Posted by A Pride's Dynasty (Role Play) Open

Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-17 22:50:00
Sign-ups and additional info can be found here: A Pride's Dynasty Sign-ups

The dry season is nearly over and the rainy season is about to start! Soon new life will come into being in more then one sense of the word! The pitter patter of young paws will soon be running through the area and stirring up trouble. What happens though when those life renewing rains never come? Loyalties will be tested and relationships will be strained as the pride has to make a hard decision to either follow the prey that had migrated out of the area making them vulnerable to many things like attacks from humans with the reward of greener pastures and bountiful prey once again if they survive their long trek. Or they can stay in their dying land where at any moment their current king could be dethroned and they risk starvation while hoping the rains will come soon..

*Be courteous to each other, if you are rude I have every right to ask you to leave.
*Mild cursing is fine
*Be active, if you end up busy that is fine as everyone gets busy once in a while. Just be sure to drop in and explain why.
*No 1x1, give people time to reply. No one likes those people who just go off and post leaving everyone else in the dust.
*3+ sentence replies, give us something to post to! Make each and every post meaningful to the plot in one way or another!
*Fade when needed, self explanatory
*No godmodding, no one likes those omnipotent characters that can't be hurt or harmed! No one also likes having actions done for their character that wasn't approved by them!
*Please be semi-literate with proper grammar/punctuation and write in third person. Far to often do I see posts that just make my head hurt otherwise.
*This is a fairly realistic rp so no flying animals that do not normally fly, psychic powers, and so on. While human like emotions are allowed your character can't just sit at the watering hole all day gazing at the water.
*If you had read all these rules and agree to them then please post "Long live the king.." in the appropriate spot on your application.

-Hikaro/ 5/ Sahara


-Light/ 2.5/ Cosmaskid
-Serenity/ 2.5/ Shade
-Naanda/ 3 years 11 months/ Me
-Armani/ 4/ Sahara

Expecting Mothers: NA
Cubs: NA

-Rivka/ 1 year and 7 months/ Female/ Sahara
    Trained by: Naanda, Light, and Serenity

-Scar/ 3/ Male/ Me
-Codac/ 2 years 9 months/ Male/ Nalphera
-Duke/ 2 years 9 months/ Sahara

Available prey to the Pride
-1 mostly eaten Zebra carcass

Current Weather: Hot, dry, and the sun blazes up above making it hard to do more then sleep in the shade until the cool of night comes.

Available Hunting: Not much besides the occasional Scrub hare and maybe a few Thomson's Gazelle here or there

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 07:31:51 by Lewis (#88423)

Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-17 23:53:20
Naanda was relaxing in the shade, the heat of the sun was still radiating from the ground outside of her resting place. Tail twitching, she squinted her eyes slightly as she gazed at the slowly lowering sun, eager for th night to come so that the pride could go on the prowl and hunt. What was left of their previous kill wasn't much as it was most toughened hide from the sun drying it out and a few stringy scraps of meat that was sticking stubbornly to the sun bleached bones. With a long yawn Naanda flopped her head back onto the dusty ground while rolling onto her back, stretching her paws over her head she flexed her sharp curved claws a bit while accidentally pressing them into her neighbor above her. While there was always that tempting hit of moisture in the air, the renewing rains never seemed to come leaving their land parched and most of the available prey gone until the land turned green once again.

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 00:24:07
Serenity sat somewhat apart from the other lionesses, in the sun. She'd rather bake in the heat than huddle up with them in the shade. Her unusual silver-gray pelt rippled slightly in a tiny breeze, the first Serenity had felt all day. She leaned her head back a little and let it ruffle her ears. Once the breeze had passed, she stood and stared at a patch of shade on the other side of camp. The male lions often relaxed there, but Serenity didn't care. She had to get out of the sun, and being with the other lionesses wasn't an option. She started walking towards the shade.

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 00:24:17
Rivka laid under the shade of the tree, blocking the lowering sun from hitting her brown pelt, she squinted at a little leaf that was twirling around as the smallest winds pushed it around, her tail tip flicked watching its movements like it her pray. She sprung up bolting to the leaf, Rivka ignored the scorching heat as she danced around swatting at the leaf pushing it higher and higher then letting it float back down.

Hikaro laid on a cool rock in the shade the sun completely blocked, he laid on his side his legs stretched out I front of him as he awoke from his rest the sun almost completely gone. She rolled over looking at the younger lioness play around, his lower jaw hung low from the rough of his mouth his eyes slightly closed as he panted from the burning heat and the lack of food and water. He pushed himself to his paws sitting on the rock he saw the sleeping burning up lions, he felt that he failed his pride not knowing what to do with this heat and lack of rescores he let out a sigh, standing up as the sun was gone. He padded down from the high rock to his lioness "Naanda, you should start a hunt, take anyone you like" he said his voice was tired and weak, showing how hungry and dehydrated he was. Rivka's ears perked leaving the leaf behind as she trotted over to her king and lead lioness her paste quickened and she came to a stop "can I go" she said cheerful just wanting to leave this boring place. Hikaro looked to Naanda "yes and Naanda take two more liones with you" he told her padding away.

Armani laid on her back feet in air, she groaned uncomfortably as the heat warmed her long and mutation. She rolled back over to her belly watching her king walk back to his rock. She let out a long yawn, showing her long sharp canines. She stretched her legs in front of her her claws extending as she did so. She pushed her self up and watched the horizon as the sun disappeared and was finally completely gone.

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 00:27:34
Light lowered herself to the ground, as she spotted a beetle running across the dust. She twitched her whiskers, getting an angle of where the air was flowing from. Her whisker gentle move backwards, Light softly moved her paws foward, she quickly gain speed and playfully pounced at the beetle, making sure not to harm it. She gave a soft growl, as she trapped it under her paw, but as she slowly lifted her paw, the beetle was gone. Light lowered her head to the ground looking, she spotted the beetle quickly running through the tall grass. " Did I really just miss a tiny beetle?" Light whispered to her, as she sat down, with a confused look on her face. She turned her head around in all directions, quickly looking around to see if any of the pride, saw her embarrassing display of hunting skills.

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Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-18 00:46:32
Naanda soon rolled back over onto her belly with a groan as she stood, flexing and stretching every inch of her body now that the sun was gone. Sitting on her haunches she began to groom herself in the gathering dark while their king wondered over to to say exactly what was on her mind, they should try hunting again and with a nod of understanding she called out to everyone that she wanted to join the hunt, "Light, Serenity, and Armani! Gather up we are heading out!" she said while looking over at the young lioness that was to join them. "Rivka, you may join but you are to observe for the time being. You are still to young to try taking down the big prey I hope we find." she said, grateful that they had no really young cubs in their pride right now.

Else where on the land a lone male roamed, his dark pelt still burning with the heat from the sun that had been blazing down on it during his journey. Having traveled up from the south where the land was a little more rich with water, this new dryness and heat was rather baffling. At the same time though it meant that he was in a little bit better condition compared to current residents.

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 00:54:40
Serenity's ears twitched as she walked over to stand beside Naanda. "Let's hunt near the watering hole," she said. "That's where all the prey will be in this heat." She waited for the other lionesses to state their opinions.

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 01:00:11
Light's ears twitched at the sound of her name being called for the hunting party, she padded over to Naanda, she let out a soft purr, to great the lionesses. She could feeling the temperature in the air, was cooling, Light was thinking of the juicy gazelles. She looked off towards the tall grass " where will we be hunting today Naanda?" She asked, as she looked at the youngest lioness and smile.

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 08:02:08 by comaskid (#48711)

Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-18 03:02:05
"Serenity is right, we might have better luck over by the watering hole, if there is any prey left in our lands that will be where they gather." Naanda said softly as she thought about this. "It will give us a chance to drink as well as we wont be able to go without water for to much longer ourselves. If there is no prey there we will move out towards the gorge fanned out a bit. Maybe we can find a calf that got separated from its herd.. it wont be much but it will be something. In the gorge there might even be a prey animal that got stuck in it. " Naanda said while just saying everything that came to mind, every possibility that could bring hope.

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 03:57:45
Armani ears became erect lifting her head to the lead lionesses words, she sat up her tail swaying side to side, she sat silently listening to the words of the lionesses and spoke out "but wouldn't the watering hole be dried up? The sun as been beating down on this hell zone" she said her voice was stern as her green orbs transitioned between end the lionesses. Rival sat quitly behind naanda as the lionesses converse there plans, she looked past the lionesses seeing a small hare but taught her edges to go fight it. For she was growing older and needed to show she is taking this seriously.

Hikaro ears perked looking at his lionesses who haven't set off yet, he looked confused but wasn't that troubled by it he trusted there actions, especially that Naanda is lead was a very wise female.

{I will bring in duke once naipherah replays}

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 11:01:21 by Sahara (#57493)

Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:06:22
"I was by the watering hole yesterday," Serenity said, replying to Armani. "It's smaller than usual but not dry yet." She flicked her tail and looked up into the cloudless sky lazily. The lionesses in the pride bored her. She wished she were back in her old pride with her sisters. But they would never allow her back after what she did.

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:11:11
Armani's ears flicked "Then watering hole it is" she chuffed relieved that the water was still there, they still have hope, just a little to cling on to. She turned back to Hikaro who seemed to be watching the lionesses, but once they shared a glance he laid his head down turning from them. She looked back to the lionesses "well then we should get going am I right?" She said her voice calm and gentle. Rivera sprung "ya lets do that" the young lioness was happy to start her first hunt watch only if she could be apart of it.

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Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:11:44
Sighing heavily Naanda's ears lowered as she thought about this carefully, "That is true Armani, there is a very good possibility that the watering hole could be dried up.. but there is an equal chance that there might be some precious fluids left that would draw in our prey. It would never hurt to at least stop by to see." Naanda said as she stood, the cool night air feeling wonderful on her sienna fur, the whites of her paws stained a light red from the red earth below them. She could only hope that she wasn't leading her lionesses on a futile search. Olive orbs blinked as the dark around them had nothing to hide from them, if they could even come across a stinking warthog it would be something to eat..

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:20:34
"What are we waiting for?" Serenity asked, glancing a Naanda. The pride needed food quickly. At her old pride, this never would have happened. Food was always plentiful and the wet season never came late. Serenity was very aware of the constant ache in her belly and the feeling of the sun on her back. What will happen if the wet season doesn't come soon? she thought. I'm so new to this pride, and I need to have cubs to root myself here and establish a reputation as a loyal pride member. Will there be any cubs at all if the rains don't come? Serenity took a deep breath and composed herself. She had to concentrate on hunting.

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:24:18
Light looked around at the lionesses " yeah lets go" she said, as she agreed with serenity with a cheerfully voice, to lighten the atmosphere around them. Then she pointed to the rotten and hard Carcass left in the corner " or do you want to eat that?" She added with a smirk.

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 11:28:51 by comaskid (#48711)

Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 04:25:51
(Is Naanda the official dominant lioness, or is she just the most respected? Or is she just leading this one hunt?)

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