Posted by A Pride's Dynasty (Role Play) Open

Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-17 22:50:00
Sign-ups and additional info can be found here: A Pride's Dynasty Sign-ups

The dry season is nearly over and the rainy season is about to start! Soon new life will come into being in more then one sense of the word! The pitter patter of young paws will soon be running through the area and stirring up trouble. What happens though when those life renewing rains never come? Loyalties will be tested and relationships will be strained as the pride has to make a hard decision to either follow the prey that had migrated out of the area making them vulnerable to many things like attacks from humans with the reward of greener pastures and bountiful prey once again if they survive their long trek. Or they can stay in their dying land where at any moment their current king could be dethroned and they risk starvation while hoping the rains will come soon..

*Be courteous to each other, if you are rude I have every right to ask you to leave.
*Mild cursing is fine
*Be active, if you end up busy that is fine as everyone gets busy once in a while. Just be sure to drop in and explain why.
*No 1x1, give people time to reply. No one likes those people who just go off and post leaving everyone else in the dust.
*3+ sentence replies, give us something to post to! Make each and every post meaningful to the plot in one way or another!
*Fade when needed, self explanatory
*No godmodding, no one likes those omnipotent characters that can't be hurt or harmed! No one also likes having actions done for their character that wasn't approved by them!
*Please be semi-literate with proper grammar/punctuation and write in third person. Far to often do I see posts that just make my head hurt otherwise.
*This is a fairly realistic rp so no flying animals that do not normally fly, psychic powers, and so on. While human like emotions are allowed your character can't just sit at the watering hole all day gazing at the water.
*If you had read all these rules and agree to them then please post "Long live the king.." in the appropriate spot on your application.

-Hikaro/ 5/ Sahara


-Light/ 2.5/ Cosmaskid
-Serenity/ 2.5/ Shade
-Naanda/ 3 years 11 months/ Me
-Armani/ 4/ Sahara

Expecting Mothers: NA
Cubs: NA

-Rivka/ 1 year and 7 months/ Female/ Sahara
    Trained by: Naanda, Light, and Serenity

-Scar/ 3/ Male/ Me
-Codac/ 2 years 9 months/ Male/ Nalphera
-Duke/ 2 years 9 months/ Sahara

Available prey to the Pride
-1 mostly eaten Zebra carcass

Current Weather: Hot, dry, and the sun blazes up above making it hard to do more then sleep in the shade until the cool of night comes.

Available Hunting: Not much besides the occasional Scrub hare and maybe a few Thomson's Gazelle here or there

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 07:31:51 by Lewis (#88423)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:16:47
Codac snarled lowly. "Alright we shall wait for your leader to arive," he said, sitting back on his haunches, staring unblinkingly at the females, any little move he didn't trust would send him to attack. He didn't like the idea of sitting around when he could be trying to locate food and water, which reminded him. "You," he spoke forthright to Srentiy, nodding his head at her and narrowing his eyes. "That warthog, were did you leave it?" He asked, words obsequious in hopes she would be kind with her answer. The aching of his belly was to great to ignore now at the thought of a juicy warthog, and he feared Duke and him wouldn't last much longer if the lionesses declined to share.

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:18:54
Armani narrowed her eyes to serenity but ignored it, she turned to Codac and Duke her voice was calm but loud "I advise you leave unless you would like word with our king" she looked into the sage eyes, her eyes gentle showing she meant no harm to the two unless they ment harm to her pride, she smiled hearing a familiar sound, she turned to light greeting her with a chuff. The turning back to the brothers, they were very identical and the one in front seemed intimidating and it looked to be he was in charge.

Duke stepped up "listen we really don't mean any harm we are just wonderers looking for some water, and this happens to be the only place close enough with water" his voice was tired as if they were walking for days straight. Armani opened her mouth but was interrupted by a lion barging in "What is the meaning of this" his voice was loud and bold as he looked at the two males them to his lionesses. Rival sat straight up head high watching the males, she huffed "loners... They should get death" she whispered, Armani heard her words and snapped at her with a low whisper "a life is a life and a life should be Cherished, no matter what path they choose to take" she looked down at the lioness then back to the lions.

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:26:03
"Yeah, nice try." Serenity wasn't going to give up the location of her warthog anytime soon. Her blue eyes were narrowed at the leader of the pair of males, and her look might have set fire to his mane.

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Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:31:02
Naanda listened as they all talked, though she snapped her olive eyes at the young lioness when she made such a blunt statement. While the lioness waas not found of loners or rogues herself she knew that while technically they had done nothing wrong it should take nothing more then a firm warning to chase them off. Death was pushing it a little since they really hadn't done much harm and as such she wasted little time while reaching out to cuff the youngster over the ear. "When you are lead lioness you may make such a call, as a trainee you should keep your maw shut and let our King handle this matter. If it comes down to it we shall help him to chase out the two youngsters. Nothing more."

Naanda's ears soon perked up as the decisive roar of another male echoed out over their plains, he was a little further off but he sounded young. If he was roaming on his own he a fairly formidable opponent as most males did not dare to roam alone, it was harder for them to hunt that way. This had her neck fur bristling warily as she glanced around wondering what would happen if he got involved in this fray.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:45:56
Codac stared hard at the leader, his eyes guarded. "Like my brother said, we only came this far for water... Nothing more," and with that stood to leave, but a roar interrupted his movements, and he knew it was the other male. He turned to look at the small group of lions, and found himself wondering if they'd be ok... Shaking his head, mane ruffling, he turned his back on them. "We'll be on our way now," he spoke over his shoulder, turning his vibrant green eyes on Duke.

It seemed they would have to find food and water else where...

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Edited on 18/04/16 @ 17:46:37 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:48:16
Serenity nodded. "Fine. But don't hunt any prey on your way out. We'll be reporting this to the king." She held her head up confidently. She knew the male wasn't stupid enough to attack such a large group of lions on their own territory. Serenity turned and walked back into the grass to fetch her warthog.

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:51:35
{This Roleplay is turning out great, I can't wait to see what will happen! But for now, I think I'm gonna head to bed. See you guys in the morning :)}

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 10:52:46
(I'm excited too! Also worried how the other lionesses will feel about Serenity now. Cya!)

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Shade (#87854)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 11:05:49
(I'll also be done for today. We're off to a great start.)

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 11:09:25
Hikaro snapped inches from serenity's face "you are not King" he said but his voice was not aggressive, he was calm but loud putting her into place "you drink but under a supervised eye, Rivka, get back to the den" he said turning around "ladies watch the two" he said guiding the young lioness to the den "I will return once I get Rivka home, then you two are out" he grunted padding off. Armani nodded "well this way" she chuffed walking ahead of the group padding to the watering hole, Duke stood still looking at his brother then two the lionesses waiting for his brother to move.

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Vex (#57493)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 11:11:33
{also done for today, this is amazing hope it last long and I like all the lionesses, in the pride each lion in the rp is different witch gives this small group character}

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 20:16:41
Codac stopped to watch the king. He was letting two strangers drink from their watering hole? Curling his lip, he didn't trust it. It might have been a way for these lions to get food, with all the prey disappearing, maybe they had turned to cannibalism. Shaking his mane, he walked towards the watering hole anyway, he wouldn't turn up an opportunity such as this, especially if there was a chance they were just being nice. Standing at the edge of what was left of the murky water, he froze. This was it? For this whole pride?
He thought looking down sadly, he couldn't just take some of this from them... "No thank you," he said softly, turning to face all of them. "I can't."

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Edited on 19/04/16 @ 03:18:09 by NaiPherah (#88158)

Lewis (#88423)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-04-18 22:21:12
AS the others took care of the two intruding males, Naanda broke away to keep an eye out for the owner of that roar so that if need be should could warn the others that he was around as well. It was the last thing they needed, another lone male to cause trouble. As she watched she thought she saw a particularly dark shadow break away from the rest. Confused she looked at it a bit harder and eventually hade out the form of a dark colored feline. Was it a lone panther? No.. it was just very dark colored male lion and most likely the owner of that roar from before..

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RageForOrder (#48711)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 22:43:47
Light watched, as the King gave the two males permission to drink from the waterhole. She looked around her fur stood up, at the thought of the males taking the prides last water. Light moved her paws slightly forward ready to pounce, at the males if they tried anything. She focused her eyes one the male moving towards the waterhole, she was surprised at his words.

( I hate having writers block :( ))

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-04-18 22:59:39
Codac sighed heavily, he wanted desperately to drink from the watering hole, but he couldn't take away what little these lions had left. "Me and my brother will have to find our own water, it's only fair," he said, walking past them to leave. He was weak, and tired, but he would rather die than cause these lions the same pain him and his brother were going through, with no resources, and having to move from place to place. It seemed this pride had a few more days before the water would be completely dried up, and there would be no food at all, not even meerkats or mice. He didn't want to shorten those days for them.

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