Posted by Of Demons and Devils {Wolf Kingdom Roleplay}

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-30 06:15:31
You've been travelling for months, alone, cold, hungry. You've lost weight and strength, you're vulnerable and everything that's come across you knows it, your paws ache and your legs are days away from shutting down. You can't help but feel that all hope is lost, until you look ahead. You've heard of this place, it was named after the resting place of the vikings, Valhalla, you knew now you were finished. Though named after a heavenly and honorable place, this beautiful land was unholy, not only that but it was divided. Divided, unholy, full of demons and home to the devil, yet it was your only hope.


You didn't have to walk very far before you heard those murderous snarls like the ones told in stories to misbehaved pups to frighten them. These were far from stories and soon, from the shadows came a group of seven dark wolves, their teeth bared and pupils piercing into yours. Fear over whelms you, yet you stay put. Where else were you to go? Quickly you snapped back to reality as a loud, monstrous growl was sounded from the shadows, the wolves before you fell silent and appeared fearful. You grinned, finding their fear amusing until you noticed two pale eyes staring at you from the dark, they were unblinking and created a disturbing atmosphere. Soon the being started to emerge from the shadows, it was then you realized the devil herself was towering above you and there was no turning back.


The Kingdoms

The Kingdom of Ishidia

Ishidia is the lesser of the two evils sharing Valhalla. Ishidia, though dangerous, tends to be more polite and understanding. They worship the God Marlin, he controls the life within the lands, they believe he's the one responsible for bringing them prey, freshwater and healthy offspring. Though respectful, the wolves of Ishidia are selfish and constantly demand more from others and from one another, they are rarely happy with what they have, these wolves tend to be slightly or majorly over weight as they dislike fighting and working for what they want. Throughout the generations the male rulers of this kingdom have taken more than one wife, which has caused upsets within the kingdom's wolves themselves, making them somewhat weak and corrupt, that and the fact that males are put above females here also causes issues. Pale or fiery coated wolves are considered attractive here and the bigger your belly is, the wealthier you're thought to be, the more attractive you become and that's a key thing here.

King: None ~ Open
Queen: None ~ Open
Prince/Princesses: None ~ Offspring of King and Queen
Regent: None ~ chosen by King/Queen
Duke: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Duchess: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Lords: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Ladies: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by King/Queen
High Priest/Priestess: None ~0/2 (1 each) ~ Chosen by Marlin (Must be discussed with RP creator)
Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/4 (2 of each) ~ Chosen by High Priests/ess', must be approved by King/Queen
Generals: None ~ Chosen by King/Queen
Common Ranks (Always Open)

The Kingdom of Ahentis

Unlike Ishidia, Ahentis is dark, cold, malicious and unpredictable. They're a harsh kingdom, cruel at that. They are in no way understanding nor polite or respectful to outsiders or those who are not of their blood. The wolves of Ahentis tend to worship the Goddess Durona, they believe she is the Goddess of war, death and power, thus making them stronger as they worship her. Though indeed dark and cruel, once appeased, the wolves of Ahentis can become your strongest, most loyal ally. Another thing that separates the Ahentis wolves from the Ishidia is that they are more muscular and lean rather than fat. They pride themselves on their fighting abilities, they work hard and simply take what they want when they want it. Both males and females are (somewhat) equal here, you'd only be seen as lower if you were of foreign blood, you were weak or you were in the Queen's bad books. Dark coats are incredibly desirable here and athletic builds are preferred.

King: None
Queen: Estona the Unholy ~ Played by Whiplash (#102920)
Prince/Princesses: None ~ Offspring of King and Queen
Regent: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Duke: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Duchess: None ~ Chosen by the Queen
Lords: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by the King
Ladies: None ~ 0/8 ~ Chosen by the Queen
High Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/2 (1 each) ~ Chosen by Durona (Must be discussed with RP creator)
Priest/Priestess: None ~ 0/4 (2 of each) ~ Chosen by High Priests/ess', must be approved by Queen
Sargent: None ~ Chosen by King
Generals: 0/5 ~ Chosen by KIng & Queen
Assassin: 0/3 ~ Chosen by the Queen ~ They are her personal assassins
Common Ranks (Always Open)

Hello there folks! Hope you survived that intro and all that information about the two kingdoms, now, on to some rules c:

1. Hold all the grudges you want in character, but don't take it out of character, play nice.
2. Don't be a drama llama, wolves found close to death or severely injured will either die or remain crippled for the rest of their lives.
3. In character, be as rude as you want, out of character, be polite and decent.
4. Lioden rules apply, if you want to roleplay out your *coughs* scenes, feel free to take it elsewhere.
5. Try to keep it literate, I understand writers block but please try.
6. Have fun!

Post your applications below, these must include the kingdom your character it a part of and which rank you'd like them to have. Happy roleplaying!

How can you earn a higher rank?

Many high ranks are chosen by the King or Queen, possibly both, so how on earth do you get a hold of them?

Your wolf should try interacting with the royals, becoming close and proving how loyal they are. Alongside this, they must show that they are good at what they do and that they deserve a promotion!

Note that if high ranks are inactive for over 2 weeks without notice, they will be removed from post!

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Edited on 03/01/17 @ 10:32:39 by Whiplash (#102920)

👠Bossanova (#27892)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 11:18:19
Mhhmh ...

Okay sounds cool, will make a character tomorrow, hopefully :D

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 11:21:08

Okie doke, we look forward to having you! c:

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2016-12-31 11:37:50
Full Name: Tahani Luri Adria (The Merciless Queen)
Age: 3yrs 4mnths

Appearance:Tahani is one of the thickest wolf in the pack, with long cream colored fur. Her eyes are as green as an emerald stone. This girl isn't made up all of fat tissue, she had a nice layer of muscle underneath it.

Personality: Tahani is the most greedy and out spoken wolf in the pack. She takes what she wants and when she wants it. She protects the females in her pack from males as she hates how they are looked down upon. She will fight all those who appose her, even going up against the king at times. Only to submit at the end.

Mate/Crush: open

Pups none.

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Edited on 31/12/16 @ 19:00:04 by DarkShamess🎭 (#96769)

MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 14:18:39
I'm crious to ask this but uh, is the maned Wolf allowed into this rp?

Yes, the species that are unto themselves, not fox nor wolf. If not is fine, just curious. o3o
Still joining either way~

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Edited on 01/01/17 @ 00:28:24 by MaskedCritters (#99062)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 22:14:50

I don't see why not, though the KIngdom wolves may treat it differently cx

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2016-12-31 22:16:52
Ooh! I'll save your character sheet for now (she isn't confirmed yet) and wait until five applicants for King or Queen of Ishidia come through and choose from them c:

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 05:19:20

white_wolf_stock_12_by_hotnstock-d4l877jThy source
Full name: Blaine Uí Maol

Known as: White Widow, Winter Maiden

Gender: Female

Age: 6 years, 2 months

Rank: Peasant of Ishidia

Appearance: Blaine is quite the looker, a white fur with a bit of pale brown mixed into it, the pale brown giving a small blaze on her snout, the common white timber wolf. Golden eyes that are ever observant, never seeming to look dull even for a second. Her coat is rather thick, fluffy at most. Not to mention she is considerably "wealthy" weighing in at 150 lbs(three times the average weight: 120 lbs).

Personality: She is rather reasonable. Even-keeled as well, accepting what comes and go, but even this lady isn't free from the mental corruption of her kingdom's greed. Alas she does her best to be subtle and polite when demanding more. Overall she can come off as quiet to many, mostly because she has nothing to say really. Speaking only when spoken too, hating loud noises, and the typical trait of disliking the thought of fighting.

Love Interest(s): None-You can try but she'll shun you for being rude

Mate: None

Offspring: None

maned_wolf_stock_12_by_windfuchs-d6y2me8Thy Source
Full Name: Artair MacCodrum

Known as: Spry Imp, Foreign Rat

Gender: Male

Age: 3 years, 4 Months

Rank: Hunter of Ahentis

Appearance: Your typical Maned Wolf, lean build, long legs. He looks like the mash of wolf and fox like any other, movement deer like due to the long legs. Nothing special here expect for a few torn up fur and scars on his hind right leg.

Personality: A loner by nature he often strides on his own. Hunting the usually prey he'd find in his normal home, birds, rodents. He isn't the most supplying hunter but boy is he patient. Watching and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Artair can be aggressive at times, usually when irritated or upset, lashing out on those opposing him.

Love Interest(s): None

Mate: None

Offspring: None

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Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 05:28:17

Both are accepted! c:

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 05:30:31
yay ^^

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Gladiator (#44969)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 05:32:41
ohhh, Ambrose has a fellow hunter ^^ ))

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MaskedCritters (#99062)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 05:34:01
I'll save posting on Blaine until Ishidia as a King/Queen and a few more peeps.

Go roar-bark Ary!

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Sarafinah (#87714)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 06:52:13

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Edited on 01/01/17 @ 14:07:10 by Sarafinah (#87714)

MoonBeam(RSC) (#88078)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-01-01 12:17:30
06cf0eab8a9fb4afa26a5644d414cd62.jpg Source:
"Fear and Death are my allies, love is my weakness, Stay away from me, i am better solo"
Sometimes referred to: The silent killer
Name: Sedna
gender: Female
Age: 4 years 2 months
Rank: Knight of Ahentis (like to be an Assassin)]
Personality: A fairly large and lean female., she loves to make others quake in gives her a sense of respect. She is silent on her paws, she acts harmless and innocent, in a devilish sort of way. Manage to gain her friendship, she is a loyal, and strong ally, although she prefers do things solo.She has a killer inside her...though it remains dormant, it erupts and takes over her when she is angered, causing her to be destructive, and be prone to rage fits at the slightest thing.
Mate: No her over and your in with a chance
Love Interest(s): No one...not yet
offspring: If she had any they would be dead.

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Blair (#91417)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 17:29:53
Name: Nightfall
Nick name: Night
Formal Name: The Heartless Wolf"

Rank: Assasin(?) If not Knight.

Kingdom: Ahentis


Nightfall is small despite her streangth. She is incredibly fast and lean do to the lack of weight. She is strong in a lean and sleek way unlike most of the bulky muscular wolves of the kingdom.

Personality: Nightfall is very passive and is actually not very aggressive. But that comes with the fact she shows no emotion. She does not kill for fun but will not hesitate or be fazed fulfilling her Queens orders. Not very many people really know much about her past it is all rumors. To some. She is seemingly harmless this is what gives her the advantage of surprise. She shows no fear do to her past.

Rumors say when Nightfall was an adolescent she killed her parents and was born without a heart. Another says Nightfall was of foreign blood and killed for pleasure. And yet another says she is a living slave that is forced to fallow order to her queen like a dog. None are true though. Nightfall had a very sad past in reality. Nightfall was just a pup when her parents were slain right before her eyes. But instead of killing Nightfall aswell they took her in. Nightfall hated her new guardian wishing his death. She was forced to become his slave and this way she slowly gained his trust. Later he decided to make her his prodigy. He trained her how to kill and hide her emotions. Nightfall felt that hiding her emotions gave her a comforting fog to reside in. She eventually learned to have a bittersweet relationship with her guardian. When she grew up into full size she left him. She swore one day if he showed his face to her again she would kill him. He knew she would and tild her he would wait for that day to come. Ever since then she has been loyal to the Queen and killed only under orders.

Moon and Fallen (both deceased)
Shadow(Former Guardian)


Open (Can you make her feel again?)


Love interest:
Soon but not yet!

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Edited on 02/01/17 @ 08:41:00 by Blair (#91417)

Whiplash (#102920)

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Posted on
2017-01-01 21:04:58

She'd have to prove herself and gain the Queen's trust, so she can be a knight for now. If she isn't of Ahentis blood, it's most likely she'll be treated differently, apart from that, she's good to go. cx

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