Posted by Mots & Shy (Plane Crash) 1x1

Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-09-11 06:56:57
Plane crash/ train derailment - You and your significant other are traveling across Canada from Vancouver to Nova Scotia, with the promise of a beautiful ocean view upon arrival. Things seem to be going well once you are past Alberta, but the unexpected happens upon getting into Saskatchewan. Now you and your partner must survive, but also a small surprise also needs to be protected until help arrives. Can you survive, or will you succumb to the elements of the vast wilderness and unpredictable Canadian Prairie weather.


Anything else we should know?

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Edited on 11/09/16 @ 13:57:21 by Mots -#TeamFrog 🐸 (#5378)

Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-20 23:48:28
(My apologies for not responding sooner. I have been without internet for the past 5 days)

"Well I am doing my best to keep you both happy and healthy, and you sure look healthy." Ren responded to Chiven's comment. He chuckled batting his eyes at Chiven "My eyes? These ugly blue things?" He spoke in a playful tone. Ut would be nice if the baby had his eyes and Chiven's skin tone, but who knew what it would look like, after all there were just to many possibilities to tell or even guess.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-09-21 04:49:01
(It's fine. I understand about internet croaking and all that. Darn computers)

Chiven chuckled, moving his hand over his belly. "If you mean healthy by looking like a beluga, then I guess I am." He grinned, heading toward the hotel lobby once the elevator got to the bottom level. "It would be cute if the baby had your blue eyes. Everyone in my family has brown, I'm sure mom would love a blue eyed grandson or granddaughter."

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 11:36:52
(Wow i just realized my last post, never posted -.-)

Ren smiled "Im sure they would, but I love brown eyes" he chuckled reaching put to hold the door open for Chiven. "Oh look the cab is already here. Hope he wasnt waiting long" he spoke wondering how long their ride had been waiting for them. He walked to the car and opened the door for Chiven allowing him to enter while the driver placed their bags in the trunk.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 11:48:10
"Not my fault I couldn't get my shoes on." Chiven chuckled softly before he headed out with Ren, hoping the same thing. He didn't really want to pay the extra fair fee for the cab driver waiting for a long time. He got into the back seat, carefully moving the seatbelt over his belly so he could get buckled in. "I hope that we'd be able to call my mother before the baby comes... it's a long flight from India to here. Well, back at home I mean."

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 12:05:02
"Well the doctors should be able to give us a estimated due date. And they can just stay with us until the baby is born" he smiled slightly as he buckled his seat belt. He couldnt help but think of his family, well his father. Ren only had his father left, and they had not spoken in years. His father had not accepted his life style choice, and because of this they had gone their separate ways.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 12:16:28
(And it's okay about replies that didn't send, I've had it happen too. I'm like 'I know I sent that...' )

"I think they'd like that." Chiven smiled, then noticed his boyfriend's reaction. His smile turned to a frown, but he hoped that his parents would be accepting of Ren. They seemed happy when they found out about their grandchild, and promised him or her gifts from Mumbai. He glanced out of the window as they headed toward the airport once everything was settled and bags were in the trunk. "And I know mom wants to have us bring the baby over there when he or she is old enough to travel."

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 08:32:48
(Le bump. Don't want this to croak already :( )

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 08:40:16
(I'm soo soo sorry I will reply as soon as possible)

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 09:22:25
(It's alright. I just don't want this to croak before we get to the good part)

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 09:57:06
Ren would gaze out the window the Airport coming into view now. "I have always wanted to visit there. I just hope your parents like me" He would reply as if hearing his boyfriends thoughts. "I'm sure the baby will love visiting there too. Getting to see their grandparents, especially if they are going to smother the baby with gifts" He chuckled trying to lighten the mood back up.

It didn't take long for the cab to pull to front of the airport. The man would look back and nod as if asking if Ren needed help gather their things. "Well looks like we are here. And if we don't hurry we might miss our flight" Ren then began to rush to get the bags.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-10-18 11:48:10
Chiven chuckled softly, getting out of the cab carefully before moving his hand to his back. "Oh I think they will definitely smother the baby with gifts. If it's a girl, mom will probably kidnap her and dress her in cute traditional clothes and probably give her the little red dot on her forehead. But we'll see right? I'm sure my parents will like you."

"Of course, we don't want to do that." He nodded, watching Ren before he got one of the smaller bags that he could carry. He knew he wasn't allowed to carry the heavier items, which was fine by him. He honestly didn't want to hurt himself or their unborn child.

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-10-27 04:58:34
Ren had managed to blow through the flight check in, and usher Chiven through the detectors. He gave rude glares at those who had decided to stare at him and his expecting boyfriend, while also giving out a few "What are staring at" and "Take a picture it will last longer" with of course a bad attitude towards them.

As the you reached the gate, Ren would pull closer to Chiven. Grasping his hand firmly in his own just to make sure he didn't lose him in a crowd of people.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-10-27 06:56:00
"I should be used to the stares by now." Chiven spoke softly as they got into the line, waiting to board the plane. He may have been used to the stares, but it still hurt with the negative and demeaning words. It actually seemed to get worse as he got further along into his pregnancy and started to show. He held Ren's hand, hoping they could board and then just get on the flight and go home.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

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Posted on
2016-11-06 11:53:59
(Le bump)

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Shy (#51494)

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Posted on
2016-11-14 11:54:24
Ren grasped Chiven's hand tightly "Don't listen to them love...honestly they can all go shove off" He spoke loud enough for those casting sideways glance you quickly turn their heads. He didn't mind being looked at or called demeaning names...however when it came to Chiven that all changed. Before he could speak again the flight attended spoke. Diabled and expecting may now board" His feet would move forward still grasping Chiven's hand tightly. "Guess that means us to...unless someone has something smart to say about it"

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