Posted by FNaF SL [Main RP Thread]OLD

FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2016-11-23 15:38:24

"You're now in the Main RP Thread, Welcome to the RP itself....

[OOC thread is gone now]

Thank you Ennard for that ^ ^
"Hello, if you need a recap from being absent or just want to know the current story in a shorter form then i can tell you."

Night 1 (Pg.1- 7; End of night 1 Post)
"Dakota, Adameira woke up and began moving each doing their own thing.
F.T. Foxy woke up shortly after and stepped off her stage, waiting for a momen for an electric shock to come, when none came she decided on a prank on someone since no guard was around.

Foxy was soon deciding who to prank and with what voice and lines but forgot the words of Freddy's lines. Dakota who was close to her turned the prank on Foxy, who pretended to be shocked and shut down.
Meanwhile Ada had cleaned most everywhere in the location except for the Breaker room where Freddy resided, where she had entered with caution.

After a friendly banter and consersation which was cut short by Foxy hearing a Voice she didn't know echo through the halls, Foxy rushed by to her stage before she could be shocked. While said guard as fighting and disagreeing with the hand held device, HandUnit about Shocking the bots. Hand Unit was in turn shocked himself after the Night guard, Shatha dis-connected and re-did the wires to attach and work only on HandUnit.

This confused Foxy and Ballora as they heard it but not felt it. Dakota wolf figured why Foxy suddenly left and went to her room's vent, fnding it unlocked and after popping in, scaring the guard soon found the guard was a former worker at Freddy's which increased her interestedand that she wasn't corrupted like most they had before. Foxy saw a chance to Prank Shatha which was successful before Foxy left to P&S after Ballora's vent opened at the time.

Foxy was soon joined by Ennard in the P&S room and spoke until LolBit, a virus/old former programing in Foxy took over and has now rushed to the Control Mod while Ennard sought help from Baby."

[Baby, that isn't what i see as 'shorter form' XD -Beaned w/ Mic-]
'Continuing on with the story....' Baby thinks to herself;

" ...Sometime after when Lolbit was trying to get inside by breaking the window, Shatha, the night guard tried to speak and reason to the glitched fox known as Lolbit. But was unseccessful....He was too feral and far gone for mere words to reach him as he finally saw a way inside by the vent of Funtime Auditorium.

Meanwhile, Baby hadn't given any answer thus far to help as then the power went out suddenly, caused by Shatha who overwhelmed Handy with higher volts from the Shock buttons so as to prevent Handy and the cameras from seeing and knowing while also prevntig Lolbit from spreading when possible...
Adameira, joined with Ballora and her Minireenas were trying to get inside to help when Ada remembered that Shatha was a friend who had helped her when she needed it.

They gained access about the same time as Lolbit did breaking the vent door open, Ada roared, making Lolbit disracted long enough to lose track of his target.
Shatha decided to try once more to reach him befor she had to fight him, successfully destroying his control over Foxy, despite her now being in pieces.

Foxy came to and was fixed back up ith some new upgrades and hidden features, Ennard came rushing over after the power went out to make sure Foxy was aright and the guard he found interesting was alive as well. He saw Shatha for himself and absent mindly came out and revealed himself....which Shatha thankfully react rather calmly yet surprised before returning ot what she as doing...

Now, they're figuring more about the flashdrive in Foxy's chest as Shatha fixes the Cameras, audio and even Handy himself so make things appear normal again....."

~~~ [This is Alot or the first night i must say XD -Beaned again-] ~~~
"*Sighs* as i was saying...."

"As Ethan ad Shaha took turns explaining things, the Bots who resided with Shatha came to visit. Not all but only a certain few; Toy Foxy (Vixen}, Withered Bonnie {Bonfoy}, W. Foxy {Ferdi}, W. Freddy {Fredrick}, BB and Marionette {Mario/Mary}. met and interacted with FT Foxy, Ennard, and even Ballora before it was time to go for the night. Ethan and Shatha were successfu in fixing up the camera systems and making sure Handy was no more trouble for them."
~~~~ End of Night 1 ~~~~
Night 2 (Pg. 7- Pg.10

"Funtime Foxy awoke to find Amber, a fellow bot looking about for any malfunctions in the building and after a brief banter the two parted. Amber to the Scooping room and FT Foxy to P&S to speak to Ennard.

Shatha meawhile was heading down to the Control Mod with her now undercover partner; Ethan to see what else they could do and find out. Ethan was forced to bring Frothy Fox and his younger twin; Mange for protection purposes.

Adameira was cleaning up around as usual, leaving the Breaker room fo last til she reached it and found that FT Freddy Killed 4 techs and wasn't himself. Adamei left to sneak to P&S to let Ennard know of what accured while avoiding the Bird who was looking for any problems.

Shatha and ethan came in and found a few odd devices, which Froth and Mange made short work of after be released from their Portable holder Balls where they later met Amber who questioned them before Shatha answered in a calm and aggressive tone, backed up by the two foxes released shortly before.
The Blue jay backed off a bit and answered the now IDed Guards/techs about her finding the problem she was activated to deal with.

Ennard and FT Foxy spoke til Ada came and reported wht was going on. They spoke about the shock collar Ada was given before returning to FT Freddy and what to do with him.
Where they soon figured out that Ethan, shatha and Amber had left the Control Mod to see about Freddy and they soon followed, ready to help if neededwhile they hid in the shadows.

The 2 humans and Blue jay came across The Breaker room, where they found the obvious evidence of what Freddy had done. It's reveled that he was given upgrades before getting infected with a illness that only an Animatronic can get; Blood Eye Diease or BED for short.
FT Foxy used Lolbit's savage, feral nature to help take out Freddy so he could be helped while Frothy, Mange, Shatha and Marti Gratz; a mini fox doll type bot helped as well with Amber.

Lolbit had to be taken down as well when BonBon showed himsef as well bu was quckily saduced. FT Freddy, BonBon and Foxy were taken to P&S for treatment while Amber went to shut down, her mission complete.
Adameira got her Collar removed and got much needed updates/upgrades before she returned to her duties.

Whle in P&S the 2 humans spoke as Freddy and BonBon were fixed and a ew words were exchanged involving the true use of the Funtimes and the fabled Nightmare Animatronics.
Shatha and Ethan shared some facts and stories involving a boy who was plaged by Nightmare Bots and even had sketches from the boy's description as she recounted his near death tale.

It was also revealed that Shatha met one of sad Nightmares from when Willaim Afton was trying to kill her and get rid of any trace of her via said Nightmare bot;Nightmare himself.
The more they talked, the more ino was found. Ennard spoke up about the hidden rooms and even re-found the keys that went the the 3 doors. It was decided to Explore these rooms but not until the next night as they were running low on time.

None knows what'll await them next or what'll happen....
~~~ End of Night 2 ~~~
Night 3 (Pg.11- )

"Thing's started off as normal for this night; FT Foxy awoken and awaited, though not for long, for the two new night guards.
Ethan and Shatha, after arriving and making sure everything for ater was set, went into Funtime Autitorium to meet up with Foxy and Ennard to explore the hidden rooms and see bout the nightmares who dwelled there.

After Ennard showed up and showed the map revealing the hidden rooms better and they decided on a room; Badtime Bedroom. They headed towards it while conversing and gaining info they either needed or were curious of.
They reached an area in the hidden room where Ennard stayed, they found a hidden door where the old stage of Foxy the Pirate once resided long ago

Meanwhile, The nghtmare Puppet was getting ready to attack using another Nightmare; Bonnie to be exact, as they heard someone on he other side. They sent the bunny out to fight Shatha who as first to enter the room aftter opening the doorway on the pirate's cove stage.

After a breif fight with Nightmare Bonnie and facing Nightmarionne Nightmare came in and forced Marionne to back off and return to the shadows, looking to get stronger.

I hope this RP has a good run
Andd i don't own these pics i got from google nor do i own FNaF SL.^ ^

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Edited on 28/01/18 @ 00:35:50 by FNaF Foxy {Main} (#56607)

Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 20:27:05
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

Hah... You've got it. She thought, wanting to say it and express it with her entire being, although only let a glint in her eye show as she quickly got up and moved away, showing nerves and uneasiness toward Mike's action toward her. "Erm... Y-Yes sir." She stuttered, making a nervous glance at the door. He likely thinks you're scared now. Good. Just wrap him around your little hacker finger.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She booted up with no problem. "Huunh...? Something happened...? Oh, Shatha, Ethan, hi. Isn't it morning?" She yawned a robotic yawn, her eyes barely opening. "What's this talk about me being hurt...?

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 20:49:38
Mike Afton

He gave a 'startled/surprised' look hen Sonia moved away and stuttered abit.
"oh, i'm sorry, was i too close to you love? I tend to do that when i wish to make a point...Don't worry though, i'm sure a bright young thing like you won't get that too often should you do as told. And Dont get any ideas..not that you could anyway...But i believe we're done for now...I'm afraid i have work to do and i wish to not 'frighten' you any farther so go on and do what you need to."

He went to his drawer and took out some chips and vials and went to the girl and put them in her hand before closing her hand over the things and giving a firm squeezing grip as he let out a low grinning growl
"Here's what you'll need...Don't Fail me Nor do you Lose these...This is the programming and special serum neded to make sure our Mascots are fucntional....Get, got?Good, Now Get."

Wth that he gave a friendly smile and wlcomed her as if he wasn;t a dark, evil creep and went back to his desk to work, leaving Sonia to her things

"Heh, hello again and yes it is morning. There's a So large Birthday party that th 'Boss' wanted Every singl worker here for preperation. Appearently, a rich family with a little Birthday girl wants Everyone, You, Freddy/BonBon, Baby and the Bidybabs, Ballora/Minireenas...It's apparntly gonna be Big...We need to make sure 'It' doesn't happen.

And as for hurt...Some guy was taking you apart til we got here, chased him off, challenged all in the room and got you righted again...the creep tried that chip again and some serum but it reads 'test chip/tube'...i think you were meant to be a tester for this stuff to s what it did to you...None got in your system but i'll have a look at it...."

Ethan explained as Shatha took care of Foxy without making her uncomfortable best she could. He lookd up a bit and saw Ennard in the shadows but it was obviously a hidden paneling for him to peek out when he could.He didn't kow that was there but then again, they were normally there when it was dark so...It was also in an area where the cams couldn't see it...clever.
Ennard and ethan looked at each other before he gave a nod and went back inside the panel place.

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 21:22:11
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

She nodded, taking the items and hastily making her way out of the office. That serum is bullshit. I'll put in a decoy instead, hope no one's watching. I already have control of the cameras, thanks to last night, so no one'll see anything. Hell, this could be a new concentration that I could analyze at home. She thought, a slight smirk appearing on her face as her eyes darkened with the intent of this plot of hers. Then her face went back to the timid facade she had set up for herself, only deviating for a split second. Sonia walked out into the auditorium and noticed Shatha and Ethan over by Foxy, quickly running over to them. "Hey, what are you guys doing here? Oh wait. Duh. I think Mr. Asshole in charge said you were coming along or something. Eh, whatever." She shrugged, "He gave me another vial of serum. I was gonna check it to see if it matched from the one from last night, but I'm not too sure anything changed." She explained under her breath, pretending to be weary of the cameras around them, "I think I can get away with swapping this vial with a few vials of clear coolant or something."

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Ah, fun, as per usual. At some point I'll be inoperable if they keep doing this." She chuckled, shaking her head, "But it's good to know that I was finally hired out. I'm not gonna be scrapped, but then again, this means I might bring in more kids... ugh." She sighed, until Sonia came running up and explaining her deal. "Alright, so YOU'RE the one with the vial, then. I suppose I'm in safe hands." She chuckled, glancing over toward where Ennard had been hanging out, only to find that he hid away once again.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 21:43:27

"Heh, so ye met him huh? Yep, he woke us up and called us in....Hm, maybe it is..hopefully so...Ethan and i got this one hat hes testing out. Luckily he doesn't need too much of a sample...Some creep was gonna use it on Foxy here...After taking some pieces apart which i don't se why cuz the aea where one would need te put somethng like this is right 'ere. Heh good worries, everyone's too busy and scared o' us te bother us."

Shatha xplained after sh finished up with Foxy and eve pointed out to where a extra chip and liquid would go whre it was indeed nt that far in to whre someone would need to dismantle a bot to reach it.


"Ah come on, don't be like that...yea sure you ge one good thing and dodge another but with a price But what we're doing is Preventing 'It' from happening again nor ever...We're so Clos to shutting this place down and for good. As for the Aftons, they should be History not long after...We got so much against them it's not even funny and anyone would think we're bluffing."

He chuckled as he spoke lightly and casually enough to nt seem suspecious even though they should be let alon but you never know thse days.


The newly revised bot wandered around the hidden rooms and peeked out of many hidden panels he had made throughout the building. He was keeping an eye out for things and anythig important. The Nightmares had even come out to help him, Plushtrap included as well as Nightmare BB. Despite them scaring the crude aoutta him once or twice due to him not being used to others snakig around the place with him. things were going well.

He was hidden whre Mike's Office was and was listening in best he could with Nightmare sitting next to him with a recorder, turning it off and on whnever thre was anything good. Plushtrap was good with the visual recording without being suspected and luckily didn't need to b in the room for long. Just needed to place the cams where needed and leave. BB had provided distractions until Plush was done.

(lol, A secret mission lead by Ennard XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 22:17:09
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"He seemed nice at first, but then it seemed like he was gonna sexually assault me, which I'm not exactly a fan of that, and now here we are." She sighed, shaking her head with a shudder. That guy wouldn't stand a chance if I had my 'weapons' with me. Maybe I'll use them on him one day. She pondered the thought, her thoughts wandering as the thought about if she'd need to use it, but snapped back to reality. "Yeah, hopefully they're put out of commission soon. Even though this is my one source of income..." She muttered with a sigh. You liar.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"I'm more worried about the others. That creepy guy may have gotten to them before me, and I'm the one who is the most likely to reject the serum, despite the antidote from last night." Foxy explained with a shrug, glancing toward the central module that divided the different auditoriums.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 23:10:53
As soon as Shatha heard Foxy she bolted out of the room and nearly ran people over. It wasn't long before a few fights were heard along with a few girly screams and unintellible curse word, fshe soon came back with a rounded up flustered Freddy and surprised Ballora. Anyone who tried to stop her only got snarled at them with various death threats that obviously rivald Mike's as she moved to Foxy's area with the bear, bunny and the ballerena and her companions.

The two small group watched her charge off again to get Baby next...


"Um...well now...H-hey guys....i guess Shatha wnted you lot here heh....I wonder how many people she almost killed this time....Uh, that aside, Yeah, he's been known to do that bt don't worry...i doubt the man has hormones or a pair...Some say he's gay or don't have any down there...But eh, hell if i know...."

He spok with a small sweat drop forming as he saw his companion go to her nutty and protective 'Mama' of the bots and droids of the world mode. He knew of mike's ways and tried to in put Some humor with the rumors he heard which he himself was wondering now.
Mike Afton

He just got down with most of his work when he heard some ruckus outside now hading to where Circus baby was.
"What the hell is that racket?"

He growled out, getting up and heading out to see what it was. Not seeing the bots who wre hidding come out to make their move on getting a scoop on him while gone.
He just arrived at Circus baby's room when he was almost ralroadd by baby being pushed along by a small but firy female.

"Whoa, watch it you- Hy aren'tyou one of the night guards? I-"

"Yep that's me, gotta go gotta go..Need to get thse guys ready fer ya birthday party asap. I need her and the others where we need them, betterthis way...You want them done? of course you do so move it sonny boy imma rushing on by. busy ya know? Can't work like this nor in P&S for it takes too long but not our methods, nope nope..."

He was having a hard tie keeping up with the girl, aby and her bidybabs who caught on to what was going on and moving on their own to help her.

Everytime time he tried to question her she'd speak up as if in a rush and tryig to get thiings done. Which impressed him but still he wanted her to stop and let him talk to her.
He was currently jogging just to keep up until she reached Foxy's room and he stopped to catch his breath nar the doorway, far enough away to not hear nothing from the group yet.

(lol Shatha se ca be a ball of energy can't she? XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 00:40:01
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"Well... That happened." She chuckled, glancing around curiously as the situation unfolded. "Shatha, way to bring attention to yourself..." Sonia sighed, an amused tone still heavy in her voice, "Did the Afton see you?" She finished, glancing back at the stuff she was supposed to use on the bots. "Ok, whatever, if he comes in, I'll just say that you guys had already done the prep by time I got here."

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She just stared as Shatha came running back, eyes wide with confusion, which was really actually moderately normal for the pink fox. Foxy sent another glance toward where she thought Ennard was before pretending to shut down in case the night guard had brought the unwanted attention of Mike Afton toward their respective auditorium, although thankful that Sonia had come up with some kind of plan. She just hoped that she was a good enough liar to get away with it.

(Oh yeah, as for the weapons, I was thinking they'd be gauntlet-style that could 'hack' something just by touching something and be connected to her spine through nodes and be able to numb nerves fro a little bit if they touch human skin, but I feel like that might be too op. I also had the idea today so it's super super rough in terms of drafts lol)

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 15:13:45
(That sounds cool, a, don't worry about op it doesn't seem that way to me lol. This RP is pretty much a 1x1 btween you and me tbh heh ^ ^)


"See me? he heard me, then saw me..he obviously isn't too mfit if he had to jog in order to keep up with me...He's in the door way way over thar, Catching his breath. Was hoping i'd lose im but nope, he wanted te try n talk te me while getting baby here....Pfft, he looks kinda pathetic...I best keep him away so...."

She chuckled after pointing behnd her with her thumb at the obviously winded Mike Afton. She looked at him and went back over to him and actually clunked him in the head with her Katana sheath, earning her a glare as the man rubbed his head and he didn't seem amused when she spoke to him. It was somewhat funny from afar.

Mike Afton

I was still catching my breath when i got clobbered by something hard, I gave a ylp of pain and rubbed my head, glaring at whoever dared to hit me. Only to find that same female i was jogging after standig before me and putting her Katana Sheath back over her back. She seemed amused and sh chuckled a repsonse.

"Wow, ye look fit but yer slower then ol'e freddy when he wakes up...Ye should lay off the chips and dougnuts Capn' call yerself our Boss? Com'on ye can do better than that i'm sure....."

I gave her a dark glare as i rubbed my head, she's bold i'll giv her that but i won't stand fer that ad i stand straighter and we lock eyes...Hers are a rare hetro type...beautiful i must admit....but annoying and i don't like it rigt now. She just gives a mischivious, sly grin that says she in a playful mood...Great...

"Ahem,'re bold i admit....There's no one here who Dares to lay a Hand or item on me like you have little lady...I do believe i said i wish to have a word so....Let's talk...I don't care where right now...Maybe i can show an example while i'm here for the others to take note while i'm at it...."
He gave his own dark grin like he did earlier to Sonia, only fer Shatha to grab him by the tie and yank him close and growled out with her own sadistic grin, revealing her canine like teeth.

"Go fer it buddy boy....I'm waitting to see what ya got. Bet i acn out do ya anyday, girlie elf boy"

(*Dies laughing at scene she just painted* XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 18:10:46
(Alright sounds good lol)

Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

Well, someone's aggressive. If everything hits the fan and she becomes an enemy, I could use that aggression against her. Aggressive behavior limits logic and planning. She thought, taking mental note of how quickly the night guard jumped to fighting and physical confrontation. The girl refused to let this show, only allowing a half-scared, deer-in-headlights look appear on her face as the confrontation happened, standing as stiff as possible out of 'surprise.' That aggression could be all the more lethal if she becomes an enemy while I have my gauntlets... Of course, she's been useful thus far. It would be a shame if I did have to do that and demonstrate who is REALLY in charge here.

(A little clarification for that last thought line, she's not literally in charge, but rather inserted herself as the dominant figure in their power pyramid, even though the Aftons themselves don't realize that she has power over the security systems thus far, and is only gaining power until the system implodes on itself)

Meanwhile, Foxy was still pretending to be shut down.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 18:33:42
Mike Afton

"Challenge accepted...yer gonna Pay fer calling me that...Your name miss?"

"Fangx Shatha Shadowolf Love...I wonerhow that'll go fer ye eh?"

"Odd name, but i see it suits you. you have and intesting growl in that throat of yours and accent...You used to play as Foxy or what? you could Pass as him i bet..."
He and her were very close as they continued their glaring grin contest, he was fazed by th hellhound's voice talking ad he saw her eyes change color. He was getting more interigued by th female as her canines seemed to grow longer.

"Of course Elf lord, i indeed Used to RP as Foxy when he was down, i'd sometimes do a few skits with him even...So of coures i could pass as him....What of yer talents brat? Ye just strutting around like a rooster or what? Cuz i hate te break it to ya, but yer no stud muffin if yer calling Me odd..."

"You my dear are treading on thin ice wth that comment....Why are the robots Not in P&S? And what Are You Doing anyway? Certainly not doig aything fer the party we have...Why don't you be a good dog and do yer master's bidding eh?"

"Dog?! Ha that's a laugh, it's not lil' boy....Thy're not there cuz I said so and we work faster this way. I bet it'll be chilly time once it breaks, al i can say is bring it on i ain't scared of ya lil boy. Go play with yer toys, yer daddy's calling ya. Ya wanted t talk so we're talking or ye gtting too old already and forgot?"

He lets out a growl as he grabs Shatha by her shirt, her gaze still locked on her 'boss'. she was getting him riled as they both sadistically smiled at each other, tensed and seemingly ready to go at each other. The room was nw so intense, even the Animatronics could feel it.

His eyes were narrowed dangerously, his eyes icy and cold as he was trying to make the other back down. many of the workers stopped to see the two face off. Shatha was heard with a low, inhuman growl as more of her teeth show themselves.

Funtime Freddy

"....Not sure what to say to what I'm seeing....Foxy, you can stop pretending for a moment. There's a faceoff going on right now. Shatha's Challenging Mike Afton."
He whispered to the fox. ennard had poked his had back out and seemed surprised once again at what was going on. he made sure he wasn't seen as he watched.
(Wow, wasn't expecting that XD)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 18:45:31
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"Alright, you know what? Fuck this." The hacker growled, marching up to the two and separating them with a surprising amount of force. "You who are acting like children. This coming from the new hire. Sorry Mr. Boss Man, but THIS is not acting exactly professional, especially for a manager of any sort." She explained in a low, uncharacteristically focused on the situation, and definitely not the timid Sonia she had introduced herself as. All things considered, this follow-up aggression on Mr. Asshole's part could still be advantageous to me, but this interruption of the fight might put me on the watch list, especially since I had to drop parts of my timid ruse...

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

She 'restarted,' staring at the suddenly boldened Sonia in shock. That's kind of a big red flag, but I'm not sure... I better try and keep Shatha off of the guy before he shuts us down or fires her. Either way, bad things will happen, and he might STILL fire her. Foxy thought, forcing her eyes to go to 'lolbit mode' as she said, without her jaw moving, "CONFRONTATION DETECTED. INITIATING BREAKUP SEQUENCE," moving toward Shatha and pulling her away from the Afton she was about to fight with, easing some of Sonia's stress.

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 19:04:22
Mike Afton

He looked at Sonia as she seperated them he just back handed her after hearing her words...or was about to but Shatha Took the blow and lashed out with a snarl, He dodged but just barely.

" dare you Miss Sonia...Whose the Boss here? I Am! now if i wish to settle things my way i will...i always get what i want....As for you Shatha...We'll meet later, not everyday someone dares to challenge me and rile me...I have work to do, So DO ALL OF YOU LOT! FUN'S OVER GET TO WORK! and get that Thing....ready..all of them. I expect these stupid, worthless machines ready by ...3:00 sharp! As you were!"

He bellowed at everyone, before fixing his tie with a 'don't touch me i'm better than you' look and left to his office. Leaving everyone to cringe and quickly went to work, farther ignoring the group. not even gossip was spoken about it like in normal situations at a job. Mike didn't see and Angry Shatha glaring at him and gave a low growl, muttering under her breath as she was held by Foxy rn.

"Damn, was hoping for a good fight with Shatha railroading him ...oh well, maybe one day."
He mumbled as bonbon agreed as dida few others. Ethan was nearly done with his part he himself was hoping for a fight but knew nw wasn't the time.

Ethan: "Okay Foxy, Sonia, Fang...Le's get busy...seems like Mike'll be fine. We're not in the red ....I think Mike enjoys a challenge...lucky us...Ow!"

Shatha: "Don't ye Dare imply what i think yer implyin'...He wanted te talk so we just turned out..Not what i expected is all. But i agree...Let's finish...better have Someone as a target to keep him busy when needed most get me?"

Ennard> "Yes, yer a genius Shatha...It'll be perfect to have Mike focus on someone while We do what we all need to do to bring this place down."

Shatha/Ethan: "...E-Ennard? What are you doing here?" o.o'

(Ennard's gutsy, but he's got a reasno and plan. lol)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 19:27:56
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

"Aaaaand that's another enemy on the list." She chuckled, cocky and smug, but quickly realized her mistake, although played it cool. "Not many people liked me at my old job, I just kind find it funny how it kind of followed me." She chuckled, lightening up again, as if this change in attitude had just been from adrenaline from proving her new boss wrong and splitting up a fight.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

Add that to the list of red flags from that girl. She thought, her eyes going back to normal and letting go of Shatha. "Sorry. Didn't really want you to be fired or arrested for homicide." Foxy chuckled, walking back over to the other bots and Ennard. "Wait... Yeah, Ennard, what ARE you doing here?"

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FNaF Foxy {Clean
Main} (#56607)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 20:31:55
(i'm lazy i the color text rn. sorry i'm planning on changing Shatha's normal text as well but not sure yet. XD)


"Ouch, well.....We can't all be liked...We soetimes have a hard time with people sadly. Shatha and i weren't liked by quite a few actually but we don't care. They ain't important...except Mike is a slightly different story right now."

He chuckled a bit. He noticed mor red flags but as mentioned to the others, best not to reveal her as she may attack them and they need allies not enemies. So he's staying friendly and helpful to Sonia.

Shatha - FT Foxy

"Heh yer fine love....It'd be fun te rip him apart but eh, yeah he need this dork alive right now fer fire...well i don' se it right now...Mike seems intrigued enough te keep, b nice though...."

She mused as she calmed down and she regained her 'human' traits again as she turned to ennard next, then began working on Her part on the bots next. FT foxy just needed the fake serum and chip really.


"I knew you'd ask that...don't worry i have an idea and a good reason to show myself....First, i fond my old blueprints and put it in Shatha's stuff....second, i'm a 'new member' for the day...lent as a surprise by Shatha herself as you ca see from the 'tatoos' and the tribal paint many of her 'creations/residents' wear on them.

I bet it'll work just fine so there's no room for come an example...."

Ennard who was speaking and giving explination to part of his plans soon saw a few curious workers who nver saw Ennard before and came up to him.
Worker 1: "Whose this? I don't know this one?
Worker 2: "Yeah, how come this one is here? Who is he?"

Ennard then stepped forward and gave a bow, tipping his cap with a nod as he gave an impression of a smile.
"Hello there, I'm Ennard Shadowolf of CVT...I was designed and built by miss Shatha Shadowolf. I'm very pleased to meet you two...Shatha, in knowing how big this party was to everyone was nice enough to allow me to come and assist n the event. I'm thrilled to meet everyone here and promise to not disappoint. I'm only her for a day as i'm Not a perminant resident here sadly as fun and frendly as this place is.

I prefer to keep my act and abilites a surprise i'm afraid but maybe i can show you all if things are well enough. hope to see you arond sometime."

He spoke with an elegance and with a tone that made the girls swoon and guys smile iin a welcomin manner. He put them at ease with little to no effort for he had a smooth and soothing tone to accompany his gentlemanly nature. His movements were as smooth and gracfulas he seemed, a perfect actor.

The workers who heard and met Ennard went ont ehir way, happier and more light hearted tan before and ennard turned to his friends with a xpression close to smiling.

(wow, what an idea lol)

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Renegade (#80128)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 20:44:50
Sonia | Female | 27 | Programmer/Hacker

There's no way they're not weary of me now. If I come by tonight, I'm gonna want to keep my gauntlets handy. Depending on how today goes, I may need to launch my attack soon. From what I've gathered, I should be able to disconnect the bots from the building's system with the use of my gauntlets. It'd take far too long than I'd like for a manual hack to go through and disconnect each one. I'll need to use something stronger. She thought, nodding. "Yeah, it's lonely, isn't it? Not being too well liked? It sure is for me, honestly." She sighed. What a load of bullshit, Sonia.

Funtime Foxy | Female | Early 20s | Fox Bot | Entertainment/Abduction

"Daaang Ennard, where'd that come from?" She joked, walking back over to her friend as she lightly punched him in the shoulder. "And, I mean, I know about the tribal tattoos and all, it's not my first night." The fox chuckled, glancing around. "Now, who's supposed to be giving me the false serum and chip again..?"

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