Posted by .:Gilded Skies:. Pirate Roleplay Thread

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 06:47:34

”Misfits, Freaks, Lunatics, and Monsters. We’ve heard them all from the people within the kingdoms.”
The floating gilded city of Arywa, kept afloat by rotating gears, large wing-like expansions, and a filter that pumps helium into the undergrounds of the city. It was made after mankind ruined the earth below with pollution, poisons, and war. But the sky was a whole new horizon and brought about a new era based around the older ones of history. No electronics, no electricity, just steam, gears, and power provided by the sky. Sadly, it recreated prejudice for skin color, eye color, genetic mutations, blindness, etc. But it also brought about the birth of the Airship; massive crafts that either fly like zeppelins or stay afloat by filter systems, helium in the pipes, and large canvas wings. Every ship is composed differently, from the small merchant ships to the massive brig ships. But the skies for miles around Arywa’s main merchant routes have come under attack by a gang of pirates, their ship is named Iriduim and is a massive iron-gold, polished cherry wood, copper, and silver canvas beast. It sports the common wing feature and steam filter seen on brig ships but travels with no sound, attacking ships and tearing through them with its reinforced hull before members of the crew swoop down on canvas and false feathered gear wings too collect the pay from midair. The people are too afraid to trade with Arywa and the people are beginning to grow ill and in need of food and supplies, so four militia members are sent too board and infiltrate the ship. Their job is to collect information and bring it back. But once they find out the real story behind the ‘Golden Angels’ will they even want too?

.:Golden Angel Rules:.
• Respect your captain. Mutiny will not be tolerated by anyone.
• Show each other respect, they are you’re family now.
• Traitors. Will. Not. Be. Tolerated.
• Everyone has their own unique traits, do not belittle anyone because of it.
• Money is too be evenly split up by all. Other stuff is too be eaten or taken back to the ‘Dragon’s Hoard’.
• ‘Once you’re family, you’re always family.’ Once you join, there is no backing out.
• Take no prisoners unless the ship will benefit, and leave no witnesses.
.:Militia Rules:.
• Do not get caught.
• Do not fall for their tricks and do not go rogue. Rogues will be killed on sight.
• Do what you have too at all costs to stay hidden and get information back.

.:The Ranking Aboard The Ship:.
{They make the rules, enforce them, and decide on the time, place, raid, and merchant route of the entire ship. They are the head honcho and have say over all things aboard the boat and may dispense punishment as they see fit.}
|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Elongated teeth, SDB, Real Wings, NPD|

.:First Mate:.(1/1)
{The Captain’s right hand man, or woman. Their advisor and successor to the ship. The help keep everyone in line and make sure the prisoners have food daily and have completed their chores.}
|Aleksander Ehranes Attoli | Male | 31 years | Elongated teeth and SDB|

.:Second Mates:.(2/2)
{These two will take over, one for the first mate and one for the youngest will stay as a third mate, if anything happens to the first mate or captain. Keeps the Crew in line.}
| Nikita Stone | Female | 24.5 years | Real Wings |
|Annie Vargas | Female | 22 years | Alexandria's Genesis|

{The base of the ship; they fight, cook, clean, help out around the ship.}
|Danica Reyes | Female | 21 years| SDB|
|Sawyer Choi | Male | 23 years | Elongated teeth, BPD|
|Helios Raymonds | Male | 19.11 years | Blind|
|Gidean Poole | Male | 23 years |Sectoral Heterochromia |

{Takes care of the sick or injured}
| Biwix "Danny" Pleasant | Male | 25 years | Mute |
|Jekyll Ark Quill | Male | 27 years | Albinism|

.:Hidden Militia:.(3/5)
{Militia hidden aboard the ship among the crew too act as spies.}
|Casimiro Herrera | Male | 25 years | Real Wings |
|Nathanial Tate | Male | 25.5 years | Real Wings|
|Lewis parker | Male | 19 years |Vitiligo |

.:Captured Merchants:.(3/3)
{Merchants captured and taken from their ships because of their skills. Most are kept in the brig area of the ship but at least it’s fairly warm.}
|Obroox Buile |Male | 26 years | Heterochromia |
|Richard Phoenix | Male | 27 years | None|
|Maris Barnett | Female | 24 years | None|

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 08:34:05 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 06:53:11
.:Current Location, Weather Reports, and Important Events:.

.:Current Location:.
390+ miles from Arywas. Currently docked on the small fruit farming island of Gua too pick up supplies and get gears repaired in the engine room.

.:Weather Reports:.
Decent cloud cover with no sight of the land below. There may be patches without clouds and it doesn't look like any storms are on the horizon. It is late autumn currently and it's getting colder above ship.

.:Important Events:.
There is a shipment meant too be picked up on the Island of Gua. The prisoners have been aboard the ship for six days now and there are people seeking too join the ship from the docks of Gua.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 07:55:45

|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Captain of the Iridium|Mentions; Open, New Recruits, Crew, and Prisoners {Indirectly}|Location; Crow’s Nest|

Sharp nails tapped away at the sleek wood of the mast, amber colored eyes locked onto the bustling dock below with sharp focus as he sat in dead silence. Large tan and gold wings were spread out on either side of him too show off the nearly fourteen foot wingspan, keeping him balanced as he sat on the edge of the Crow’s Nest in the sun. He had been up since they docked late last night unable to sleep, nightmares plaguing him all night long and keep slumber far from his mind after he woke up. So, Urui decided to do something much more useful with his time and had been overseeing the workers repairing his ship with focus. He planned on making the prisoners load up the supplies with help from the rest of the Crew, they’d have to earn their own keep if they didn’t want to be dropped from the side of the Iridium. Then there was the new recruits that had approached the ship last night with the request to join…They would make things interesting and it wouldn’t be hard to work out the best of the best and drop the others off at the next port or toss them over. His wings gave a twitch, flapping a bit and sending a gold and light beige feather swirling to the deck below without a sound. He was enjoying the first rays of sunlight on the cold morning, breath twinning up into the air. Gua was one of the few ports who was an ally of theirs, enjoying the gems and treasures that he brought them in exchange for at least two crates of mangoes. They were a peaceful little island that reminded him of home and he often kept other pirates or even militia from harassing their island with force as he did for all islands that helped him. It didn’t seem like anyone of the Crew was awake yet, even though the sun had risen a good deal by now. Sighing deeply through his nose, he jumped down and made sure he hit the deck hard and loud enough. Stalking towards the portside that lined up with the docks and hoping they were awake. He’d be needing his first mate and other crew members to help him judge the newest recruits of the Iridium.

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Keldin (#2041)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-24 09:59:31
|Aleksander Ehranes Attoli | Male | 31 years | First Mate of the Iridium|Mentions; Open, Urui, Prisoners (indirectly), crew (indirectly)|Location: Quarterdeck|

Dawn rose crisp and clear, and the Iridium's deck was mostly empty. But only mostly.

The shadow of Urui's great wings stretched dark across gleaming wood, warped by the sun's rays into something almost unrecognizable. Aleksander checked again, saw that they had nearly reached the forecastle, and judged that his watch was at its end, which was just as well. It was calm and quiet now, but that certainly wouldn't last. He shook the stiffness from his bones, rolled his shoulders, and indulged in one lazy, jaw-cracking yawn before he started toward the main deck just moments ahead of the solid thump of Urui's landing.

"All's well," he reported, the low rumble of his voice carrying easily across the distance between them, carrying on with a wry curl to his mouth, "The weather is clear and the barometer is holding steady. No disturbances to report, other than the bird that seems to have made a home in the crow's nest."

Bending low at the waist, he fetched up the cream and gold feather and rose, spinning the barb between his fingers, "Seems to be a night owl. Will the prisoners be wanting a walk?"

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 17:43:19

[ Danica Reyes ]
Female | 21 Years Old | Iridium Crew Member | Mutation: SDB
Location: Deck
Mentions: Urui, Aleksander

The thump of something heavy slamming down on the deck above her head had Danica practically leaping out of bed, landing in an awkward mess of limbs with her front half on the floor and her legs still tangled in the blankets on top of her bed. “Nice wake up call Urui,” she grumbled under her breath, already knowing the culprit behind the commotion. She made quick work of getting dressed and rushing up to the deck, skidding to a halt just behind Aleksander. “What’s on the schedule for today boss?” She asked Urui with renewed eagerness now that she was fully awake. She suspected they would be taking a look at those new recruits today to see if they were worth taking aboard. Or she hoped so. It wasn't often they accepted new crew members after all. Not like this at least. Danica caught a glimpse of them the previous night and at least two of them had real wings from what she could tell. Glancing at Urui’s marvelous wings had her wondering if that would help them any.


[ Richard Phoenix ]
Male | 27 Years Old | Merchant | Mutation: None
Location: Brig
Mentions: {Indirectly} Obroox, Maris

Richard wasn’t sure how many days had passed since he ended up down here. It was hard to tell when you were locked in a cage far from the reaches of the sun with nothing other than dark wooden walls and other abducted people to greet your gaze. It could have been six days or a month for all he knew. ’A tad dramatic,’ he thought to himself sardonically, leaning his aching face against one of the cool metal bars of his cell. A dark bruise was beginning to show along the left side of his face, stretching from his jawline to the cheek, the result of being backhanded by a guard. He didn’t regret his sharp words despite the abuse. The sting offered an odd sense of satisfaction. The sound of something heavy landing above had him shifting until his eyes were glued to the set of stairs that led up to the deck, assuming someone would be coming to feed them shortly at the least.

((I wasn’t quite sure what to do with Cas yet so I’m gonna wait for the other militia peeps to post first.))

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 00:44:53 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 18:43:25
Annie Vargas | Female | 22 years | Second mate | Mentions: Urui, Aleksander, Danica, crew [indirectly], open for interaction | Location: Main deck

Being only recently woken by a loud bang, Vargas rubbed her face with her hands and squinted moodily in the dark interior of the ship. She didn't exactly know what was going on, but judging by the quiet discussion going on about the poop deck, she guessed that the captain wanted everyone to wake up about now; making sense of the loud noise.
Her fingers were a little shaky as she attempted to sit up, a deep sleepy expression still set on her face. She didn't like being woken up so suddenly, but she didn't complain as her mind gnawed away at the idea of new crew members. Excitement very slowly began to ease its way into her attitude, taking its time, but it'll eventually become more obvious.
"... Dang." She mumbled, glowering slightly as she pushed herself up to her feet, headed groggily towards the steps that led to the main deck. She could tell that most of the crew were just waking up as well, so she decided to keep her rude attitude to herself for a while; people could be quite irritable whilst tired. Grabbing her wings, she shrugged them on and fastened them as she began to see proper daylight.
Stepping up onto the main deck, Vargas stretched out tall to make her presence known, smiling a bit when she saw the captain, Danica and the first mate.
"Mornin' captain, Danica, Mr Attoli.." She purred sleekly, a little less enthusiastically as she wandered over to the railing of the boat, peering down at the little island named Gua as she scanned the dock for the new recruits.


Jekyll Quill | Male | 27 years| Doctor | Mentions: Urui, Aleksander, Danica, open for interaction | Location: Main deck

Jek had already been awake for a while, just sat on his bed polishing his glasses. Gently setting them on his nose, he almost had a heart attack when a loud bang erupted above him, sending his glasses off his nose again. Calming himself back down, he mumbled something and went to pick them up, ignoring the new coat of dust that had covered the lens. He stood up hastily, ignoring the rush of blood to the head as he walked a little dizzily out of his cabin, and towards the main deck; he didn't exactly want to be the last one up.
He came up the stairs dragging his feet, rubbing his forehead as he glanced around at everyone on the main deck. He steered clever away from Vargas, but not before wandering past the captain and first mate. He didn't really want to be there, but he himself was curious to see the new crew joining their ship.
".. Uh, morning." He smiled faintly at Urui, Aleksander and Danica, already retreating to stand a little away from the group. He wasn't sure exactly what to expect from these newbies, worried they might be just as strong-willed as the current crew; but he wouldn't make a fuss about anything. He sat down on the railing, gladly ignoring the drop beneath him as he watched the crew go about their daily routines.
Although being the medic of the crew, he had pretty bad eyesight, which proved difficult when he lost his glasses. Looking down at the dock, he was glad that the aid could help him search the crowds for any particular figures, already guessing what the crew would look like. After all, there weren't many people with mutations willing to join the ship.

((Waiting for the Militia to be summoned before using Lewis :3 ))

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 01:44:06 by Roswell [Semi-active] (#91861)

Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-24 22:00:39
Obroox Buile | Male | 26 | Merchant | Location: Brig | Mentions: Richard Pheonix

Obroox had spent the early morning staring out the window. The morning rays painted the clouds in pastel blues and pinks like so many baby rooms. They were gorgeous, absolutely fantastic. If he still had his camera he would have taken a few photos, possibly with this cool gold ship in the foreground or hiding in the clouds. Unfortunately, he did not have said camera and the most he'd seen of this ship was it crashing into the one he'd been travelling on. And now he had a delightful view of a cell and a little porthole through which he could stare at the sky and occasional ground or sea.
A thud from the upper deck made Obroox glance up. He noticed one of the other prisoners do the same. A glance over confirmed it was the guy who'd talked back to a guard. A large black bruise was beginning to form on his cheek. It looked sore as anything, but Obroox felt a strong desire to poke it. He'd always had that impulse with bruises. It was probably why his injuries always took forever to heal. He smiled at the man, totally intending to chat his ear off if he was looking for conversation. If not... looking out the window wouldn't be too bad.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 02:47:32

|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Captain of the Iridium|Mentions; Jekyll, Vargas, Danica, Atolli {Directly} New Recruits and Prisoners {Indirectly}|Location; Iridium|

His large wings folded in neatly when footsteps reached his ears, he turned calmly and pulled himself up too sit on the gold and bronze railing as he listened to the low rumbling report from Atolli with calm ease before nodding lightly. ”I expected nothing less on an allied island. Also, Atolli, you’ll be accompanying Danica and I too go meet and judge our newest recruits.” He said in a light tone, the smile that curled his lips up was one part joy and two parts malicious intent as he tapped his fingers across the metal. His displeasure at being called a bird was pushed too the back of his mind. Urui had been ready to go since before daybreak, dressed in his long duster coat, a black shirt and pants with high gold and black boots. The sound of more voices pleased him, knowing he had gotten the others up and the arrival of Danica, followed by Vargas then Jekyll made him look them over before calming himself back down as he slowly stretched out his arms above him as well as his wings again. ”Glad you asked ‘Nica. I want this ship supplied and ready to go before tonight, there’s a brig ship in route not too far from here and I plan on intercepting it two days from now. Get the prisoners out and on deck now, Vargas. I want you to have them help load up supplies and make sure they don’t escape. Jekyll, feel free to go get Biwix up and go into town and get the medical supplies and such you need.” The moment he stopped talking, he looked around at them calmly before motioning for Atolli and Danica too follow as he turned and hopped down onto the wood planks of the dock in a practiced movement and start stocking towards the restaurant in the center of the island where the new recruits were too meet them at. He knew the others would be quick to follow.


|Helios Raymonds | Male | 19.11 years | Crew Member of the Iridium| Mentions: Prisoners {Directly} New Recruits and Crew {Indirectly}| Location: Iridium Brig|Blind|

The creak of boards and extremely faint voices reached his ears, he was working on the gears that kept the lights going down here, hands moving deftly as he used his right hand to hold the wrench and work while the left ran over the curves and found bolts before he’d start tightening them or replacing them with ease. The dark down here didn’t bother him at all as he worked, blind eyes focused ahead till he heard movements from one of the cells in the other room and straightened up, poking his head around the corner before padding in and flipping a switch to turn on the real lights in here. ”There ya go. Sitting in the dark couldn’t have been fun.” He stated before rubbing the back of his neck slightly and going towards where he knew the metal cups for water were kept, filling up one for each prisoner and taking it too them along with an ice pack for the snarky one who got hit in the jaw. Helios felt pity for them because of the fact he had been held as a prisoner for so long on Arywas. After he finished, he made his way up towards the stairs, hoping to see the new recruits who’d be joining them.

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Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-08-25 07:33:40

|Nathaniel Tate|Male|25|Hidden Militia|
|Location: Center Restaurant|Mentions: (Directly) Casimiro, Lewis, (Indirectly) Urui|

The feeling of the air this early in the morning was refreshing against his skin and in-between his feathers. Nathan leaned his head against his hand, elbow propped up on the the wooden surface of the cafes outside table as he looked around the towns center. Seated on one of the numerous stools stationed around the small restaurant, dark brown wings folded tight against his back still so unused to the feeling of them being free rather than being bound down with bandages. Being apart of the Militia was hard but for him it was home and being sent on this mission was an honor. It was still early enough that most, if not all, of the town was still asleep, but he could tell even from here the docks were slowing waking up, voices drifting on the breeze from the large ship that housed the pirate crew he was supposed to be joining.

Two others accompanied him in the square. One man by the name Casimiro who, like him, had been born with real wings, and the other, Lewis, was an interesting looking guy and he'd been nice to talk to the few minutes he'd had the chance to the previous night. He'd met the Captain of the Iridium briefly, a man a little on the short side and purely fascinating in the way he walked and talked, holding himself in such confidence that he seemed to demand respect without even talking. They were supposed to meet him this morning, the main reason for him being up so early besides not being able to sleep any longer due to nerves. So far this morning proved to turn out an interesting one.

|Gidean Poole|Male|23|Crew Member|
|Location: Deck|Mentions: (Directly) Jekyll, Vargas, (Indirectly) Urui, Danica, Atolli|

The thumps and voices from above is what finally woke Gidean up, who just so happened to be a deep sleeper every time he managed to nod off. "Damn it, Urui." He mumbled to himself. The Captain was always finding some disturbing or disrupting way to wake the crew up him being an early riser and all. He rolled from bed, hitting the floor with a thud after misjudging the amount of space he had left. Groaning he scrambled to his feet and pulled on some proper clothing before bouncing up stairs to the Deck. Several others of the crew were already up and about and just out of the corner of his eye he could see Urui, Danica, and Atolli leaving to, most likely, go meet the new recruits. "Jekyll, Vargas, morning guys." He greeted, bumping shoulders with Jekyll amicably while patting Vargas on the arm. "What's on the agenda today?"

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Keldin (#2041)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2016-08-25 10:24:15
|Aleksander Ehranes Attoli | Male | 31 years | First Mate of the Iridium|Mentions; Urui, Danica, Jekyll, Vargas|Location: Docks|

One by one, the crew began to crawl from belowdeck.

Aleksander greeted each new arrival with the same brief consideration. Danica, obviously eager for the day, piped brightly at his back and he cocked his head toward the sound of her voice as he followed Vargas to the rails with his eyes. He left her to holding the ship's rail up, clocked Jekyll making a wide berth from everyone, and, assured for the moment that all were well, came full circle to Urui's smiling declaration.

He bared his own sharp teeth in an expression that could have been called a smile only by the most generous of souls--Obroox, perhaps--and dipped his chin in a short nod while Urui rattled off the orders to make ready. Urui's nails drummed a steady beat against the ship's rail, and with each soft click, Aleksander's shoulders grew just a little looser. "Double check the lashings behind the prisoners," he called to Vargas as Urui finished and bounded away over the edge of the ship in almost the same breath, eyes skimming momentarily toward the hold and then to Vargas herself as he added, "Don't want anything coming loose during the collision."

Somewhat more sedately, he went over the edge after Urui on the ladder, and leaped the last few feet; the dock still trembled beneath the weight of his impact like it had been struck by a boulder. He caught the captain in just a few long strides, and fell into place just at his back without comment, flicking the cream-and-gold feather into the sluggish wind.

"Are these from Gua?" he asked when they'd put some distance between themselves and the Iridium, tipping his chin toward the cafe where they were to meet the new recruits.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-25 11:47:08
Biwix "Danny" Pleasant | Male | Doctor | Location: Medical room | Mentions: Crew in general

Danny had awoken early as usual and headed to the surgery. He liked it there. The floor was different to the other rooms, covered in a kind of coating that stopped blood from seeping into the wood. It felt sterile and somehow safe. The beds were thankfully empty so Danny went about checking their supplies. He made sure to count their bandages and pills before looking over their tools to ensure none of them were stained or broken. A doctor's worst nightmare was a broken or unclean tool during an emergency. On one of his previous ships, a doctor had forgotten to sterilise one of the scalpels. The patient had come down with a serious infection that required amputation of the shoulder. They'd died during surgery and had founded Danny's desire to ensure nothing would go wrong in his surgery.
Seeing everything in place and the floor clean, he decided to use his time to relax. He pulled out a medical journal he'd been looking through. It had some interesting ideas on non-invasive surgery. It was a shame he'd likely never get to perform said surgery. It's not like many of the pirates had heart disease or complicated health problems. The most he'd be able to use it for would be removing bullets, and even then it'd be easier and quicker to just do it the old fashioned way. He sighed longingly. It wasn't that he didn't like stitching up cuts or fixing broken bones... it just felt so mundane. He had so many journals on so many topics and the most he used was "Stitching up a dumbass for dummies". But still, there was something comforting and homely about his job. The people knew each other and cared for each other. If he worked at one of the island hospitals his days would be filled with strangers getting colds checked. He'd take the banter of one of the crew over that any day.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 15:25:10

[ Casimiro Herrera ]
Male | 23 Years Old | Hidden Militia | Mutation: Real Wings
Location: Gua / Resturant
Mentions: {Directly} Nathanial, Lewis | {Indirectly} Urui

A cold breeze ruffled the dark feathers of his wings as Casimiro waited for the Iridium's captain to come into sight. His gray gaze was unnervingly focused and posture strung tight as minutes ticked by with no sign of the man. Two other men of the militia waited with him, but he hardly paid either much mind beyond the polite greeting he'd offered upon their arrival. If they had been chosen for this mission clearly they were competent enough. Lecturing them on proper conduct or how to behave was unnecessary. They would have been briefed before leaving their posts.

If he had taken the time to observe his surroundings more closely he might have found the small island charming and peaceful. Casimiro was better accustomed to the larger sectors and bustling streets of Arywa, where everything seemed so crowded and no one really had a moment of peace or space to themselves. Especially not with all the sickness and hunger now plaguing the once grand floating city, moving people to violence and thievery more so than usual. Thinking of the people suffering back home only hardened his resolve. Whatever happened here, they couldn't fail them.


[ Danica Reyes ]
Female | 21 Years Old | Iridium Crew Member | Mutation: SDB
Location: Deck / Gua Docks
Mentions: Urui, Aleksander, Annie, Jekyll

”Top of the morning to you too Vargas,” Danica responded as the other woman graced them with a half-hearted greeting, a slight smirk pulling at the edges of her mouth upon noticing her crewmate still sounded a bit groggy. “Quite the wake-up call, ey?” She added in a humorous whisper before Annie ambled over to the railing. Jekyll was the next to arrive, appearing fidgety and anxious as always. She sent a friendly nod and a warm smile his way before he edged away from the group and her attention returned to their captain.

Excitement had her heart pumping as Urui motioned for her to follow him and Aleksander. She would be the first besides the captain and first mate to see the new recruits! Shooting a smug grin the rest of the crew’s way, she gave an over dramatic wave of farewell before trailing after the two men. Hopping onto the railing with practiced precision and surprising balance she made sure her own, less real wings were properly harnessed to her back before turning them on, the sound of hot steam and gears turning music to her ears as she fluttered down to join Urui and Aleksandr on the docks, landing with a satisfying thump.


[ Richard Phoenix ]
Male | 27 Years Old | Iridium Prisoner| Mutation: None
Location: Brig
Mentions: Obroox, Helios

The faint sound of hurried footfalls and somewhat louder chatter above signified the waking of the ship’s crew members. Richard shot one last heated glare at the stairs before allowing his gaze to drift elsewhere, landing on one of the other prisoners mere seconds later. He could tell from the look on his face the other man wanted to converse, but Richard was in no mood for the peppy merchant's optimism, pointedly breaking eye contact to examine his fingernails instead. Once well kept and neatly trimmed, they had splits and broken edges from being put to work. He had taken days of the past for granted, never expecting to miss a warm bath or proper hygiene so desperately. He might even be willing to trade just a bit of his dignity right about now if it meant being rid of these filthy clothes or freeing his hair and skin from the dirt and grime that clung to them.

The subtle sound of movement nearby had him looking up again as Helios moved to switch on the lights. He had forgotten he was down here, though it wasn’t hard when the boy was so quiet. Being handed a mug of water and an ice pack for his sore face came as somewhat of a surprise, but he had the decency to reply with a mild “thank you” before Helios disappeared back up to the deck. He downed the mug within a matter of minutes, savoring the cold liquid rushing down his throat before resting the pack against his bruised cheek. Finally, sapphire eyes slid back to Obroox and he decided perhaps he could use a little positivity this morning after all. He said nothing, but his expression alone was invitation to start talking.

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 22:30:37 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

ʙʙᴇʀ (#91861)

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Posted on
2016-08-25 22:11:50
Annie Vargas | Female | 22 years | Second mate | Mentions: Urui, Aleksander, Danica, Maris | Location: Main deck - Brig

Vargas' head perked up at the sound of her voice, turning to look at Urui before nodding excitedly, a grin appearing on her face. She got bored quite easily, so giving her something to do was pretty important to keep her mind at ease; not that it ever was.
"Aight Cap', I'll get to it." She replied loudly, already seeming to cheer up after such a rude awakening. She nodded politely at Aleksander's comment, trying her best not to irritate him or the captain. Glancing over at Danica, she smirked and giggled slightly, her attitude rather ecstatic. She was starting to lose her sleepy attitude, replacing it with her 'normal' crazed and excitable one.
"Tell me about it." She replied hastily, the grin on her face taken up with a smirk. She brushed past her to go down to the brig, adjusting her wings on the way down so they were tucked neatly behind her back. She knew the prisoners weren't going to be very hard to control, although she was a bit concerned about Richard; she assumed after getting a punch to the face he would be a bit more subdued however.
Trotting quietly down the stairs, humming a tune to herself, she stopped by the cage to take a look at them; what a sight they were.
"Morning guys, sleep well?" She snickered, not intending to be as polite with these guys; she sighed and turned to check the lashings, taking her first mate's orders; they seemed fairly alright, just a couple hooks that needed tightening.
"We got some cargo we need you guys to carry up onto the ship, so that'll be fun, aight?" She sighed and leaned against the bars of the cage, tilting her head as she peered at them in the dim light, a wide smirk on her face. She eyed the three of them icily, with a cocked brow. She desperately wanted to tease them, but she knew the captain wouldn't appreciate that.


Jekyll Quill | Male | 27 years| Doctor | Mentions: Urui, Biwix, most of crew | Location: Main deck - Medical room

Jek smiled nervously at everyone as they came up the steps, most of them looking pretty sleepy. He felt a little tired himself, but he hardly noticed it as he rocked backwards and forwards on the railing. Hearing the captain start giving out orders, he got to his feet hastily and nodded when he got to his name, pushing his glasses up his nose as he went down to the medical room, already catching the scent of the sterile environment as he descended the steps. They had been blessed with no casualties recently, apart from the occasional flu or cold that someone might catch, but they took care of that with no problems. Most of the crew were pretty healthy at the moment, which the thankful Jekyll was happy about, since it resulted in less busyness in the medical room.
He was a bit slow heading down the steps, deep in thought as he caught sight of the other doctor; glad he didn't have to wake him up from his sleep.
".. Biwix?" He mumbled quietly, finding the calm of this room a lot better than all the chatter up on deck. He was nervous, but that didn't really come across as anything new, since he kept up that attitude around the other crew members.
"Urui, he said we could go and get more supplies in town; w-we'll be able to see the new guys when we get back I suppose." He explained, taking off his glasses for the moment as he looked around at the nearly arranged equipment, already making mental notes on what they needed.


Lewis Parker | Male | 19 | Hidden militia | Mentions: Casimiro, Nathanial, Urui (indirect) | Location: Docks of Gua/restaurant

Lewis had his feet propped up on an empty chair next to him, a toothpick rolling underneath his teeth as he eyed his companions. He was happy to have been given a mission with the militia, having needed a job for a while, it was hard getting one when people with mutations were so often segregated. He would've considered becoming a lawyer, like the rest of his family, but the idea didn't really appeal to him.
Observing the Iridium at the docks, he could hear people rushing about as they were given orders by their captain. He recognized a couple mechanical wings as they opened and closed stiffly, and his sharp eyes were already making familiarities with the crew members that strayed near the railings. From a distance they all seemed pretty normal, apart from the occasional obvious mutation that made its presence known. He was surprised that so many people were willing to join the crew of criminals; although, at the same time, he was a little curious to know why. He had to admit, breaking the law seemed like a good idea at times; but he always managed to restrain himself.
The one thing he was most excited about was working with the cannons, having a secret love for all things explosive. Obviously, he'd purposefully miss any ships that were being attacked, not wanting to become too accustomed to their violent ways. He just needed to keep his fake personality up, and then he would earn the trust of the crew.

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Merri (#89766)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 06:05:23
Maris Barnett | Female | 24 | Prisoner | Location: Brigg | Mentions: Obroox, Richard, Helios and Annie

The blonde prisoner had been awake long before the sounds from above and the movements of the other two prisoners, she had just kept her eyes shut, not wanting Obroox to strike up a conversation so early in the morning. Instead she settled into her own thoughts, thinking about her situation, and many other things. She heard the loud thump and the softer ones as the pirate crew started off their day. The other two prisoners were starting to move around a little, the sounds pulling Maris away from her own thoughts. Blue eyes blinked open as the lights flickered on. She watched in Silence as Helios moved to get their water and some ice for Richard's bruising face.

In Maris's opinion, Richard deserved the hit to the face and she was just waiting for the moment in time where his snarky comment's would get them all in trouble. From what she could tell, Obroox was ready to start talking and Richard was the one he wanted to talk to. It wasn't that she hated Obroox or anything, she just found his cheerful optimism to be over the top and some what annoying. Which is why the arrival of Annie, even if it meant it was time for them to do some form of work or something, was a bit of a blessing so she wouldn't be dragged into a conversation.

Maris listened to Annie speak about moving cargo, giving a slight nod of her head as a way of saying that she understood. It was just lifting and moving things, which wouldn't be to horrible. The female prisoner glanced over at Richard and Obroox wondering how the two of them would handle the orders. Knowing Obroox, he'd be fine with it, but Richard on the other hand would start fussing and complaining, at least, thats what Maris thought he would do.

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Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-26 06:51:31

|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Captain of the Iridium|Mentions; Danica, Atolli, and New Recruits {Directly}|Location; Gua Portside|

Urui walked with his wings slightly spread, eyes paying attention directly ahead of him before a voice reached his ears causing him to look over curiously. It was a group of kids trying to barter with one of the shop owners for fruit. It had only caught his attention because of the language they spoke. It used to be called Thai back when the human race had lived on the group and was used the most by the farming islands as a common language. He could see Atolli and Danica over his shoulder before he sighed and turned, stalking towards the shopkeeper with purpose before reaching into a pocket and pulling out twelve large silver coins before slamming them down and gesturing to the kids before the fruit and mumbling low and fast. The happy chatter of the children brought a smile too his face as he turned to continue towards the meeting place with a quick gesture towards ‘Nica and ‘Tolli. ”Come on, we got newbies too go pick up.” He growled out and let his wings adjust and settle against his back again as he walked with his head back. Urui felt no need to explain why he decided to buy those kids food, it should have been obvious by their clothes and weight that they had no money to themselves. He knew that kind of pain, having too survive off of what others gave him and eating mangoes from the tree in his yard…
The large blue and grey painted sign snapped his thoughts straight in half as he looked over the meeting place calmly, looking over his shoulder he gestured with his chin towards the door. He planned on seeing how good they were at detection and realizing when something was coming. Urui broke off from his path. ”Go inside and greet them. See if they realize where I’m at, Atolli.” He ordered sharply. He wouldn’t accept people who were overly dense onto his ship. Reaching a place out of sight, he took to the sky with a few flaps of his wings and moved to land silently on the roof; quickly folding his wings up and moving silently towards the door on the roof.

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Ser Isles (#57298)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2016-08-26 19:32:27
Obroox Buile | Male | 26 | Merchant | Location: Brig | Mentions: Richard Pheonix

The change in his fellow prisoner's glance gave Obroox all the encouragement he needed to start talking. He grinned. "Well it's n-ice to see you changed your mind."
His grin widened. He was a self-sustaining pun machine. He made puns and people's reactions fueled him to make more. The worst the pun, the better. He glanced up towards where the captain and crew must be walking around on deck. "Have you seen the captain? They attacked my ship at night so I didn't really get a look. I've heard this ship looks pretty fantastic though, all gold and sparkling. I've only seen this bloody room so far. If I ever see cherry wood again I'm going to burn down a forest I swear."
He sipped at his water. It was a little warm but he kind of liked it like that. Cold water would give him a stomach ache sometimes. He hoped the blind guy would bring some food. He was famished and he'd already lost weight. He'd be skin and bones by the end of this. It'd take ages to get back to his chubby self.


Biwix "Danny" Pleasant | Male | Doctor | Location: Medical room | Mentions: Jekyll and crew general

Hearing quiet footsteps approach the surgery, Biwix glanced up. The other doctor, Jekyll, was making his careful way down. He must have been on deck getting this morning's report from the Captain. This was confirmed by his words stating they'd be heading to town to get supplies. This wasn't really a problem, supplies were always good, except that Biwix didn't have wings. He rarely left the medical room, didn't go on raids, and didn't have his own home-grown wings, so he'd never gotten a pair made. He wasn't entirely sure if they'd need them to go into town. It was possible though, they may not pull up close enough and just expect the crew to fly or glide over. Biwix wouldn't be doing a lot of flying with his human arms though.
-Will we need wings to get to town?- He signed.

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Edited on 27/08/16 @ 02:40:28 by Ser Isles (#57298)

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