Posted by 1x1 for Leo and SugarGlider

Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:32:52
Endless rivalry runs rampant between two royal prides. Can the love of two young adols patch things up? Or will it take more than just talking? Once they decide to go on a quest to find someone outside of the forsaken rivalry, will it all finally be over?

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 14:31:40
Nephy felt her stop grooming her but she didn't move away or anything else. Settled in close to the other lioness's side so perfectly as if she belonged there. She was like the piece of the puzzle that would only fit by Razi. Her tail swishing back and forth wondering if she should move or not. A small yawn leaving her mouth as she settled in a little closer now that there was thunder overhead. Shaking a little from both fear and cold as she tried to block out the sound. Feeling Razi slowly start to lick her shoulder gently from her blue tinted fur. Stung though by the idea of leaving Razi as she lifted her gaze up to her. " No please...I...I don't want to go home...they..I don't belong their...and..and..I think I heard my King say he was going to send me away," responded Nephy nervously as she turned to her companion.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 14:45:47
Razi kept her tongue moving along Nephy's back. "I don't want to leave either. I like it here" Razi took a small pause in her licking to nuzzle the head of the one curled into her side. "But we can make plans to meet again... No matter the risk." Though Razi had to admit, she was deeply hurt at the thought of Nephy's king sending her away. "He can't do such a thing!" But she knew he could; her own king had. Dytos had sent away a lioness who refused to obey the pecking order in the pride. "If he even tries to, you come find me. I'll talk to my king, and I'll get you a place in my pride." And though Razi's words indicated that once Nephy was dry, she should leave, Razi made no move to get up from the leopon, or even shift away. She had never felt this way with anyone. And even though she hardly knew the lioness before her, she felt a deep connection with her. Nothing she had ever felt with anyone in her own pride. Yha he was friends with Shadir and Keiski, but just friends. With Nephy, Razi found herself wanting more. But what that more was, she couldn't quite place her paw on it.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 14:55:34
Nephy felt Razi's tongue on her back now as she continued trying to dry her off. Hearing the other feline as she said she didn't possibly want to leave her either. Feeling a short pause that was quickly followed by a soft licking of her head. Chirping a little in contentment like she sometimes did since she couldn't purr herself. Only to nod her head as Razi seemed defensive about her suddenly. Surprising the little leopon as she offered her a place of refuge should her King dare to send her away. Licking her lips nervously as she looked down and away from her. Brushing up under the other's head and chin softly. Shaking a little more as she settled down and tried to keep warm. Which was hardly fair when the rain started to pour down over them. Hearing more thunder as she tried to bury in close to try and keep warm.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 15:04:22
Razi heard the little humming noise come back when Nephy nuzzled under her chin. This time, Razi made no move to stop it. About that time, rain poured from the heavens. Turning her head upward, rain soaked the tiger striped lioness. Immediately, Razi curled around Nephy, pulling her in closer to her body. "So much for getting you dry before the rain started." The young lioness giggled and lay her head down into the leopon's front paws. "I should be going soon... But just can't find it in myself to leave." With eyes closed, the humming noise picked back up and Razi's tail flicked around in happiness.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 15:18:33
Nephy swished her tail a few times as she felt the rain start to drizzle downwards. Feeling Razi curl up around her more securely as she curled up into a ball. Hearing Razi's words about being dry for home time which didn't seem very likely now. Her head resting on her much smaller paws which contended the little leopon for the moment. Much more so than the rain falling down along her back. Her ears flattening sadly as she heard that Razi wanted to leave. Or rather that she felt she had to leave now which unsettled Nephy. "But..but we'll see each other again right?" she asked worriedly.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 15:28:53
Razi hummed approval. "Of course, my little leopon." Razi made the promise before she had thought it through. Could they see each other again? They had to. Razi wanted to keep this feeling for so much longer. "How about we make plans to meet at dusk every day. Around that time, Rokuko has come back from his final patrol, and everyone is settled down for the evening meal. I can slip away and meet you here." Razi looked up at the rock that had lead Razi to meet her new friend. "We'll meet at our rock." She lay her head back down on the soft black paws of Nephy.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 15:41:29
Nephy could have blushed hearing Razi call her her little leopon which made her feel special. The first time anyone had looked at her as more than just a shame to the clan. Her head dropping a little despite the idea of meeting again. She couldn't dare to head to face her clan again. Looking away dishearteningly as she hear Razi's suggestion but Nephy couldn't seem to face her newly found friend. That one that made her feel like she was worth something. That she wasn't just a fragile cub. That she was a part of something as she could only nod her head. Licking her lips as the rain kept dropping down upon them. Trying to shake off the water that clung to her fur so deeply.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 15:53:11
"Hey... You alright? You've gone all quiet." Razi nudged her head upward, nuzzling under Nephy's chin. "I know it'll be hard for us to meet. Ad if you don't want to risk, just let me know. I promise I'll understand." Razi had mistaken Nephy's quietness as hesitance. Maybe Nephy didn't want to meet with Razi every day... About that time a deep bellowing roar shook Razi out of the little bubble that had been created around the two of them. "That's King Dytos... They're looking for me." Razi stood and returned the roar, letting them know she was on her way. "I must go now..." Razi's voice was sad, it was as if she were leaving a piece of herself behind. "Meet me here tomorrow at dusk. Please?" Razi dipped her head and nuzzled Nephy's.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:07:29
"I'm scared to go back home...the others...they don't like me...they only put up with me because the King and Queen demand it," she said shyly as her tail fell to her side. Looking away disheartened only to be surprised when Razi asked if her quietness was because she didn't want to meet with her. Shaking her head no as she licked her muzzle softly and gently. Trying to assure her that she had every intention of meeting up with her. Assuming the rest of the pride didn't kill her in the process. Standing slowly to her feet to try and shake off the water a bit. Coughing a little bit only to freeze as a loud roar echoed over the savannah. Turning her ears towards the other side of the border but no one was there. Watching as Razi got up herself and prepared to leave her. Feeling her being nuzzled as she felt her heart breaking in two.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:16:19
Razi's heart broke at hearing the bad place that Nephy was is. "I'm here for you. I promise you that." Feeling the lick to her muzzle, Razi couldn't help but smile. "I'll see you tomorrow, my little leopon. If you need me before then, come find me." Razi then leaped up onto the rock, letting her tail gently move over Nephy mid-leap. Once again, Razi repeated, "I'll see you tomorrow." Her voice held a certain determination that couldn't be argued with. Even if it meant losing her rank in the pride, Razi didn't care. Turning and jumping down the rock on the other side, Razi made a bee-line for home.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:22:23
Nephy nodded her head slowly as she felt Razi gently lick her muzzle softly. Nuzzling against her new friend as she promised to see her tomorrow. Something Nephy hoped dearly that she could promise back. Knowing her family although loving saw her as an outsider. Simply because she wasn't a lioness like them..well not fully anyways. Knowing she was a little different than them and also less able to roughhouse with the others. Sure her King and Queen tried to stop the bullying and fights but it wasn't practical or possible. Watching Razi jump up onto the rock once more with her tail gently flicking in her face. Watching her head for home as Nephy tried to do the same though she wasn't as quick. Slowly making her way back to her den and slipping inside shivering badly. She tried to curl up by the back of the cave and attempted to sleep just as the other lionesses and adolescents came back.

Luckily Nephy was left alone for some time until she had wandered off to go get some water. Ambushed by some of the other youngsters who felt threaten by her. Chirping loudly but nobody could hear her as the others tore into her despite her attempts to get away. She managed to get away just long enough to rush off, blood pooling down her face as she took off in a mad dash to get away.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:35:49
Razi returned home to odd glances from her king and his sub male. But Razi ignored both and continued on into the cave where she usually stayed. Just Maku was there. It seemed Keiski had already left with the hunting party.
"Razi!" Shorty after padding into the cave, Razi was blown over by a small bundle of black fur. Rolling onto her back, Razi batted at the small cub.
"Hi, there Cassi. How are you doing today?"
"Great! But where were you? King Dytos has to call you back home... Did you not want to play with me and the others?" Cassi turned and nodded towards the other cubs. Zura and Kieski's tiny cubs were nestled into the belly of Maku, who was watching Razi with careful eyes.
"Of course I wanted to come and play with you! I just lost track of time was all." While Razi was speaking to the young cub, Her comment was directed at Maku. And Maku wasted no time is taking that chance to put her two cents in.
"Now, Razi, you know Kieski like's to join the hunting parties when she can. And it was planned that she do so tonight. " Maku drug a small cub closer to the warmth of her body.
Razi simply nodded. "Yes, Maku. Sorry." Though Razi didn't see why Kieski was so intent on hunting. She was the Lead Queen. It was her job to have and take care of these cubs. And she was still nursing! Why was she in such a hurry to go gallivanting across the pride lands? Razi just shook the thoughts from her head and started a game with the cubs.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:48:15
Nephy continued to run as fast as she could in her current situation. She didn't know where she was going but she had to leave. Not even aware that she had breached the borderlines and thus broken the treaty between the two prides. As long as no one had dared step foot over the other's territory they would live in unison. Something Nephy didn't really know a lot about since she barely stepped foot out of the den usually. At least, until tonight as she ran blindly on, skidding to a stop when she heard growling not far off. Shaking like a leaf as she saw with terror that it was an adult female who didn't looked pleased at all to see her there. Her whole body shaking and bleeding as she stared up nervously at the adult.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 16:57:35
A rugged dark brown lioness glared down at the young lioness, a growl rippling in her throat. Behind her stood a hunting party. "What are you doing in the lands of the Jazqu pride? You belong to them." Zura forcefully nodded her head towards the border. "Come with us, youngling. Let the king decide what is to be done with you." The hunting party formed a circle around the young leopon, will all intentions of herding her back to their camp.

Razi played along as the 3 little cubs decided she was a vicious outsider from their neighboring pride. They flung themselves on her, battering her around with tiny paws, claws, and teeth. The two youngest members of the pride watched on and wished they were old enough to join in the play battle.

{{I am off to bed now. its 2AM here XD I'll reply tomorrow}}

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 20:17:14
Nephy was frightened by the larger females as they growled at her dangerously. She knew this was a bad sign but what choice did she have now? She was completely surrounded as one asked her what she was doing. Chirping anxiously as she backed away from the aggressive female. Only to bump into another female and quickly shy away from them as she was told she'd be punished. Wincing heavily as she tried to cut and run knowing she could probably outrun the lot, taking off rather quickly as she ducked under the legs of one of the lionesses. Scurrying away despite the pain tearing through her every muscle. All in an attempt to get away chirping for help that would never come.

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