Posted by .:Gilded Skies:. Pirate Roleplay Thread

Crowteeth {RLC
1.6.23 } (#39277)

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Posted on
2016-08-24 06:47:34

”Misfits, Freaks, Lunatics, and Monsters. We’ve heard them all from the people within the kingdoms.”
The floating gilded city of Arywa, kept afloat by rotating gears, large wing-like expansions, and a filter that pumps helium into the undergrounds of the city. It was made after mankind ruined the earth below with pollution, poisons, and war. But the sky was a whole new horizon and brought about a new era based around the older ones of history. No electronics, no electricity, just steam, gears, and power provided by the sky. Sadly, it recreated prejudice for skin color, eye color, genetic mutations, blindness, etc. But it also brought about the birth of the Airship; massive crafts that either fly like zeppelins or stay afloat by filter systems, helium in the pipes, and large canvas wings. Every ship is composed differently, from the small merchant ships to the massive brig ships. But the skies for miles around Arywa’s main merchant routes have come under attack by a gang of pirates, their ship is named Iriduim and is a massive iron-gold, polished cherry wood, copper, and silver canvas beast. It sports the common wing feature and steam filter seen on brig ships but travels with no sound, attacking ships and tearing through them with its reinforced hull before members of the crew swoop down on canvas and false feathered gear wings too collect the pay from midair. The people are too afraid to trade with Arywa and the people are beginning to grow ill and in need of food and supplies, so four militia members are sent too board and infiltrate the ship. Their job is to collect information and bring it back. But once they find out the real story behind the ‘Golden Angels’ will they even want too?

.:Golden Angel Rules:.
• Respect your captain. Mutiny will not be tolerated by anyone.
• Show each other respect, they are you’re family now.
• Traitors. Will. Not. Be. Tolerated.
• Everyone has their own unique traits, do not belittle anyone because of it.
• Money is too be evenly split up by all. Other stuff is too be eaten or taken back to the ‘Dragon’s Hoard’.
• ‘Once you’re family, you’re always family.’ Once you join, there is no backing out.
• Take no prisoners unless the ship will benefit, and leave no witnesses.
.:Militia Rules:.
• Do not get caught.
• Do not fall for their tricks and do not go rogue. Rogues will be killed on sight.
• Do what you have too at all costs to stay hidden and get information back.

.:The Ranking Aboard The Ship:.
{They make the rules, enforce them, and decide on the time, place, raid, and merchant route of the entire ship. They are the head honcho and have say over all things aboard the boat and may dispense punishment as they see fit.}
|Urui Jax Cipher | Trans. Male | 25.5 years | Elongated teeth, SDB, Real Wings, NPD|

.:First Mate:.(1/1)
{The Captain’s right hand man, or woman. Their advisor and successor to the ship. The help keep everyone in line and make sure the prisoners have food daily and have completed their chores.}
|Aleksander Ehranes Attoli | Male | 31 years | Elongated teeth and SDB|

.:Second Mates:.(2/2)
{These two will take over, one for the first mate and one for the youngest will stay as a third mate, if anything happens to the first mate or captain. Keeps the Crew in line.}
| Nikita Stone | Female | 24.5 years | Real Wings |
|Annie Vargas | Female | 22 years | Alexandria's Genesis|

{The base of the ship; they fight, cook, clean, help out around the ship.}
|Danica Reyes | Female | 21 years| SDB|
|Sawyer Choi | Male | 23 years | Elongated teeth, BPD|
|Helios Raymonds | Male | 19.11 years | Blind|
|Gidean Poole | Male | 23 years |Sectoral Heterochromia |

{Takes care of the sick or injured}
| Biwix "Danny" Pleasant | Male | 25 years | Mute |
|Jekyll Ark Quill | Male | 27 years | Albinism|

.:Hidden Militia:.(3/5)
{Militia hidden aboard the ship among the crew too act as spies.}
|Casimiro Herrera | Male | 25 years | Real Wings |
|Nathanial Tate | Male | 25.5 years | Real Wings|
|Lewis parker | Male | 19 years |Vitiligo |

.:Captured Merchants:.(3/3)
{Merchants captured and taken from their ships because of their skills. Most are kept in the brig area of the ship but at least it’s fairly warm.}
|Obroox Buile |Male | 26 years | Heterochromia |
|Richard Phoenix | Male | 27 years | None|
|Maris Barnett | Female | 24 years | None|

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Edited on 25/08/16 @ 08:34:05 by (~Shiba-Keeba~) (#39277)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-08-27 07:44:58

Nikita Stone
Female | 23 years, 5 months | Second Mate | Real Wings, Elongated Canine Teeth
Location: Ship; Forecastle Deck -> Main Deck | Mentions: Urui Jax Cipher, Annie Vargas, Jekyll Quill, Gideon Poole, Everyone on Deck

Being quite true early bird, Nikita sat on the forecastle deck of the boat, right in front of the bow, a juicy apple in hand. Silently, she ate the apple as her stunning eyes watched the view in front of her. Meanwhile, on the Crow's Nest stood Urui Jax Cipher, her Captain. His wings were opened fully to presumably show the large wingspan while her own dark wings were casuallyfolded on her back, in a normal fashion. She was one of the few to have real wings. Niki felt herself being drawn into her own thoughts, whether they be sad or violent, commonly the latter, as she awaited for the rest of the crew to wake up. It was her normal morning routine; wake up early, grab an apple, and sit in front of the bow as she wait for the crew to awake.

Time had passed and, soon enough, Urui had supposedly decided it was time for everyone to wake up and jumped down, making a loud thump on the deck, probably waking up everyone down there. Knowing it was time to get started, Nikita stood up and walked to Urui, greeting him with her usual greeting. Watching everyone discuss their plans for the day, she surprisingly decided to just stand by and listen, which was odd for her. She usually was not quiet when it came to orders in the morning, or anything like that. She noticed Gideon greet Jekyll and Vargas, though they didn't give him that much of a greeting. After most had left for their particular job, she walked up to the man. "Good morning, Gideon." she greeted, running a nimble hand through her straight, brown hair. The woman debated whether or not she should go down and help the other Second Mate with the prisoners, or if she should stay and talk with Poole. For now, she decided she'd converse with the man. "Well, to answer your question, Urui, Danica, and Attoli went to greet the new recruits. Jekyll and Biwix are supposed to go into town, and Vargas went to go get the prisoners. At least, that's what I know. she said with a nod of confirmation, her voice smooth and feminine, and her hands in her pant-pockets as she answered the man's question from before.

OOC: Sorry for lateness and badness that sucks xD I decided for her to talk to Gideon lol.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 15:13:49

[ Casimiro Herrera ]
Male | 23 | Hidden Militia | Mutation: Real Wings
Location: Gua Restaurant | Mentions: {Directly} Nathanial, Lewis, Atolli, Urui

Casimiro rose out of his seat as he spotted three figures making their way over to the restaurant. His eyes had always been particularly sharp, perhaps more-so than normal, and the familiar sight of the captain’s brilliant beige-gold wings and streaked blonde hair immediately caught his gaze. Momentary confusion crashed over him as the captain veered away from his crewmates and disappeared somewhere out of sight, leaving the man and young woman in his company to greet them alone. This had him shifting a bit apprehensively. Had the pirates figured out who they actually were already? Was this an ambush? “Stay vigilant,” he commented to his own companions. “The captain isn’t with them.”

His own senses remained on high alert as Danica and Atolli strolled inside, his mind going into overdrive pondering any viable reason Urui would want to remain unseen and could only conclude this was either a test or the other male wanted to try catching them by surprise, possibly both. He wasn’t sure whether he considered such a move clever or childish, but after giving it some thought he glanced upwards. If he were to pull a stunt like that he’d come in from above. It was a opportunity offered to very few, but for anyone with functioning wings was an obvious tactic.

Abruptly pulling away from the group without a word, he started looking for anything in the ceiling that might signify an opening, stopping at a set of stairs at the back of the building that led to an upper level. He made his way up to the second floor just as Urui slipped down from the roof, confronting the captain with an admittedly satisfied grin. "Nice of you to join us sir. Next time you might want to try using the front door."

((I hope I didn’t just totally misunderstand that post. Let me know if I need to correct anything. I was going to wait for someone else to respond first to make sure I got things right, but looks like this RP could use some poking.))


[ Danica Reyes ]
Female | 21 | Iridium Crew Member | Mutation: SDB
Location: Gua Portside | Mentions: {Directly} Urui, Atolli, New Recruits

A small smile crossed Danica’s face as she watched the winged captain go stalking over to a nearby shop, dishing out a few coins to buy a group of malnourished children some fruit. The children scurried off joyfully, arms full of pears and mangoes. “Urui you big softy,” she teased gently once he’d rejoined her and Aleksander, though there was no true malice in her tone. She knew he came from a similar background and so did she. It was good to help those without when they could.

The command to go inside and greet the recruits without him caught the girl a bit off guard, but she shrugged her shoulders and went along with it regardless. “Whatever you say Cap.” Following the first mate inside the small cafe, it wasn’t hard to tell who their newbies were between the two men with real wings and the third with a unique skin mutation that had Danica staring for a moment longer than she should have. She side-eyed Atolli, expecting him to speak first considering his rank. In the meantime she watched their potential recruits for reactions that might signify they noticed Urui’s lack of presence. She frowned slightly in dismay as one of the winged men unexpectedly turned and left without so much as a greeting. "Hope the rest of you aren't that rude," she commented with a slight huff.


[ Richard Phoenix ]
Male | 27 | Prisoner | Mutation: None
Location: Brig | Mentions: {Directly} Obroox, Maris, Vargas | {Indirectly} Helios, Urui

The cheesy pun had Richard responding with a deadpan expression, clearly not impressed as he readjusted the ice-pack against his cheek. “Clever,” he replied in a curt tone, noticing Maris finally sitting up. His gaze lingered on her until Obroox inquired whether he’d seen the captain yet or not, a look of clear dislike passing over his face. “He’s short.”

The arrival of Annie Vargas, the pirate crew’s second mate from what he could gather, cut Obroox off short as Richard turned to face her, rising to his feet and leaving the ice-pack so generously gifted by Helios behind to melt on the floor. He doubted he would be allowed to bring it with him and he’d likely need both hands for whatever was meant to happen next anyway. “Oh splendid,” he replied tartly in answer to her asking if they’d slept well. “Nothing quite like a bed made of hard, damp wood. I doubt I’ve ever been better rested.” As expected she soon revealed they were being put to labor and his only response to that was a resigned grunt.

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 22:25:18 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Valentine [Main] (#34494)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2016-09-01 13:55:49

Oh gods these are horrible, but I had some writers block. Hopefully we can get some others to reply soon.

|Gidean Poole|Male|23|Crew Member|
|Location: Deck|Mentions: (Directly) Nikita, (Indirectly) None.|

Gideon smiled brightly at the second mate as she strode over to his side. He'd always admired the woman ever since he'd step foot on the boat to join, and even now after all the time he'd been a part of the crew he couldn't help but hold her in high regards. "Thanks for tellin' me." He said, flinging an arm around Nikita's shoulders and leaning slightly into her side. By now the crew had, hopefully, gotten used to Gideon and his touchy feely ways. "Anything in particular you want me to help out with?" He asked. "I could help with the prisoners or carry up the cargo." If there was one thing he didn't like it was the feeling of being useless and right now, he felt useless. "So, Nikita, buddy, pal." Gideon shot the woman a grin, posture happy and loose. "How can I help you today?"

|Nathaniel Tate|Male|25|Hidden Militia|
|Location: Center Restaurant|Mentions: (Directly) Casimiro, Lewis, Urui, Danica, Antolli (Indirectly) None.|

Nathan snapped to attention at Casimiro's spoken words, fighting the ingrained behavior to salute. That's be one way to give himself away real quick. After being a part of the Militia for so long saluting and 'yes sir' were ground into his very being, and the tone of a firm voice or spoken commands had Nathan fighting his very nature at this point. As it was he fought down his twitching arm and hand before standing up, wings still folded firmly against his back, the flight feathers just brushing the back of his knees. He followed Cas's line of sight from the two entering the cafe to the set of stairs positioned in the back, but decided to let the him handle that end of the building and turned back to the two he believe were Danica and Atolli. Nathan twitched slightly as Cas addressed the hidden captain but shoot the other a friendly smile and a small wave. "Good morning." He greeted. It was already going to be an interesting day.

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