Posted by ★Realisitc Stray cats★ (OPEN)

Lennox (Side) (#2824)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-03-20 04:51:59

Role Play Sign-up.

Meows Thread.

Official Site.

Season: Spring
Meeting behind the Restaurant: April Sat,2

Viking opened his mouth taking in has many smells has he could. His eyes watered at the foul smell of a car exhaust parked along the side of the road. His ears swirled at the sound of the small children who played at the park from across the street.

The brown tabby jumped as a dog barked from behind the dirty stained fence. He bolted taking off across the street as car slammed on it's breaks and blasted the horn. Viking's eyes grew wide as he ran fast; clawing his way up a tree and looking both ways.

Character Sheets

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Edited on 28/03/16 @ 23:11:03 by Lennox (#2824)

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-25 22:12:48
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relieved, flirty » Guppy » In Heat
Purring in appreciation at the additional little grooming, Angel gave a nod in agreement with his statement; she'd heard of some crazy red cat from others, but apparently she usually stayed away from human dwellings, unless driven by hunger. She sat as she awaited Guppy, watching him scoff down some more. Once he was ready - and evidently carrying another meal for the road - she turned and began to lead the way, padding along rather upbeat-ily. She didn't bother talking to the tom as they made their way to where she was going; his mouth was full and she'd just get some salivating and a muffled response.

After a short while, after walking away from the clamour of buildings there was an empty road ahead; not many cars came this way anyway. She strolled across the road, and they came to a building site, surrounded with tall steel fence; Luckily there was a large gap from the ground at the gate, and they were easily to get through, crouching slightly. She licked her lips and glanced around; the lazy workers had all gone home by now. She trotted over to a small square building, a metal box attached to the side of it whirring, a construction-machine of some sort next to it. It provided a nice, sheltered spot, and the metal box that was whirring provided the luxury of warmth; most cats were too afraid of the noise or afraid humans resided inside the empty small building, so any that came this way usually resided in the large cement tubes. She hopped on top of the metal box and lay down, purring as it warmed her belly. "A nice spot to enjoy a meal, wouldn't you say?"

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-26 07:49:03
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
Guppy was wary of the environment, but he trusted Angel to know between traps and shelter. Leaping onto the metal box, he lay down beside her, letting go of the food scrap he'd brought with him. The warmth from below him was cozy, so he rolled onto his back to keep the temperature even. "Care for some midnight dinner?" He purred, tearing the chicken skin apart. Sliding one half over to the shecat, he chewed on his wearily. "The day isn't usually so exciting." He meowed, mind wandering to the events from the past hours.

(Sorry for short.)

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-26 08:04:37
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relaxed, Seductive » Guppy » In Heat
With a yawn, Angel stretched out her forelegs before tucking them beneath her, eyes half closing. If it didn't rain or get too windy,it would be fine to just sleep where she was - but she knew it was unlikely, the wind would pick up eventually. But all they would have to do would hop down from the box and scoot under the machine - heat would still radiate and keep them warm enough. With a purr of appreciation, Angel leaned over and licked Guppy's cheek, "Thank you, but believe me, you'll need it more," she teased, but nevertheless took the half he passed to her, bit off half and passed the rest back to the tom; he'd found it and carried it, it was his. She would find her own food when she was hungry. She chewed the chicken appreciatively, finishing it up quickly before licking her lips, and turning back to the tom.

She rolled onto her side and began licking at his shoulder and leg, wherever was closest to her muzzle, as she purred and rolled, wiggling on the box. "It's a shame, when we were interrupted earlier. I'd actually intended on taking you - back in the shed. Then Pharaoh and the kitten arrived."

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oblige (#54017)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-03-26 08:06:13
Opal // Female // 3 // Conifer

The small white and gray she-cat trailed after Conifer, shaking her head at the lost cast but approving at the caught. She appeared, eyes scanning over her body. "Alright, you did well enough." She remarked, walking away from the femme. She began talking. "Lower your back, your tail end was up in the air. Keep your belly a little bit above the ground, but don't make it towards an arch. Flatten your ears against your head. Sharpen your claws everyday; whether its a tree trunk, stone wall, whatever. Wiggle your hips and push against the ground for more leverage. As for hearing and tasting the air, the only way for that is to get extremely familiar to your scents. Take in smells as if they were your life; for your life may depend on them one day. Your position was alright. For now, follow me." She smirked, darting off. "For running, don't focus on speed. Focus on long strides, feeling the wind as if it were you." She yowled to the young she-cat. She finally reached the mouse place. "Don't ever hunt here. The humans have been poisoning it as if it were pests. I used to hunt here all the time.. Until I nearly died because of rat poison." She spat bitterly, moving on to the next alley. She stopped for a moment. Surely the kitten would be puffing by now?

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Alex(he/they) (#54173)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-03-26 08:26:28
The young she-cat listened to every word the other said, remembering each word. She trailed after, taking long strides just as the fae said, stopping by the mouse place she went by yesterday. She listened as she informed Conifer of the rat poison. She panted before she spoke. "Poison? Why? I mean, there are cats to control the population so what's the point?" She asked her. She lashed her tail, what a waste of prey. Hopefully none of the other prey end up poisoned.

(My replies are short, I hope it's not a problem)

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oblige (#54017)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-03-26 09:30:15
Opal // Female // 3 // Conifer

Opal flicked her ears. "My thoughts exactly. I was keeping it under population until they started poisoning them. Guessing there's new humans. The one I knew was elderly, and the last one I saw was younger." She shrugged, but kept striding against the alleys, dodging corners. "Some of these are dead ends. Never run into a dead end. Dogs always lurk there by my experiences. Nearly got my ear bitten off by one." She didn't stop talking. "I'll be showing you around the alley now. Best places to hunt, dangerous places. Places good for begging, places with disgusting things. My suggestion is don't stray from the path, and listen best you can." She gave Conifer a smile and a nod, friendly talking following. "Rule number one. Don't trust any cat, not even me. Some appear friendly, and will try to kill you in the night. You're lucky you ran into me instead of some other. And then there are cats who will band with you and seem friendly, but take their share and run off. Be careful of those, especially a tom called 'Guppy.' He's known infamously for that. Rule number 2. Scavenging is okay. If you can't find absolutely anything to hunt, don't resort to eating poison mice. Try to knock down a trashcan and scavenge, even if it tastes like trash. Just try to fill your belly. Rule number three. Don't ever slow down. Slowing down can lead to tripping into the grip of the predator you might be chasing. Rule number four. Smell your prey first. If it seems rancid, slit the stomach. If it smells weird, don't eat it. That usually means maggots or poison. You'll never know. That rule is the rule keeping my alive all these years. Rule number five. Don't trust humans. Just don't. Not much to say about that. You got it? Alright." She nodded. Turning another corner, they came to once again, a grassy clearing. "This place is just packed with prey. Go ahead, try." She nudged her on encouragingly.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-26 09:47:08
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
Guppy did not cease to purr, happy with both the warmth of the metal box and Angel's company. He finished off the last piece, batting at her muzzle. "Things happen for a reason, I guess." He meowed, thinking about what she said. "We couldn't chase them off. That yard didn't belong to us." He added, reflecting on the encounter. It wouldn't have been wise to pick a fight. The kitten wouldn't have been able to defend herself, unlike Pharaoh. Guppy shrugged away the tom. He wasn't here now anyways. "We're alone now. What did you intend to talk to me about?" He asked, looking at Angel.

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Edited on 26/03/16 @ 18:24:02 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-26 10:01:06
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relaxed, Seductive » Guppy » In Heat
"I suppose," she yawned, stopping the licking and turning her attention to the toms neck. She continued to groom him down for a few minutes before answering, then stopped and met his gaze, tilting her head with an amused smile on her muzzle. "Oh, not so much what I wanted to talk about, what I wanted to do," she purred, returning to her lying down position and began to groom her chest.

Was he really that oblivious? She was ready enough to have mated with him back before Pharaoh showed up; now she couldn't believe she may have to spell it out for him. She looked over the tom before giving him a nuzzle and resting her head on his forepaws. "And I meant take."

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-26 10:29:37
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
"Oh." The default answer when someone proved you were dumb was perfect right now. Guppy had misheard her, and he blamed himself for thinking and not listening. He observed her for a few minutes, letting his uncertainty dissipate. Standing up, he scooted closer to the shecat, giving her neck an affectionate nuzzle. He rested his nose on her for a moment longer, letting her scent encourage him. If any cat interrupted now, he'd be defensive about it, but under the dim starlight and with the machine noises, he doubted they'd be discovered.

(*secretly been rooting for Guppy X Angel*)

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-26 10:40:29
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relaxed, Seductive » Guppy » In Heat
At Guppy's response, Angel had to look at his expression to double check that he was surprised and not... well, put off. Relieved at his surprise and not disgusted, she met his gaze for a few moments before returning the nuzzle and gave him an affectionate lick on the cheek. Honestly, she was surprised at herself; he was rough around the edges, but she liked him. She could honestly even consider taking him as a long-term mate. But that was an issue to be considered another time. FTB

(Me too <3 )

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Alex(he/they) (#54173)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-03-26 10:54:13
Conifer nodded. She quickly got into a hunter's crouch, this time making sure to keep her tail not too high nor low, and not crouching too low. She flattened her ears and took in the scents around her. Mouse, vole, squirrel, different kinds of birds... She began following the scent of a Robin and stalked forward, placing light, careful steps. She could see it, picking at something on the ground. She within approximately five feet of the Robin now, and she focused on how far to jump. She balanced herself out, moving her hips side to side and pounced. She figured she should jump higher considering it will try to take off flying so she could grab it, but she landed right on top of it, hooked her claw on the inner part of its wing, killing it with a swift bite to the neck. She held it up and set it back down in front of her. "Did I do better this time?" She questioned.

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-26 11:19:20
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
Guppy curled on the top of the machine, relaxing under the breeze. He lay with his back to Angel, but rolled over to face her instead. He didn't speak, not like he had anything to say. His gaze was fixed on the shecat, her body a mere shape in the darkness. Guppy reached over to groom the space behind her ears, one paw keeping him upright and the other placed on her shoulders to keep her still.

(One of us needs to PM Lennox about kitten statistics. Would you like to or should I?)

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Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-26 11:34:14
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relaxed » Guppy » In Heat
Angel purred as she lay, legs tucked underneath her body and tail curled at her side and almost drifting off when the tom next to her began to groom her. Her purring grew high pitched for a moment in surprise but then lowered, tilting her head to accommodate the grooming. "Guppy," she mewled quietly before yawning, eyes slowly opening but she didn't bother looking to the tom. "It's late. Will I see you in the morning?" she asked, slowly beginning to stretch, eyes scanning for a place to sleep for the night; the warmth of the box was nice, but it didn't protect the rest of her body against the cold breeze during the night. She got up, stretching with her rear in the end and yawning once more before standing, blinking slowly as she adjusted. She looked to the large digger next to the building; there was a small window above the door. She could climb through that, and sleep on the wide seat. "That is, if you're not spending the night with me."

(I will, Len has asked me to be a mod so maybe I can get the link to the stat maker thing ^^)

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wagner ✦
(heritageless nadir) (#36223)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2016-03-26 12:13:23
Guppy = Mentions: Angel (directly)
"This is my first litter. I'm not letting them get away that easy." He stated plainly, sitting up calmly. He looked to the direction he'd seen her eyeing, taking note of the giant machine. It looked like a car, but obviously much bigger and with a wide hook in the front. It was stopped in front of a partially dug hole, which led to Guppy's assumption that was the job it completed. Looking it up and down, he saw the opening, catching onto her idea. "It'll keep the wind out." He observed. "We can stay warm together. I've never been inside a human thing like that," he admitted, "but I'll go along and think its better than a flimsy box."

(Okey, congratulations btw!)

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Edited on 26/03/16 @ 19:13:58 by HawkfeatherTheHottie (#36223)

Ohnicio (#86486)

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Posted on
2016-03-26 22:06:33
Angel » ♀ » 1 yr » Feeling: Relaxed » Guppy » In Heat
Angel huffed slightly, not sure to be amused or relieved. It was her first litter too, and she didn't exactly want to be completely alone in this."Really? Humans are the best for leaving perfectly good shelter lying around," she commented, hopping down from the box and making her way to the machine, "Even providing it. They're complete suckers for a fluffy tail and a pretty little purr - like some toms." she teased with a grin. Angel climbed up the steps, before moving onto the hood of the digger and then onto the roof, from where she was able to slip in through the gap and land on the seat. She could have just leapt from the bottom step, but the window was high and she'd rather be safe than falling back down in front of Guppy. She yawned and sat, awaiting for Guppy to join her before curling up.

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