Posted by New Unicorn RP

Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 10:41:35
You are unicorn. You live in beautiful forest.

A Picture of your character is optional. Make sure you character has a good description, and a personality. You can have as many characters you can think you can handle, however you must be active with them. You have to fill each form for each character.

If you have any questions please ask me in the forum. As soon as your character(s) is accepted you can start role-playing.

1: be respectful
2: all lioden rules apply
3: please get permission from another user to breed with their unicorn
4: fade to black for birthing,mating scenes,etc
5: only one power is allowed.
6: in heat only applies if your character is a mare. If your character is a stallion please remove in heat in your character form.
7: no marysue/ garysue
8: If your charter is mare and she is pregnant, Unicorns and Pegasus are pregnant for 11 months which is 11 days.
9: hate the character not the player suggested by Evangelyne (#85644)
10. have fun.

If you have suggestion(s) for a rule feel free to let me know in the forum.

In heat is just for the start of the role play. If you choose not have your mare in heat for the start of the role -play that is fine, however she must come into heat at some point of the role -play.


Age: Immortal
In Heat:

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 02/09/16 @ 13:00:22 by Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

Skystone (#78438)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 13:21:20
Name: Astra
Called: Astra
Age: Immortal
Gender: Mare
Power: the power of revival and healing, Astra usually gets very weak and may pass out when reviving someone or thing
Description: Astra is a pure white unicorn, but in the moonlight she has a blueish shine. She has a Beautiful long mane and tail and some extra fluff around her hooves.
Personality: WIP
In Heat: yes?

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 16:48:21 by Skystone (#78438)

Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 15:05:25
Name: Shadow

Called: Shadow

Age: Immortal

Gender: Mare

Power: Can shift into a pegasus

Shadow is a black unicorn, her hair is glossy and sleek. She has a sleek build, and is very agile both on the ground and in the sky. She has white coronets on all her hooves. In her other form, she loses her horn and grows big black feathered wings, a pegasus. She has a long mane and tail, and a silvery horn in her unicorn form.

Personality: Shadow is a kind unicorn, willing to help anyone even if she really shouldn’t. She is very loyal to her herd, and would never betray them. She is spooked quite easily, but won’t hesitate to defend herself. If one of her friends or family are being hurt, or are in danger, she’ll become a kicking, rearing mess. She is really very kind, though, and loves helping others, and prefers to avoid fights because of her frame, she is very agile and looks as if she was built to run.

In Heat: Yes

Other: She is open for a crush/mate, PM me :)

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Edited on 30/08/16 @ 14:48:08 by Phoenix [WCU] (#85565)

。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 23:08:54

"The Earth has music for those who listen."

Among other unicorns, he is called by his normal name, but the trees call him "Naturaevox", which consists of the Latin words "Nature" and "Voice", hence "Nature's voice"



He has the ability to heal dead plants and create new ones, and he can also talk to any living plants. He has earned a title of great respect among the plants, to the point where they will obey his commands, but he refuses to use these powers for violence, unless it's absolutely necessary. [So basically plant manipulation]

Hallvardr looks much more cervine than any other unicorn. In fact, the only reason other creatures actually believe he's a unicorn because of his long, sharp horn that sits on the middle of his forehead. He has a much larger muzzle and ears than a normal unicorn, and he has a strong, imposing build. He is brown with a cream underside and he has a few white spots on his back. He moves very gracefully.

Hallvardr is a calm, wise unicorn that rarely ever resorts to violence. He prefers isolation to large groups, and would be perfectly content with wandering through the forests with only the company of the trees for the rest of his life. He never turns down anyone that is in need of help, as long as he believes that they have good intentions and that they are pure of heart. The only thing that really angers him is when people harm nature, and when he sees someone acting cruelly towards any plants or animals, he'll have a sudden fit of rage.

I hope you don't mind if I make him asexual and heteroromantic, but if you're not comfortable with that, I totally understand :)

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Edited on 02/09/16 @ 02:56:42 by BlazeRed (#27478)

Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-28 23:14:25
I'm sorry i forgot to subscribe to this topic, all are accepted. Yes your characters can be in heat. You choose when you want your characters to be in heat. @ BlazeRed (#27478) Your character can be Asexual and heteroromantic because it is your character. @Phoenix [WCU] (#85565) you character is over powered with the dragon form. Your character is allowed to have wings.

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 06:44:45 by Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 03:39:40
quick question before i pay a form, how many characters may we have? Or is it just the one?

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 04:26:32
I forgot to put that in main post. You can have as many characters you can think you can handle, however you must be active with them. You have to fill each form for each character. And welcome to the New unicorn RP Fraulein Elsa Mars!❤ (#66355). I edited the main post, so it tells you how many characters you can have.

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 17:25:20 by Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 05:18:16
Name: Mavuto
Called: Mav or Mavu
Plus any other nickname you want.

Age: Immortal
Gender: Male

Power: He cause's nature around him to morph and rot into the opposite of what it should be. Any grass or lush area will brown and become lifeless, and area's like the desert he was raised in and natural sand pits ot dry area's will turn green with foriegn plant's and life that would not normally be there.
He discovered a plant that grows in sand and hard dirt known as Proboscidea, nicknamed Devils Claw or Unicorn Horn, due to it's appearance. Mostly edible but not recommended. This is his favorite plant.

Description: I'm not the greatest at description but I'm worse with art so here is My attempt:
With the striking bright of pastel pink aligned with blended white, his mane is longer than most mares and more feminine as well. Slits matching the roots of trees, a deep detailed brown. All of these make his coat look like pure black silk with dots of snow flakes on his back much like a blanket going onto his cheeks.

Personality/History: His mate parished long ago due to her power of revival, their daughter was destined to die and in order to save her life his mate gave hers up to heal their filly. He has held this upon his shoulders as his own doing for causing the worst around to happen. He does his best to take a longer and more rough path in order to allow others to take the easier short one. He is not one to be messed with as he will allow himself to step upon that short path and make it crumble. He is one to speak his mind and not think twice about his words. If he does he will always hold a strong opinion on it.

Other: His Name means: Troubles or Problems.
Chifuniro is his daughter~
He has no Gender Preference in a relationship, He is often mistaken as a girl and in the past was hit on by studs. He woukd freak them out and flirt back-

Name: Chifuniro
Called: Chi or Niro
Plus any other nickname you want.

Age: Immortal
Gender: Female

Power: Weather, or namely any weather caused by clouds
Including- fog- rain- and Wind Flow-
A cloud will always follow Chifuniro the power if her emotions will change the size of that cloud, and what will come out of the said cloud.

I'm not the greatest at description but I'm worse with art so here is My attempt:
All you see is the translucency of bubbles the outline a like a prism mirror. You see yourself in those eyes, and with tuffs of a dirty eggyolk yellow color highlighting her facial features quickly fading into a utterly unblemished white adorned with spotted brown on her flank. The longest hairs above her hooves match her mane the same brown upon her flank mixed in with the same dirty eggyolk color.
Her hooves remain black unshowing hidden by the tuffs above and by her lengthy tail hair.

Personality/History: As said above, she was destined for death as her emotions will cause what weather will take form in the cloud above and as a filly, she had to many emotions and no idea how to control them. Her mother gave her life to her child in order to strengthen her stability and peace of mind.
With this said she often comes off as monotone and boring, or too cheery and happy. If she gets upset she often will attempt to go off until she is stable again.

In Heat: Yes-

Other: Her name Means: Will, Wish
Will as in her strength of will. Mavuto is her dad ^^
She want's to have a large happy family since she never had one as a filly-

I hope this is okay of any of this doesn't make sense let me know, or if it's over powered in any way I don't think it is but I will happily change it ^^
Super happy to join. It looks like fun!

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 18:39:37 by Fraulein Elsa Mars! ❤ (#66355)

🔥 Wildfire 🔥 (#36595)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 08:10:32

Unknown. He doesn't give out his real name.
He is fine with the names; Malo, or Ajax. Either suit him pretty well.
(Although I'm going to have it, where he can die, if greatly injured.)
Masculine. (He/Him)
Malo sports the power of great strength. Due to his size, (especially since his floof makes him appear larger) and broad structure. His "Super strength," does come in handy. He does not have to rely on petty magic, rather than using bruit strength-- to keep himself alive, and fight off danger.
As seen in his picture-- Malo possesses a jet black coat, with long wisps of fur forming a mane, along with a fluffy tail, and hooves. (Like a Clydesdale.) He has bright blue orbs, that stare into your soul, unforgiving of your sins. His horn, unlike most, forms a decent weapon. It curves, making things easier to skewer, if need be. I'd just advise you not to mess with him.
Despite his appearance; Malo is quite the open-minded, loving brute. He will personally make it his goal to keep his love ones happy, and healthy. However, he has a mysterious side to him, and can be considered a major introvert. Sometimes-- he just has trouble talking to others, and can usually be seen observing another, rather than talking to them.
In Heat:
He is Bisexual. Just wanted to point that out, haha. I can change this, if it makes anyone uncomfortable.

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Edited on 29/08/16 @ 15:45:32 by 🔥 WildFire 🔥 (#36595)

Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 10:29:22
@ Fraulein Elsa Mars!❤ (#66355) Please feel out the description to what your characters look like. Other than that your characters are accepted.
@🔥 WildFire 🔥 (#36595) Accepted. I'm fine with your character being bisexual.

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G4 Ferus (#66355)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 11:40:14
I updated the details, I had a picture but forgot about the Rp picture rules ^^

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 11:45:22
Thats Ok. That why i put a picture of character is optional. You did a great job of describing what your characters look like.

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Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-29 11:57:39
here is my character


Called: Sora
Age: Immortal
Power: keeps animals calm during catastrophe example a flood, fire,etc.
Description: She is beautiful white unicorn with large eagle like wings. She has a black muzzle.
Personality: She is a friendly unicorn. She doesn't like conflicts, however she will help other unicorns come to compromise.
History(Optional): She is learning about her family history. She doesn't know her mother or father.
In Heat:yes
Other: Her name means sky in Japanese. Feel free if you want to create a mother and or father for Sora.

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Edited on 01/09/16 @ 17:06:30 by Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-30 05:46:19
For those who characters are accepted feel free to start role-playing.

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-|Scarab|- (#85644)

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Posted on
2016-08-31 23:16:30
New desc is posted on next side

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Edited on 01/09/16 @ 07:08:25 by Evangelyne (#85644)

Jacimagicwhitedeer (#87017)

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Posted on
2016-08-31 23:21:51
Accepted , can you please explain why can't come into heat and get pregnant. I will count the phoenix as being a power.However that means your character will be immortal. < I hope you are OK with my decision. I don't mind you messaging a picture of her. Could you also post the picture on your post?

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