Posted by The Artbound - Clan Chat

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2016-09-13 10:54:22
There are clans for fandoms, there are clans for artists, but there isn't a clan for getting your art noticed and possibly starting whole new fandoms - not that I've found at least. I know every artist at some point has had an idea that can and deserves to gain some sort of following that extends beyond the artist's family. But for whatever reason, that idea never does.

This is a place where we could share our universes and give tips and help each other out with their work. If we could get at least a few people interested in our hard work then it'd all be worth it. Every day people find diamonds in the rough that went unnoticed, perhaps we could dig up a few and cut them into stunning gems worth wearing!

Now to get this out of the way - I'm grouping visual artists (drawings, animations, etc.), writers, musicians, and game developers (there's gotta be some here on Lioden, so just in case they find the clan I'm giving them a rank.) all in one big category of artist. We all spend countless hours working on our projects, thus we are all artists!

On Threads and Content:
There will be all the normal threads you'd see in a clan, but they have special purposes to us, of course.
Sell: Place for selling characters, stories, or entire universes.
Lottery: Same as the Sell thread but the winner is randomized.
Roleplay: Separate threads created by the creators of a work so that the fans of that work can be in it's universe!

Said threads haven't been created yet.

Content shouldn't be too bad as long as they comply to the Lioden rules and are tagged (links to this website, contains this that people might not be interested in, any warnings - "may trigger this phobia" - that need to be stated) with appropriate warnings.

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Edited on 17/11/16 @ 19:15:21 by Crow (#93898)

Black Ice (#95609)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:22:28
uhhh! *waves hands around like a lunatic* don't know if you know but there is a contest for artist and I thought you might be interested! if any of you are I will put their link here if you guys want! 1st prize is gmo cow 2nd prize is 5gb possibly a lion and 3rd prize is 1gb and possibly a lion. let me know and I'll direct you to it :P

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Black Ice (#95609)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:27:03
;-; I can't wait for my 5% female to have you cubs.... I gots ta know if she has a mutation! used gmo cow on her and she is having 3 cubs.

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:50:59
Doodally, thanks ^^ I'm also always perfecting characters and creatures, creatures probably more, since I like my species info to sound as scientific as possible. And that's one awesome species you have there <3

As for starting a story, you pretty much need to decide if you're going to start off describing the first scene, or jump right into things with dialogue and such. Also, try using a plot diagram, remembering what makes each part(exposition, initial conflict, rising action, etc). So for the exposition, or how the story starts, typically you have the setting, the main character is introduced(not always, I've known some stories to have them introduced after the initial conflict), and sometimes the mood or tone is implied. Here's two starting scenes I've written with some tips, just to show the examples of what I mean by describing the setting and just jumping right in.

"Describing the Scene" start
Leaves littered the ground, making the forest floor look like a colored rug. Through the trees, in a small clearing, a deer stood grazing, senses honed for anything that may harm it. Little did the deer know that it was eating its last meal and about to become someone else’s. Not far away a figure stood with a crossbow pointed right at the quarry, ready to strike when the right moment came. That moment never did.
Just a short one for this, but it has the basics. It could be elaborated more as for describing the scene. The next paragraph actually has the initial conflict, where the deer actually does get away(as the foreshadowing implies). I find that once you get the exposition(setting and characters) and the initial conflict done, the rest tends to flow pretty well.

"Just Jump Right In" start
“You’re going back to Mianmoae, Tai,” a man with dark hair ordered a somewhat younger looking man. Both men had eyes that were both blue and green, and both wore traveling clothes of nobility. Both also had piercings on their ears, but the younger looking man’s were gold, while the older man’s were silver. The older looking man was also covered in scars.
“And why should I, Dar?” Taiserro, known as Tai for short, questioned his companion angrily.

“Because your wife wants you to,” Serrodara, who was called Dar by Tai and other friends, responded. He shoved a letter he was holding in his hand right into Tai’s face. Tai snatched it, and looked it over, and then looked at Serrodara with “you gotta be kidding me” kind of look. “Oh right, I forgot that I’m somehow the literate one here,” Serrodara smirked.
(Pardon the unusual names. They're in the language I'm working on for the series. Taiserro, prounced "tah-eye-ser-oh, meaning "shadow keeper". Serrodara, pronounced "ser-oh-dar-ah", meaning "Death's shadow".)
The scene, the describing/introduction of the characters, and the initial conflict are all kinda jumbled together with this kind of start to a story. I personally prefer this kinda of start for short stories, while I use more descriptive scenes for novel length stories. They work well if you just want to get right into the action and moving the plot along.

As another note(sorry this reply is so long, by the way), if you get stuck on starting the story, I sometimes skip it then come back later. I wouldn't always recommend it, but if you know how the rest of the plot/story is going to go, it might be worth writing ahead and perhaps be more in the right mindset or mood to write the beginning.

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Edited on 23/09/16 @ 11:53:39 by Darklily (#5809)

Doods | Clean
Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:52:54
Ahh thank you so much Darklily! This is super helpful, I'll have to keep a note of those points and see if I can get something down writing-wise for my story! ^^

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:54:04
No problem ^^

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KMFDM [kernnkraft] (#65181)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 04:56:39
rip my introduction completly drowned from being the last post of the previous page xD

Anyways, that's a pretty good explanation Dark, really helpful! <:

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Black Ice (#95609)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 05:19:11
just noticed my last post said you cubs.... supposed ta be her cubs.... meh to lazy to fix it

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Black Ice (#95609)

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Posted on
2016-09-23 06:54:19
bought instant feather and used it on my 5% female and got two mutations! bobbed tail female and a folded ear male! I love you my 5% female whos name I can't pronounce! xP

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KMFDM [kernnkraft] (#65181)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 05:53:16
so i accepted a commission on Flight rising even tho my morale went to die in the cellar xD
and i already spent the gems

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 05:54:22
Good luck, Walrider.

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♕ Shina-K ♕ (#54278)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-09-24 11:53:49
ganbatte!! persevere!!

meanwhile i debate for 50 years on whether to make an art shop on lioden,,,
i mean idk what to even price at,,

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 12:02:05
I have a commission from like a month ago I need to finish >.< At this point, I've kinda just accepted that I can't do commissions, of any kind, for the good of all those involved XD

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 16:29:47
@Darklily A month isn't horrible, at least. >_>' I kinda found one in February that I'd forgotten about in August or July. I've gotten much better with them though, and by that I mean I don't /usually/ forget for more than a month. XD I've been pretty good about reminding myself lately.
Also, what does everyone think of the species name "Lesser Mutagenic Dragon." I have a species I'll probably make an open or limited species once I actually finish the last edits of the adoptable bases. And make some adoptables/draw some that weren't my two characters of that species. >_> I have been very stuck on the name, and I'm usually good at naming things. I want something that sounds like what a species might actually be called "Western Blue __" , "Banded __" , etc. There's a bigger version of the species I'm not making adoptables of right now (one species at a time is plenty. XD ) and one of their main traits is that they're very good shape-changers and sort of look cobbled together as a result. I designed them with the intention that features, limbs, body coverings and such wouldn't quite look like they were meant to be part of the same creature. I feel like the name should suggest that and was thinking Chimera Dragon originally, but I feel like that sounds awkward and doesn't seem enough like a species name...

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⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2016-09-24 23:01:45
I quite like Lesser Mutagenic Dragon! It's a whole lot better than anything I would've come up with.

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⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 02:30:18
Why am I having so much trouble with human bodies now? I want to do a full body drawing of Augustine but my hands won't listen to my brain!

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