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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 07:49:03

roleplay thread
character sheets
chat thread
thread moderators: 90672, 42151/myself
» plot: a small island off the coast of finland was introduced to cats many years ago by explorers. the serene, island wilderness became quickly populated by the abandoned felines, who compete viciously for survival in the harsh conditions.

» geography/climate: long winters w/ snow from september to april (7 months). temperatures average of about -6f (-45f lowest to 77f highest). alpine tundra.

landmarks: [FOREST (tall, looming trees, populated by: rodents, grubs, foxes, bears, badgers, etc.) NEARBY: plains, lake, waterfall] ● [PLAINS (snowy plains, populated by: rabbits/small animals, etc.) NEARBY: forest, summit] ● [FARMLANDS (several small farms, populated by: farm animals, dogs, humans) NEARBY: village, lake, plains] ● [SUMMIT (rocky summit, very windy and populated by: small rodents) NEARBY: plains, mt mollehoj] ● [MT MOLLEHOJ (rocky, windy and dangerous, populated by: goats, rodents, small animals) NEARBY: summit, waterfall] ● [VILLAGE (small village distanced from nature, yet surrounded by it. populated by: humans) NEARBY: farmlands, plains] ● [LAKE (typically frozen lake with weak ice, populated by: fish, small animals) NEARBY: village, plains, forest, summit, waterfalls] ● [WATERFALLS (windy/rocky and feeds into the lake, populated by: fish) NEARBY: mt mollehoj, lake].

. lioden roleplay rules, of course
. maintain mild realism (mild accessories/short-furred cats are allowed)
. no godmodding/powerplaying/mary-sue chars
. please mantain "literacy"/"semi-literacy"
. dont gravely injure/kill without party's permission
. realistic injuries (i.e: cut pad = doesn't heal immediately)
. two (preferably one) cat/s per player. pm for exceptions.
. swearing is fine, but keep it limited
. please maintain mild activity, pm a thread mod if you wish to quit.
. cats may have ANY gender/orientation. we will NOT tolerate bigotry or jokes.
. please bear in mind the surroundings! it is cold!!
suggestion: if you prefer to/can write longer passages about one scene, one character would most likely be easier. two characters is better if you prefer to write two shorter passages like i do, aha..
sheet layout:
. name/aliases (nicknames):
. gender:
. sex (optional):
. age:
. breed:
. orientation (optional):
. height (optional) & weight (optional):
. relationships (optional):
. personality:
. appearance (short desc., optional if image):
. (short) past/history:
. other (optional):

Character Sheets

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 13:46:37 by primordial (#48264)

Doe (#62827)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 18:31:45

(Credit for Image)
|| Quill ||
General Info

4 years

More in Depth
Quill is rather quiet, she doesn't like to speak with strangers and tends to shy away from many cats, she likes to be high up for her own saftey

None as of now



On the Outside:
Body Structure:
Quill isn't the largest of cats, but she is quick and has a lot of fur

Pelt color:
Brown, White and brown

Eye color:

She has tiger-like markings all over her and her chin and chest are white

Special Features:



(Credit for Image)
|| Flick||
General Info

1 year

More in Depth
Flick is a rather hyper cat, he has issues with personal space and tries to be friends with everyone

None as of now



On the Outside:
Body Structure:
Flick is thin, he's not very good at hunting, he's small for a male cat

Pelt color:
Mainly white, One Black ear one Orange ear, black and orange tail

Eye color:

He's mainly white, his right ear is black and his left ear is orange with a bit of black, his small tail is orange with patches of black

Special Features:
Bob tail

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Edited on 21/01/17 @ 14:41:02 by 🐭Minnie 🐭 (#62827)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 00:32:25






2 years, 9 months


Turkish Angora




Mysterious and cynical, Wanheda is a difficult feline, to say the least. She is an energetic soul who can't seem to stay for long in a single place. Because of her Turkish Angora breed, she is clever and strong-willed. She has a poor sense of loyalty and will leave behind any companions without remorse. Her rogue instincts indicate her to not share easily, and once she sets her mind on something, she will do anything to achieve it, making her -Besides selfish- stubborn, no matter the logic thrown at her. It is surely a pride thing. 

To avoid serious discussions, she tends to flirt and joke with most everyone, and has a hard time taking anyone's feelings besides her own into consideration. She will attempt to provoke reactions out of those she comes into contact with, pushing their buttons. If, otherwise, these interactions result in a fight, Wanheda is indeed a fierce she-cat, able to defend herself with claws unsheathed, or a smooth-tongue.


Wanheda's brother is the only individual the she-cat currently trusts, blessed with her sincere loyalty and care, something that others can hardly get. Hades is her companion, her self-proclaimed bodyguard; The Tom apparently refuses to believe she is able to protect herself, although she has perfectly during his past absence. He rarely joins her in her constant mischiefs, but usually helps to get her out of any possible problems that her curious and cynical personality can create, thing that somehow annoys her. Despite how spoiled Wanheda can be in her brother's presence, she certainly knows how to show her loving side. In her own, rare way.


None at the moment.

Brief History

In a matter of seconds after her birth, the entire family was convinced that Wanheda had been the runt of the litter. Weak, small, and innocent of the hatred and rancor that grew strong among her father and brother, Hades. With only 6 months old, she had become an orphan and was cared by her brother for several weeks, until misfortune decided to separate them with danger and desperation.

A mother bear had forced Hades to hide the impotent pup before he attempted to dismiss the larger creature, succesfully leading her away. Wanheda, despite the fright that her trembling body visibly showed, knew how to abide and stay where her brother had left her. Her safety didn't lasted for long though, as the bear's cubs had found her and, being bigger in both age and size, decided to follow their mother's aggressive example. Her instincts, and the snappings hot on her tail, guided her to a river, luckily with a rocky and not-deep ground in which she crossed with little difficulties. The bear cubs got bored of their bravery not long after, and were too tired as to continue. For when Heda stopped as well, too late she realized that all she had managed to do was to merge further into the forest, attempting to find her way back to Hades.

Only days had passed by before she was found by a lone male, hidding under the shadow of a fallen tree. He took care of her the best way he could, though her luck seemed to decrease as she aged; The tom used Wanheda to do the job that he was supposed to do himself as an adult, such as hunting for both and fending from possible menaces. She was forced to grow up earlier, learning the tricks of survival near her first year of age and in part, given the traumatic childhood that her past holds. She maintained her patience for a few more months, until desperation said that it was time to leave everything behind, including such a bad company as the male was.

After a few months of mutual search and tracking, their efforts finally flourished and the siblings were reunited despite all the difficulties and the extense land of the island, back with a powerful bond that not even Heda's mischiefs or Hades' scolds can break.


Wanheda' Voice - Portrayed by Rebekah, the blonde girl.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 19:17:27 by Legolas (#81091)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 06:15:36

@legolas & minnie: accepted! welcome! please post your characters on the sheets thread.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 14:15:16 by primordial (#48264)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2016-12-21 07:20:47
name/aliases: Summit
. gender: female
. age: 5
breed: Birman
relationships: none currently
Personality : Rude snobby agressive, but if her trust is gained then she is Affectionate Active Gentle Social, but she never is like that very much. She is only agressive and rude because she doesn't want to get close to anyone, or else the would be torn away from her unexpectedly. truly on the inside. ..depressed lonely, and upset
. past: her past was normal until she was dumped to where she is now, she had a younger sibling, but if died from the colt, leaving her heartbroken.

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 14:21:20 by MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 07:24:00

@moonbeam: rejected. im sorry.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 21:45:32 by primordial (#48264)

|Plushy|Side| (#77112)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 12:54:57



3 Years and 5 Months

Maine Coon


height & weight
14 Inches (Height) & 11 Pounds (Weight)

. Swifty - Father - Deceased
. Celitc - Mother - Deceased

Poppy possesses both kindness and mental fortitude, but there is a hint of distrust in all of her actions towards other people. She has been scorned in the past, and her history is not something she will easily ignore when dealing with the present. She comes off at first as serious and defensive. As one get's to know her, she can be a lot warmer, wise, and the kind of person you might confide in. She enjoys being able to help others and takes great comfort in the idea that another human would come to her in confidence. The trust that another has in her goes great lengths towards the trust she has in another person. She is a loyal friend, until scorned, and is slowly learning that she should not trust anybody at all. This aspect of her personality is greatly up to change, depending on her future.

Poppy finds comfort in cultural norms and tradition, and values stability - she wants a mate, she wants kits, and has always had the idea in her mind that one day she will fulfill these things for herself. As a younger female she would be called a romantic, although as it stands, she is now more apprehensive of love and its intricacies; although she does still want it. She likes the idea that everything has its place, and she fits into the world in a certain way, although, lately, this idea has been shattered. This is not to say that she is simple minded, only that she does not desire extraordinary things; she would not seek out special treatment or vie for high authority over others. She wants a place, and to keep that place, and that is all. Although she is unaware of it herself, she is often afraid to try new things, for fear of failing or wasting time, and even fear of succeeding and standing out.

She is very observant, and often aware of other's needs. Poppy has great attention to detail but often bottles up her own emotions inside. She will stew on something until it is a concrete thought, and once a negative seed is planted in her mind it is difficult to uproot. She often finds it difficult to express her own feelings without fear or anger. She is introspective, and it often does not occur to her to speak her concerns aloud.

Poppy can be rather irrational, especially under great stress. She will make harsh decisions which might be selfish or uncaring, especially when the question is of her own survival. In such instances, she will favor her own judgments to a degree which she is unable to see how it might affect others, but she is also susceptible to the sway of the crowd.

Poppy, like most cats, was born as a stray, but, because she lived in a peaceful neighbor hood with kind elderly people, her family would be fed and treated if injured. One day while out with her parents, they had decided to go through the dog park, which turned out to be a bad idea when some dogs that were off the leash had caught a whiff of the cat's and began to chase after them and let's just say... Poppy's parents were a bit unfortunate. Now alone, Poppy has been guiding herself through this tough world, and sometimes she wishes that her parent's were with her today.
(This was a bad example, so if you want me to make another I wouldn't mind!)


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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 20:17:35 by |Plushy|Side| (#77112)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 13:02:56

@plushy: accepted, welcome! your example is luvly! go ahead and post on the sheets thread.

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 15:12:17

just so everyone knows, were shooting for six members (we just need two more!!....... and the co-mod) before we start.
sorry for keeping everyone waiting, we'll make sure its good!

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Edited on 21/12/16 @ 22:23:46 by primordial (#48264)

Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-21 18:43:00

Name: Raiden
Gender: Male
Age: 2
Breed: Nebelung
Personality: He can be rather short tempered but will try to be patient with cats that he knows. Raiden doesn't like to get aggressive and will only fight seriously with an enemy or someone who is trespassing. He isn't shy but definitely isn't outgoing, and will tend to not talk to cats he doesn't know. If a stranger wants to be friends with him, then they will generally have to introduce themselves first. Raiden hates kittypets and twolegs due to an accident when he was young.
Past: Raiden was born on this island somewhere in the farmlands as a stray. After his mother was killed by a dog he survived by hunting whatever rat happened to scurry by. At 9 months old he was nearly caught by a twoleg, the tip of his tail permanently bent as an end result. When he was a year old he ventured out to the forest and plains, occasionally skirting around the village but never going in.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 01:43:50 by Gladiator (#44969)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 02:13:33

@gladiator: accepted, welcome!! go ahead and paste on the sheets thread.

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 02:45:17

"You know my name, not my story. You know what I've done, not what I've been through. If you were in my paws, you'd fall with the first step."


3 years, 11 months

Maine Coon

Heterosexual + Heteroromantic

Living a life tainted by loss, Hades is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this tom fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Hades is a very quick-to-fight brute and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with claws out and teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Hades. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Hades is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Hades is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a mate, he'd be interested in having kits.

A fearsome - yet attractive - male with an brown top coat and a lighter brown, some part white, underfur and dark brown (almost black) stripes. Along with this, the fearsome brute has terrifying and intimidating yellow eyes that can intensely stare at one as if he is staring into one's soul. Standing at a fearsome 18 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 23 pounds (a lot of it muscle), Hades is certainly larger than most cats, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, like his father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training (from his father+by himself), and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Hades is a feline known to strike fear into others, having a fearsome appearance. In addition to his other fierce qualities, this large male has elongated, razor sharp canine teeth, much resembling just smaller versions of the extinct Sabertooth cats that used to roam the lands. This broad-shouldered male has a few scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down across his eye from his mortal enemy [OPEN], a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, barely noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). Hades also has other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Despite all the scars Hades wears, the brute is still an attractive tom, though he does appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his name, tiger-like fur, scars, piercing eyes, knife sharp teeth, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.

In the midst of a dark forest, a rogue watched as his mate gave birth to three kittens: Hades, Ajax, and Vivian. The first born, Hades, was the strongest of the litter and would grow up to be a very powerful and fearsome brute. As expected for a group of rogue wolves, the family grew up harsh. Not that much food or water. Not to mention, an abusive father, Claw, who beat them as a way to deal with his anger at their situation. Their mother, Petal, although she would cry when they were beat, was helpless against the bastard she was forced to called her mate. Too weak to take the beatings, Ajax, the runt, soon died- the starvation, dehydration, and beatings too much for his already frail body.. Hades himself was the strongest of the two and even defended himself against his father. Although the abuse was wrong and cruel, it made Hades stronger in the end.

About a week after Hades and Vivian turned a year old, his mother gave birth to another litter, yet there were only two kits in this one, a male and a female. The first born of the two was Wanheda and the male was Ghost. With Hades being a little more than a year old, Petal planned on running with the kits, knowing the older brother and Vivian would be able to help. And it almost worked. They waited till Claw was gone hunting before they left. But he came back early. Furious that his mate and kits even thought of leaving him, the scary male attacked Ghost and killed him before attacking Vivian and violently leaving her mangled body on the ground before he attacked Petal, who tried her best to defend Wanheda. But she wasn't strong enough and was killed by a swipe to the throat. Looking down at his mother's body in sadness and anger, Hades looked up at his father, hatred shining in his fiery eyes. He attacked his father and the two battled for a long, long time but Hades, fueled by rage and loss, soon defeated the male. From that day on he wasn't the same outgoing, fun male. He had a certain darkness in him, something that pushed most away.

Then Hades grabbed Wanheda by the scruff and ran. A month after the male turned two, the two were attacked by a bear, guarding his home apparently. During the attack, Hades had grabbed Wanheda and hidden her in a bush before running as fast as he could, the will to keep the bear from his sister fueling him. He lead the bear away from his sister, but the two were never reunited. Having lost the bear, he went back to the bush and found his sister nowhere to be found. He followed the trail but never found her. After months of roaming, though, he soon found his sister and the two now travel together, and he vowed never to leave her again, so he's wary to even take his eyes off of her, fearing he'd lose his baby sister once more.

Claw [Father - Hate] [Deceased; killed by Hades]
"I hope you rot in hell, you bastard!"

Petal [Mother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Claw]
"Oh, mother. I am so sorry I couldn't save you."

Ajax [Brother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; runt]

Ghost & Vivian [Brother & Sister - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Claw]
"My little siblings..."

Wanheda [Sister - Love] [Alive] [OPEN]
"I'm sorry. I will never leave you again."

Hades is extremely protective of his sister. Any cat so much as looks at her in a negative way, he is quick to defend her, whether it be with words or claws. He regrets leaving her before and won't even take his eyes off of her now, always wanting to be with her - just in case. If any male comes along that Heda maybe fancies, he's quick to keep that male from her, being over-protective. Ever since his father, he trusts no males near her and is overall more hostile towards males then females, especially concerning his sister.


Hi! ^^
Resulting in his large height, Hades suffers from minor Gigantism, making him a big bigger than other cats in his species.

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Edited on 23/12/16 @ 13:05:20 by Christicat15 (#54511)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 02:47:18

hello christi,, of course you may!! i await your form!

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:31:16

@christi, again: hi, lol!! lovely! accepted, welcome!! feel free to post on the sheet thread!

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 15:32:55 by primordial (#48264)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 08:58:25
@Plushy - I don't mean to nag, but is Poppy's height a typo? Because no cat, not even a Maine Coon, can be 35 inches. Especially not a female, as they tend to be a bit smaller than the male counterparts of their species. Male Maine Coons tend to be 10-16 inches tall while females tend to be 8-14. I made mine 18 inches because he has Gigantism. They can be up to 40 inches long, but not tall. Sorry for bothering! :)

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 16:02:02 by Christicat15 (#54511)

Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 09:04:45
I will change Wanheda's history so it matches Hades' as soon as I can🙈 I will also add a few more stuff regarding the siblings

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