Posted by ★Realisitc Stray cats★ (OPEN)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-20 04:51:59

Role Play Sign-up.

Meows Thread.

Official Site.

Season: Spring
Meeting behind the Restaurant: April Sat,2

Viking opened his mouth taking in has many smells has he could. His eyes watered at the foul smell of a car exhaust parked along the side of the road. His ears swirled at the sound of the small children who played at the park from across the street.

The brown tabby jumped as a dog barked from behind the dirty stained fence. He bolted taking off across the street as car slammed on it's breaks and blasted the horn. Viking's eyes grew wide as he ran fast; clawing his way up a tree and looking both ways.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 28/03/16 @ 23:11:03 by Lennox (#2824)

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 09:49:59
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Amused » Guppy
Angel watched from the doorstep, not wanting to get in the way of the tom and his food; she supposed she was one of the lucky ones who could get a meal when she felt like it, but then it was like that for some she-cats. As Guppy devoured it she gave an amused 'mrr', and once he had finished the bowl she strolled towards him, tilting her head slightly, "I think you'll find it just a tad more appetising and filling than week-old tuna juice in the bottom of an old can," she teased lightly, ear flicking back from the faint sound of the kitten mewling from behind her. A small part of her wanted to go and comfort him, groom him, but only a small part; he wasn't hers, and he was almost an adolescent.

"There will be more here tonight; I stayed in that house last night. Cat-people, you can tell them from others. Usually one human living alone keeps a cat for company, or two elderly. The females more often than not always take pity and leave out food. From what I learned yesterday, they caught me eating their kits food, then gave me more. They left food out here in case I returned. As long as it's being ate and they see me play with the kit every so often, they'll keep leaving food out," she told him, knowing it would do no harm to teach the tom a few tricks; it's not like the humans would run out of food any time soon. "Still hungry or are you full?" she asked, entering the shed and sat on the blanket next to Guppy, leaning over and beginning to lick behind his ear. "You could really use a grooming, sweetheart."

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Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-23 09:53:02

Sharkbait's ear's twitched from one side to the other. He wasn't sure what he was doing there but he was going to start letting his instincts take over he walked over to the female and sniffed her opening his mouth. He licked the side of her face and let out a furious purr as he prepared to do what any tom cat would do the bush she stood by giving them any cover they would need...


Phoenix growled getting frustrated has he got up to leave. She sat there for a moment longer before trailing after the tom more out of curiosity then anything. She watched from a distance has he began to hunt a crow when he caught it she was impressed but of course she would never admit something like that.


Viking nodded in agreement but jumped when another voice broke the silence he instantly jumped in front of Noxia ready to protect the kitten if need to be. " Thanks were were just talking about the youngling some food" He was happy that they wouldn't have to find the poor kitten some scraps but now she would have a descent warm meal.

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:03:39
Lion » ♂ » 4 yr » Feeling: Bored » Glory, Noxia, Viking, Phoenix

The tom gave Glory Days a gentle head bump and nuzzle in greeting, ears perked and mrred in amusement at the tom's sudden protectiveness, knowing the fellow tabby as a lonely soul. Looked like he got himself a ready-made family. He knew this kitten wasn't one of his from the previous litter, but it was possible she was this toms all the same. "Shall we take this somewhere we won't be disturbed?" he offered, glancing to Glory and kit with a gentle smile. "My name is Lion, and you're more than welcome in my territory." he purred lightly at the kitten, pawing at the fat crow absently. He looked up to Viking, flicking his tail, and then to Glory. "I know a safe place for you two and the kit to rest peacefully. Would you like an escort?"

He glanced around, feeling eyes on him, but not really bothered to find who it was; he knew he wasn't in any danger. The place he was thinking of taking the three was by the forest - a small clearing and an abandoned rabbit burrow where the kit could play and take shelter.

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 17:07:54 by Ohnicio (#86486)

bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:15:25

Constantine } Male } Mentions: General, open to interaction

The tom stretched after finishing his morning mean, a large hand reached down to pet his head. Naturally he leaned into it, letting out a small meow before taking off. No where in particular was the male headed, he simply walked, exploring the city with his nose. He paused as he took in a deep breath, smelling an unsual amount of cats in the park. He was unsure of what to expect when he got there. Constantine never had this much interaction with other cats at one time, it was usually just a greeting and small conversation here or there but he didn't have anyone he could consider a friend.

That should probably change, he thought. He kept traveling down the street to get to the park, keeping his body against the buildings and out of the open in case any nappers decided to be productive. He made his way to the park safely, sitting at the edge and observing the grassy landscape before stepping in. The scents were surely getting closer, obvious signs that a few cats were in the area.

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| starsky | (#2771)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:22:05
Assiah | She-cat | In Heat | Location: Park; Bush(left), Pond | Mensions: Sharkbait(left him), Now Open

*fades to black*

Laying in the shade of the bush, Assiah looked over at the black and white tom, her gaze fixed on him for a moment. She is tired, but also hungry. She slowly stood up after some time resting, but her stomach is calling. Her paws carried her to Sharkbait and she licked the top of his head a few times before turning to leave. The park is filling with people, meaning food. She walked off to find anything.

Assiah walked and walked, mad because humans would shoo her away, not taking pity on her. She hissed and bolted till she came to a small pond in the center of the park. Orange eyes gaze down into the blue liquid. There was a ripple, following by a fish moving away from such spot. The bengal blinked and leaned forward, waiting patiently for a fish to pass. After a good five minutes, her claws unsheathed and she swiped at the water, her claws hooking into the fish and pulling it onto land. It flopped around before her teeth sinked into it.

A purr erupted from her throat and soon she began to eat from the good sized fish. Assiah remained vigalit, knowing fellow cat, dog, or even humans might come and disturb her, or even take her food.

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 17:23:33 by ☆ | starsky | ☆ (#2771)

Jazziest Creature (#36243)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:29:20


Noxia crouched behind Glory and Viking at the appearance of another tom, but quickly relaxed when she saw the freshly killed crow the male was offering. "I'm Noxia." she replied with a silent thank you as she smiled lightly. The sound of a place to sleep for the first time in two days sounded great to the kitten as she waited for the adults to accept as they were more experienced than her. She watched as Lion looked around, looking as well having learned when an adult was on edge you should be too.

Artemis & Apollo

The twins made their way over to the park,smiling at each other when they saw a lone tom sitting on the edge and decided to have a little fun.
Artemis strolled over first, with a seductive waltz and her tail high in the air as her brother sat awaiting his cue. "Hello there stranger." she purred in an attempt to catch his attention as she sat close to him.

Apollo watched his sister with a shake of his head, they had done this to humans a lot of time,making them watch the cute female while he snuck away and stole food. But instead of food he'd be stealing the toms pride he thought as he slowly made his way around the pair.

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 18:39:03 by Calista the Onyx Wolf Queen (#36243)

wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:33:57

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 18:22:42 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:38:32
| Glory Days | Female | In heat | Location: Park | Mentions: Lion, Noxi, Viking |

The tabby purred at Lion. It had been a while since she had seen him and he smelled of other she cats, but it didn't bother her. Glory had moved on. She rubbed her head against his like a sister would to a brother, and smiled at him. "That's kind of you, Lion. Noxia here could really use some good food." Glory said with a purr and gave the kit a lick between the ears. She looked back at Viking and smiled. "Coming?" She asked, flicking her tail in the air. Then the smell hit her: she was in heat. Her tail went still but she tried to take no notice of the new thing. Glory had never had a litter before and had never been in the vicinity of two toms when she went into heat.
The green eyed tabby looked from tom to tom, then to Noxia again. She rubbed her head on the smaller cat's and purred. Her eyes had a glimmer of happiness as she then began to groom the kit, and said in between licks. "Noxia, Viking, this is Lion. I met him, what, two seasons ago?" She said, and finished grooming the kitten. Glory looked back to Lion and then Viking, wondering where Lion had in mind.

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:49:00
Lion » ♂ » 4 yr » Feeling: Bored » Glory, Noxia, Viking

"I think that's when it was, in the fall," Lion agreed with a fond purr, "Taught you how to catch the squirrels in the park while they were hoarding their nuts. Not as many now, of course," he laughed, shaking out his fur. Suddenly, the she-cats heat scent hit him, and his ears perked. He gave another nuzzle and licked her cheek, working on giving her a small grooming as he tidied up her cheek and neck fur. "Remember the clearing I took you to after to eat and play with the squirrel tails? There. Much nicer in the spring, more coverage for hiding and such." He stood, rubbing himself against the she-cats body before taking the lead towards the area, though not leaving just yet, looking back at the she-cat, tom and kit.

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Alex(he/they) (#54173)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-03-23 10:59:23
Conifer stretched and sat up, licking her paw and bringing it over her head. She came out of her home, or as she liked to call it, her mini-den. It was just under the roots of a tree not far from the park. She went out, sure not to let people see her. Sat on a small hill, rolling in the grass and enjoying the sun. After several moments of rolling around on a hill Conifer stood am shook her fur. She was bored, but she was also hungry, so she decided to head towards a person that had a little something to eat. She went behind the bench they were sitting on and could smell it. It was a burger or something like it, whatever it was she was starving and she wanted it. Conifer reached her paw through a space behind the bench and tried to hook her claw on the paper, but the person saw and swatted her paw away. She mewed quietly, but he just up and left. She sighed and went and sat by a skinny tree in the shade and groomed her fur.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-23 11:29:17
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
Guppy had sat down, cleaning a paw and swiping it over his muzzle, intent on cleaning the last stains from his mouth. He listened to Angel, her lesson about predictability regarding humans was news to him, but it still bothered Guppy to think about being friendly with something he'd grown afraid of. Yet, a part of him was not totally repulsed, as if a long time ago humans were involved in his life.

As Angel leaned over and licked behind the tom's ear, Guppy let a purr come up. He was happy for many reasons. For one he was well fed, and another being he had some company, but now the shecat was being affectionate. At her suggested grooming, Guppy quivered, sending a tiny cloud of dust into the air around him, illuminated by the sunlight he was positioned in. "I don't need to show off. It would be pointless if I'm just going to get dirty again." He meowed, blinking lazily.

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Edited on 23/03/16 @ 18:30:43 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

bucky barnes
{1032/3000} (#48555)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 11:36:16

Constantine } Male } Mentions: Artemis

"Oh..." Constantine's sky blue eyes watched the female as she waltzed around him. She was beautiful he had to admit so he couldn't help but follow her as she circled him and then sat. "H-hello."
He was a bit embarrassed, he'd never had a she-cat approach him so... suggestively. The tom tried to gain his composure in hopes of not scaring her off, while he wasn't interested in being a father he was interested in finding out more of this mysterious character.

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 11:42:09
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Amused » Guppy

With a huff Angel rolled her eyes at the toms laziness, nevertheless coming closer and setting about grooming the dusty black and white cat. "It makes you presentable. Humans are hostile to scruffy street cats, but if you're well groomed they seem to think of you as a lost pet and take you in in hopes of reuniting you with your owner." She huffed in amusement, working on his head and torso first, thoroughly cleaning his ears - it was a miracle he hadn't got mites yet - and around his neck.

"And I bet you'd look much more handsome than you already are," she suggested with a purr, grooming between his shoulder blades. "All the she-cats will be going into heat soon. You never know, you might be able to catch some ladies attention. She-cats outnumber toms in this area, so I don't think you'd have any trouble finding a fling if you wanted one."

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ZABA (#53989)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 11:52:19
| Glory Days | Female | In heat | Location: Park | Mentions: Lion, Noxi, Viking |

The female smiled fgaintly, remembering the time they had. She was surprised when he started making advances on her when he smelled her heat. Her tail flicked around a bit nervously, looking up to the tall tom. Only Glory's eyes betrayed her current emotion. Nervous. "Yeah, I do. It was nice there." She said with a hint of nervousness. Glory flicked her ears as she followed Lio, making sure that Noxia was okay as well as Lion.
The queen walked up closer to Lion, and whispered to him in a softer tone. "Noxia, the poor thing, she doesn't have her mother or father with her anymore. Please just be kind." She said in a hushed tone.

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-23 12:04:04
Lion » ♂ » 4 yr » Feeling: Sympathetic » Glory, Noxia, Viking

Seeing the slight nervousness in Glory's eyes, Lion gentled his gaze and gave her a soft nuzzle of comfort; though her scent was having an effect on him, he would do as she wanted. He listened to the queen explain the kittens situation and he nodded slowly, glancing back at the kitten and back to Glory. "Oh, the little sweetheart...' He tutted softly, voice lowering to a murmur. "Not to worry, darling, I wouldn't have dreamed of hostility in the first place." He hummed lightly, brushing his tail against Glorys rear legs before looking back to the kitten. "We're almost there. When we de-feather this crow you'll have a full belly and some playthings - skulls and feet and feathers galore. " he chuckled gently.

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