Posted by Feral Pokémon RP S-U/I-C

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-08 06:25:17
This is a Sign-Up/Interest Check for a Pokémon RP consisting mostly of wild or feral Pokemon. If you want to sign up, there's a form below, and if you have any suggestions on how to better the storyline, I'm all ears! :3

The Myth...

Legend tells of an island, far beyond the reaches of any human, where Pokémon live wild and free. There are vast rivers, towering forests, and a mountain that reaches into the clouds. There is a place for every type of Pokémon! But, this doesn't mean life is easy. The weak fall prey to the strong, packs of thug Pokémon roam the lands, and an all-encompassing mystery hovers over the heads of every Pokémon; How did they get there? What force brought them to the shores of this feral paradise, and why can't they leave? Perhaps the answers lie at the very top of the mountain, a place made invisible by a shroud of mist that gets thicker the higher you climb...

That's the abridged version of the story. It's a place where Pokémon will randomly wash up on shore, or wake up after flying through a storm, and all with no memory of how they got there. As if some force is teleporting them there. Any ideas? Changes? Additions?

Da Rules!
1. No GodModding! Shouldn't this be a given by now?
2. Only join if you know FOR A FACT you can be VERY active! I mean at least once a day. Seriously.
3. No Legendary Pokémon! No, you can't be Arceus. That's basically the definition of GodModding.
4. Only give your 'Mon moves they can actually have. Egg Moves are acceptable, but nothing they can't be taught naturally, no TM or HM moves unless they came from an old Trainer, and that must be included in their descriptions!
5. You can have shinies, but don't go overboard, okay? I'm limiting myself to two.
6. Minor design alterations are allowed, but again, no going crazy with it.
7. You can have a MAXIMUM of 6 Pokémon, just like a standard team, even if they never interact with each other.
8. I'll say it again, NO LEGENDARY MONS! I'm including Latias and Latios in this!
9. Keep your Pokémon's level BELOW 50, please. There will be leveling in-game, but it will be realistic. Well, as realistic as possible.

Now for some... different rules. I'm making an alteration to the usual rules of Pokémon, mainly pertaining to the move pool. You're limited to 4 moves only in the games, but I've always found that annoying. Oh, you wanna learn Gust? Guess you don't know how to Peck now! >:T Seriously. But, I also don't want you to have an infinite number of moves, so here's what I'm doing.
You can have 4 Physical moves, and 2 Status moves, for a total of 6.
I don't count moves like Rest and Sand Attack toward the pool, since those are things that, realistically, anyone could do. I could kick sand in your face, and you would have a hard time seeing. Doesn't take a lot of skill. HOWEVER! Snore and Sleeptalk, those are moves that must be listed, as not everyone can do that.

<*IMG SRC=Optional*>
Held Item:
Moveset: (Move(Type,Physical/Special/Status)

Questions? Comments? Feel free to speak up! Also, I have the ORAS and XY games, so general Pokémon chat is always welcome. :3

Alright, guys! HERE is the RP thread! Don't jump the gun, though. I wanna make sure everything is perfect before we start.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 01:11:41 by Kamaria (#73186)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 16:01:31
Ooh, I like em! I actually have a shiny Charmander OC, but I don't know if I'll be using her...

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Rin (#2458)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 16:16:53
Thanks ;w;
:o Nice! I'd say do whatever's easier for you (I originally had a third character planned based on an oc from another group, but, despite loving him so much, I thought against it. So I understand.)

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 16:29:10
I'll join!

Name: Little Spark
Pokémon: Plusle (He is smaller and fluffier than a normal Plusle, he also has scars around his neck that are partially covered by his fur.)
Level: 30
Type: Electric
Ability: Lightning Rod
Nature/Characteristic: Jolly, Mischievous
Held Item: None
Moveset: (Move(Type,Physical/Special/Status)Frustration (Normal, Physical - Taught by trainer)
Spark (Electric, Physical)
Thunder (Electric, Special - Taught by trainer)
Electro Ball (Electric, Special)
Sweet Kiss (Fairy, Status - Egg Move)
Helping Hand (Normal,Status)
Personality: Little Spark is wary and paranoid of strangers, but once he starts to warm up to you he shows he is actually loving and sweet . He is calm and normally avoid fights, but he will jump into battles if he thinks his friends are threatened. Little Spark is quite the prankster and, while his pranks are normally harmless, if he doesn't like you the pranks he does will sting a little, never hurting seriously though. If he likes you, you will find yourself with a fluff-ball stuck by your side for as long as you're loyal to him. He loves to cuddle and snuggle, no matter if the pokemon or person doesn't like it, and will not take no for an answer.
History: Little Spark was a bred pokemon for study in a lab, regrettably he was stolen as a baby and sold into the market, where he was bought by a trainer. Little Spark then started a life of abuse and exigence, the only reason the trainer bought him was so he could serve as a training dummy for his pokemons. Even though he learned every move his trainer asked he was never good enough and often he would go hungry thanks to this, Little Spark started harbouring a great hate for his trainer and almost all of his pokemons. This continued and reached a peak when his trainer newly caught Growlithe attacked him and almost killed him. The Growlithe wanted to impress his new trainer and attacked Little Spark with everything he had, by the time his trainer deemed that Little Spark had suffered enough he was covered in burns and had his throat torn. After he was cured Little Spark discovered that he could not talk any more, his vocal cords had been irreparably damaged during the attack.
The only saving grace was his trainer Arcanine, Ven, who would take care of him and sneak food so he wouldn't go hungry. Little Spark viewed Ven as his father and he was the only reason he didn't run away.
When Ven died during a battle, Little Spark ran away from his trainer after he forced him to release him and started living as a wild pokemon. Struggling at first he adapted and was content with life, until a great storm made him wake up in the shores of a strange island.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 17:16:07
Ooh, I like him. He seems like the kind of 'mon Poacher would be drawn to. He likes to take care of other 'mons!

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GamingGal (#18503)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 17:26:00
I'm a little interested, but I want to make sure the quality is going to be here before I actually commit. You know, actual legitimate posts, good grammar, people not disappearing, etc. Been in too many terrible RPs to risk another >.< I don't mean to sound elitist or anything, honest!

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 17:30:31
Your good, don't worry. I'm going to be pretty strict with my posting rules, and I expect everyone to follow them lest they be booted from the island. And I'm going to try and make the RP thread tonight or tomorrow, though it won't be opened up just yet.

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 00:31:04 by Kamaria (#73186)

Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 17:35:48
I like Poacher personality! Poor guy will find himself used as a pillow too many times if he does meet Little Spark though.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:03:57
I look forward to RPing with him! I caught him so long ago, and I just love him. I think he's my favorite Pokémon in my whole team. /)>3<(\

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Crow #Gaggle (#67822)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:12:48
Aww <3 I had a Plusle which is the base for Little Spark, he was my favourite but I lost him. My gameboy had him stored because I was re-playing the games and my little brother deleted him ;-;

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:13:20
Alright, I finished the RP thread! We have a pretty decent number of people and Pokémon, we should be able to start sometime tomorrow! I wanna make sure everyone is ready.

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Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:16:05
Awe, that sucks... I'm trying really hard not to lose mine on my 3ds. I have a couple shinies now, including a shiny starter! My Fennekin, Shippo... I tossed him out to fight for the first time, and got to see that sparkly animation and hear that sound... He was my very first shiny! So awesome!

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:35:05
Would you mind if I joined? I completely love this and have been looking for a pokemon roleplay for awhile :3 I even have a growlithe pokesona and would love to be able to use her :)

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Edited on 10/02/16 @ 01:35:34 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

Kamaria (#73186)

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Posted on
2016-02-09 18:52:25
I wouldn't mind at all, the more the merrier! :3

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Snape's Curse (#6538)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-02-09 21:18:51
My own drawing of Keeda
Name: Keeda
Pokémon: Growlith
Level: 35
Type: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Characteristic: Gentle (raises SP. Def but lowers Def)
Held Item: Fire Stone wrapped arount her leg like a bracelett.
- Fire Fang: Fire, Physical
- Flamethrower: Fire, Special
- Bite: Dark, Physical
- Take Down: Normal, Physical
- Agility: Psychic, Status
- Leer: Normal, Status
Personality: Mistrustful to those she is unfamiliar with, she will still manage to bring forth a polite and friendly demeanor unless you pose a threat to those she holds dear. Having been raised on the police squad for a large portion of her life, she is familiar with stressful situations and able to keep a calm and clear mind no matter how stressful the problem. Once you gain her trust she can become your most loyal ally, but that is no easy task and if you betray her she could turn into your greatest enemy.
History: Keeda was born and raised by officer Jenny as part of the police canine unit with the other growlithes her age. Having been the smallest one of the pack, she worked hard to increase her speed and agility in order to keep up with her comrades, focusing intently on all the moves she had to learn even if it took her slightly longer to master them. All her gruelling training paid off though as she quickly raised through the ranks, surpassing those who took their strength and skill for granted and she was well on her way to become a full-fledged Police dog when disaster struck. It had happened in the early hours of the evening, Keeda and the other growlithes were safely secured in their pokeballs when theifs snuck into the room and bagged all the young pups, sneaking out just as silently as they came in. When she had awoken, it was in a completely foreign surrounding with a group of paniced pokemon. She was then given and forced to obey a female trainer named Jesse who she quickly learned to despise, and met Levi and Gaara. Levi and Gaara became Keeda's closest friends as each one of them protected the other's backs whenever possible, huddling and taking comfort in each others presence after particularly difficult battles they were thrown into. If they ignored orders, they were 'punished' harshly. This went on for a long period of time, when finally they were hit by a stroke of luck in the form of a storm. Jesse had taken them cruising on a ship when the ferocious storm struck and being the neglectful trainer she was, Keeda and the guys fell into the ocean because Jesse left the belt they were attached to hanging off the outside railing. Next thing Keeda knew, they were washed on the shore of a strange island, and she had no clue where to go from here.

(I do not own this gif)
Name: Levi
Pokémon: Shiny Umbreon
Level: 41
Type: Dark
Ability: Synchronize
Nature/Characteristic: Adament
Held Item: Shell Bell hung around his neck like a necklace.
- Iron Tail: Steal, Pysical
- Dig: Ground, Physical, Learned From Trainer
- Hyper Beam: Normal, Special, Learned From Trainer
- Last Resort: Normal, Physical
Personality: To those who don't know him, words of discription would lean towards him being cold and distant but honestly he just has a strong sense of responsibility and doesn't much appreciate small talk. He sees Keeda and Gaara as family, perhaps to replace the one he lost, and will do anything to protect them from the outside world. Always reliable, he is quick to offer his support to those dear to him but a little bit more hesitant towards strangers.
History: Levi was hatched and raised by a gentle family living in the mountains, always ready to play with their young son and sit through tea parties with their daughter. He watched out for those kids, taking them on as his responsibility andwould protect them from themselves, much like a older brother. As the kids grew, Levi became more attached to the young son and decided to become the boys first pokemon, which would allow him to watch out for the preteen on his adventure. They became a formidable team, winning badges continuously over the years, welcoming new additions as they became stronger. Then they were attacked. Levi knew there had been no possible way to predict the attack, but still he carried the guilt on his shoulders. The assult resaulted in his young trainers death, and his team split up between regions. Honestly, if he had not been fortunate enough to meet Keeda and Gaara, Levi has no clue where he would be right now.

(I do not own this gif)
Name: Gaara
Pokémon: Rapidash
Level: 40
Type: Fire
Ability: Flash Fire
Nature/Characteristic: Lonely
Held Item: Focus Belt wrapped around his right forelock like a bandage.
- Flamethrower: Fire, Special
- Fire Blast: Fire, Special
- Iron Tail: Steel, Physical
- Megahorn: Bug, Physical
- Agility: Psychic, Status
Personality: Gaara is most definitely the silent type, having grown up in a heard of both Ponyta's and Rapidash, it was difficult to make your voice heard so Gaara eventually decided not to bother. Among friends is an entirely different story though, as he can go on for hours about any subject and those close to him can always come for advice or just a listening ear. He has decent leadership skills, but prefers to follow and watch from the sidelines.
History: Gaara was the son of the lead stallion and lead mare, so naturally great things were expected of him and his twin brother Ryan. Him and Ryan had a close bond, always found playing or training together, but slowely over the years Ryan began to show more desirable leadership qualities than Gaara. Having taken notice of his son's potential, their father personally began instructing Ryan from dawn to dusk, leaving Gaara isolated and confused. This went on for years, and the close bond between brothers slowly diminished until there was barely a hello exchanged to the other, Ryan gradually having taken leadership from their father. Then one day a newly evolved Gaara decided to take a little adventure outside his heard, where he was taken against his will. This is when he met up with Keeda and Levi.

WIP I got so caught up in this it is almost 4:30 in the morning!! Oops lol XD

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Edited on 14/02/16 @ 08:05:55 by Snape's Curse (#6538)

NightSolace (#73219)

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Posted on
2016-02-10 00:34:31
God I love little spark! Hes just too cute

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