Posted by Elroy Highschool ROLEPLAY THREAD

Tastingcolors (#41472)

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Posted on
2016-08-22 05:45:40

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Edited on 28/08/16 @ 20:12:48 by Tastingcolors-2k- (#41472)

Cosmos (#35140)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-01 14:18:33
Jayden || ;)

runs off to do naughty thangs;)

Kylee Grey // Mentions: Jayne, Kylie

Kylee was relieved once Jayne wanted to do the same thing. She gratefully accepted her hand as she stood, for some reason not really wanting to let go of her soft touch, but she did. "You know, I've been wanting to get to know you, I just didn't know how," she confessed, realizing she might sound like some kind of weird stalker kid, but she just had never really been able to confront people at school and start friendships that easily. She blushed at how socially awkward she was, especially around.. girls. Dammit, she really was a lesbian, wasn't she? Surprisingly, she smiled at the thought despite how her Christian parents would react if they found out.. Well, they wouldn't.. Ky cleared her thoughts and returned her attention to Jayne. "So, I know that you play soccer.." she started sounding more and more like a stalker by the second. "But I bet you didn't know that I play rugby," she smiled. Most people, once they heard the word "rugby", tend to think of savages ramming into one another and yelling.. lot's of yelling; so of course, when she tells them she plays, they tend to be surprised, even though there's a spot for every body type on a rugby team. "I also love photography and horse back riding, those are my biggest passions," she couldn't help but light up the way she did when she spoke about her passions. She loved them so much she just wanted to share the way she felt with everyone. "Also, one of my favorite things to do in the entire world is to star gaze. I just did it as a child every night at my grandparents house and ever since I've been completely fascinated by the galaxy.. The constellations, they still just look like a bunch of dots to me, but I enjoy trying to find them." She hadn't noticed she had began rambling and began to quiet down, somewhat embarrassed. "Anyway," she paused. "What about you?" They had entered the house now, and she walked over to the kitchen sink to grab them some cups of water. She handed Jayne a cup before noticing Kylie and giving her a sheepish smile, blush returning to her cheeks at the thought of their kiss. She averted her gaze.

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Omicron (#95824)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-01 14:51:11
Jayne Jones // 17 // Junior // Mentions: Kylee, partygoers

Jayne listened as Kylee taked about her passions. A lot of it seemed really cool. She didn't know much about rugby, but from what little she knew it sounded pretty fun. And she'd always wondered what it would be like to ride a horse. She possibly found the stargazing the most interesting thing of all, though. Jayne herself could never just sit and stare at the stars- she wouldn't be able to sit there and stare at anything that long. She admired that someone could actually enjoy something that she would find so difficult.

When Kylee filled up a cup of water, Jayne happily took the it from her, taking a sip before continuing their conversation. "Well," she began, thinking of something interesting about herself. "As you noticed, I'm on the soccer team. I mean, I'm no Kylie Jordan or Alex Morgan, but I'm pretty good." She looked over at Kylie, who she had noticed walking nearby, giving her a small smile. "But that's not all I do. I play varsity basketball in the winter as well, but my real passion is track." She began to grin as she was talking about track. "I run the mile primarily, and last year I was the state runner up." Realizing that she was only really talking about sports, she decided to add in some other hobbies so that she didn't sound like some sporty stereotype. "Some people find this really weird, but I also really like school. Specifically English. I just love to read things and decipher the little hints that the author puts in there about society and humanity. I even love to write essays for class." She stopped talking for a moment, realizing that she probably sounded like a real nerd right now. "I don't know, Its kind of weird, but I really do love it." She smiled shyly, hoping that Kylee didn't find her love of academia too strange or off-putting.

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Edited on 01/09/16 @ 22:13:25 by Omicron (#95824)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-01 15:07:35
Kiira//mentions: Allan, open
Kiira smiled, and after a while of watching everybody kiss, no, make out with each other she got bored. She stood up and grabbed a cigarette "Ill be outside in the back." She said kissing Allan's forehead and smiled a little before disappearing into the wave of drunk and high teens. Once she was out in the back she lit her cig and took a drag. She needed to get away from the weed filled air for a little. and outside the music wasn't so loud. She leaned against the wall and thought about Allan. and how she would be willing to change for the boy. She had never liked change. or to change for someone else. But for Allan. She'd be willing to do it.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-09-02 00:17:01
Allan|| mentions open

The alcohol and drugs finally hit him. He had a strong buzz, he felt Kiira kiss his head before walking off. All he could do was laugh, he walked out and followed her, a bit more slow and wobbly. He grinned when he saw her smoking."I like the fresh air,feels good on my cancerous self," he chuckled. Internally he was screaming, maybe she didn't get what he meant. People call themselves cancerous all the time. He couldn't control his actions anymore, and that wasn't a good thing.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 00:34:25
Sage Chester // Male // 18-Senior // Mentions: Kian

When Kian pulled back, Sage felt disappointed. He felt that Kian was trustworthy and a great friend. After a moment after the kiss, all he could say was "Wow." Everybody was growing old of the game and leaving. After the last male left, only Sage and Kian were out. "Well, looks like we are the only ones left." He smirked at the brown-eyed male.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 07:19:23
Kiira chuckled as Allan wobbled outside. "You're high and drunk babe." She laughed and shook her head. Her brows furrowed in confusion. "Cancerous?" She asked. She felt her heart drop to her stomach. For all she knew he could just be playing because all these teens now a days are 'cancerous'.

Kian//Mentions: Sage
Kian smirked. "That means they won't have to watch us. The real question is.. can we put on a better show then Exavier and Jayden did?" He bit his lip before pulling Sage closer and placed his hand on his sharp jawline. He kissed Sage passionately before getting a little rougher. Millions of thoughts were running through his mind. Like how hot Sage was which sent heat to his groin. But then another made its way into his mind. What if once Sage woke up and forgot all about this?

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-09-02 08:27:58
Allan|| mentions Kiira
"Yup," he hiccuped. He well back into the grass and looked up at the stars. He loved looking at them. He liked to believe that's where all of his problems would go when he died. Theyd be resolved and turned into a star.

Exavier || Theyre back B)
He nodded before walking outside. It was nice smoking after that kind of experience. He sighed and sat on the railing of the porch. The moments that previously occurred. He couldn't help but smile thinking of it. Jayden was just so beautiful to him he'd never met a person like him. He smiled to himself thinking about it all. It was crazy not even knowing someone 24 hours but feel such a connection. It was just a wild concept to him. He finished his cigarette and went back inside, trying to squeeze through the crowd. He was stopped by a few girls drunk and trying to grope him."Really, stop before I hit you," he was growing agitated as he pushed past them but hey followed anyway. He squeezed through finally getting at an opening where he leaned against the wall to cool down. There he realised he didn't even have Jaydens number which only added to his drunken agitation. He decides to just wait for Jayden feeling hopeless in finding the beautiful specimen.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 08:42:47
Kiira//Mentions: Allan
Kiira laid down next to Allan. Well more like cuddled, she laid her head on his chest. She didn't want to think about cancer at the moment, it dampened her mood. "Besides the fact that your drunk.. tell me about yourself" She said softly, listening to his heart beat.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 09:48:08
Sage Chester // Male // 18-Senior // Mentions: Kian

Sage was shocked by the sudden affection He always thought Kian was into girls. He didn't care right now. Sage kissed back roughly as well, gently laying Kian down onto the grass. Sure he was drunk, but how could he forget this? Well he might because of a hangover but most of the time Sage knows a lot of things that happened the night before. He was glad that Kian was driving him home later. Sage ran his tongue against the other's lips, kissing passionately.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 09:53:12
Kian//Mentions: Sage
Kian groaned as he was laid down. His hand wandered all over Sage's and his lips never stopped moving against the other males. He stopped for a second to ask "Shouldn't we go inside? I rather this be private instead of the whole neighborhood watching." He joked, his voice husky. He kissed Sage once again, his bottom lip sliding against Sage's asking for an entrance.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 10:55:52
Sage Chester // Male // 18-Senior // Mentions: Kian

Sage laughed a tiny laugh. "I believe that would be way better." He smiled as he gave one final peck on the lips and stood up. Sage put his hand out for Kian in order to help him get up. Sure he might not need helping, but it's a nice thing to do. Sage checked his watch and he saw that it was way past than what he expected it to be. "Wow. Looks like it's time for me to go home." He sighed.

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Edited on 02/09/16 @ 18:07:09 by BritishAce (#78363)

Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 10:59:54
Kian Parker//Mentions: Sage
Kian grabbed his hand and stood up. He groaned. "But we were just getting started!" He whine and pouted. He chuckled and grabbed his keys. "Well lets get you home." He said holding his hand out for Sage to take. Even if they were just walking to his car he still wanted to show affection to Sage.

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Luxaeus [hiatus] (#78363)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 11:18:57
Sage Chester // Mentions: Kian

Sage chuckled. "I know. But don't we have school tomorrow?" He asked drunkenly. He could hardly remember now if they did have school and if he had homework. But one thing is for certain. Sage will remember this night for as long as he can. He grabbed Kian's hand and brought it up to his lips, kissing it. Sage caressed the hand as if it was his own child. He cared for Kian even though they have recently just came back in contact with each other.

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Jadefeather (#27167)

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Posted on
2016-09-02 11:23:39
Kian Parker//Mentions: Sage
Kian nodded. "Yes we do." He groaned but chuckled at the same time. All these teens would have massive hangovers tomorrow. "Baby, are you sure your going to be alright tomorrow? Your hangover is going to be pretty bad tomorrow." He said. After he had said that it shock him. 'Baby?' He hoped that didn't bother Sage.

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Alektora [C|Inc|Mott
Mandarin] (#57794)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-09-02 13:12:30
Allan|| mentions Kiira
"Nothing to tell, I'm 18 have no idea where my life is going or how long it's going to last. I'm just going through the motions and being as happy as I can. Dying faster than others but I'm okay with it," he sighed and pulled her closer. "How about you Kiira? What can you tell me ?" He didn't look at her he just stared at the stars.

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