Posted by 1x1 for Leo and SugarGlider

Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-13 11:32:52
Endless rivalry runs rampant between two royal prides. Can the love of two young adols patch things up? Or will it take more than just talking? Once they decide to go on a quest to find someone outside of the forsaken rivalry, will it all finally be over?

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 11:33:23
Zura growled in frustration. "You all go back to Dytos, tell him one of them was in our land. I'll make sure she gets back home." Zura took off after the smaller feline, running as fast as she could. And while Zura couldn't catch the faster leopon, she did keep her in sight.
The rest of the hunting party ran for home quickly filling Dytos in on what had happened. Overhearing, Razi stopped cold. A leopon covered in blood? It couldn't be her little leopon could it? Suddenly Razi found herself streaking off into the pride lands. She had to find Nephy before Zura caught her. But little did Razi know, there was a small bundle of black fur running after her, nose to the air.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 11:42:34
Nephy continued to run as fast as possible away from the other lioness that was trailing her. She knew she'd never outrun her forever, but she might be able to out maneuver her. The pain intensifying more and more as she moved through the pride lands of the other pride. Managing to find a tree that she hoped would give her a chance to find refuge. Knowing that she was able to climb trees which was another small advantage she had. Chirping little by little as she raced towards the tree. Scrambling up into it's branches before the lioness could get her and found herself trapped on one of the branches higher up. Panting heavily as she clung to the branch she was currently situated on. Knowing she was still in very big trouble given her injuries were quite severe already.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 12:05:29
The brown lioness stopped at the base of the tree. "You think you're a smart little cookie, do ya?" Stalking around the base of the tree, Zura growled. "We're near your home. I highly suggest you go back where you came from. We won't be so kind if we find you here again. Understood?" Zura's words growled up the tree. The other lioness was already badly hurt, and Zura couldn't bring herself to hurt her more. Hopefully, she'd learned her lesson and would leave the pride alone. Turning around, Zura headed back towards her land. "But fair warning, if I even so much as catch a whiff of your scent, it means war between our prides. Take that home with you; warn your own pride." Zura now stalked off back home.

Razi didn't quit running until she had caught the scent of fear and blood. That had to be Nephy! Slowing to a walk, Razi followed the scent. Before long, she could make out Zura's scent as. Keeping her nose to the ground, Razi was lead to a tree. She sniffed around the base trying to figure out which way Nephy went from there.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 13:03:15
Nephy watched from her spot in the tree as the older female stopped to look at her. Growling menacingly which made Nephy nervous and distrustful. Her claws digging into the bark of the limb she was currently resting on. Hearing the threats from the lioness's lips as she snarled distastefully. Nodding her head nervously as she insisted that she turned right back around and leave. Which didn't seem like much of an option right now as she nodded her head. "M'sorry ma'am...yes ma'am," replied the small leopon shaking anxiously. Her ears flat against her head as she watched the other turn and head back towards her land. Slowly making her way down from her perch before taking off and once more trying to locate Razi. While also unsure what to do, but it didn't seem to matter. The injuries had gotten worse and she was loosing so much blood she couldn't think straight. Collapsing not far from the tree she had climbed up only moments before.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 13:23:11
Following the scent trail of Nephy away from the tree, Razi soon caught sight of the small leopon. "Nephy!" Razi flung herself down near her friend. "Did Zura do all of this!" Zura wasn't this mean... She was so warm and kind, and Razi couldn't picture her ever hurting someone like this. The dark striped lioness quickly started to lick the wounds. "Come on, Nephy. You need to get up. We need to get you near the border at least." Razi knew making her move wasn't the smartest idea, but what other choice did they have? If Zura came ba-
"Razi! Who is this?" Razi was started from her thoughts by a small black cub calling her name. "You ran out of camp so fast, and I wanted to know where you went. So, I followed your scent! See I'm a good huntress!" Cassi boasted about her skills as she padded towards Razi and Nephy.
Razi sat dumbfounded for a few seconds, simply looking between a hurt Nephy and a curious Cassi.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 13:29:37
Nephy's dull blue eyes stirred slowly to wakefulness as she heard a familiar voice. Hearing her as she launched herself at the frail little leopon who was barely breathing. Her body lay on it's side and her breathing was very shallow as she asked who had hurt her. " to stop them...ambush..waterhole" weezed out Nephy as she coughed a little more. Feeling Razi gently licking her wounds to try and clean her up. Feeling her wanting to get her out of there, but Nephy could barely walk. She had spent all that energy just climbing up that tree to get away. Her laboured breathing didn't improve much as she started to black out. Barely hearing anything from Cassi or Razi who had appeared to have followed her.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 13:43:59
Razi gently shoved Cassi away. "Cassi just sit right there. I'm taking you back home very soon." Razi turned away from the little cub and started licking Nephy again. Terrified of losing her friend, Razi did all she knew how to do, and that was simply clean up the lioness and try and keep her away. "Nephy, come on, Just stay awake. Don't leave me." Turning her head quickly back to the little cub, she jerked her head toward a small watering hole about 20 feet away from them. "Cassi, go over there, pick some moss from a rock in the water, and bring it back to Nephy. She needs it." Razi knew it wasn't fair to ask the cub to help out a lion who wasn't from their pride, but she wasn't moving from her spot beside Nephy.
Cassi nodded her head and quickly ran off. After a few moments, Razi looked back up to Cassi returning, her chest fur soaking wet from the ball of moss. Taking the moss from the cub, Razi set it down right in front of Nephy. "Here, my little leopon, drink some of this."

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 13:59:29
Nephy struggled to stay awake as Razi contineud to clean up her wounds. Her blue eyes barely registering anything around her other than Razi's tongue on her fur. Hearing Razi as she tried to keep her talking let alone staying alive. Coughing a little more as she shivered and tried to curl up which only made her chirp in pain. Hearing Razi tell her to drink from the moss in front of her. Slowly craning her neck to do just that and try to get some strength back inside of her. Chirping in warning when she saw some lionesses coming in their direction.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 14:50:44
Razi paid no attention to the group of lionesses walking up to them. She had moved to the last of Nephy's wounds, and was cleaning it. But a lioness clearing her throat caught her attention. "Razi, what are you doing?" Kieski spoke in a calm voice. Razi turned to face her, and at first, she did nothing but nudge Cassi toward the Lead Queen.
"I'm sorry, Kieski. I had no idea that Cassi followed me." But Razi knew that wasn't why they were here. Razi bent her head down and nudged Nephy. "She's hurt, we should get her back to our dens. She can't go back home. This will only happen again."

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 14:54:55
Nephy was quiet but visibly shaking as she saw the other lionesses approaching her. Trembling in fear as she tried to struggle to her feet and away from further attack. Only for Razi to continued cleaning and rest her head against her smaller frame where the blood continued to pool. Looking at the others with uneasiness given she really just had no idea what to do or even say. She was far too weak to run let alone get to her feet or hunt right now.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 15:05:28
"Please, Keiski. We can't just leave her like this." Razi's voice cracked as she spoke. It was as if she felt the little leopon slipping through her paws right then. Watching as Nephy tried to stand, but fail, Razi lay down and curled around her small frame. "Shhh, shhh, my little leopon." Razi had noticed that before when she had used the little pet name, Nephy had always responded positively, but now it was spoken just a mere whisper, so the other lionesses couldn't hear.
"Maku, go fetch Rokuko, we'll need his strength to get her back to camp." Keiski's voice was hard as she spoke. "I shouldn't even be considering this. But with the shape she's in, it's cruel to leave her. But you will leave her side at once Razi. We can't go getting all soft on our rivals now can we?"
Razi reluctantly stood from Nephy's side, but kept her tail touching her, letting the wounded lioness know she was there for her.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-14 15:11:47
Nephy heard Razi's name for her which had been whispered so as not to be overheard. Chirping desperately in an attempt to show she was still there. Or at least she was trying as best as possible as she felt her friend come and curl up beside her battered body. Struggling again to her feet but it only made her squeal in pain. Plus her legs simply couldn't afford to hold her up right now. Even her chirping was getting weaker as she felt herself slowly succombing to her injuries. Closing her eyes as she moved no more, her body going limb beside her companion.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 12:35:36
Razi felt the lioness go limp beneath her tail. With a startled sound, she started nudging the lioness. "Nephy...?" About that time, Rokuko came running up, Maku, hot on his heels.
"What is this?" Rokuko's voice was gruff, but not quite angry... Yet.
"We can't leave her like this, Rokuko! It's cruel..." Razi knew how much her pride counted on being the good gentle giants of their area, but would they go this far?
"The tiny thing's gone and passed out. We'll lift her onto your back if you'll carry her back to the dens?" Keiski's voice was calm as she spoke, but she let a glance dart at Razi when she heard the concern in her voice.
Shaking his mane, Rokuko simply nodded. "Maku and Zura, help Kieski left her up." The sub male lay down while Zura padded over the little leopon and gently gripped her scruff in her mouth. Maku and Keiski joined in and started to lift the passed out lioness onto Rokuko's back.

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[offline] (#92991)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 12:42:35
Nephy didn't know what was going on until she had finally managed to be placed down again. Coughing a bit as she struggled to open her eyes. Chirping several times as she tried to figure out what was going on. Shrinking back away from the adults as she looked at them. Unsure what was going on as she tried to hop up on her paws, but her back paw was not allowing any weight on it.

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Galaxxies (#98076)

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Posted on
2016-10-17 12:49:38
"So you're awake?" King Dytos stood in front of the leopon. "What brought you onto our territory so beat up?"
Razi sat back behind Nephy, cubs crawling all over her. Suddenly, Cassi stopped and demanded. "Who is she, Razi? She's different!" Razi kept her mouth shut and simply kept an eye on Nephy and Dytos towered over her.
"You were to be chased out of the territory, and them you're found with Razi. Explain yourself!" Dytos' voice was edging on anger, but it was apparent he was trying to keep his cool.

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