Posted by *LOUDEST CALL* LIon Rp: Pm to Join

Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-04 10:51:40
Loudest Call

With so much risk, and so much to lose, with all that has already been lost, what will be heard. Screams of help and the whimpers of panic. Lions with gather around, the loudest call.

It has been a while since I've made an RP-
Basically us (the characters) will gather after being loners for whatever reason. And in turn form a pride. Start of in pairs or families but you cannot be in a romantic relationship with yourself! Have cubs or a sibling-
The goal is for our pride to survive. Thing is lions can break off and create a second pride as well!
Everyone has a place.
The more the better!
Once out characters meet, the roles will be decided upon.

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king, as well as the kings true mate, usually the Lead Huntress and Lead Breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female, so long as they are in heat.
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat,
N(#) for Nursing along with the number of days.
- All females must be bred with by the king, unless they're mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and Healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or such put it in Other

*-Pregnancy last 2 Days, and nursing last 4. Each day is a day but counts as (1months for age.) So one day is 1 month
Cubs age twice as fast, so each day is 2 months! Until 2 Years Old!*

- Be respectful of your fellow RP'ers, At least 2 sentences per post, Be literate, No powers or god modding, Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please, If you've read these rules. In other write 801!

*You may have as many characters as you want. BUT you are not allowed to be your own mate.*

- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. Real lions are also allowed!

-If you become inactive in the RP with out telling anyone your role may be given to another player or dismissed all together (and what I mean by inactive is if you are not on lioden at all for say a week.) Please let us know if you are not going to be on; and or need a hiatus for your character.

Character Form:
Personality: RP'ed out
Desired rank:



The Pride: (Name chosen with members)








Outcast Pridelanders:




Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not
Ex./ Iku-Tumble Pride- Breeder- @/NW

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2/Birth
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4

Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 16:01:07 by Yaoi=Life! GRAVITATION BEST! (#66364)

⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-05 11:05:54
we can start!?!)

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-05 11:51:52
Yes absolutely!)))

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-05 12:03:16
Gender: Male
Age: 5 yrs
Mentions: His mother, Kaio

Zoia had traveled, days on end, with his mother, and was getting tired. He turned toward his mother, and slapped her in the cheek bones with his mane. "I'm tired, dear mother, may we rest?" His loud, regal voice rang through the African Plains. She quickly nodded and, seeing she was tired too, he lied down to the nearest tree.

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blookmiester (#63292)

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Posted on
2016-12-05 12:16:46
Name: Seylani
Gender: Female
Age: 3 years
Personality: RP'ed out
Desired rank: Hunter
Family:- Kei; brother

Gender: Male
Age: 5 years
Personality: RP'ed out
Desired rank: Sub male is just fine
Family:- Seylani; sister
Other: 801 (also, he's gay)

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Edited on 05/12/16 @ 19:28:50 by blookmiester (#63292)

Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-05 12:25:10

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danke (#97409)

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Posted on
2016-12-06 10:06:13
Kaigen-Male- No rank as of now-Seeking pride.

A swift body moved through the frosted lands, large mitts leaving imprints which would soon be covered when and if it snowed. If not, when it rained, they would surely be wiped away clean. There would be no trace. That's how Gen enjoyed it; he loved slinking around undetected. That's how he grew; that's how he lives. Roaming around with no other protection and out in the open, especially with a young cub, was dangerous. He was large, sure, and could intimidate. But he wasn't the largest beast out here.
Speaking of others, he hasn't seen many in moons on end. Just he and Albatross. His dull visionaries cascaded down onto the prowling cub. A light grin would mangle onto the male's scarred face. He didn't think he could love a cub that wasn't his own spawn. But with traveling with this munchkin for a month, he's grown to act as a father. He saw himself as a father to him, anyways.
Albatross-Male cube- No rank-Seeking pride

Albatross yowled to himself as he began to rapidly skid around the older lion, tail arched as his eyes widened. Energy made his fur stand high. He grinned, small legs carrying him rather quickly. His small claws weren't enough to stop him from eventually tumbling over, flipping, and getting a mouth full of almost frozen grass. He spat it out, growling in irritation as he heard a low rumble of a chuckle form from Gen.
"What's so funny?" Alby murmured, the energy rush dying quickly as he came to trot besides his protector.
"Nothing. You have frost on your chin," Gen grunted, keeping his head high so Albatross couldn't see his sly grin.
"Really?" Albatross frowned, his eyes coming to cross as he tried to peer down at the fibers on his chin. All he could see was the bridge of his muzzle.
Gen seized the moment and rose a paw to flick it beneath the cub's chin, causing him to yowl and swipe at his paw. He gave a deep throaty laugh as he continued forwards. Albatross rumbled quietly, though held a grin as he weaved between Gen's legs and beneath his stomach.

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Edited on 07/12/16 @ 05:31:46 by Derek (#97409)

Natori Pride
(Shaya)(MAIN) (#30707)

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Posted on
2016-12-06 16:24:15
Jia - Lone lioness (For now) - No rank - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Paws hit the ground rhythmically as a large grey looking lioness walked along with a light brown looking lioness beside her. She stopped when she spotted some prey, knowing it wouldn't be long until a male appeared knowing how they were with females in heat. Let alone two potentially claimable ones. She lowered down spotting a wounded zebra separated from the herd and snuck closer.

Zira - Lone lioness - Hunter in training - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Zira who wasn't paying to much attention to males, lowered down and followed her mother, getting to the zebra's side hidden in the grass. She waited until her mother who was now behind the zebra. She lunged when her mother nodded and latched onto the zebra's side as her mother who had moved, cut off its shriek by biting into its neck. This made the kill silent, other then the sounds of struggling which luckily wasn't enough to alert the herd.

Once killed, both lionesses looked around and quickly started eating.

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 05:56:53
Faul|4Yrs|Male-Loner|Cubs: Saba-Kru-Chea
Cub Saba|8Months|Female
Cub Kru|10Months|Male
Cub Chea|8Months|Female
Balle|8Yrs|Female-Loner|Cubs: None|@
Solveig|5Yrs|Male-Outcast|Cubs: None|Seeking Females
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

The male laughed looking at his foster cubs drink. He layed with them. Staring at the water closely. "If you stare close enough you'll get a surprise." He watched them each slowly put there faces close to the water waiting. It was then he slammed his paw into the water. Splashing them all. Chea jumped, crying a bit as she shook. Kru growled and bit the males ear, while Saba roared at him calling him a jerk, moving towards Chea to calm her down. He laughed and pushed Kru back. Stand up and licking the boys head. He moved to Chea sat in front of her and pulled her close to allow her to sniffle into his fur.
"That was wonderfull." He complimented their reactions.
"You see kids. Things will hit you as a surprise. It doesn't mean its always good. Sometimes you should try to avoid them." He spoke to them, as if he meant to teach them a lesson. They usually came that way, as a joke. Than into something serious. He listened to things around him. He had fed them and himself when they first awoke so they were fine but the fact they only had him to rely on worried him. He needed to find someone. A mate, or even a pride.
He had never wanted such a thing before. But for these three he knew he'd have to do better.
He laughed once more and began to stand again. Lets see, if I can find you three a pride.
He roared hoping to get some attention. Hopefully not from anyone too dangerous. If he had to, he'd form his own pride.

The female lifted her ears. She would not call back until she knew others fate first. Call her a coward, she knew that caution was key. At least this time around. Maybe her heat would attract a male, she wasn't sure but if she did attract a male, she would accept her fate. She stared from the grass she was hidden in. Hopefully she wouldn't have to be first to approach.

Solveig followed his noise. The strong smell of in heat females. He wondered of what they'd look like. Prideless or alone, he would attempt, he was fairly attractive. He had mated times before. None he had raised, a few he had seen in his journey. He kept his eyes and ears alert. Finally reaching the eating females. Very much into their food. He watched waiting for their attention. Finally he sat waiting to see if they'd come to him. His tail flicking behind him.

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Natori Pride
(Shaya)(MAIN) (#30707)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 06:03:12
Jia - Lone lioness (For now) - No rank - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Jia jerked her head up smelling the male and spotted him, she watched him carefully. Twitching her tail, "What is it you want? Besides the obvious two?" she muttered, meaning lionesses in heat and fresh food.

Zira - Lone lioness - Hunter in training - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Zira growled toward the meal, not about to have the food stolen right away, she didn't say anything however. Her ears remained perked as her body was in a defense position, ready and able to chase him off at least long enough for them to escape if he tried anything.

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 07:12:01
Solveig|5Yrs|Male-Outcast|Cubs: None|Seeking Females
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

He laughed. "I have no need for your food. Though the most obvious is your heat. Finish your meal, I have no need for it. Though the smell that comes along with the heat is vexing and the feeling it brings is annoying for you is it not? Troublesome. I hold good genes. Don't mind the tail." He pointed out his bobbed tail, a small genetic mutation, his mother told him it ran in the family, but it would only make him look stronger with scars, scars he never obtained. He watched them to see if they'd accept. He had never had to use force before and it hadn't been his plan.
"A quick stud. My name is Solveig."

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Edited on 07/12/16 @ 14:13:21 by Yaoi=Life! GRAVITATION BEST! (#66364)

Natori Pride
(Shaya)(MAIN) (#30707)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 07:37:48
Jia - Lone lioness (For now) - No rank - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Jia looked at him, bopping Zira until she stopped growling, "We do need just a mate to get rid of the heat," she replied, looking at her daughter. She finished her half of the kill, moving next to Zira.

Zira - Lone lioness - Hunter in training - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Zira grumbled when her mother bopped her, but none-the-less shut up right away, "Fine... but I want to finish my food first," she muttered, turning and started eating again.

Jia looked at the male, sitting down and curled her tail around her paws, "So I guess we go first then," she muttered, not taking her eyes off of him.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-07 07:45:00
Gender: Male
Age: 5 yrs
Mentions: His mother, Kaio, Solveig, Zira, Jia

Zoia roared a loud roar, shaking the shrubs around him as he got up. He smelled a lioness in heat somewhere, and he followed that scent, at a fast gait. Seeing a male, and two females it looked like. "my mother is hungry, might she eat? A quick meal." He said, and a growl followed as he remembered the words coming out of the wonky males mouth. "Ahh...I see you have a few lionesses now, may I challenge you?"

Gender: Female
Age: 8
Mentions: Zoia, everyone around
Kaio shook her head. She backed up, and looked at her son, Zoia, eyes trembling with fear. Though she had seen him fight may things before, this didn't seem quite right. Fighting another male for females? Often, the males traveling with their family bred with the females, no matter the relation. Perhaps Zoia wanted fresh genes?

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 08:34:15
Solveig|5Yrs|Male-Outcast|Cubs: None|Seeking Females
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

He stared at the females first and than at the male who was with an older female. He was'nt far in age from the other male, and knew the fight was a very much fifty-fifty match. He was very much willing, but he always made sure he was able to control himself. Thats how lions get destroyed. The challenger was very seemingly snobbery. His tail flicked.
"Let the females decide. They are loners, who they mate with is their choice. Though if they choose you I will blatantly fight." He gave no smile. To a male, mating was something that spreads genes and your genes mean something for the future. Jia was a beauty and her daughter was proof enough that it passed on.

((Guys I forgot to mention. If a fight between males occur, a random number generator will insue. Depending on age and previous wounds your chances go up. Examples:

5yr old Vs. 5 yr old. Both guess a number. Who ever is closest to that number wins.

2yrs old Vs 5yr Old. 5yr old has advantage. So the one who has the advantage. Since they are three years apart in age. He gets three chances to have a number pop up that is closest to his.)))

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Natori Pride
(Shaya)(MAIN) (#30707)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 09:03:23
Jia - Lone lioness (For now) - No rank - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Jia simply rolled her eyes at both males, she was used to this by now. She stood up, walking calmly past Solveig, "I think you know who I choose," she replied to him in a relaxed tone. She walked toward a more secluded place waiting for him to catch on.

Zira - Lone lioness - Hunter in training - @ - Not wounded - Seeking quick mate
Zira snorted at both males, she stood and moved so the lioness could finish the zebra. This was something she'd have to adjust to, she paused, looking at both males to choose which one she wanted. They'd need to impress her in order to mate.

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danke (#97409)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 09:15:24
Kaigen-6-Lone male as of now
Albatross-7 months-cub

The stagnant, dry wind carried many scents that made the male stand on end. His circular ears were like radars; they flickered at each and every noise heard. The wind brought in a scent that wouldn't cause any affect to the towering, elding male. It was females in heat. It was this time of the season already? His lips would curl and his ears would pin backwards, showing pure agitation. He's never been interested in females and found their heat scent putred, to say the least. He enjoys being around them, but when they're in heat, he's no where to be seen.
Albatross picked up the scent as well and tilted his small cranium, casting his soft gaze up to Gen.
"Gen, what's that smell?" He asked. He found nothing peculiar of it yet since he's not of age. But it pricked his senses like it would any lion. Kaigen was just... out of the ordinary.
Alba understands where Kai stands and speaks no word of it. He's been taught manners by the older lion since they've been traveling and understands where the hurt came from.

"That's the smell of a female in heat. You must stay away from it at all costs, you understand? It is not safe for you. Other males are aggressive and will not be as kind as I." Gen spoke, though a certain glint of sadness laid within his hues. He knew how rough males wishing to mate could be. Hence all of the scars which stunted growth where a claw, tooth, or bullet grazed. He wished not to speak of these times; not even to Albatross. He wouldn't understand.
"O-Okay," The cub would nod. The two went silent, continuing to prowl through the lands.

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