Posted by FINALLY, I've found a damn shading style|Opinions?

Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 07:43:01
Hey guys! So I've been stuck selling only flat coloured art for the last several months while my shading style was under the knife. I noticed around November that my style seemed to be changing, and it had gone from the semi-but-still-mostly-realistic style I used to use, to a cleaner, more rounded style that I've been told looks a bit like petsite art, lol

I've been having a hard time shading things as of late, so I thought maybe since my drawing style was changing, maybe I should try changing my shading/painting style as well... So for the last several months, that's what I've been doing! And as of today, I think I've finally figured out how I want to approach shading from now on.

So while my work computer is currently in for repairs, preventing me from working on my commissions at the moment, I thought I would take the time to share this little test I did with you all. It's the first time I've actually applied this technique to a whole body rather than just practicing little bits and pieces, so there are still a few tweaks I could make. I'm also not done with it, but my computer is having a fit so I'll have to show you this WIP from my for now.

You can see it here! I've put it in a link because it's sort of NSFW? No adult bits are showing, but it's what the art world would call 'tastefully nude' so I put it under the cut anyway, just to be safe ;P

It's really dark because I was planning to add a rainy background to it, but you know, computers are dumb and don't work like they should. So I'll get around to finishing that eventually.
For now, I'm interested in what you guys think of it? :0
My shaded art hasn't been available for ages, and neither have my humans, but I'm thinking of maybe opening both of them up again if this gets mostly positive feedback!

Let me know what you think below! Would you be interested in buying this? Please note that I haven't figured out exactly how I'll be shading fur covered creatures yet, but I do have a plan for how I'm gonna try. But I don't have any examples of those yet D:

Anyway, thanks so much for taking a look!

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 07:46:52
It's REALLY nice! Kudos for making the shading colorful and not just doing monochromatic shading. It really makes it look that much more appealing to the eye. I wonder if it would benefit from being smoothed out a little, as the brush strokes seem a bit more "hard"? Sorry, I Just woke up and it's kind of hard to explain what I mean right now haha. Honestly, the harder brush strokes aren't a bad thing, I'm just curious to know what it'd look like if it was smoothed out more :o

Your style is just fantastic in general, honestly. :p

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Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 07:51:37
Thank you! :D
I'm glad you like it!

I understand completely, I was having the same conflict while I was painting it. That was a large part of my problem with my old style, everything had to be super smooth or it sort of bothered me, you know? But sometimes I made things too smooth and the shading ended up looking glassy or just gross. I personally like this messy style though! :0
I like to call it 'stringy', but really it's just that the brush strokes are visible. It's similar in style to the style of another artist who I really admire, so I kinda like that I was able to emulate it :3
I do still have a bit of work to do with it though, so I may try to find a bit more balance between the sketchiness and smoothness.

Thank you for your opinions!

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Mots - RP LovedπŸ’ (#5378)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-04-02 08:13:48
It looks really cool. I still have to work on shading... like a lot. So that is way better than I can ever do.

And makes me wish I could have been one of the people commissioning you.

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Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 08:29:27
Thank you~!
I'm really glad you like it :3

Yeah, shading is probably the hardest part of making art. I've been driving myself crazy trying to improve it ever since last July. A friend of mine started selling art prints at conventions and I'm not gonna lie, it made me really envious, haha. So I've sort of been beating myself up over not being able to improve...

Aww, it's okay :3
It's not like I'm giving out free upgrades from flat to shading for anyone who commissioned me or anything, lol. As much as I'd love to, even with selling my flats I haven't been making enough to support myself. So I can't afford to just give out free upgrades, haha.

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 08:46:00
Oh, I totally know how you feel, re: "glassy" shading. I felt that way at one point about my shading as well. Sometimes I felt like it looked too "plastic-y". :( Thankfully I'm at a place where I really like how my shading looks. Hope you get there soon too!

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Edited on 02/04/16 @ 15:46:16 by Thalath {Side} (#43831)

Lakaishia -Clean G2
Mott/Spec- (#578)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-04-02 09:08:18
This. Is. AMAZING.

The kind of art you see people doing for RL commissions at conventions/fremont street/etc.

I would easily say this is worth $30 MINIMUM for super simple crap.

I'm not sure your style before, but it looks like whatever you were going for on improvement, you nailed it, big time.

Add me to your message list when you open up slots. I'll be paying GB if available and RLC if I'm at a good enough place by then.

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Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 09:23:16
Wow, that comment means so much to me, thank you so much! D':

A large part of the reason I wanted to improve was so I could be good enough to sell prints at conventions, so to hear that you think it's on that level really means a lot <3
I still don't personally think I'm quite that good yet, but that definitely motivates me to keep trying!

For comparative purposes, the only other fully rendered human art I've ever done can be found here. I think its only redeeming quality is the hair, and even then I could have handled it much better.

I certainly will! Again, I can't thank you enough~
I wont be able to open up a shop until my computer is repaired and I'm able to finish my current pile up, but I hope to be able to open slots really soon!

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 09:42:40
I've always loved your art, so of course I think this is utterly amazing. <3 I just don't have many animal characters, that I use often enough to buy such art for.
If you open a shot for art like this, I would totally be open to paying 60+gb per character. <3 Wouldn't be the first time i've saved that much for art I liked! OwO

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Thalath {Side} (#43831)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 09:50:39
Oh, wow. Well, your new work is DEFINITELY much better than your old! You've improved tons.

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Renarai (#48222)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 09:52:31
I love it, especially the visible brush strokes. The sketchy/slightly messy/non-smooth (<-- how do I even describe it) style is something I am super fond of and while the shading is a bit meh in some places, I think the overall look is incredible!

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Coyote|Stellar Rift (#58143)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-04-02 10:58:27
@Fonzie~ Aww, that's really sweet! I've only been drawing humans for just coming up on two years now, where I've been drawing animals for at least 14, haha. So I haven't been selling too much human art. I've been using my own characters to practice, but they've been coming out a lot easier lately so I feel like maybe I can actually draw other characters now too~
I've heard similar estimates for my shaded human art before, so I believe I probably could sell them for that much. Which is definitely causing me to lean towards opening them, since my current flats are only fetching around 10GB atm, haha.

@Thalath~ Aww, thank you! I'm glad you think so :3
I do think I like the way I used to do hair better, but it doesn't fit quite as well on my new shading. So I'm currently trying to find some way to create a Frankenstein's monster out of the two, lol.

@Renarai~ Thank you! I think I like the brush strokes as well~
As I mentioned in an earlier reply, an artist that I really admire uses a similar style and I've always sort of envied it. But I think I've done a good job of at least starting to emulate it while still keeping it my own. There's still work that needs to be done to it, like fixing the spots that you said are 'meh' haha, but I can't touch it again until my computer is fixed.

Thank you all for your opinions! The positive comments make me feel really good about this new direction that I'm taking! :3

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(Frozen!) Micah
🌈✨ (#58378)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 11:23:39
I hope you do open them! I might just have to buy some gb to get a slot or two. XD

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laura. (#36409)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 12:15:08
I love it, very soft ^-^

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β˜† Lithune β˜† (#66997)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 12:15:43
Give me your shading skills ;o; this is amazing!

I still have trouble to this day with shading .-.
then again, equines are a pain to shade in the first place.. ._.

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Seiden πŸ‘‘ (#31516)

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Posted on
2016-04-02 23:32:41
Wow. Your art is getting even more better. Your new shading style is really interesting indeed, and your whole piece is really handsome. Everything seems good : anatomy, colouring and shading. The composition and pose are really interesting as well.
You would really easily find customers here on Lioden, but also anywhere else. You obviously have the level to sell your art for real money.

If you need a GB price, I think you could ask something like 60-80GB for a piece like this one.

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