Posted by *LOUDEST CALL* LIon Rp: Pm to Join

Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-04 10:51:40
Loudest Call

With so much risk, and so much to lose, with all that has already been lost, what will be heard. Screams of help and the whimpers of panic. Lions with gather around, the loudest call.

It has been a while since I've made an RP-
Basically us (the characters) will gather after being loners for whatever reason. And in turn form a pride. Start of in pairs or families but you cannot be in a romantic relationship with yourself! Have cubs or a sibling-
The goal is for our pride to survive. Thing is lions can break off and create a second pride as well!
Everyone has a place.
The more the better!
Once out characters meet, the roles will be decided upon.

Rules, Must Read:
- Follow lioden rules
- Fade when breeding and birthing
- Ask for permission before killing or breeding
- I decide the weather and time of day
-The Queen is the main decision maker along with the king, as well as the kings true mate, usually the Lead Huntress and Lead Breeder.
- The king may breed with any breeder female, so long as they are in heat.
- The Queen may only be bred with the king. (UNLESS. You really want that drama. *Wink. WINK*)
- Subs must consult with the king before breeding
- Put @ next to your lions name if in heat,
N(#) for Nursing along with the number of days.
- All females must be bred with by the king, unless they're mates with a sub at some point. Hunters and Healers have a choice.
-Sexuality is an option; If gay or such put it in Other

*-Pregnancy last 2 Days, and nursing last 4. Each day is a day but counts as (1months for age.) So one day is 1 month
Cubs age twice as fast, so each day is 2 months! Until 2 Years Old!*

- Be respectful of your fellow RP'ers, At least 2 sentences per post, Be literate, No powers or god modding, Cussing is allowed but no offensive words please, If you've read these rules. In other write 801!

*You may have as many characters as you want. BUT you are not allowed to be your own mate.*

- Please try to use lioden wardrobe for your lions looks but if you have a piece of fanart you are just dying to use, you may use that. Real lions are also allowed!

-If you become inactive in the RP with out telling anyone your role may be given to another player or dismissed all together (and what I mean by inactive is if you are not on lioden at all for say a week.) Please let us know if you are not going to be on; and or need a hiatus for your character.

Character Form:
Personality: RP'ed out
Desired rank:



The Pride: (Name chosen with members)








Outcast Pridelanders:




Post format: lion name - pride and rank - in heat or not/wounded or not
Ex./ Iku-Tumble Pride- Breeder- @/NW

Watering Hole
Hunting Area

Heat= @
Wounded= W
Pregnancy= P1, P2/Birth
Nursing= N1, N2, N3, N4

Character Sheets

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Edited on 08/12/16 @ 16:01:07 by Yaoi=Life! GRAVITATION BEST! (#66364)

Stevie [🌢#HC🌢] (#37894)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 09:23:53
(Find my character sheets on the character sheet thread)

Mentions: Nintu, Kitu, Faul, Saba, Kru, and Chea

Nintu|1yr 8mths|Adolescent Male|Loner| Blind
Nintu strolled through the dying grass, following his sister's scent closely. It was one he had known for the longest time. Due to his lack of sight, his other senses have been heightened, especially his sense of smell. He was parched. He directed his nose towards the wind, looking for the scent of water. A gust of wind brought it to him, along with the scent of a grown male and three cubs.
"Kitu, may we stop at a water source? There's a lake just a bit ahead."

Kitu|2 yrs|Female|Loner|@
"Of course Nintu. I'm a bit parched myself"
Kitu raised her nose to the wind, examining the scents. 'Hmmm. Yes, water, as Nintu mentioned. But there's something else.... OTHER LIONS! Well, Nintu must know this by now, and he still asked...'
Kitu slowly pushed through the undergrowth toward the water, making sure Nintu was following. She caught a glimpse of water when a roar cut through the air. She froze and Nintu stumbled into her, pushing them out of the undergrowth.

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Edited on 07/12/16 @ 17:52:07 by ducksrule101 *OC* (#37894)

Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 09:27:46
Solveig|5Yrs|Male-Outcast|Cubs: None|Seeking Females
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

He smiled, the mother of the child was more than enough he, brushed past her. He could tell the younger one wanted impression. He smiled and brushed past her as well. He had no idea why but the older one seemed more. His questt. "You know my name lioness and yet I have not heard yours?" Je asked a bit demanding yet his voice still felt soft. He wanted the dead done before he found out. He followered her ready to end her heat.

((Another thing J must've skipped over, when you have cubs, you decide with the other parent, how many, who will play which, what gender, as well as the looks.))

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-07 09:41:12
(I will reply later when I have more time!)

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 11:51:56
Faul|4Yrs|Male-Loner|Cubs: Saba-Kru-Chea
Cub Saba|8Months|Female
Cub Kru|10Months|Male
Cub Chea|8Months|Female
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________
The foster father watched as the three stared at him after he roared. He stared back. "What? I wanna see who is brave enough to...." before he could finish speaking to his cubs he was inturupted by a fumble of two lions. He sniffed them at a distance. Both were young. One in heat. He made sure to ignore the in heat. The cubs he knew could smell it, but he was sure only one knew what that smell meant, Chea. Her mind was innocent but it has been exposed already to the harshness of the world. Before they had met, she was serious and unkempt. She was still rowdy but was a deavilish angel. He stared as Saba sniffed the air hard and hid behind his leg. Chea stayed right beside him and Kru was making his way towards them. Growling as he did. "Whatcha doin'? You donno how to wrestle?" He pawed at them. Confused on their enterence. He looked around.
"Where's the rest of your pride? Or are yah loners like us." He smirked. Sitting back and watching. Taking a grinning look back at his two sisters and father figure. Waiting for them to join him. Faul moved forward sitting behind his son. Immensely larger than him, with Saba next to him and Chea hiding behind him.

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Edited on 07/12/16 @ 18:52:19 by Yaoi=Life! GRAVITATION BEST! (#66364)

Stevie [🌢#HC🌢] (#37894)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 13:07:59
Mentions: Nintu, Kitu, Faul, Saba, Kru, and Chea
Nintu|1yr 8mths|Adolescent Male|Loner| Blind
Kitu|2 yrs|Female|Loner|@

Nintu stood up and shook the dust and dirt from his coat before sitting down. Kitu did the same, sitting down next to him.
"Nintu, they are over this way," She said as she guided him into a sitting position that faced the odd group of lions.
"Thanks Kitu. Umm... Sorry about our awkward entrance. We mean no harm. Only our stopping for a sip of water," Nintu stuttered nervously. He had forgotten that Kitu was in heat, and he had just led her straight to an adult male. Kitu, sensing her brother's nervousness, took over.
"What a lovely bunch of cubbins you've got there. Your little boy seems especially energetic. Yes, we are both loners. I'm guessing you are as well? It's unusual for an adult male like yourself to hang around with a bunch of cubs. May I have your name? If you haven't guessed already, I go by Kitu, and this is my brother Nintu."

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Miyu 美ε„ͺ (#98190)

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Posted on
2016-12-07 13:51:26
(First time posting, so wanted to see what would happen if little Aslana wandered off without any of her older siblings noticing.)

Render|5 Years| Male|Loner|Adult|
Nipsey [@]|5 Years|Female|Loner|Adult|
Nutmeg|1 Year and 4 Months|Female|Loner|Adolescent|
Aslana|10 Months|Female|Loner|Cub|

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

A large male lion quietly prowled across the Savannah's surface. He looked up, his beautiful hetero eyes blinking slowly as he watched the clouds move beyond. "Render, if you're off to the watering hole, do allow me to come along, I have to watch you!" The males twin, a beautiful lioness pleaded, her ears pinned hard against her skull. Lips drew lightly back, a slight snarl emitted from his chest "I'm going to be just fine, and besides, if you come along I'll only attract more attention. That scent your giving off can travel for miles.." He turned to look at the female, his tail lashing before he shook his luscious, but deeply matted mane "Besides, who is going to watch Nutmeg and Aslana..." Render murmured. Behind him, Nipsey blinked sympathetically, knowing what he meant. Aslana's head poked out of the den "Render....." She whispered lightly before quietly trotting out to go find her brother.

Shortly after Aslana's departure, Nutmeg had awoken and let out a long yawn, her claws flexing as she stretched. Standing, the sound of rustling bushes caught the young feline's attention. Seeing her two older siblings rounding the corner, she trotted towards them with a cheerful smile "Good morning!" She meowed with a jump before looking for the short annoying twerp that she called her sister "Hey, where's Aslana?" Nutmeg said curiously as she poked her head into tiny places that only the little devil could hide in. The twins looked at each other, then back at Nutmeg, clearly not knowing what she was talking about. Nipsey growled and sniffed the air, her little sibling's scent still clinging in the air "She probably went exploring, but since she doesn't know this territory very well, she won't be able to find her way back." Ears yet again hard against her skull, Nipsey worriedly looked up at her twin, Render growled but then sighed "What am I going to do with you 3..." He murmured lightly, but loud enough for them to hear.

Aslana quietly jogged along the trail she had taken, her head bobbing as she hummed along and looked around curiously, suddenly, the loud sound of other lions caught her attention, and she was then very interested. Sneaking over into the bushes, she poked her head out, a wave of different scents flowing into her nostrils, some smelling the same as the way her sister currently did 'I wonder if Nipsey and Render are here..' Aslana thought curiously as she walked out and faced the lions, soon regretting her choice.

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Edited on 07/12/16 @ 20:53:42 by 🌸TigerLily🌸Main🌸 (#98190)

Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 12:11:26
Faul|4Yrs|Male-Loner|Cubs: Saba-Kru-Chea
Cub Saba|8Months|Female
Cub Kru|10Months|Male
Cub Chea|8Months|Female
_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Faul did indeed smell the heat and he ignored it for the sake of his cubs.
"I am Faul. These are my cubs. I've gathered along the way these three and until I can find them a better place, I am the only home they have. The watering hole isn't mine so feel free to drink. Theres plenty of bucks and bunnies around for a snack. A great place, it's surprising that it has yet to be claimed." He spoke of what he had gathered about the surrounding in his short time there. He stared at his cubs, realizing Kru had been searching for eye contact with Nintu, the realization hitting slow. The cub shouted ecstatic.
"Oh your blind! I'm Kru, Nintu." He gently touched the male with his paw to let him now he was in front of him. "That's amazing, do you need a guard? I can be a great guard for you! I may be young but I'll help guide you." The cub spoke wanting to be of help. Not realizing what he was saying had a large probability to be offensive. Before Faul could stop Kru, Chea began to speak to Kitu. "That smell is the same one my mom had when she left. It means you can have more cubs. Will you have cubs? You're very beautiful Kitu. Chea is glad to meet you!" She smiled and nod confirming her own words, even speaking in third person still messing up her words every now and then. Faul was dumbfounded, Saba who was often quiet, speaking only when sass or direction was needed rolled her eyes and looked at the two knew lions, than her father. That's when a small cub about her brothers age appeared. She stared confused. Faul looked and moved towards her. Saba still by his side.
"Lost?" He was used to situations like this. Saba was the first to join Faul, the first of his cubs. Kru the second with Chea the last so far. She smiled at the other girl.
"Don't worry. Those two are getting water. Thats my brother and sister, this is my dad. We can help you if you'd like."

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2016-12-09 13:31:37
Um, I'm going to withdraw from this magnificent roleplay, I am sorry. I have to much time on my hands and might try and join later on when this thread has progessed!)

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Jes πŸ’ž|Clean (#66364)

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Posted on
2016-12-09 23:53:32
(Sorry to hear that- It was fun having you! Hopefully we rp again ^^))

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Stevie [🌢#HC🌢] (#37894)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 14:25:55
Mentions: Nintu, Kitu, Faul, Saba, Kru, Chea, and Aslana
Nintu|1yr 8mths|Adolescent Male|Loner| Blind
Kitu|2 yrs|Female|Loner|@

"Thanks for the offer, young knight, but I already have a guide," Nintu laughed, gesturing toward Kitu. He then bowed his head in gratitude and stood up, slowly shaking the pins and needles from his limbs. He was about to head towards the water when a different scent hit his nostrils. a young cub, definitely under a year, and possibly female He turned around to notify Kitu when he heard one of the young female cubbins speak. Before he could utter a word, kitu spoke.
"Haha no hon, I'm not looking for cubbins yet. Maybe when I get a pride, but right now my paws are full with Nintu over there." she replied light-heartedly. "Nintu, are you getting water? What's holdi-..." startled by a sudden noise, she stopped stalking and turned around. There stood a young, female cubbin, no older than a year. Kitu quickly cleared her face of shock and replace her expression with her usual smile as the other lions spoke.
"If you are lost, Nintu, the lion by the water, could track down your pride. He's got a pretty good nose," Kitu smiled, gesturing to Nintu with her head. Nintu, still in shock by Chea's words, nodded slowly and walked back towards the group.
-Sorry it took so long for my response... Writers block-

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Edited on 10/12/16 @ 21:26:04 by Halley (#37894)

Miyu 美ε„ͺ (#98190)

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Posted on
2016-12-10 14:46:31
Render|5 Years| Male|Loner|Adult|
Nipsey [@]|5 Years|Female|Loner|Adult|
Nutmeg|1 Year and 4 Months|Female|Loner|Adolescent|
Aslana|10 Months|Female|Loner|Cub|

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Aslana was clearly the center of attention now, but when two adult lions, a male, and a female, spoke to her, she let out a squeak "N-no thank you miss, I know my family will be here any minute, they know I'm very adventurous at times s-so you don't have to do that." Now turning her attention to the male she stiffened a bit. Aslana was utterly afraid of loner males, but because he had cubs of his own, she calmed down and sighed with a smile when the other cub spoke to her "I'm fine but thank you." She mewed cutely before sitting and waiting for her siblings quietly, she really wanted to see their reactions. Render raced through the dense shrubs, Nutmeg and Nipsey behind him as they followed Aslana's strong scent 'I hope she isn't in trouble...' Suddenly, a wave of other lions scents hit the male like a wrecking ball and he slid to a stop. In the mixture, Aslana's scent could barely be recognized.

As the exited the shrubs with tensed bodies, they soon relaxed to see their little sibling talking normally to another cub, and beside them was a male, and two other lions, one seeming to be blind. Nipsey chuckled as she saw Aslana's happy smile as she raced towards her, Nipsey, of course, cherished the young cub like a normal mother would, Nutmeg also comfortingly nuzzled the youngster "Don't do that again! You scared me." The adolescent said with a snort she pushed Aslana gently with her nose, Aslana snorted back "Sorry..." She whispered with a whine. Render sighed with relief and looked at the older lions "Thank you for keeping her occupied, she likes to go around exploring, she's a real trouble maker." He pointed out as he watched the young cub come over to him, purring as she rubbed her head on his leg "I'm just glad she's alive.." Nipsey said quietly as she looked lovingly at the cub.

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