Posted by FNaF SL [Main RP Thread]OLD

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 15:38:24

"You're now in the Main RP Thread, Welcome to the RP itself....

[OOC thread is gone now]

Thank you Ennard for that ^ ^
"Hello, if you need a recap from being absent or just want to know the current story in a shorter form then i can tell you."

Night 1 (Pg.1- 7; End of night 1 Post)
"Dakota, Adameira woke up and began moving each doing their own thing.
F.T. Foxy woke up shortly after and stepped off her stage, waiting for a momen for an electric shock to come, when none came she decided on a prank on someone since no guard was around.

Foxy was soon deciding who to prank and with what voice and lines but forgot the words of Freddy's lines. Dakota who was close to her turned the prank on Foxy, who pretended to be shocked and shut down.
Meanwhile Ada had cleaned most everywhere in the location except for the Breaker room where Freddy resided, where she had entered with caution.

After a friendly banter and consersation which was cut short by Foxy hearing a Voice she didn't know echo through the halls, Foxy rushed by to her stage before she could be shocked. While said guard as fighting and disagreeing with the hand held device, HandUnit about Shocking the bots. Hand Unit was in turn shocked himself after the Night guard, Shatha dis-connected and re-did the wires to attach and work only on HandUnit.

This confused Foxy and Ballora as they heard it but not felt it. Dakota wolf figured why Foxy suddenly left and went to her room's vent, fnding it unlocked and after popping in, scaring the guard soon found the guard was a former worker at Freddy's which increased her interestedand that she wasn't corrupted like most they had before. Foxy saw a chance to Prank Shatha which was successful before Foxy left to P&S after Ballora's vent opened at the time.

Foxy was soon joined by Ennard in the P&S room and spoke until LolBit, a virus/old former programing in Foxy took over and has now rushed to the Control Mod while Ennard sought help from Baby."

[Baby, that isn't what i see as 'shorter form' XD -Beaned w/ Mic-]
'Continuing on with the story....' Baby thinks to herself;

" ...Sometime after when Lolbit was trying to get inside by breaking the window, Shatha, the night guard tried to speak and reason to the glitched fox known as Lolbit. But was unseccessful....He was too feral and far gone for mere words to reach him as he finally saw a way inside by the vent of Funtime Auditorium.

Meanwhile, Baby hadn't given any answer thus far to help as then the power went out suddenly, caused by Shatha who overwhelmed Handy with higher volts from the Shock buttons so as to prevent Handy and the cameras from seeing and knowing while also prevntig Lolbit from spreading when possible...
Adameira, joined with Ballora and her Minireenas were trying to get inside to help when Ada remembered that Shatha was a friend who had helped her when she needed it.

They gained access about the same time as Lolbit did breaking the vent door open, Ada roared, making Lolbit disracted long enough to lose track of his target.
Shatha decided to try once more to reach him befor she had to fight him, successfully destroying his control over Foxy, despite her now being in pieces.

Foxy came to and was fixed back up ith some new upgrades and hidden features, Ennard came rushing over after the power went out to make sure Foxy was aright and the guard he found interesting was alive as well. He saw Shatha for himself and absent mindly came out and revealed himself....which Shatha thankfully react rather calmly yet surprised before returning ot what she as doing...

Now, they're figuring more about the flashdrive in Foxy's chest as Shatha fixes the Cameras, audio and even Handy himself so make things appear normal again....."

~~~ [This is Alot or the first night i must say XD -Beaned again-] ~~~
"*Sighs* as i was saying...."

"As Ethan ad Shaha took turns explaining things, the Bots who resided with Shatha came to visit. Not all but only a certain few; Toy Foxy (Vixen}, Withered Bonnie {Bonfoy}, W. Foxy {Ferdi}, W. Freddy {Fredrick}, BB and Marionette {Mario/Mary}. met and interacted with FT Foxy, Ennard, and even Ballora before it was time to go for the night. Ethan and Shatha were successfu in fixing up the camera systems and making sure Handy was no more trouble for them."
~~~~ End of Night 1 ~~~~
Night 2 (Pg. 7- Pg.10

"Funtime Foxy awoke to find Amber, a fellow bot looking about for any malfunctions in the building and after a brief banter the two parted. Amber to the Scooping room and FT Foxy to P&S to speak to Ennard.

Shatha meawhile was heading down to the Control Mod with her now undercover partner; Ethan to see what else they could do and find out. Ethan was forced to bring Frothy Fox and his younger twin; Mange for protection purposes.

Adameira was cleaning up around as usual, leaving the Breaker room fo last til she reached it and found that FT Freddy Killed 4 techs and wasn't himself. Adamei left to sneak to P&S to let Ennard know of what accured while avoiding the Bird who was looking for any problems.

Shatha and ethan came in and found a few odd devices, which Froth and Mange made short work of after be released from their Portable holder Balls where they later met Amber who questioned them before Shatha answered in a calm and aggressive tone, backed up by the two foxes released shortly before.
The Blue jay backed off a bit and answered the now IDed Guards/techs about her finding the problem she was activated to deal with.

Ennard and FT Foxy spoke til Ada came and reported wht was going on. They spoke about the shock collar Ada was given before returning to FT Freddy and what to do with him.
Where they soon figured out that Ethan, shatha and Amber had left the Control Mod to see about Freddy and they soon followed, ready to help if neededwhile they hid in the shadows.

The 2 humans and Blue jay came across The Breaker room, where they found the obvious evidence of what Freddy had done. It's reveled that he was given upgrades before getting infected with a illness that only an Animatronic can get; Blood Eye Diease or BED for short.
FT Foxy used Lolbit's savage, feral nature to help take out Freddy so he could be helped while Frothy, Mange, Shatha and Marti Gratz; a mini fox doll type bot helped as well with Amber.

Lolbit had to be taken down as well when BonBon showed himsef as well bu was quckily saduced. FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy were taken to P&S for treatment while Amber went to shut down, her mission complete.
Adameira got her Collar removed and got much needed updates/upgrades before she returned to her duties.

Whle in P&S the 2 humans spoke as Freddy and BonBon were fixed and a ew words were exchanged involving the true use of the Funtimes and the fabled Nightmare Animatronics.
Shatha and Ethan shared some facts and stories involving a boy who was plaged by Nightmare Bots and even had sketches from the boy's description as she recounted his near death tale.

It was also revealed that Shatha met one of sad Nightmares from when Willaim Afton was trying to kill her and get rid of any trace of her via said Nightmare bot;Nightmare himself.
The more they talked, the more ino was found. Ennard spoke up about the hidden rooms and even re-found the keys that went the the 3 doors. It was decided to Explore these rooms but not until the next night as they were running low on time.

None knows what'll await them next or what'll happen....
~~~ End of Night 2 ~~~
Night 3 (Pg.11- )

"Thing's started off as normal for this night; FT Foxy awoken and awaited, though not for long, for the two new night guards.
Ethan and Shatha, after arriving and making sure everything for ater was set, went into Funtime Autitorium to meet up with Foxy and Ennard to explore the hidden rooms and see bout the nightmares who dwelled there.

After Ennard showed up and showed the map revealing the hidden rooms better and they decided on a room; Badtime Bedroom. They headed towards it while conversing and gaining info they either needed or were curious of.
They reached an area in the hidden room where Ennard stayed, they found a hidden door where the old stage of Foxy the Pirate once resided long ago

Meanwhile, The nghtmare Puppet was getting ready to attack using another Nightmare; Bonnie to be exact, as they heard someone on he other side. They sent the bunny out to fight Shatha who as first to enter the room aftter opening the doorway on the pirate's cove stage.

After a breif fight with Nightmare Bonnie and facing Nightmarionne Nightmare came in and forced Marionne to back off and return to the shadows, looking to get stronger.

I hope this RP has a good run
Andd i don't own these pics i got from google nor do i own FNaF SL.^ ^

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Edited on 28/01/18 @ 00:35:50 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-10 13:42:12

"Hm well at least yer considerate....Most these days that i meet aren't that much into thinking that bots are alive and indeed no different from us...esp after they get the Upgrades that Shatha comes up with....Oh, Okay..Thanks for tagging along. take care!"

He smiled and waved Sonia bye, he did see the Minireena's stay in the darkness and they seemed to followed her where she couldn't see them. He was aware of her odd behavior but there was no point in bringing up the obvious, Shatha knew as well but they just silently agreed to watch out for her. He Truely hoped she was on heir side though and not a spy for the Aftons....


"Heh, sorry..just showing i'm a way...I need to get used to this new form though...never had a before. I know you hate nicknames so i won't say any nicks. Hm, Miss Sonia's left..."

The others were indeed now nearly done with upgrades and Updates to their internal and enternal systems and bodies. He saw 2.0 deactivated and Shatha had put the suit on..He saw...Medical equiptment inside it. He knew alot from the outside world bt he never saw this kinda stuff til now so he went closer to see the suit better.
It was already fixed up to allow Shatha to enter it but she was still puttig some finishing touches on it as he looke at its insides.
Springlocks were sme ype of Body brace to secure the body esp broken parts, IVs, Breathing device, special ventalation for heat and cooling, and other things he couldn't see to well.

"Is this was 2.0 is really meant for? Medical purpose? Do you have some sort of problem Shatha to where you need it?"
He asked quietly, he recalled her folder info he still had..he had barely touched it since last time but he knew a few things already.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-04-12 16:02:47
(*crawls out of abyss*)

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

The pink fox had also taken note of the medical equipment, but being the oblivious animatronic she was, didn't question it at all. "Okay, now that newbie is gone, am I the only one who finds something odd about her?" She asked, narrowing her eyes as she turned her head toward the door that the programmer had exited from a while back. "Well, I mean, at least besides Ennard. I think."

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-12 16:43:41

Ethan> Shatha and i knew Foxy....We just didn't say nothing due to the act it wouldn't change or mean anything at that moment...I do however hope that she's on our side and not on the Aftons...What i got from her was she does seem to mean well but has differnt ways of doing or expessing things...Shatha and i have agreed to lay low and see what happens. To alert her may cause problems for us...Like a corned animal..if cornered they'll fight when they normally wouldn't.

We ask for co-operation and paitence but keep a close yet casual eye out til we know for sure...."

He spoke as he did some work with he vial liquid before he did re check the time and began to close up. He looked at the others, they were done with the Nightmares and gave the Funtimes esp FT Foxy, who actually failed to noticed given the distraction, that she was given a mimal upgrade/update that'll help a bit for her. Lolbit was helpful to her rn but the new addition was the make it stronger and harder aka they couldn't find out about Lolbit, to shut Lolbit down If the Chip was installed....Lolbit could also eat it like before and he wouldn't get outta control.

Just another thing Ethan thought of as he knew Lolbit would try. They always did...It update would temp shut him down if he did try to take advantage of the update. and would keep doing it at random intervals until he quit.


"Yes Ennard...A few accidents made some parts of my body weaker or more prone to 'Paralazsis' in some areas...It's where my body seizes up from Phatom pain as if it was happening again...I usually cannot move ad on rare occassions, cannot breath nor function right. 2.0 is mae to ensure i am stable. She can dis-assemble ito simple parts that are portable and make her smaller in some reguard....We should head back...All are updated and upgraded..."

She spoke softly as Ennard looked 2.0 over es when Shatha indeed dis-assembled her and put a few parts on while the rest retracted into various wearable techs that could be useful. Nightmare scooped her back up til all were ready to go. Ennard was in position to lead everyone back to where they should be. Se saw the Minireena's return but stay among the shadows as if they knew of the time.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-04-22 11:46:27
(*crawls out of abyss... again* LIFE IS KICKING MY ASS)

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"I agree. She seems pretty confident in her ability with computers, and she'd have to be REALLY good with them for being hired here. It's entirely possible that she could cause an immense amount of damage, either to us or the Aftons. Hopefully, it's the latter. Either way, I think we need to consider her as dangerous, but we can't make it obvious to her." Foxy sighed, glancing at Shatha and Ethan with a serious look in her metallic eyes-or, well, as much as it could be conveyed in robotic eyes.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-04-25 12:56:13

"I agree with Foxy....we should indeed keep an eye on her til otherwise noted but don't make it obvious...She don't need her to be suspicious o us...Last thing we want is te-to, i'm getting an accent now, have her lash out and do something really bad if not worse. I indeed hope she's really a friendad on our side an not the Aftons...That'd be bad for us and cold possibly ruin our plans to get free from this place and put it in ruin where it belongs..."

He spoke and Ethan and Shatha just nodded in agreement. Ethan gave a chuckle and playfully blamed Shatha due to her accent being somewhat contagious which earned him being beaned via pillow as she herself blamed her working with Ol'e foxy pirate and hanging out with him too much.
Mangle/Vixen noomed her head playfully as her brother Foxy Pirate himself who washelping with upgrades ply tackled her and they wrestled a bit before Fredrick and Nightmare broke them up and help them away from each other as they gave each other playful insult slurs and least until Fredrick muzzled Foxy and Nightmare nipped Shatha on the back of her head.

(Lol, yer fine ^ ^ i had writer's block for awhile so i couldn't respond til now lol)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 12:06:28
(AP testing began and now i'm slowly dying and will continue dying until next monday so rip)

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Exactly. If she is on our side, though... She would cause MAJOR problems for the company. Or, she could do the same thing, but take all of us with her. From what I understand after today, we're attached to the system. Any damage to the mainframe, like a virus that managed to get in, we're done." Foxy muttered with a sigh, shaking her head and shuddering as a response to the thought. "Hey, actually.. Isn't it about to be 6?"

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 12:22:34
(D: *tries to keep yo alive* noooo, damn you AP tests, Why? T^T i hope you do well though)


"...Yes, that would indeed be bad..and yes it is...5:45..Let's get for the night. Ethan and Shatha have everything together and the others have already leftto home...Don't ask how they get home by themselves..i guess they sneak in the shadows....but..Thank you for your time my companions and hopefully they won't try with this DOS chip at all but if they do, you should be protected. See you sometime"

Ennard spoke as Ethan and Shatha got the things and started back, Ennard spoke the code to javier who had been staying here since he first came and had been regestired as a resident for the time being, and he waited for foxy to come.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 12:38:26
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She followed along, glancing around again. "How is it that I still have trouble navigating your area...?" She mused, half to herself, with a chuckle. The fox looked away with a sigh, shaking her head. "I'm worried they're going to discover the immunity I have to this new programming and figure out how to bypass it, and if they do, I'm sorry for anything I end up saying or doing because of it. Just gonna get that out there now."

(Lowkey wanna do a thing during the morning with Sonia and the Aftons with her actual job but idk not sure how that'd work)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 14:24:13

"Heh, maybe cuz you haven't explored enough of it nor been round long o get the hang of it really....Or you let your mind wander too much which is okay as i do it alot myself and get lost a few times but i'm able to remember what area is which and carry on."

Ennard chuckled on unti Foxy spoke next of her concerns and future apology for anything that happens. The others just smile and say 'don't worry, if it happens it happens and we'll find a way to get through it' Ennard put his ahnd o Foxy's shoulder in agreement that also said; 'Yes, things happen but let's hope it doesn't for all's sakes here.'

(sure, i bet the Aftons want some screen time themselves XD *Thacked by an irate Mike Afton* Brat! >:/)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-03 16:09:20
Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She chuckled, looking back up. "Thanks, guys." Foxy noticed their arrival back at the Parts and Service Room. "Well, guys, I'm gonna shut down for the day. See you all later!" She regained her usual cheerful persona as she separated from the group, stepping onto the stage. The fox stayed silent as she waited for the crying to start again, but it didn't. Hm... Strange... Nothing tonight. She thought, taking note of it and shutting down for the night.

(Oh dear XD Well, you can start with the Aftons, I suppose)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-06 21:20:40
(Lol, sure thing. Glad LD's back now)

General narration

The group smiled and said goodbye to each other and left the building. Ennard watched them leave after all video ffeed and such was taken care of before he went back to the hidden rooms to rest himself bbut still remain alert...for now.

~~~ Next day/later on in the day time ~~~

A young adult male walked briskly around the building, looking at a clipboard and mumbling to himself angerily. He only stopped to snap at his subordinate workers who just cringed and hurridly did as ordered, afraid of the man. He scoffed at them and their foolishness before he went to His office to sit down and enjoy himself for now.

"Ah, much better...Now, let's see today's agenda....Hm, a birthday...7 year old little girl...Requested 'Characters'...More like stupid, worthless machines who only bring in money and 'other' things....Hm...the bear again, fox...huh, pretty much all for this time huh? Must be a big party in order to get them all....Ah, yep...spoiled little rich family and friends....bound to be Alot of children..."

The man mused to himself as he gave a wicked grin and sipped his coffee in thought

(There you go, isn;t he a charmer? *Dodges a stabler being flung at me* LOL you Missed! Gah! I take it back...y-you meant to do that out of mercy right? 0.0')

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-08 21:27:31
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

Sonia walked into the building, appearing rather nervous, as anyone would be on their first day of work. However, underneath the makeup covering the bags under her eyes from staying up all night and the formal business clothes, she was anything but nervous. In fact, she was rather excited to infiltrate the place that caused this society so much harm. She approached the door to her boss' office, ready to begin her day and figure out what the hell she was supposed to be. What great management. Not giving me my assignment when they told me I was hired...? Heh, how pathetic. She thought, knocking on the door while maintaining her nervous, innocent look. "Um... Hello? I'm the new hire, and I wasn't given an assignment..."

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-08 21:54:33
Mike Afton

His thoughts were intrruppeted by a knock at his office door. He growled in minor annoyance and let out a gruff 'Come in' as he got his papers together. If memory served him right, they had a new hire. The voice belongng to a woman and se stated a such.

Mike remembered his usual 'self' he dawned to new recruits even though they'd soon see who he realy was later on, not that he cared. He stood up and waited for the woman to step in, taking a deep breath and making sure to smile.

"Hello, miss...Sonia, Correct?It's a pleasure to meet a new face at our fine establishment i hop to see you work here with us for a long time. As for your assignment, well have a seat and let's chat a bit...get to know each other...or are you eager to get to work and have everything ready for the day hm?"

He smiled that cunning, but charming and friendly smile that'd make anyone swoon if he really wantd them to once Sonia entered his office and he spoke in a cheerful and eager voice and tone that matched his smile perfectly.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-08 22:04:58
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

He wasn't sounding too happy before I walked in. Either way, from what I heard yesterday, he's just putting on a facade. Just like me. She thought, taking the offered seat with a cheerful grin, 'excited to start her new job.' "I'll do whatever is needed, sir. If you want to get to know me a bit more, so be it, or you can send me off onto my assignment." Sonia kept up her lighthearted, excited tone, although making sure it didn't sound too horribly obnoxious, which she was sure she let fall onto the brink of such. If he ends up intimidating, just go with it. Look scared, even though you aren't. It might be instinct to go right back at it, but you've just gotta resist that.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 17:24:39
Mike Afton

"Ah right, i best let you know of our assignmnt at least so you'll know what is needed done most...Would you like something to drink, eat while i speak?"

He asked as he set out somthing anyway just in case she did want something, he may not be the most pleasent person but he was still Human and did have Some manners.
He sat down and straightened some papers before he began

"Today, is a big day Miss Sonia...We have a birthday for a seven year old little girl. He parents are of very high standing and as such, requested All of our wonderful mascots to attend and entetain. It's quite a rarity here as usually only a few of them are rented out.

Since it's so big, i've even had to call in our Night guards to assist with tending to everything...However, you won't need to worry, to much...I want you to help them with programming our mascots with the right things, you kow making sure they're up and ready. I want them At Their Best, no foul ups or i may have to take...measures...Understand my dear?"

He kept his usual' self despite a few times where he almost betrayed too much of who he was esp when he sad 'Mascots', he almost said it with utter distain and venom but he was able to push that back. Oh how he Hated the robots here and in general...He did show a tad bit of his darker side when he spoke the last sentence as his words held a hidden threat despite he seductive tone he had on right now. he was leaning very close to Sonia and lightly brushed her cheek with a crude smile as his eyes breifly flashed cold and menacing, his hair moved to partically obsure some of the vile look he held.

"Grrrrgh, why do we have to be here? I'm sleeeeppppyyyyy!"
Spoke a half awake female, th male next to her chuckled in amusemnt but was just as tired.

"Cool it Fang, we'r here cuz the boss called us in..som large party is know what that means right?"
Th male looked at his friend, serious as h spoke lowly and she returned the gaze with her own serious expression and she nodded. Thy were about to pass the Auditoriums but Shatha suddenly stopped short and backed up to see what she just saw.

Ethan did have time to stop her before she rushed the other tech and decked him before flipping and taking out her Katanaonly to point it at the guys throat. Her eyes were icy and her voice with a growl in it as she glared him down.

"What do you Think You're doing to Foxy? I Did Not just see her Mis-Handle her Did I? I know about the party, we were called in to handle the funtimes. Back off and go elsewhere you creep before i do un-speakable things to it?"
The guy complied as he let out a series of Apoligies and ran off, before ethan grabbed him and whispered somthing to him with a scary and intimidating look ever seen on him, the guys shuddered with pure fear and nodded saying; 'I swear! You won't hear a peep fro me or anyone, i swear!' and ran off quicker than ever seen
Both the guards gave the workers present a dark look that challenged them, dared them to do something.

None dared to look at them and avoided their gaze as the two made their way to Foxy. Shatha shathed he blade and looked over the fox carefully bfore she rebooted her to make the twitching stop.

"You okay Foxy? Did he hurt you at all? Do you know what he did or was doing? You're okay to talk, No One is going to squeal, we've made sure of it...You're in Our care now so if We want to Talk to you We Can."

(Wow, that was long x.x')

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