Posted by FNaF SL [Main RP Thread]OLD

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 15:38:24

"You're now in the Main RP Thread, Welcome to the RP itself....

[OOC thread is gone now]

Thank you Ennard for that ^ ^
"Hello, if you need a recap from being absent or just want to know the current story in a shorter form then i can tell you."

Night 1 (Pg.1- 7; End of night 1 Post)
"Dakota, Adameira woke up and began moving each doing their own thing.
F.T. Foxy woke up shortly after and stepped off her stage, waiting for a momen for an electric shock to come, when none came she decided on a prank on someone since no guard was around.

Foxy was soon deciding who to prank and with what voice and lines but forgot the words of Freddy's lines. Dakota who was close to her turned the prank on Foxy, who pretended to be shocked and shut down.
Meanwhile Ada had cleaned most everywhere in the location except for the Breaker room where Freddy resided, where she had entered with caution.

After a friendly banter and consersation which was cut short by Foxy hearing a Voice she didn't know echo through the halls, Foxy rushed by to her stage before she could be shocked. While said guard as fighting and disagreeing with the hand held device, HandUnit about Shocking the bots. Hand Unit was in turn shocked himself after the Night guard, Shatha dis-connected and re-did the wires to attach and work only on HandUnit.

This confused Foxy and Ballora as they heard it but not felt it. Dakota wolf figured why Foxy suddenly left and went to her room's vent, fnding it unlocked and after popping in, scaring the guard soon found the guard was a former worker at Freddy's which increased her interestedand that she wasn't corrupted like most they had before. Foxy saw a chance to Prank Shatha which was successful before Foxy left to P&S after Ballora's vent opened at the time.

Foxy was soon joined by Ennard in the P&S room and spoke until LolBit, a virus/old former programing in Foxy took over and has now rushed to the Control Mod while Ennard sought help from Baby."

[Baby, that isn't what i see as 'shorter form' XD -Beaned w/ Mic-]
'Continuing on with the story....' Baby thinks to herself;

" ...Sometime after when Lolbit was trying to get inside by breaking the window, Shatha, the night guard tried to speak and reason to the glitched fox known as Lolbit. But was unseccessful....He was too feral and far gone for mere words to reach him as he finally saw a way inside by the vent of Funtime Auditorium.

Meanwhile, Baby hadn't given any answer thus far to help as then the power went out suddenly, caused by Shatha who overwhelmed Handy with higher volts from the Shock buttons so as to prevent Handy and the cameras from seeing and knowing while also prevntig Lolbit from spreading when possible...
Adameira, joined with Ballora and her Minireenas were trying to get inside to help when Ada remembered that Shatha was a friend who had helped her when she needed it.

They gained access about the same time as Lolbit did breaking the vent door open, Ada roared, making Lolbit disracted long enough to lose track of his target.
Shatha decided to try once more to reach him befor she had to fight him, successfully destroying his control over Foxy, despite her now being in pieces.

Foxy came to and was fixed back up ith some new upgrades and hidden features, Ennard came rushing over after the power went out to make sure Foxy was aright and the guard he found interesting was alive as well. He saw Shatha for himself and absent mindly came out and revealed himself....which Shatha thankfully react rather calmly yet surprised before returning ot what she as doing...

Now, they're figuring more about the flashdrive in Foxy's chest as Shatha fixes the Cameras, audio and even Handy himself so make things appear normal again....."

~~~ [This is Alot or the first night i must say XD -Beaned again-] ~~~
"*Sighs* as i was saying...."

"As Ethan ad Shaha took turns explaining things, the Bots who resided with Shatha came to visit. Not all but only a certain few; Toy Foxy (Vixen}, Withered Bonnie {Bonfoy}, W. Foxy {Ferdi}, W. Freddy {Fredrick}, BB and Marionette {Mario/Mary}. met and interacted with FT Foxy, Ennard, and even Ballora before it was time to go for the night. Ethan and Shatha were successfu in fixing up the camera systems and making sure Handy was no more trouble for them."
~~~~ End of Night 1 ~~~~
Night 2 (Pg. 7- Pg.10

"Funtime Foxy awoke to find Amber, a fellow bot looking about for any malfunctions in the building and after a brief banter the two parted. Amber to the Scooping room and FT Foxy to P&S to speak to Ennard.

Shatha meawhile was heading down to the Control Mod with her now undercover partner; Ethan to see what else they could do and find out. Ethan was forced to bring Frothy Fox and his younger twin; Mange for protection purposes.

Adameira was cleaning up around as usual, leaving the Breaker room fo last til she reached it and found that FT Freddy Killed 4 techs and wasn't himself. Adamei left to sneak to P&S to let Ennard know of what accured while avoiding the Bird who was looking for any problems.

Shatha and ethan came in and found a few odd devices, which Froth and Mange made short work of after be released from their Portable holder Balls where they later met Amber who questioned them before Shatha answered in a calm and aggressive tone, backed up by the two foxes released shortly before.
The Blue jay backed off a bit and answered the now IDed Guards/techs about her finding the problem she was activated to deal with.

Ennard and FT Foxy spoke til Ada came and reported wht was going on. They spoke about the shock collar Ada was given before returning to FT Freddy and what to do with him.
Where they soon figured out that Ethan, shatha and Amber had left the Control Mod to see about Freddy and they soon followed, ready to help if neededwhile they hid in the shadows.

The 2 humans and Blue jay came across The Breaker room, where they found the obvious evidence of what Freddy had done. It's reveled that he was given upgrades before getting infected with a illness that only an Animatronic can get; Blood Eye Diease or BED for short.
FT Foxy used Lolbit's savage, feral nature to help take out Freddy so he could be helped while Frothy, Mange, Shatha and Marti Gratz; a mini fox doll type bot helped as well with Amber.

Lolbit had to be taken down as well when BonBon showed himsef as well bu was quckily saduced. FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy were taken to P&S for treatment while Amber went to shut down, her mission complete.
Adameira got her Collar removed and got much needed updates/upgrades before she returned to her duties.

Whle in P&S the 2 humans spoke as Freddy and BonBon were fixed and a ew words were exchanged involving the true use of the Funtimes and the fabled Nightmare Animatronics.
Shatha and Ethan shared some facts and stories involving a boy who was plaged by Nightmare Bots and even had sketches from the boy's description as she recounted his near death tale.

It was also revealed that Shatha met one of sad Nightmares from when Willaim Afton was trying to kill her and get rid of any trace of her via said Nightmare bot;Nightmare himself.
The more they talked, the more ino was found. Ennard spoke up about the hidden rooms and even re-found the keys that went the the 3 doors. It was decided to Explore these rooms but not until the next night as they were running low on time.

None knows what'll await them next or what'll happen....
~~~ End of Night 2 ~~~
Night 3 (Pg.11- )

"Thing's started off as normal for this night; FT Foxy awoken and awaited, though not for long, for the two new night guards.
Ethan and Shatha, after arriving and making sure everything for ater was set, went into Funtime Autitorium to meet up with Foxy and Ennard to explore the hidden rooms and see bout the nightmares who dwelled there.

After Ennard showed up and showed the map revealing the hidden rooms better and they decided on a room; Badtime Bedroom. They headed towards it while conversing and gaining info they either needed or were curious of.
They reached an area in the hidden room where Ennard stayed, they found a hidden door where the old stage of Foxy the Pirate once resided long ago

Meanwhile, The nghtmare Puppet was getting ready to attack using another Nightmare; Bonnie to be exact, as they heard someone on he other side. They sent the bunny out to fight Shatha who as first to enter the room aftter opening the doorway on the pirate's cove stage.

After a breif fight with Nightmare Bonnie and facing Nightmarionne Nightmare came in and forced Marionne to back off and return to the shadows, looking to get stronger.

I hope this RP has a good run
Andd i don't own these pics i got from google nor do i own FNaF SL.^ ^

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Edited on 28/01/18 @ 00:35:50 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-03-24 15:46:24

"Nope, not us what with everything that's been happening recently but we do need to see Ballora as well.......We cold check up on Baby as well to see how she's doing. So i'll-AcK! Didily dangit! Why do you do that?!"

Ethan was speaking until he nearly ran into a familer bot who obviously didn't care if the newest member was there or not.


"Rude! I as just coming to help is all...Mr.Gold is already with baby rn..I brought over Ballora and her minireenas. Baby and Gold should be here soon as well. Oh, New person! Hi there! I'm Spring Bonnie but yo can call me Goldie! nice to meet you!"

Spoke the golden doe as she walked in with Ballora behind her. The Minireenas alsofollowd but where more hidden as they crawled about in the dark.

Ballora seems to freezes, listening, until she opens an eye to see Ethan, Shatha and F Freddy..As well as Foxy and Ennard. her eyes land on Sonia before closing and oing over to where Shatha is to sit near her

(hope Goldies text is alright. i can darken it a bit if you can't see it too well ^ ^')

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Edited on 24/03/17 @ 22:47:30 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-03-24 16:33:46
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"Oh, hello! Good to meet you, Goldie!" She responded cheerfully, although mentally taking note of the bunny. That's NGHTMR-02... Spring Bonnie. Looks nothing like a nightmare, though... That's probably a good thing. She seems rather harmless by nature, too. Might be worth saving when I tear this place down... I'm gonna have to find a way to detatch these things from the system. Sonia noted, although her glance fell toward some of the Minireenas, only slightly visible in the inky black shadows. They seemed rather suspicious of her... She couldn't have that. Although, it'd be more suspicious if she immediately took action toward it.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Well, someone's in a good mood today." The fox joked, letting out a laugh. "Anyway, all jokes aside, there were no issues with you or Baby, Ballora?" She questioned, her attention turning from Goldie to Ballora, awaiting her answer.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-03-25 05:41:04

"Adameira Helped me out with ballora. She found something in ballora's system that made her act funny...Oh, yes that's what it was! i am no longer affected since Fredbear and i were rebuild by Ethan and Shatha...That included our old systems being redone...Remember? We were gutted so we could activate right again Eth? Mr. Afton was plannig o destroying Fredber and i which is the reason we were gutted..."

Goldie spoke, she confirmed of what was in Ballora when Ethan held a copy of the original chip to her before reminding everyone about her and Fredbear's spot. She forgot about Sonia just joining as she spoke cheerfully to them.
Ethan gave a shiver at the memory of see Goldie and Fredbear in the state they were in.
One of the Minireenas beaned Goldie with a nutwhich ad her realize something. She looed at a reflective surface and grumbled before getting out some paint and began redoing her tribal mark that had smudged...Ethan took note of how...scruffy Goldie looked while she was re-applying her mark.

"..Did you and Miss Ballora go at it before you were able to have a look at her?"
"Yep, she's quick on her feet bt i was ale to sway her into etting me have a look esp when Ada came in...Madame Ballora Still refuses to harm her no matter what is wong with her..Said lioness is finishig up her cleaning right now and doing repairs where she can..."

"Heh that sounds amusing to have seen Goldie dear...I myself just got done with baby here. she wasn't sick but i did go through her system and i got rid o that very same program..She let me kno about it in the first place...That reminds me...Maybe we should Have a look our other friend, the nightmares...amke sure that scumbag didn't install that in them...We all here know what they did t make do what they wanted them to do and with the serum weakening..The nightmare's will either be destroyed or this chip will force them to kill once more...
A familiar voice spoke as the door opened and in walked a golden version of Freddy fazbear with baby behind him. He movde aside and allowed baby in before he spoke about the nightmares. He was right close to Sonia at this point but weither he saw her, he gave no sign that he did as he spoke.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-03-27 16:11:43
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

Baby and NGHTMR-01, or Spring Freddy... Alright, he looks just as harmless as Goldie, but it's just as likely that he isn't. I believe I remember reading something that has to do with linked programming or something. When I get home, I'll have to review what I have today and secure it. She thought, continuing to listen in to their conversation. "Wait, let me get this straight. There was strange programming in BonBon, Freddy, Ballora, and Baby, but not Foxy?" She asked, glancing around to those crowded in front of her.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Oh yeah, that's a good point. We can't let the Nightmares kill again... That'd put me back in business, too, and I'm not exactly too keen in that." She sighed, glancing at the floor. Then Sonia brought up her point, evoking a sudden jerk in attentiveness from the pink and white fox. "You know what... You're right! I'm pretty sure I'm acting the same. And I don't recall anyone messing with my circuitry today, either."

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-03-29 14:07:32

"That's probably because of Lolbit...I doubt he'd allow it and override it, Use it for hiself and make him mre dangerous and prone to waking up ..or they haven't planned on Foxy here yet....Mario shold be here soon to let us kno shortly as he's never left here and is always watching just like i do..."

the golden bear spoke as he looked over to Sonia. His ears twitched as he caught something wih his hearing, Goldie picked up on it too and the two looked at the puppet they just mentioned float out from the shadows.


"Yer correct Mr.Gold...I overheard talk....They're planning to install the chip but the copy of Foxy programming they have that they were testing fried itself shortly after trying it....They're not able to install that chip yet because of Lolbit....So foxy's safe in a way...for now. They ahve Yet to find Lolbit's program."

Spoke the puppet cooly as everbefore he began headig towards the hidden room where the nightmares are. His message was clear. The sooner they reah the Nightmare's the better...

(wow talk about a reunition XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-03-30 12:47:09
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"So, if I'm hearing this right... This 'Lolbit' functions similarly to something like sicle cell anemia? As in, a bad virus resulting in an immunity toward another?" She asked, piping up a little. Of course, she got a strange look from Foxy, resulting in Sonia shyly looking away from the fox. "I minored in genetics and virology in college." She admitted with a chuckle, "So you'll hear a lot of random biology facts from me. Just don't say I didn't warn you. Anyway, I digress. The nightmares?" She asked again, "What are they, if you don't mind me asking?"

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"She asks a lot of questions." Foxy murmured to Ennard, figuratively under her breath so that the newcomer couldn't hear her. "And, a computer scientist with a minor in a biology based subject? That's the most opposite you could go. Something isn't adding up..." She added, glancing back over toward her before turning back to everyone and regaining her normal volume of voice. "So, are we going to check on our friends in the back rooms or no?" She asked cheerfully, already turning toward Ennard's area and the back rooms.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-03-30 13:09:07

He gave a nod in agreement as he saw Mario give a nod to Foxy's question. He spoke up to Sonia before speaking to Javier once they entered the hidden area

"The nightmares are what this places uses to get rid of the children Foxy, Freddy and the others kidnap...Why they have to kidnap is beyond us but they're forced to do it. The nightmares Hate what they do just as everyone here do..We all want to get out of here...Shatha and Ethan have been helping us in getting us out and shutting this place down....Javier! Esaelp Lairt Thgil To Our friends, the nightmares, we must see them now!"

the vines belonging to Javier lit the path leading to the Nightmare's door ther was a particular bang sound in a pattern..almost like morrse code. Only the Nightmare's (Except Nightmarrione) knew its meaning and was quiet enough to not disturb said puppet yet loud eough to catch their attention.

Btw, there's one i should warn yu about, NightMarionne is the only one whose aggrassive and will attack...They're power hungry....

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Edited on 30/03/17 @ 20:09:56 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-03-30 16:38:04
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"Nightmarionne? Sounds creepy..." She responded with a shudder, following them along. Nightmarionne...? That one wasn't in the files. That... thing can't be a real thing... Right? Everything is in the files. I checked everything that had to do with animatronics. There was no Nightmarionne, I swear... She thought to herself, beginning to get nervous. Not all of the information was in the files she had found, and this Nightmarionne could mean trouble. As she took note of the vines, Sonia's thoughts wandered to another place. That one... I did see a greenish animatronic in one of the files I haven't opened yet. Maybe that's it. A plant-based animatronic... Who'da thunk. Well, maybe me, but whatever. That thing might be difficult to take down if it comes to it. These things are art, in a way, and I would really like to not damage them, but I'll do what I have to. She resolved, regaining her focus.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

I might just be judgmental. She thought to herself with a chuckle, walking alongside Ennard. "Was that some kind of signal from them?" She asked, once the knocking died down, still not knowing what that meant, or if it was even any sort of code. She noticed the vines as well, but paid little to no mind to them. Ah, Javier's back. Cool, cool. She thought, before continuing to await a response to her question.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-03-31 05:17:11

He walked as he listened before he answered as always
"In a way yes Foxy, i had the idea come to me yesterday and while everyone was active during the day i spoke to the nightmares and Javier about my idea...They loved it and help me set it up. Javier lights up the path when you speak a codeword of sorts and allows his vines to knock upon the walls. He's been allowing himself to do that at random intervals so nightmarrionne doesn't get suspcious and come out.

So our companions are awaiting us as of right now....

Once he finished, they came to the door where the nightmare's stayed and he indeed found the door unlocked since it was fixed and a lock was added by them. It could only be locked from the inside though. Ennard turned the knob and went in leading the group to the living room where the nightmares were indeed waiting for them.

Goldie rushed forward and tackled Old Non-nightmare Fredbear in a hug.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-03-31 15:33:53
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Oh dear." She chuckled, running over to Goldie to try and pry her off of Non-Nightmare Fredbear. "Goldie, you're gonna break him." Foxy laughed, eventually stopping to glance around. "So... Everyone else seems fine..."

(Took me too long to come up with something for Foxy XD This is all I've got)

Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

She stared as the door opened, barely able to truly see it in the darkness, although it was a bit more visible thanks to the lights provided by Javier did help quite a bit. I don't see the NGHTMR models yet... But they are probably in there. I couldn't imagine any other reason for having hidden back rooms... Hell, this room looks like it should be hidden, but was recently tampered with... Maybe by them. They claimed they want to shut this place down as well, which is somewhat pleasing to hear, since I can have a little more confidence in being able to work with them, but words are simply that. Words are words. They can be faked. They might just be saying that. I'd better keep my guard up. Sonia thought, narrowing her eyes slightly, although from an outsider's perspective, it may have just looked like she were squinting to get a better look at what loomed before her.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-01 05:56:01

"Heh heh, Lovely to see you again Goldie. I'm sure yer old time partner will be just as thrilled once he recovers fully...Hello Miss Foxy...Hm, by the sound of that remark, i'd say yer here becuase of an interesting development that should concern us. Welcome all, please come and hav a sit so we may talk...Chica dear if you could?"

He spoke politely as he rose and greeted their guests humbly before turning to N.Chica, latter nodded and went into the kitchen as he watched his guests com and have a seat. He saw a new one..well,more new ones...Baby, Ballora and their tiny companions, FT Freddy w/ BonBon...and a female human.

N.Foxy and Bonnie got intrigued and got very close to her until N.Freddy beaned them with a pillow, the two growled before they backed off b watched the female curiously. FT Freddy seemed quite...intimidated by the others but the handpuppet calmed him as he sat next to the female human.
He waited for all to settle before they could begin. He did see his friend Shatha and scooped her up in his large sharp clawed paws. he chuckled at how tiny she could be esp when she curled up when picked up.He was just as gentle as he sat down in his chair, a certain fox tried to take his seat but after a stern, playful growl, reclaimed it.

(lol, yer fine XD)

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Edited on 01/04/17 @ 12:59:52 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-04-04 13:42:24
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

The hacker stared at the bear in shock, seeing Nightmare scoop up Shatha as if she were his baby. These things are the NGHTMR models... Especially this one. He doesn't even have a number attached to his file... How is he acting so... What's the word I'm looking for... Polite? Fatherly? Ah, whatever. He's breaking what he was programmed to do... How? She thought, looking around to see the other Nightmare animatronics. "Oh. Um... Hi." She chuckled nervously, backing away slightly. It was another ruse, since Sonia could pretty easily see that the Nightmare models weren't very harmful at this moment in time.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Hey, other Foxy, you know not to take Nightmare's spot, I mean he could snap both of us in half at the same time." She chuckled, "Oh, yeah, and let me know if you need me to call you something else. Other Foxy kind sounds rude." Foxy added, looking back at the new programmer. Good, just the look of these guys put her in her place. Maybe she'll for sure be harmless now.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-04 14:07:13
(*srangles Device for restarting before i could Post*)


"Heh, ye can call me Nifronse, just te make it easier...not that i care fer the Other Foxy thing being rude...Yeah i ko he can...but i still love te tease him. right night?"
He chuckled as he looked at said Black bear who returned the gesture with his own playful grin before Night had to Duckwhen N.Fredbear decided to try again i pouncing his twin. bu failed...again.

N.Chica came out and side stepped as the olden Nightmare bear flew by and landed in the kitchen with a thud. She shook her head with a smile smd set down the refreshments for their guests.


"Than you Miss Chica....Now, we're here becuase we wish to speak with you about a development we came across tonight that we think you should know..."

"We found out after working with baby, Ballora and FT Freddy that the staff had come up with another form of control and it's worse than the shock collars for normal residents...we removed them but we fear they may have put them in yo guys as well to get yo back up and running for heir dark and sick deeds of fear and death...."


"yes, The chips work similar to the BED copycat serum that was used on you guys...BED is known as a by bad and deadly illness that Androids and Animatroincs can catch nd is very contagious to each other but not humans at this time...The Copycat serum copies that feral nature that come with the illness but tdoes wear off unlike the real thing. BED in both forms turns a bot/droid into a feal, bloodthirsty beast but one that has No off swtich nor could the Bot/Droid whose affected be controled...not until the BED serum wore off.

Sadly for them, you guys were becoming immune to the stuff which is Why no other Kidnappig has happened as you guys were the one's who tormented and killed every child who was kidnapped.
The chip takes the feral, bloodthirsty nature and make them controlable and able to make them what they don't want. Should they refuse..the dial is turned up via remote control and a powerful surge of electricity goes throught the system with a special injection of a similar BED serum causing imense pain and restrictors that lock the body forcing them to take it and storing the 'pain energy' by only obeying will th pain stop...
It clouds the mind and oncce given a command the bot will obey in order to prevent anymore pain and possiably to relieve pent up pain as eah command obeyed will allow the pain to lessen. A bot's normal persona and behavior is completely blocked as the chip takes control a new bots seems to take over...however, The real resident that's being controled Knows and is Aware of what is going on but are Powerless to do anything...It's like seeing things happen through a window but yer no allowed to take control back until the chip is deactivated by high ranking staff.

Best way to tell is different often Opposite eye color, vocal changes in terms of voice sound or dialogue and tense, stiff movement following by aggressive, authoritarian like behavior."

As Ethan explained he showed a Video of a Bot infected with BED and FT Freddy from earlier, complete with Shatha and Ethan's full interaction with him util he was shut down. said bear looked guilty and sad again until baby and Ennard comforted him again, even Shatha hopped down and hugged the now startled and shocked bear.

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Edited on 04/04/17 @ 21:31:38 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-04-06 14:37:25
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"It's definitely different with Lolbit, when he takes over, I don't think my movements are very stiff, and I do what humans call 'blacking out.' I wake up after the damage is done." She sighed, glancing over at Ballora, Baby, and Funtime Freddy. "I think your situation is worse in that regard." Foxy finished, looking away in shame. Of course, she began to think, recalling how much worse she was talked to in comparison to Shatha, Ethan, and Sonia [Since she said pretty much nothing at all, or if she had even walked in by that point]. "Wait a second." She piped up, looking over at Ethan. "Do you think that programming is aware of Lolbit?"

Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

So that's what I missed. No matter, I have parts of the information I need. Although, if this 'Lolbit' were to take over while the authoritarian programming was in effect, it could be detrimental. I suppose it's just another reason to find the remote access mainframe to shut down the animatronics. I could always ask, but... It might sound suspicious... If I see a window, I will. But as for now, no. Sonia mused, although intently watching the video, before eventually making a comment, "According to these, it seems like Freddy's the most prone, sorry to say, friendo. The BED seems to me multiplying the animatronic's strength, probably by overloading servos and joints, considering Lolbit, or Foxy, got absolutely demolished in that clip you showed. If this was a regular animatronic versus some kind of primal animatronic, it's probable that the primal one would have won. Does that make sense? I'm not too good with explaining things.." She chuckled the last part, but still sounded quite theoretical when it came to her assumption. "We don't exactly know the threat level of this new programming, but it's pretty clear that it's in the same family as Lolbit, considering the manner in which they take control, if I'm right in that assumption. Which, really, I'm probably not."

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-06 15:30:18

"Hm, Lolbit's a original programming turned virus....He was designed as the original FT Foxy here...But more...savage and aggressive. He was scarpped due to being too aggressive and well as being too hard to handle.
Hm, Let's see, it's routine for us to get a copy of everrybot's programming so we can see how well an update or upgrade does without cuasing harm to the original. It's safer and more effective and puts lss stress and strain on the bot in question as well as less chances of malfunction during an untested update."

Ethan booted up FT Foxy's program copy with lolbit's copy Chip. He tried the Copy chip of the 'dictated overseer' program as he dubbed it and the results;
ERROR! Unknown Programing! Attempting override....Override failed! System crashing.....
Ethan had a look into the info log of what the DOS chip thought of lolbit

"Huh....interesting...It does kow Something's there but can't fuly ID it...It seems the 'Dictation overseer' automatically tries to over ride anything in its path bt Lolbit ....He ate it....I can't find the DOS chip anywhere...This could be useful if we can figure out how without lolbit being a virus..or maybe...Hold on lolbit gave me an idea that may work in our favor..."

Ethan chckled a bit as he scanned for the DOS chip bu failed to find it, he then started making a program while using Lolbit and DOS's info on what he found to help make somethng that could help shut down DOS but not turn virus like Lolbit..He was making a hybrid between the two.

He took key parts from both programs and mixed them while inputting his own programs as well as Shatha's proto type pieces of 'Free will Program'with increased Empathy levels, A few custom bot programming such as 'mama bella's material system, Frothy/mange's bond and skill System and The older rescue bots varies program pieces t help stabilize everything. He made a new form of Lolbit and saved it on a new un-used chip to test on a bot that he had a an idea of who as he looked at Shatha.


Se was looking at the Nightmare's to make sure all was well, so af None showed any sign of the chip and she looed up after Ethan was done with the proto-type chip he just finished making. She went to her bag and she replied to Sonia's words while she looked. She did doubt anyone here would volunteer anyway.

"In a way yes, Freddy is prone but that's becuase he's immune system is far more weaker as he's never been fully repaired and not correctly..He's been ....broken for awhile until recently. I went ully throgh him and fixed all i saw a problem for him...As for BED, it does in a way, it's more like Rabies for Animatronics/Androids ad only contagious to other bots but not humans as of right now...BED messes with the mind and does start to destroy a bot from the inside..affecting memory and rational thinking..turning them until feral, frenzed animals...They do hate Light and loud hurts them and makes them more .....aggressive and deadly. Vocals are also affected...words turn to growls and snarls for example. here's actually may forms of BED bt it'd take me awhile to tell you of it as i've been able to study and get close to an affected bot without them taking my head off as they understand 'animal' talk better than words.

A few to remember is Never look them in the eyes, they see it as a challenge, speak low and soft tones; they hate loud sound so avoid making too much noise, Move slowly and stay lower than the affected bot is; Quick movement draw them and like the eyes hate challenges. Don't Freak out or use light; I think you can imagine why that is.....If you're to touch them do so slowly while speaking softly and gently. Don't start yer touch on their neck, face, belly or anywhere near their power/nerve lines. The hands/arms and back may be good to touch bt keep an eye on their body language an esp ears/tails...They use ears and tails more, many often give low rythmic growls as yer interacting with them as they wtch your every move like a hawk....Should you Ever hear a Sudden, loud growl that's sharp and close to a snarl..back away asap in a calm fashion while avoiding eye contact."

Shatha spoke without thinking as she scearched for what she finally found, Goldie actaully found a clip of Shatha interacting with a BED infected Freddy fazbear and Foxy at the 87 location before its closing while she was messing with it ot of boredom.
Freddy was certaily more bear like with the double ringed blue eyes and Foxy had one red eye and the other yellow and more fox like as the two moved, snarlin with odd liquid seeping out of their mouths, nose, ears and eyes, slight foam like substance around their mouths as they're teeth were replaced with more accurate animal teeth they're paws were similar as well.

Goldie was fixated on Shatha performing what she Just said as she got closer to the two animals. There were people in the background, all scared as they tried to keep quiet and stay away while the bear and fox weren't...right. Freddy let out a loud snarl as he swiped at Shatha for getting too close to what he didn't wt her to be near. She calmly took the hit in the face as she backed up a bit but moved more towards the front of him and slowy put her hand near his muzzle as she spoke and breifly got Foxy's attention to stay near.
Freddy wrinkled his muzzle with a low growl as sounds of him taking in a scent was heard, his eyes slowly changing to red but was flickering and diming....Foxy was distracted by a red light while Shatha used a laser pointer and tended to Freddy who seemd to be calming as she continued her soft speaking, movig her hand slowly to his cheeks to scratch. He leaned in her hand as Foxy got closer her, him no longer seeing the red light but his two colored eyes focusing on the human female before him as he came nearer to her....
The video cut out then...

"Found her Ethan..."

(Gah! I got waaay to into it ^ ^')

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Edited on 06/04/17 @ 22:39:13 by FNaF Foxy {Side} (#56607)

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