Posted by ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘʏ ; signups [cat rp] [open]

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-20 07:49:03

roleplay thread
character sheets
chat thread
thread moderators: 90672, 42151/myself
» plot: a small island off the coast of finland was introduced to cats many years ago by explorers. the serene, island wilderness became quickly populated by the abandoned felines, who compete viciously for survival in the harsh conditions.

» geography/climate: long winters w/ snow from september to april (7 months). temperatures average of about -6f (-45f lowest to 77f highest). alpine tundra.

landmarks: [FOREST (tall, looming trees, populated by: rodents, grubs, foxes, bears, badgers, etc.) NEARBY: plains, lake, waterfall] ● [PLAINS (snowy plains, populated by: rabbits/small animals, etc.) NEARBY: forest, summit] ● [FARMLANDS (several small farms, populated by: farm animals, dogs, humans) NEARBY: village, lake, plains] ● [SUMMIT (rocky summit, very windy and populated by: small rodents) NEARBY: plains, mt mollehoj] ● [MT MOLLEHOJ (rocky, windy and dangerous, populated by: goats, rodents, small animals) NEARBY: summit, waterfall] ● [VILLAGE (small village distanced from nature, yet surrounded by it. populated by: humans) NEARBY: farmlands, plains] ● [LAKE (typically frozen lake with weak ice, populated by: fish, small animals) NEARBY: village, plains, forest, summit, waterfalls] ● [WATERFALLS (windy/rocky and feeds into the lake, populated by: fish) NEARBY: mt mollehoj, lake].

. lioden roleplay rules, of course
. maintain mild realism (mild accessories/short-furred cats are allowed)
. no godmodding/powerplaying/mary-sue chars
. please mantain "literacy"/"semi-literacy"
. dont gravely injure/kill without party's permission
. realistic injuries (i.e: cut pad = doesn't heal immediately)
. two (preferably one) cat/s per player. pm for exceptions.
. swearing is fine, but keep it limited
. please maintain mild activity, pm a thread mod if you wish to quit.
. cats may have ANY gender/orientation. we will NOT tolerate bigotry or jokes.
. please bear in mind the surroundings! it is cold!!
suggestion: if you prefer to/can write longer passages about one scene, one character would most likely be easier. two characters is better if you prefer to write two shorter passages like i do, aha..
sheet layout:
. name/aliases (nicknames):
. gender:
. sex (optional):
. age:
. breed:
. orientation (optional):
. height (optional) & weight (optional):
. relationships (optional):
. personality:
. appearance (short desc., optional if image):
. (short) past/history:
. other (optional):

Character Sheets

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Edited on 27/12/16 @ 13:46:37 by primordial (#48264)

Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 09:05:48
Oh thanks Lego, I was gonna ask you about that lol Didn't know which history to use and forgot about mine being different until recently aha.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:12:35


. name/aliases:

. gender:

. sex:

. age:
5 years old.

. breed:
Manx [50%] x Turkish Van [50%].

. orientation:
Pansexual + Panromantic.

. height & weight:
11 inches.
20 pounds.

. relationships:
Iris {Adopted Sister}.

. personality:
While at times rather sharp of tongue, Ben appears to be a fairly patient tom. Even when he's insulting some cat or disagreeing with an argument he generally speaks in a calm manner with an even tone. Regardless of his somewhat stoic, gruff personality he is usually willing to see a situation from another cat's point of view and try to find a solution that will appease everyone involved. Resolute and opinionated, he's never afraid to speak his mind.

. appearance:
A stocky, muscular tom with a thick dark brown coat and mackerel tabby stripes. The fur around his face turns to more of a grayish color while it darkens to black around the paws and legs. He lacks a tail and his ears are subtly tufted. Ben has no evident undercoat and his pelt is highly water repellent despite it's length. He has a strong, broad shouldered build, large paws, and round golden eyes.

. (short) past:
Ben was adopted into his family simply to serve as a companion animal and pet compared to his purebred sister Iris. He was compliant to his owner's wishes, quiet, but mannerly. Things changed after a fire destroyed their den, Ben and Iris escaping through an open window. They became lost in the neighborhood and never found their human again. Life on the streets was harsh on the former pets, but both learned to adjust. Ben's even temper and ability to smooth over potentially dangerous situations earned him a name for himself, as he often went out of his way to help others in need. Eventually he and Iris found themselves on the island.

. other:
Nothing more to add at the moment.

◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙ ◙


. name/aliases:

. gender:

. sex:

. age:
3 years old.

. breed:
Cornish Rex.

. orientation:
Heterosexual + Heteroromantic.

. height & weight:
12 inches.
10 pounds.

. relationships:
Ben {Adopted Brother}.

. personality:
Iris is perhaps the opposite of her breed's typical temperament. While retaining the Cornish Rex's quick wit and intelligence she tends to leave others feeling a bit cold. Her demeanor is icy and abrasive with a sharp tongue and even sharper claws. She doesn't share her adopted brother's patience and though Iris likes to think herself in complete control of her emotions the reality is she has a rather fiery temper. Iris has very few friends as a result and even those she holds close find her fairly aloof, even if less sarcastic.

. appearance:
A somewhat odd looking cat to say the least. Some of Iris' most noticeable features are her curved profile, huge ears, arched back, egg shaped head and curly whiskers. Her build is lithe and graceful, but trying to lift this she-cat would prove her surprisingly heavy. Dense bones and wiry muscle make her much stronger than one might initially expect. She doesn't have fur so much as down, lacking the outer coat most felines are born with. Instead a thin layer of velvety curls fall in waves across her back and down her sides. The hairs on her face, throat, chest, underbelly, tail, legs and paws are straight and short in comparison, just barely concealing skin. Her eyes are large, round and a light shade of golden. She has a blue and cream tortoiseshell pelt with white underfur.

. (short) past:
Her early years were spent living in luxury. First in her birth home and then with her more permanent owner. A prize-winning show cat, the only thing she lacked was the ability to produce healthy kits. Eventually her human stopped trying, and despite her disappointment at never having the chance to be a mother, life moved on. Until the fire. Iris proved more keen on finding her way back home compared to Ben, but eventually she gave up on that hope as well. She followed her brother wherever he went, fearful of being left alone. Life on the streets wasn't pleasant for the two former pets and she toughened up considerably in order to survive.

. other:
Nothing more to add at the moment.

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Edited on 22/12/16 @ 19:15:37 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:18:10

@potato lord: accepted, welcome!! feel free to post on the sheet thread! and remember that old dog rp repetition? i made that too, lol. hey.

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:20:20
Potato omg ahakshdkjks<3 I've missed so much your wonderful characters. ;-;

I've updated Wanheda's Past and Views^^

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:25:00
Omg I have so many fond memories from that roleplay. It was one of the first I joined on LD. ;o; Glad to see you back around the forums!

Hey Lego! It's great seeing you back too, how've you been?

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 12:35:12
Omg Lego, Heda's past is so beautiful I don't even ugh. And now I actually know why Heda was never found aha. I had actually never thought of the reason to why she was never back. Or maybe you had come up with it before and I forgot? I don't know, have a horrible memory so I wouldn't put it past me. lol

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Legolas (#81091)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 13:08:40
I've been pretty good, thank you. Back to LioDen after school drained life out of me. How about yourself?

Bestie, that's the story we used for Nomads of the Horizon xd We just modified it, and I added more stuff to it <3

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 13:14:03
Oh, that makes sense. Yeah, just remember *points to self* bad memory x'D

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 17:56:15

hey everyone! hate to interrupt any conversations, but now that we've got everyone in, weve decided to start it off tomorrow whenever i get to my laptop, aha..... sorry for the long wait!

edit: i have also put Immense™ work into the landmarks. so dont 4get to look at them to get an idea of where ud like 2 be/start/live/watev ;^)

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Edited on 23/12/16 @ 01:07:48 by primordial (#48264)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-22 21:47:32


:: Quote ::
"There's a fire burning in me
And they will see my strength in this love I found."

:: Gender ::

:: Age ::
2 Years

:: Breed ::
Norwegian Forest Cat 60%
Egyptian Mau 40%

:: Orientation ::
Asexual | Demiromantic

:: Height/Length ::
18in {Shoulder}
2ft {Excluding tail}

:: Weight ::

:: Relationships ::
| Sleet |
A strange she cat stray she met in between village houses. She doesn't quite know what to think of her yet, but with the she cats promise of food she hopes she will also allow Melody to stay with her on the mountain.

The Rest

:: Personality ::
Melody is a stubborn and persistent she cat, once she has her mind set on something it takes a lot to pull her away from whatever's caught her interests. She doesn't quite know when to stop and this can sometimes lead to getting herself hurt, or possibly worse. Being a house cat she was used to getting what she wanted so this drives her even closer towards never quitting till she achieves her goals. Though she is afraidy cat, and avoids confrontation for fear of death, she knows she must push forward to reach the mountain where she hopes to find Sleet. Although there is always that clawing in the back of her mind that the she cat might just be abandoning her like her previous owners have and part of the reason she fights so hard to get to the mountain is to prove herself wrong.

She makes sure to show kindness to strays and animals she meets along the way, hoping that they too haven't given up on the kindness in others, and wishes to give them hope for a better future. Though she hasn't told anyone of the mountain yet, in fear that Sleet would disapprove if she exposed her safe haven, and Sleet firmly reminded her she must journey alone. Though she wishes she could, as she is in desperate need of help reaching her destination, and if she is to disclose the location of plentiful food to any stray she might come across, she'll make sure they are someone she can trust. But this might be a difficult thing to achieve as she has incredible trust issues. Not all that surprising. And hasn't trusted another being in as along as she can remember.

:: Appearance ::
A large she cat with a matted grey pelt and sharp un clipped claws. Her tail drags a couple inches past her heels, and her ears usually kept flat against her skull. She has the size of the Norwegian yet the pattern of the Egyptian Mau against her back and head. Her snout is short and round, and sits perfectly symmetrical on her face with its puffy cheeks and long whiskers. Her eyes are probably the only thing that you could consider gorgeous of this she cat anymore, with their deep sapphire color, and large rims giving her a wide innocent gaze.

:: History ::
Living as a house cat was an easy and happy life for Melody, she had all she could ever want and was loved by her owners. At least that's what she thought to believe. Suddenly her owners moved from the village, and left her behind in the streets where she was forced to fend for herself. She refused to think they would do such a thing, so for three days and three nights she waited patiently for their return, only it never came. As hunger began to eat away at her, she went in search for food where she met another stray named Sleet, a strange looking stray as she was well fed and had clean fur apposed to Melody's matted pelt. The she cat had told her of a place where she could live freely on a mountain, and there where plenty a food for both of them, but Sleet informed Melody that she would only let her live with her on the mountain if the former house cat could make the journey alone as to prove her strength and loyalty.

:: Theme Song ::

:: Other ::
Hope you don't mind Sleet ^^'
She is a character I wish to play later on, and I was wondering if that would be ok

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-23 02:39:36

@naiphera: accepted, welcome!! don't mind sleet at all. feel free to post on the sheets thread!! also, your description is so in depth i can picture her. :-0

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🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-23 05:56:08
Ahh thank you! I will try to draw a picture of her, actually in the process of making one. Though it might take some time ^^

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-23 07:21:18

np! ah!! oh my gosh! take your time, i cant wait!!

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bonbon² (#48264)

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Posted on
2016-12-23 08:07:21

first post as well as weather (for reference) for the next three days is up, eveyone! feel free to post!!

sorry for my strange style of writing. aha.............

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Edited on 23/12/16 @ 15:10:04 by primordial (#48264)

🌵 | zoinked (#88158)

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Posted on
2016-12-25 09:01:24
my ipad's dying and I cant find my charger, so I might not be able to finish the drawing in a couple days

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