Posted by Of Demons and Devils {Wolf Kingdom Roleplay}

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 06:15:31
You've been travelling for months, alone, cold, hungry. You've lost weight and strength, you're vulnerable and everything that's come across you knows it, your paws ache and your legs are days away from shutting down. You can't help but feel that all hope is lost, until you look ahead. You've heard of this place, it was named after the resting place of the vikings, Valhalla, you knew now you were finished. Though named after a heavenly and honorable place, this beautiful land was unholy, not only that but it was divided. Divided, unholy, full of demons and home to the devil, yet it was your only hope.


You didn't have to walk very far before you heard those murderous snarls like the ones told in stories to misbehaved pups to frighten them. These were far from stories and soon, from the shadows came a group of seven dark wolves, their teeth bared and pupils piercing into yours. Fear over whelms you, yet you stay put. Where else were you to go? Quickly you snapped back to reality as a loud, monstrous growl was sounded from the shadows, the wolves before you fell silent and appeared fearful. You grinned, finding their fear amusing until you noticed two pale eyes staring at you from the dark, they were unblinking and created a disturbing atmosphere. Soon the being started to emerge from the shadows, it was then you realized the devil herself was towering above you and there was no turning back.


The Kingdoms

The Kingdom of Ishidia

Ishidia is the lesser of the two evils sharing Valhalla. Ishidia, though dangerous, tends to be more polite and understanding. They worship the God Marlin, he controls the life within the lands, they believe he's the one responsible for bringing them prey, freshwater and healthy offspring. Though respectful, the wolves of Ishidia are selfish and constantly demand more from others and from one another, they are rarely happy with what they have, these wolves tend to be slightly or majorly over weight as they dislike fighting and working for what they want. Throughout the generations the male rulers of this kingdom have taken more than one wife, which has caused upsets within the kingdom's wolves themselves, making them somewhat weak and corrupt, that and the fact that males are put above females here also causes issues. Pale or fiery coated wolves are considered attractive here and the bigger your belly is, the wealthier you're thought to be, the more attractive you become and that's a key thing here.

King: None ~ Open
Queen: None ~ Open
Prince/Princesses: None ~ Offspring of King and Queen
Regent: None ~ chosen by King/Queen
Duke: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Duchess: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Lords: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Ladies: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by King/Queen
High Priest/Priestess: None ~0/2 (1 each) ~ Chosen by Marlin (Must be discussed with RP creator)
Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/4 (2 of each) ~ Chosen by High Priests/ess', must be approved by King/Queen
Generals: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Common Ranks (Always Open)

The Kingdom of Ahentis

Unlike Ishidia, Ahentis is dark, cold, malicious and unpredictable. They're a harsh kingdom, cruel at that. They are in no way understanding nor polite or respectful to outsiders or those who are not of their blood. The wolves of Ahentis tend to worship the Goddess Durona, they believe she is the Goddess of war, death and power, thus making them stronger as they worship her. Though indeed dark and cruel, once appeased, the wolves of Ahentis can become your strongest, most loyal ally. Another thing that separates the Ahentis wolves from the Ishidia is that they are more muscular and lean rather than fat. They pride themselves on their fighting abilities, they work hard and simply take what they want when they want it. Both males and females are (somewhat) equal here, you'd only be seen as lower if you were of foreign blood, you were weak or you were in the Queen's bad books. Dark coats are incredibly desirable here and athletic builds are preferred.

King: None
Queen: Estona the Unholy ~ Played by Whiplash (#102920)
Prince/Princesses: None ~ Offspring of King and Queen
Regent: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Duke: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Duchess: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Lords: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by the King
Ladies: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by the Queen
High Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/2 (1 each) ~ Chosen by Durona (Must be discussed with RP creator)
Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/4 (2 of each) ~ Chosen by High Priests/ess', must be approved by Queen
Sargent: None ~ Chosen by King
Generals: 0/5 ~ Chosen by KIng & Queen
Assassin: 0/3 ~ Chosen by the Queen ~ They are her personal assassins
Common Ranks (Always Open)

Hello there folks! Hope you survived that intro and all that information about the two kingdoms, now, on to some rules c:

1. Hold all the grudges you want in character, but don't take it out of character, play nice.
2. Don't be a drama llama, wolves found close to death or severely injured will either die or remain crippled for the rest of their lives.
3. In character, be as rude as you want, out of character, be polite and decent.
4. Lioden rules apply, if you want to roleplay out your *coughs* scenes, feel free to take it elsewhere.
5. Try to keep it literate, I understand writers block but please try.
6. Have fun!

Post your applications below, these must include the kingdom your character it a part of and which rank you'd like them to have. Happy roleplaying!

How can you earn a higher rank?

Many high ranks are chosen by the King or Queen, possibly both, so how on earth do you get a hold of them?

Your wolf should try interacting with the royals, becoming close and proving how loyal they are. Alongside this, they must show that they are good at what they do and that they deserve a promotion!

Note that if high ranks are inactive for over 2 weeks without notice, they will be removed from post!

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 10:32:39 by Whiplash (#102920)

JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 06:50:16
If theres anything I need to change let me know!

Name: Fenrir
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Subspecies: Tundra Wolf
Age: 4 years, 3 months

Pack: Ahentis
Rank: Wanting- Regent, Current- Knight

Family / Mates/ Friends

Personality and appearance:
Fenrir is a formidable wolf, set in his ways in a way most others find annoying, not straying far from his own beliefs. While it takes time to gain his trust, and even longer his friendship, but once you have that it’d very hard to lose his loyalty. He cares deeply for the people and things that he takes interest in, though he isn’t afraid to throw someone under the bus when needed. He is overly protective of what’s his, be it material things, ideas or even mates, to the point of being aggressive if he believes someone is threatening what belongs to him. He’s short tempered, and will never back down from a fight unless he is forced to. He lives for action, and gets restless easily. He likes spars with willing pack mates, and will tussle with the younger wolves for practice, but he gives no illusion that they won’t get hurt in the process. Sarcasm is a strong suit of his, preferring to use it over speaking about things remotely emotional, though there are times it puts him in trouble. He’s charismatic and smooth talking when he chooses to be, possessing a deep, growling voice to compliment that fact.

Fenrir is large, standing at about three feet tall, made of nothing but muscle and brute strength. A warriors build, though agile enough to traverse difficult territory, and hold his own in a fight. His coat is coal black fading into dark, chocolate brown toward the tips due to damage from the sun and elements. Gray-blue eyes stand out from his dark fur, often giving cold looks to match the icy color.

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Edited on 30/12/16 @ 15:20:35 by Loganisagay||| (#85963)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:09:32

Credits for images will be at the bottom.

'Tread lightly, my darling..I bite..'

Full name: Queen Estona Arkany the Unholy
Known as: The Devil, The Unholy Queen, Valhalla's Little Nightmare
Gender: Female
Age: 4 years 3 months
Rank: Queen of the Kingdom of Ahentis

Appearance: Estona is a large, lean she-wolf, she's in good health and shape. It's apparent that she is a powerful canine, holding relatively masculine features due to how much muscle she carries. And yet, she's an absolute enchantress. Her eyes, though pale and chilling, hold gorgeous, long lashes. Her dark coat always well groomed and her tail so long that it can drape over her shoulders, she carries herself chillingly yet flirtatiously...Dangerously yet desirably.

Personality: Estona is a cold, harsh, unforgiving queen. She may be beautiful on the outside, but on the inside, she is disgusting, revolting even. She's the most sadistic and malicious ruler the whole of Valhalla has ever known. She cares little for others, she's number one. She gets things done when and how she wants, she gets whatever she wants when she wants and if anyone fails to get things down, or if someone refuses her desires, she kills them, It's a simply formula really. Though..Terrifying, Estona loves to flirt, she adores it, she adores leading them on and crushing their hearts, she also loves the attention.

Love Interest/s: None ~ Feel free try and win her over
Mate: None
Offspring: None
Family: Rangulf ~ Brother ~ Played by myself {Open, note that they won't be considered royal because Estona is a buttock and wants the power all to herself.}

Credit for Images: ~ Owner signature at the bottom ~ Owner signature at the bottom

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Edited on 02/01/17 @ 12:41:30 by Whiplash (#102920)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:17:04

He'd have to prove himself to Estona first to earn the rank of Regent, the Regent would rule if her possible future children are too young. For now he can have a fighting rank and prove himself c:

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JustLogan (#85963)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:18:29
Alright that would be perfect! So like Knight, then?

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 08:19:33

Sure cx

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-30 15:59:04

Full Name: Furia Lena Noxaura (Hellhound Temptress of the night's wind)
Age:3yrs 4mnths
Desired Rank:Assain

Appearance: Furia is very well built and muscular, she has very strong jaw 2nd strongest in the pack after the queen. She has big paw to help her walk silently and effortlessly on the snow. Furia has three long scars running down her left hind leg from a young bear she had fought off. She has long thick fur which is a pain during the spring because of how easy burs and other sticky plant seeds stick to it. Her tail does have a white dip on the tip of it about two inches long.

Personality: Furia is the strong and silent type, always keeping to herself. She holds alot of dark and scary secrets that she vowed never to tell anybody. Furia finds it easy to kill but she neither enjoys or hates it, for she has been killing since pup hood and it has became a normal thing for her. When Furia is angry she goes on a rampage as if possessed. She will fight all those around haroeven trying to kill them, which is why she was given her first name Furia which means Hellhound in Latin. Furia is a very beautiful she-wolf and was taught by her mother how to seduce males that are stronger and bigger than she is. This has lead to her middle name Lena, which is latin for temptress. Furia loves the darkness she believes it has more beauty than the light does. She is one with darkness being more active in the night time, she has learned to use the shadows to her advantage. With large soft pads under her paws Furia can quietly disappear into the darkness, she moves about in it whispering evil dark thoughts. This is how she earned her last name Noxaura, whis is Night's wind in latin.

Love Interest/Mate: Try and claim the unclaimable

Pups:Would be nice, but doesn't want a mate.

*********Theme Song********

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Edited on 31/12/16 @ 00:28:08 by DarkShamess🎭 (#96769)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 19:37:50

Feel free to begin roleplaying in the main rolelay thread, it is linked above.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-30 19:39:26
So can she be an Assassin if she needs to earn it through Role play that is fine... And once is it ok if I make one for the other pack...

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 19:41:30
Oh! I just woke up an didn't notice, she'd have to earn the Queen's trust, the assassins kill those she..Sees as a problem, so trust and worth would need to be earned. cx Of course you can make a character for the other pack! c:

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 20:24:27
photo kingdom.jpg

Name: Ambrose
Known as: Midnight Runner
Gender: Male
Age: 2 years
Rank: Hunter of Ahentis

Appearance: Ambrose is a rather large wolf, having long legs causes him to be 3-4 inches taller than the average wolf. He weighs roughly 130-137lbs and is very lean. His jaw has a strong grip which he uses to clamp onto unsuspecting prey and drag them to the ground no matter how much they kick. He is said to be the best hunter in the kingdom and one of the fastest wolves, his long legs helping him with the that every pawstep of the way.

Personality: Even though Ambrose is just a commoner you wouldn't be able to tell just by looking at him. He carries his head high, only lowering it when the queen passes, and walks with such grace that no one but him can notice that slight limp in his back left leg due to an accident as a pup. He doesn't take anything from anyone and although he isn't much of a fighter, he is still more agile than most wolves which helps him to avoid a fight. His fur is always groomed and soft unless he just came back from a long day of hunting, and if so then he will most likely just go straight to bed and groom it in the morning. Being a Hunter Ambrose is most active around midnight when most of the prey is asleep, and he always sticks to the shadows when he runs to keep out of sight from other wolves or any larger predators still awake. Ambrose doesn't think he's better than anyone, he just doesn't like to be submissive.

Love Interest/s: None ((open through Rp or pm me))
Mate: None ((open through Rp, most likely has to be love interest first))
Offspring: None/wouldn't mind passing down his genes

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Edited on 31/12/16 @ 19:50:50 by Gladiator (#44969)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 20:50:58
Okie doke, accepted c:

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|Plushy|Side| (#77112)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 07:46:59

Full name
Renier Saurugol

Known as
Killer From The Shadows, and Bloody Count.


5 Years and 7 Months

Wanting: Assasin
Current: Knight


Renier is larger than the normal male wolves that live within the pack. He stands 2.8 ft at shoulders and weighs a heavy 178 pounds. Like any Gray wolf of his kind, Renier has the normal grays, tans/browns, and white shaded into his heavy layered pelt. His coat is very thick during times like winter and fall, but, in the summer all that fur sheds from him and reveals his magnificent, elegant posture. Underneath is a variety of muscles that are daily exercised, and along with those are signs of experience, for Renier has had a lot of time to himself to gain these scars of war. Moving onto his facial expression, Renier has a scarred face, for his muzzle wields several bite marks and one scratch mark. But that's not all. Renier was born with a failing right eye, so he finds it a bit difficult to see out of that eye. Both of the males eyes are a striking silver, almost like the alpha females, but much different because of their heavy metallic look.

Renier is not a wolf you want to cross on bad terms. He is very harsh and is very frugal with mercy. He is not a forgiving wolf, for mistakes in his opinions are a sign of weakness and carelessness and cannot be tolerated for the sake of the greater good. Despite his severe philosophy, however, he does understand that it is difficult for a wolf to achieve what is demanded of them by the Gods. He knows that most of the Gods are harsh and unforgiving, but he is aware that he also must be this way. He even has quite a conscience, but although he is an understanding wolf at heart he does not often act this way, knowing that for the long term survival of the pack, there is no room for carelessness or extensive mercy. Try to reason with Renier and you just may get him on your side. He listens to both sides of a story before making a judgment and never overreacts or jumps to conclusions in fear of making a mistake. He does not let it get to his head and is careful to never become power hungry and always keep the Gods’ wills in the front of his mind. He retains his humility and keeps a calm, fair authority over some on Earth. However, it should be noted that even if something is reasonable to do and he knows it does not mean he will actually do it. Renier's first and only priority will always be the well-being of his pack. He will not hesitate to act unfairly or even ferociously if he believes that is what is best for his pack. Believe it or not, there is a loving wolf behind that harsh exterior. He has much affection for his family, pack, those who are loyal to him, and of course the Gods that have given him so much. It is his love that drives his often merciless ways. He is just desperate to protect the wolves that he loves, and he will throw anyone else in the fire to do so. He knows, also, that being outwardly loving and affectionate will only make his enemies think he has a weakness. Even to those he loves he usually acts solemn and even cold because he does not want emotions to cloud his judgment. He must keep focused on what is most important, and that is the survival and the culture of the pack.

Love Interest/s:
n/a (Message me!)



Credit for Images
Click for souce

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 07:49:06

Accepted, feel free to roleplay on the roleplay thread linked above! c:

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👠Bossanova (#27892)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 11:11:23
Question! What is the plot of the RP? What is going on in/between the kingdoms and what is their goal?

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 11:15:16

The two Kingdoms have been at war with one another for as long as anyone could remember, they disagreed with one another's way of living and tried desperately to over throw one another, however it's come to a stand still as the current rulers are managing to keep their kingdoms under control, for now at least. cx As more people join it will get more interesting and the kingdoms will start interacting.

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