him or rarely he actually likes someone.


Axel was born a wild pokemon and for most of his life he lived by himself going form place to places making friends where he could,he was happy with his life and wouldn't change it for the world.A few weeks after he evolved into a Quilava he came into a contact with who would eventually become his best friend, a Infernape named Diego. They traveled and hung out together for years until Diego had found someone he loved and despite their young age wanted to stop his travailing to start a family, Axel supported this idea as long as he could be a older brother kinda deal to the kid. Diego happily agreed and Diego and his wife had an egg, however a group of Zangoose and other rouge like pokemon came and attacked the village they lived in wanting to eat the all the eggs there. Axel,Diego and his wife tried to fend them off but there was too many Diego handed the egg to Axel so he could run away and raise it while they fended off the rouges knowing full well they wouldn't make it. Axel hesitated for a while but eventually did leave with the egg and headed towards a hidden cave to hide out. He stayed there for a while, using his heat to warm the egg as best he could for weeks,eventually he went out of the cave to get more food but in his absence the egg hatched into a riolu,Seeing no one around the baby ventured out the cave to explore and by the time Axel came back the riolu was far gone.In a panic he ran back out searching for days for the young one but there was no sign of them. In his depressed guilt filled state he just wandered around not really caring what happened until eventually a trainer found him and captured him. In a way this was kind of a blessing for Axel, he was able to journey once more, train and evolve getting his mind off his constant losses but in the back of his mind the guilt of losing his best friends child was still there.One day something told him to search, even though he knew it would be pointless to do so he needed to find out if the riolu lived or not to put his mind at ease. Writing what he wished to do down he showed his trainer and was able to convince her to release him so he could search, during his search a freak storm had started and carried him away.When he woke up he found himself stuck in the branches of some trees with no real explanation as to how he got there, wanting to found out the hell happened his began to look around.

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Edited on 11/02/16 @ 09:09:46 by Sora_Keyblader (#73219)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:44:44
Ages don't really factor into this RP, but the more detail the better I suppose! I like her, accepted! :3

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NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:53:34
Great! can't wait to start rping with you all! I know age didn't really matter but it's a habit of mine to make well detailed characters XD

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 12:59:44
Also, she wouldn't be able to Mega Evolve, even after she evolves into a Lucario, since she would need a trainer with a Keystone. Just so you know.

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NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 13:07:12
I know it's more so there for sentimental reasons

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 13:11:28
I figured, just clearing it up. Otherwise my Bathory would have her Gardevoirite. As it stands I didn't give her anything, because she didn't get it in-game until after I became Champion. I had to mess with their builds a little bit, but otherwise they're the same. My babehs... X3

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 13:11:59
I figured, just clearing it up. Otherwise my Bathory would have her Gardevoirite. As it stands I didn't give her anything, because she didn't get it in-game until after I became Champion. I had to mess with their builds a little bit, but otherwise they're the same. My babehs... X3

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 14:54:20
676Furfrou_Dream.pngSourceName: Florence
Pokémon: Furfrou
Level: 26
Type: Normal
Ability: Thick Coat
Nature/Characteristic: Serious/Quick-Tempered
Held Item: Leftovers (Stored in fur.)
Tackle - Normal - Physical
Headbutt - Normal - Physical
Bite - Dark - Physical
Dig - Ground - Physical
Baby-Doll Eyes - Fairy - Status

As his nature suggests, Florence is a very serious furfrou. As in, to the point that he's a no-nonsense Pokemon with a short temper. He's very snobby, and generally looks upon others as if they are inferior. This is mostly due to how he was raised in the lap of luxury back in Kalos, where he was specially bred for competitions. He's a perfectionist, who accepts nothing less than, well, perfection. Surprisingly though, he's very gentle, and has a very soft paw when it comes to dealing with annoyances.

Florence was born and raised in Kalos, specifically in Lumioise City. He came from a long line of finely-bred furfrou, who were raised to be sold and shown. And Florence was the finest of his parent's spawn. He begun showing shortly after he hatched, and, although not the best among youngsters his age, he was still revered as a formidable opponent. Life was well for the spoiled furfrou, and he was soon heading out to Hoenn to actually get into competitions. Well, he would have, if the ship they were in hadn't hit a sudden storm, where Florence when overboard. When he awoke, he found himself on an unfamiliar island, with no humans or cities in sight. He was completely alone. Learning to live in the wild wasn't easy, and, truthfully, Florence never adapted, despite living on this island for years now. He still desires to get home, even if his family didn't want him anymore.

006_charizard_shiny_dream_by_lightmike-dSourceI figure I should also mention that she has extra fingers on her two hands, which is probably why she isn't a physical fighter.Name: Roman
Pokémon: (Shiny) Charizard
Level: 37
Type: Fire/Flying
Ability: Blaze
Nature/Characteristic: Modest/Thoroughly Cunning
Held Item: King's Rock
Flame Burst - Fire - Special
Dragon Rage - Dragon - Special
Air Slash - Flying - Special
Smokescreen - Normal - Status

Roman has an incredibly good(?) sense of humor. She tries not to crack jokes at every chance she gets, but sometimes she falls to temptation. But don't we all? She's also incredibly cunning, which may or may not help her cracking-of-the-jokes. But, seriously, it is a huge benefit in battle, especially sense she's a more "special" fighter than the usual, wild charizard. Then again, having five fingers on each hand doesn't help with slashing and gripping, especially when they're so darn twitchy. She's slow to anger and incredibly avoidant of fights. Not to say she follows the "lover not a fighter" concept, she's just to darn scared of being seriously injured if she gets into a battle. So you could call her a coward, and she'd agree and laugh it off. But, of course, she has had to fight to actually evolve, and she takes pride in her skillfullness of special moves, even if she'd never brag.

Roman was born and raised in the wonderful island that lacks a name. From the start she was set off with unfortunate flaws; being a 'shiny' didn't help with hunting and a physical disorder called polydactyl didn't help her either. Still, who was she to be a sitting duck to predators of tiny charmanders? So she begun to utilize two things she was good at; running away and using non-physical moves. Sure, she didn't have war scars, but she did have witty dialogue and a charismatic way of speech. Which, in her opinion, made her more interesting than those who always brood to themselves. She became talk of the small group of charmanders that inhabited the same territory as her for her bizarre behavior, a title which she held with absolute pride. Sure, it did take much longer to evolve, but it meant it took much longer to slay her. Again, Roman found this was more of a benefit than a setback. When she did eventually evolve fully into a charizard, she was ecstatic to actually be able to fly around. And it was worth the wait. It was incredible just to fly around and observe the world around her, especially that weird mountain that was always off in the distance.

Needless to say, she's sworn to explore it before she kicks the bucket.

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Edited on 09/02/16 @ 21:55:19 by Rin (#2458)

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