Posted by :.Scourge Lions.: RP Thread

Deleted User (#95580)

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Posted on
2016-08-15 19:24:34
This is the RP Thread for :.Scourge Lions.:!

Sign Up Thread

Male Alpha: 1/1 :.Khan.: #27167
Female Alpha: 1/1 :.Zoraz.: #95580
Beta Female: 1/1 :.Celeste.: #76015
Beta Male: 1/1 :.Aldebaran.: #71221
Hunters: 5/5 :.Alashi.: #89006, :.Mihei.: #71221, :.Winter.: #93618, :.Noah.: #91861, :.Sachiko.: #63441
Cubs: 3 :.Galaxy.: #76015, :.Zeriko.: #63441:.Joka.: #66753, :.Zumaridi.: #66753
Warriors: 3/3 :. Lani.: #89006, :.Thana.: #8268, :.Hades.: #54511
Broodmothers: 2/2 :.Nzuri.: #55753, :.Nyota.: #71221

So let the Roleplay begin!


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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 06:13:18

Winter | Female | 2Y & 6M | Mentions : Noah

" Yea, hopefully. " she said grimly. She thought about how hunting would be. It shouldn't be that hard... Since there was a zebra herd near by.. But anything can happen." Well, lets head back. Maybe they came back and we didn't noticed?" she said with a smirk as she raised from were she sat and flicked her tail on Noah's side gently to showing that she was leaving and she wanted him to follow.

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ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 06:36:52
Noah | male | Hunter | Mentions: Winter

Noah smiled as he watched her leave, a little entranced for a moment before he shook his mane roughly, nodding as he followed her back to the pride. He was looking forward to hunting, but the chances of catching anything good were pretty slim for the moment; judging by the lack of herds around the area.
".. Hopefully they'll be back." He chuckled gently, padding behind and looking around at the other lions, expecting nothing much to have changed. He wasn't sure whether he would try and go hunting with just him and Winter, but in order to feed the pride he assumed they'd take some other lions, so they had more chance of catching something.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 06:44:17

Winter | Female | 2Y & 6M | Mentions: Noah

As she turns to agree with Noah, right behind her, she stops abruptly in horror as she sees that Hades is back but wounded and as well as Thana." What happened??" she asked worried as she trotted to hades and Thana's side so she can help. She looks back at Noah with a worried face. Noah come help me with helping Hades carry Thana." she said beckoning him over with her tail.

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Edited on 20/08/16 @ 13:46:17 by Joker (#93618)

ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 07:16:28
Noah | Male | Hunter | Mentions: Winter, Hades, Thana etc.

Noah looked up in alarm when he caught the scent of blood, looking around desperately to find where it was coming from, sensing multiple injured lions but Thana seemed to be the one he was most concerned about. He rushed over to help, looking down fuzzily at the bleeding wound.
"Thana! What happened?!" He growled slightly, putting his head underneath the other half of the lion, being careful not to hurt Thana any further. He assumed this must've happened recently, since he had trust in Hades that he got the injured lion back to the camp as quickly as possible.
"Let's lay Thana down somewhere, we need to do something!" He grumbled with a concerned expression as he looked with squinted eyes at the bleeding; he wasn't very good with herbs or anything, but he guessed if they didn't stop the bleeding quickly, the results wouldn't be very good. He was too worried to concentrate properly, and his blurry gaze wouldn't be good with pinpointed where the damage was.

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The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 08:54:12

Winter | Female | 2Y & 6M |Mentions: Noah, Hades, and Thana

Winter frantically looked for soft items like feathers and materials and made a quick nest for Thana within a few minutes." Over here!" she said beckoning Noah to come set her down on the soft nest. She then looked for more to make Hades one." We need some type of Medic and a den for the injured."she muttered. She thought about the idea and then thought maybe she should tell Zoraz about having a potential Medic Lion/Lioness for these type of moments, and possibly a new area dedicated for the injured. She let the thought drift in the back of her mind and continued to make Hades a nest. " Hades come lay down over here, then you can explain what happened as we check you injuries as well as Thana's." She said hoping to get to the bottom of this tragedy.

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Lost (#63441)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-20 12:25:50
Sachiko|Female| 2yrs 11 months| Mentions:Hades, Thana, and Winter| Status: Terrified

As a great roar interupted the group of lions, she turned around to see a bleeding male with a seriously injured female. She spotted from her distance, the crimson ooze coming from a rounded wound where a bullet aimed her shoulder. The lions brought their attention to the wounded lions, her eyes wide with terror and wild range. Humans.... She mumbled, stumbling over her words, as she tried to speak up. She follow the wounded lions and she spotted a lean male, who had misty eyes. She realized the male was blind. She took her attention away to glare at the lioness, pain forming in her eyes.

Try licking her wounds. That way it doesn't get infected. Make sure she doesn't move her shoulders. Since, unfortunetly we don't have any herbs as my old home had, we have to use the sources that this pride carries. We have to deal with her injuries quickly. She approached the lioness, her pelt was unbelievably gorgeous. She inspected the wound, and a sigh of relief escaped her lips. The bullet isn't deep. Very well. The way you carried her was perfect. If somebody were to do a crappy job at carrying her, the pressure of the bullet and the movement will kill her.

Sachiko tried finding out a way on how to get the bullet out, without digging it deeper into her shoulder. Alright, bring me some water. Without another word she used her tongue to clean off the fresh blood and once Sachiko was able to see clearly, she was careful on not putting much pressure. She needed something sharp with a hook to take the dam bullet out. Somebody know where we can find something sharp with a hook at?

OOC: Crappy post xp

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Edited on 20/08/16 @ 20:39:14 by Weeping Regrets (#63441)

[Side]winder (#71221)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-08-20 13:16:47
Mihei | Huntress | Mentioned: Hades / Thana / Group

The lioness wanted to reply to that, but Hades' worry for Thana interrupted her, making her look over, mouth still open, but then, eyes growing wide in horror. Was that a dog? She silently watched Thana jump into the human camp, flinching at the sound of a gunshot, then having to watch Thana go down.

She paced, not really knowing what to do, even as Hades charged forwards. She never dealt with humans before; she had no idea what to do, and the gunshot alone shook her to the core. It was like having lightning strike right in front of her, and the sound just kept ringing. Hades, though, cleared the whole camp out, and she started to wonder. Humans lived in groups. More would find out how they died. Would more come? Would they be angry?

Her thoughts were wild as she trotted forwards when Hades called, helping him drag Thana back. The lioness wasn't that heavy: Mihei was used to dragging back antelope and even wildebeest. Both were a bit heavier than a lion. With Hades' help, they could move even faster back to camp.

She was silent when they finally got back, looking at Thana and then the loner that seemed to help.

Aldebaran | Beta Male | Mentioned: practically everyone rip

Thankfully, Hades had enough of a distraction, for now. And a pretty big one, considering Thana looked practically dead as she got dragged back. "What did she do, run in front of them and tried to roll over?' he huffed. How could someone be so careless?

Well, he might as well take advantage of the commotion that started happening around the lioness. he waited a minute or so, making certain that nobody was going to bug him, and gave a flick of his tail as he went off, more than happy to not have the spotlight on him, as strange as that sounded to him.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-08-20 13:45:40
Khan//Male//Alpha Male//Mentions: Aldebaran, Thana
The male had heard the gun shot and panic spread around the lions. "Thana, you and Hades get back to the dens." He said before turning to find Aldebaran slipping away from the group of lions. "Aldebaran. Follow me." Khan called out to the male. "If you are not in camp in 2 minutes it will be bad." He said, anger still laced in his deep voice. Khan had started to go over some ideas that could happen to Aldebaran, and he would also talk to Zoraz about them. The muscular male turned and glanced back at the wounded lion and the foolish young male before making his way back to camp.

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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 14:07:27 by Jadefeather <3 (#27167)

Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-21 07:05:00
Thana | Female | 2 Years |  Warrior

Thana closed her dazed and pain filled silver eyes, bracing herself for her inevitable death as the humans and canine quickly approached her fallen form, unable to think or hear clearly as she had smacked her head quite hard against a rock when she stumbled to the ground. Why hadn't she listened to Hades warning? The decision she made had seemed so simple- Get a closer look at the humans in order to determin the level of threat they posed to the pride, then get out. She was supposed to be the wise one, how had she been so careless as to not notice the ferocious dog laying barely three tail lengths before her? Well... at least she knew Hades and Mihei were safe for the time being, having successfully managed to lure the enimies in the opposite direction, despite being shot in the shoulder. At least she would die an honourable death as a warrior.

When the anticipated pain of tearing flesh did not come for a few heartbeats, Thana catiously opened one eye, stunned to witness the blury outline of a terrifying Hades demolish what she assumed was a fleeing human, his beautiful pale coat stained in crimson blood and creating a very startling appearence. Attempting to weakly lift her head off the ground in order to call out Hades name, agonizing pain left her speachless when her shoulder was slightly jostled by the small movement, causing her to go completely limp under the unnoticable torture as questions bombarded her murky thoughts. Where was Mihei!? Was the huntress okay? Why hadn't they fled? Now Hades was injured and it was all her fault, how badly was he hurt? Was all that blood his? Taking what she thought was a deep breath, but was actually shallow and shaky, Thana's conscious began to dim and black spots crept over her vision. Then suddenly searing pain brought her back to awareness as she felt Hades shift her smaller body onto his well muscled back, wanting to protest that he was injured but the words died on her toungue as she was jostled even more by Mihei.

The trip back to camp was mostly a blur for Thana, she was getting cold and was only able to take the small amount of comfort provided to her from the warmth of the bodies beneath her. Looking down tiredly, she noticed the blood oozing from her left shoulder was also begining to stain Hades pale fur along with his own blood, causing guilt to well up in her chest. She really was cursed, wasn't she? First her blood clan, then her mother, also the previous king and now Hades. They didn't deserve this, but what could she do other then leave the pride and take up the life of a loner, which she dreaded even thinking about. Gathering up what little strength remained, she gently licked the fur of Hades mane, then Mihei's shoulder. "Thank you," she murmered to both of them, so quitely that she would be suprised if they caught the whispered words.

When they finally reached the pride there had been a lot of commotion but she recognized Winter and Noah immediately, grateful when the two came over to help them. She liked the beautiful white lioness as she was always kind and willing to help others, not to mention the fact that she always seems happy and cheerful. As for Noah, she respected him immensely for never allowing his partial blindness to control his life and though she hadn't spent a lot of time around him, the few occations they did talk he was always friendly. "I-it was my fault, I wasn't careful enough and got too close..." she tried to explain through shaky breaths, groaning when she was laid gently on the soft nest Winter had thoughtfully prepared. Looking up and meeting Hades stunning yellow eyes, she wanted to ask him to stay next to her but the words just wouldn't come out, so instead she gave him a small smile. Her attention was then captured by a strange lioness with gorgeous amber eyes approaching them while listing off orders. Who was this lioness? Her muscles tensed painfully as the stranger bent closely over her wound, not knowing whether or not to trust her even though she seemed to be just trying to helping. Then she flinched harshly as she felt a rough toungue gently lap at the bullet hole, closing her eyes tightly and biting back a painful cry. Holy stars it hurt! If it hurt this bad now she dreaded thinking about what it was going to feel like getting the metal bullet out. Also now that she no longer had the body heat of Hades and Mihei, she noticed the cold inside of her had began to increase, causing her striped pelt to quiver as shivers racked her prone form.

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Edited on 21/08/16 @ 14:05:32 by Ichigo (#8268)

Lost (#63441)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-22 00:16:47
Sachiko| Female| Loner | 2yrs 11months| mentions: Thana |Status:Concerned|

Sachiko couldnt stanf wait for someone to bring the materials she would need. She looked at Thana as her gaze burned with worried. "I have to do something. How I can say is that this will hurt more then a thorn stuck on the center of a pawpad. You may just pass out of tge pain.... She gave a deep sigh. "You will loose a good amount of blood and you will pass out with the shocking pain. But either way, the rest is up to you. I dont know how to close your wound since we dont have the same resources. Like i said, its up to you. She took a deep breath and position her correctly in order to place her fangs on the end of the bullet. Since it wasnt to deep she was able to grab hold of it. She blocked the cries in order to concetrate. She used her paws in order to keep the wounded spoy still. She made signal tp have the might male grab hold of her. She pulled the bullet slowly, in order to not cause damge to the shoulder bone and the nerves.

So short. Sorry Dx

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 07:56:55

Hades | Male | 4 years, 2 months | Warrior
Location: Pride's Territory; Camp -> Outside Camp and beyond | Mentions: Thana, Mihei, Sachiko, Everyone

Hades had struggled to hold Thaba for a few moments, as his neck was gushing blood now, as the pressure of the lioness next to his wound caused more blood to exit the sound, but the determined lion had forced himself to stand strong with a grunt, muscles remaining still and surprisingly not shaking. If he had been perfectly healthy, carrying the wounded warrior would've been easy... Hearing Aldebaran's side comment, had snapped his jaws at the disrespectful lion, his yellow eyes glaring at him. He didn't care that the young lion was beta. That adolescent had already gotten on the warrior's bad side a long time ago. Watching Winter and Noah bound up concerned, he had hastily done whatever they said, carrying Thana into camp and setting her down. When Winter had asked for him to lay down on his own bed, away from the dying Thana, he had refused, and wouldn't lay down until he knew the warrior was okay. He looked at a strange lioness as she spoke up and nodded, beginning to lick the wound clean. He heard her say they didn't have the right supplies and his heart dropped. What if Thana died?!? He actually, quite surprisingly, cared for the lioness and didn't want the only lion he cared for to die. He heard the loner compliment his carrying, but didn't care much for it, nodding his head.

Listening to this helpful female, he heard her mention water and looked around. "Someone get Thana water!" he called out deeply, eyes narrowed. Looking at Tgaba, he noticed her look at him in concern, probably for him, but the lion had assumed it was concern she was going to die. "Do not worry, Thana. This lioness is going to make sure you heal." he said in a hushed, deep voice, trying to comfort her. He wasn't very good at comforting, but he tried his best. Hearing the lioness mention a hooked object, he looked around once more. "Did you hear her? Get something sharp and hooked." he said, looking for something hooked. Hades realized his claws were perfect for the job, but right when he was about to tell the outsider, she had already used her teeth. He watched in worried anticipation as the bullet was slowly pulled out and noticed Thana's shivering body, furrowing his brows as he wanted to warm her, but didn't know how... He thought about clotting the wound and looked at the loner, "Would cobweb help with the bleeding?" he asked hastily, very afraid the lioness would stop breathing. He winced as his bleeding neck hurt very badly, but tried to focus on Thana.

OOC: Sorry it's so late... and bad :(

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 08:01:55

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Edited on 22/08/16 @ 15:08:08 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Lost (#63441)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-23 07:15:32
Sachiko| Female| Loner| 2yrs 11 months| Mentions: Thana and Hades

Sachiko's fangs griped lightly on the bullet, careful to not fracture it in order to prevent any small pieces fall and careful to pull it out straight. When the male mention 'cobwebs' her golden orbs looked at him. She noticed his bloodstain mane which was bleeding heavily. She nodded and lifted her head for a moment. "I really need water in order to clean all this blood. Its getting on my way. I don't want to scar the tissues even more then they already have. Besides, the bullet is made out of hard metal. The blood is making it slippery for my fangs to even grip on. I don't want to crush either. One single shard from the bullet is hazerous. And cobwebs will be perfect. But we don't have enough time. But as I speant my time here, I bumped into some spiders along the way. I need you to stay put. Make sure that not a single insect comes near that wound." She stated with a growl. Her eyes showed how serious she was. She ran with great speed, she was faster then that of an average lion. She was smaller in size but she had speed, strength, and intellegence. Which made her a great enemy for her home pride for the two newly males who slayed her king, her father. I'm just a mere second, she was already out of camp. 'Cobwebs.....water....cobwebs.....'

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Ichigo (#8268)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-08-24 15:51:12
Thana | Female | 2 Years |  Warrior

Meeting the other lioness's golden eyes with her own silver ones, Thana managed to nod her head to convey that she understood the lioness's words, gently moving her uninjured white paw to lightly brush against the unfamiliar golden one in order to show her gratitude. Bottom line she had a decent chance at survival if things went smoothly, though this was not going to be at all pleasant. Damn, she really hoped she would pass out, the sooner the better as she wasn't one hundred percent certain she would be able to keep her body still. Just as she braced herself for what was to come, Hades deep and soothing voice reached her ears, causing her gaze to switch over to the looming figure, concerned when her eyes landing on the ever increasing blood stain around his neck. He needed to get that seen to, she didn't want to survive only to lose Hades! He was strong, brave, smart, and Thana had found herself growing quite fond of the fearsome lion, his protectiveness and willingness to help the pride as well as herself slowly warming her guarded heart. Not to mention the pride needed him much more than they needed her. Opening her muzzle to tell the warrior he needed to worry about himself, and to get treated immediately, she was interrupted when the lone lioness began extractin the bullet.

Pain. That was all Thana could distinguish as she felt the golden eyes lioness dig her sharp teeth into the open wound. Despite trying to stay as still and quite as possible, a few agonized cries managed to slip past her tightly clenched teeth. Thankfully it didn't take long for the darkness to creep over her vision, welcoming the darkness of oblivion.

Regaining conscious slowly, Thana had no idea how much time had passed but her shoulder was still on fire and her form was still racked with shivers. Looking around she noticed the strange lioness was nowhere to be found but Hades was still near, bringing her a small sense of comfort, blood dripping from his mane onto the ground. "H-Hades, your neck... it is bleeding so b-badly... please, you n-need to be treated!" She pleaded through chattering teeth, her usually soft voice now hoarse with pain. Also, where was the lioness? From the sharp pain in her shoulder revealing the bullet was still lodged in, she figured she couldn't have been unconscious for too long. No, she would not doubt the loner. The lioness hadn't needed to offer help in the first place, she did so out of the kindness of her heart, so Thana decided she would believe in the stranger to come back.

((Sorry for dissapearing, I am so busy right now!! D:))

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