Posted by The Artbound - Clan Chat

⛧August⛧ (#93898)

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2016-09-13 10:54:22
There are clans for fandoms, there are clans for artists, but there isn't a clan for getting your art noticed and possibly starting whole new fandoms - not that I've found at least. I know every artist at some point has had an idea that can and deserves to gain some sort of following that extends beyond the artist's family. But for whatever reason, that idea never does.

This is a place where we could share our universes and give tips and help each other out with their work. If we could get at least a few people interested in our hard work then it'd all be worth it. Every day people find diamonds in the rough that went unnoticed, perhaps we could dig up a few and cut them into stunning gems worth wearing!

Now to get this out of the way - I'm grouping visual artists (drawings, animations, etc.), writers, musicians, and game developers (there's gotta be some here on Lioden, so just in case they find the clan I'm giving them a rank.) all in one big category of artist. We all spend countless hours working on our projects, thus we are all artists!

On Threads and Content:
There will be all the normal threads you'd see in a clan, but they have special purposes to us, of course.
Sell: Place for selling characters, stories, or entire universes.
Lottery: Same as the Sell thread but the winner is randomized.
Roleplay: Separate threads created by the creators of a work so that the fans of that work can be in it's universe!

Said threads haven't been created yet.

Content shouldn't be too bad as long as they comply to the Lioden rules and are tagged (links to this website, contains this that people might not be interested in, any warnings - "may trigger this phobia" - that need to be stated) with appropriate warnings.

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Edited on 17/11/16 @ 19:15:21 by Crow (#93898)

Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 05:19:56
I think Lesser Mutagenic Dragon is a great name ^^ It also sounds like a very interesting species.

I've just finished this comparison of my world's false(Pseudodraco) and true(Eudraco) dragons. (And it's possibly the only thing productive I'll get done all day XD)
Am I the only one who gives their species "scientific" names? I try to make what I've been referring to "believable fantasy" with my stories and species, so sort of a hybrid of sci-fi and general fantasy genres. In the series, it's known to their world's scientists that dragons did, and some still so(both species in the comparison do. The forest drake is endangered, while the DD is as common as domestic dogs and are kept as pets and working animals), exist. I figured it would make sense that they would study them as real world scientists would study any species. Of course, not all my species are what would be considered known to science in their world, so they don't have scientific names.

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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2016-09-25 05:33:34
I really like that name too ^^

Also DarkLily that's awesome :D

I have two original species as of current, and with both of them I try to explain how they work and what they do with science instead of magic.
I have these guys who I made with my partner. They're called Brunds, as given to them by someone in my story. They're like snakes, and live in colonies in trees.
The other species (Which I've linked before)don't have a name and they never will. They're affectionately named "Alien Dinosaurs" or "WingHead TM" by the others in my story and come from an entirely different planet, which is also unnamed. They're shapeshifters, so they basically look like humans most of the time if they choose to.
Neither species is known to the science world as they are both restricted to an island just off of Japan where my story is set. The people living there have no desire to study them as the creatures are now considered pets (Or in the dinosaurs case, friends) ^^

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Darklily (#5809)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 06:34:13
Doodally, nice! Although I've never really gone for alien/alien-like species, Brunds look really neat ^^

I have too many original species to count XD Although, most of them are actually based on real species or creatures from myths, they all have things that make them unique. Still, I'm not sure if that's means they really can be considered "original" species. For example, my phoenixes are pretty different from the typical depictions, but are still the whole "bird of fire" and such. The myths in their world are the same as the usual, but then the actual phoenixes are far off from them. They don't "rise from ash" when killed, but the myth/legend in their world comes from the fact that they don't have chicks till the end of their life. Other than living for like 500 years and the males having decorative crests, they're pretty much normal birds of prey, looking like hawks, eagles(rare), and falcons. The "bird of fire" part comes from the fact they can manipulate fire.

A lot of my species are still just in my head, but I have at least a dozen with drawings/sketches done and info written down. Here's the ones I've actually managed to get posted anywhere, two of which(Marjelias and Domesticated Drakes) I've made adoptables out of.

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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2016-09-25 06:46:34
Thank you haha, they were originally a silly joke between my partner and I, and were based off of our hands. We eventually made them into a species and have developed different breeds of them, how they eat and act around others and such. It's been really fun ^^
I really like your Tundra Lions, they seem like a really cool (and fuzzy) concept :D
I'm sure they still technically count as original species, taking things and putting a spin on it, or adding even more to make it your own is how new and fun stories are created.
I don't do it with species, but I take things like fire powers ect. and twist it so it fits my story and characters ^^

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 06:53:27
Lesser Mutagenic Dragon it is. ^w^ Both your species and settings sound really cool.
Darklily, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gives scientific names to my dragons. XD The Lesser Mutagenic and the dragons from that setting don't have Latin names as of yet and I'm still undecided as to how well-studied they would be. That setting is pretty much inspired by the conspiracy theory that a reptilian race basically took over the world, so the dragons keep their existence secret and most world leaders in that setting are really dragons. A few of them, like my Lesser Mutagenic Dragon character Aspara/ Phoenix, tell their human citizens the truth, but most don't. The conflict of the story has a lot to do with humans in other countries finding out that they've been ruled by dragons and all that.
I have a different setting, though, where the dragon species usually have scientific names (as with your setting some are undiscovered) and the main character of the first book is a dragonologist (his occupation isn't as relevant to the story as his personality, it's not like the plot is just him going around studying dragons.) The setting does involve magic more than science, but it also involves two worlds, one very magic-reliant and one more real-world-like, and follows them with each book taking place a significant amount of time after the previous, so in the last book the magical world has much more advanced technology than when the story begins.
I have a science fiction setting as well, which is just a setting more so than a story, I have a lot of different plot ideas and don't know how or if I'm ever going to piece them all together. I have more original species than I know what to do with and probably won't make adoptables of most of them. XD

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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2016-09-25 07:02:38
ElimGarak- That's seriously a really thoughtful plot idea, I've never heard of something like that before ^^ I hope you can piece together your plots haha :D
I guess I don't have many species because my story is about humans mainly haha. My main plot is a war on a different planet where the residents have to come to Earth to ask for help, and end up recruiting an entire island to fight for them. I suppose I'll be making up more species to act as the residents of the other planet (I called it Sedna years ago and a few years later someone discovered a real planet and called it Sedna, which is just so weird to me), I'm just bad at it haha.
I'm more of a human developer than an animal one, I could go on about those guys for days lol.

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Mei (#53317)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-09-25 08:50:20
*walks in* have i ever mentioned how much i love tragic gays in love rip *walks out*

(i'm not trying to be insulting, i am a pansexual myself! i just? ?? my terrible sad children are so gay send help)

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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2016-09-25 08:56:02
Mei- I'm pretty sure that most of my characters are not straight haha.
I think I have about five who are straight? Completely accidental that I have so many who aren't though lol, I suppose the creators reflect on their characters?

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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2016-09-25 09:28:10
XD I have a decent number of straight characters, but only because I have so many characters. I usually like my gay characters better. As for tragic gay couples, I have three, more or less:
In the science fiction story, there's Kaynair, my alien species, who basically accidentally killed the majority of his race and is thus depressed (he's a geneticist, tried to let them adapt to living on other planets, the virus was lethal to all who didn't have a specific, rare mutation, which he had, which was how he thought the virus was safe. He was reckless and didn't test enough, so it is partly his fault). As he killed his species, he's considered a criminal and the plot involving him has him hunted down by another of his species who only knows that he killed the rest of them. Kaynair fell in love with and eventually married a human (very long story there) named Kaise, who stopped him from killing himself a few times, and ultimately helped him to be less depressed.
Shorter story, Aspara/Phoenix is a transexual male dragon, in love with a cis male dragon, who witnesses Aspara's murder. Aspara, as the leader of a country, has a lot of resources and, considering the country's at war and has one of the most powerful magic users in the setting, said magic user does what he can to revive their leader, bringing Aspara back in the body of a male human. One of the main things about this setting is that dragons who can change form sort of transform things around them, and as a result Aspara's mind turns the human body into that of a male dragon. Aspara, taking the name Phoenix, returns to try and help his boyfriend, who is mourning his death, helped him but can't convince him that he's Aspara for a few months. Eventually, he manages to convince him. I haven't figured out if they live happily after that or what yet.
Last one is the gay dragonologist I mentioned earlier, who basically ends up with a male shapechanger in love with him and chasing him around the country trying to keep him alive.

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Mei (#53317)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-09-25 09:31:26
This guy and this guy are some of my oldest, and the most tragic couple I have, gay or otherwise xD

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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2016-09-25 09:49:34
Those certainly are tragic :'(
But also probably something I'd like to read too if you have/will write stuff for them :)
Most of my characters are kind of "eh" with sexuality as I never thought of it as a big thing haha.
My tragic gay characters though are Mendax and Yoshinori.
They were together for some time during their childhood and early adult years until tragic events happened to them and their friends. One of their friends (Jess) and her child moved in with them, and with Yoshinori going to work all day Mendax eventually fell in "love" with Jess. This hurt Nori a lot, but Mendax didn't see anything wrong with it (he is on the autism spectrum, he finds it hard to understand tones and expressions). Nori left the town, and didn't return until 12 years later to ruin Mendaxs career in the music industry as well as his studio. He however ended up falling in love with him again and was upset once he found out that Mendax had divorced Jess but was already in another relationship with a boy called Sean. Mendax didn't want to give up either person and so they agreed into an awkward polyamorous relationship with eventually blossomed into love.
Here's all three of them. Left to right it's Sean, Nori and Mendax. I need to finish that picture haha.
Sorry for long post, there is magic in my story, just a lot of real life drama too lol

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Mei (#53317)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2016-09-25 09:55:59
Awh, how sweet <3 Drama but a happy ending, my favorite!

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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2016-09-25 10:44:32
I do write, but I need to edit a lot and probably will aim to publish my stories that aren't fan fiction. I've been neglecting my own settings a bit lately.
And drama is good. ^w^ I do less of it in the three stories I mentioned, but may be adding more non-magic related drama to some of my other stories. My fan fiction is packed with drama, to the point that it sometimes postpones the plot, but the first book of the dragonologist story had relatively little drama, as does the world leader story, and the science fiction story's a lot of plots I haven't sorted out yet. The final book of the dragonologist story will be mostly drama and I've been trying to find a way to ease into that from the very plot-focused first one.

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Sidereal [BLM] (#69126)

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Posted on
2016-09-25 10:56:29
I have a lot of drama in my story. I have so many characters, one thing is always happening. Not to mention I have a character with what is possibly the worst and most tragic backstory I've ever come across D:
I made him during my short edgy time in secondary school and now I've developed him a it more it seems less cliche and more "sometimes a lot of bad things happens to a person".

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⚡The Witch
Doctor⚡(G1) (#33916)

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2016-09-25 11:19:14
XD I have two like that. I play tabletop games and one of the cleric I made for that... well, he was suicidal for a reason. I also have a character I made and intentionally gave very bad luck, or rather crazy luck. He was to some degree precognitive, so a lot of it was just him intentionally making his life "interesting" but he'd get in car accidents and all manner of other dangerous situations all the time. He witnessed his father's death, also in a car accident, at a young age, had his first boyfriend die of a drug overdose in front of him, and got involved in a criminal organization that killed his mother and tried to kill him. >_> Yeah, this character was pretty screwed up. I didn't write those as an edgy teenager, my teenager-phase characters were a bit tame by comparison. I had a time in my life where I was in a really bad place, I was stressed by college and a death in the family, but mostly I was dealing with a undiagnosed and then misdiagnosed disease that caused me constant pain. I was really not in a good place, and thus neither were my characters.

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