Posted by Night of the Clans

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 20:43:59

You are on the sign-ups thread.

The five Clans that ruled the forest lived a normal life for a while, and even with the fights and betrayals that ever Warrior has to cope with in their normal life, those born at this time came to the world in a time of peace. But like every good thing, this peace was about to end abruptly.
Rumor of a shady Clan crossed the forest, leaving a sour taste and chills down the spine of the ones who dared speak their name. The very few who did, however, called them Deathclan: a Clan of rogues and former Bloodclan cats, led by one said to be the very heir of Scourge.
In the face of this threat, the leaders of the five Clans gathered under a new moon to set a new age; that of unity and support.
And this night shall forever be remembered, as the Night of the Clans.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine cat:open(unsure about this, not gonna check dozens of pages, sorry)
Roleplay thread:here.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine spot:open.
Roleplay thread:here.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine cat spot:open(unsure about this).
Roleplay thread:here.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine cat spot:closed.
Roleplay thread:here.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine cat spot:closed.
Roleplay thread:here.

Leader spot:closed.
Deputy spot:closed.
Medicine cat spot:open.
Roleplay thread:here.

Gathering thread:here.
Chat thread:here, click >:3

<*img src="URL OF PIC HERE"*> (remove *'s)

-No power-play/God-Modding
-Minor to hard swearing allowed, though I'd like you to keep it to a minimum.
-Don't 1x1 two much. Please don't write 1-2 whole pages of just two characters.
-Don't bully. Try and be nice to those who are shy.
-No Mary Sue's/Gary Stu's (perfect characters)
-Stay realistic. No cats with super-powers/demon cats/etc.
-I, Moon, would like this to be a semiliterate to literate roleplay, so I prefer that you write at least 4-5 sentences. More is always appreciated :3.
-Ask the character's player before your character develops feelings towards them. Same goes for killing or badly injuring other characters.
-Put "Dawn" in the Other section to show you've read the rules.
-Have fun! That's why we're here, isn't it?

This is a roleplay thread written and imagined by SurveyingDarkness and arranged and published by ➽ℳoo∩❍, so we're both admins(plus Moon has more experience with group roleplays ;3)

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Edited on 16/03/17 @ 02:06:43 by ➽ℳoo∩❍{11/100} (#100696)

Darkness (#102911)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-02-08 22:12:45

Name: Runningspark
Gender: Male/Tom-cat
Age: 39 Moons
Clan: Windclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: Above
Personality: Runningspark is a very swift and agile cat, thinks fast and acts even faster, even though he rarely gets into battles, preffering to stay on the side and provide tactical help. Spends most of the time out of the camp, wandering and hunting.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Windclan [Dutyful/ Protective]
Mate: None (OPEN)
Crush: None (OPEN)


Name: Swiftgaze
Gender: Male/Tom-cat
Age: 34 Moons
Clan: Thunderclan
Rank: Deputy (prefferably)
Appearance: As above, yet with a torn ear
Personality: As his name suggests, Swiftgaze is a very energetic and curious cat. Although he can be quite stubborn at times, he obeys his leader and loves his Clan unconditionally.
Oftenly likes to fantasize about the idea of romance, and the cat who will eventually become his mate- if that ever happens- will be showered with affection from the tom.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Thunderclan [Devoted]
Mate: None (OPEN)
Crush: None (OPEN)


Name: Rainstar
Gender: Female/She-cat
Age: 32 Moons
Clan: Skyclan
Rank: Leader
Appearance: As above, yet larger and with longer limbs. Bears many scars from battles, most of them hidden by her long, thick and fluffy fur. Bright blue eyes of an unusual shade. Very elegant, gracious and attractive.
Personality: Rainstar is a very wise, calm and even-tempered cat. Although very open to any subject she won't speak about her past and hides this secret fiercely.
Soft-hearted around kits and young apprentices, yet fierce and violent in battles to defend her Clan. Completely devoted to her Clan and Starclan.
Visits the Moonpool regularily.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Skyclan [Devoted/Protective/Loving]
Mate: None (OPEN?)


Name: Willowshade
Gender: Male/Tom-cat
Age: 24 Moons
Clan: Shadowclan
Rank: Warrior, aspires to become deputy one day
Appearance: As above, yet with a deep scar on his nose and a torn ear.
Personality/Bio: Willowshade was born as the smallest kit in his litter, but eventually through the harsh training received from his mentor he grew to be a broad-shouldered, muscular cat and one of the finest warriors of his Clan.
Very ambitious and confident, merciless, even cruel at times. Loves fighting and does it very well. Devoted to Brokenstar, who he might actually have feelings for.
Relations with other cats: Cinderbreeze [Neutral/Hate] (mentor, deceased)
Cats of Shadowclan [Neutral/Protective/Leader-like]
Mate: None (OPEN)
Crush: Unknown; rumored to be Brokenstar.


Name: Swansong
Gender: She-cat
Age: 20 Moons
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: Warrior
Appearance: ^Above^
Personality: Swansong is a very delicate and gracious cat, even-tempered and calm at all times, perhaps sometimes a bit too serious or grim, and flirty.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Riverclan [Neutral/Dutyful]
Mate: None (OPEN)
Crush: None (OPEN)


Name: Darkness
Gender: Tom-cat
Age: 59 Moons
Clan: 'Deathclan'
Rank: Leader
Appearance: As above, yet wearing a crimson red collar studded with dog teeth, and bears many scars all over his body. Both ears are torn.
Personality: Darkness is cruel, merciless, sadistic and cold; a true tyrant.
Relations with other cats: Cobra [Pride] (deputy, alive; played by Christicat15)
Cats of Deathclan [Neutral/Cruelty]
Mate: Unknown
Kits: Unknown, yet most cats in Deathclan have some kind of blood relation to him.
Crush: None


Name: Blue
Gender: Female/She-cat
Age: 24 Moons
Clan: Deathclan
Rank: Soon to be queen
Appearance: ^Above^
A small, frail cat. Doesn't always get to eat since the struggle for food is harsh and she's quite weak.
Personality: Blue is highly mentally scarred because of her life in Deathclan. She's always shy and scared of her superiors, always shaking when they go by.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Deathclan [Fear]
Mate: None, yet Darkness is the father of her upcoming kits.
Crush: Cobra


Name: Marc
Gender: Male/Tom-cat
Age: 34 Moons
Clan: Deathclan
Rank: Senior Warrior
Appearance: As above, but with a deep clawmark on his left shoulder.
Sleek, yet muscular tom with one blue eye and one green eye.
Personality: Unlike other Deathclan warriors, Marc is a bit more forgiving and merciful, yet still cunning, sadistic and cruel at times. Spends most time wandering the city and forest. Some of his greatest weaknesses are his past and his faith in Starclan, which he has to keep a secret.
Relations with other cats: Cats of Deathclan [Leader-like/Neutral]
Darkheart [Love/Grief] (mentor; deceased)
Parents: Unknown, deceased
Siblings: None
Mate: ???
Crush: ???

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Edited on 10/02/17 @ 00:55:57 by SurveyingDarkness (#102911)

nPie-3.3k] (#101361)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2017-02-08 22:53:40

-Name: Nightstar
-Gender: Tom
-Age: 26 Moons
-Clan: Riverclan
-Rank: Riverclan leader!
-Appareance: Like the picture but taller and with blue eyes.
-Personality: Cold to cats outside his clan. Has a very unreadable look, sometimes may come to brash decisions. Has a sharp tongue but most cats who are in his clans learn to to take it to heart. Apart from his sharp tongue, he loves his own clan very much.
-Family: Found abandoned in the rain, but Riverclan took him in.
-Mate: Swiftclaw
-Other: Dawn


-Name: Swiftclaw
-Age: 24 Moons
-Clan: Riverclan
-Rank: Riverclan Deputy (Can be the deputy for a short time? I plan on killing him later!)
-Appareance: Like the picture but more long limbed
-Personality: Quite understanding and a thoughtful cat, often analyze scenes well before making a judgement. A calm cat, doesn't cause trouble but solves trouble. Very fast cat.
-Family: Riverclan.
-Mate: Nightstar
-Other: Dawn

Image source:

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-08 22:54:46

38 moons
^(ignore the collar)
Snowstorm will usually act like an old and wise cat, even if, on the inside, he is as soft as a newborn kitten. He still doesn't understand how some cats can be so cruel, and that usually makes him naive. But don't think he's not a good leader. He will defend his Clan with the cost of... all his lives.



24 moons





Tabbycloud is a white and cream tabby tom-cat with yellowish green eyes. He has a lean build,and a strange extremely long tail which sometimes bothers him. His ears are round,unlike those of most cats. A few scratches appear on his body,showing his "bravery". His stripes are of a light brown colour.

Tabbycloud is a calm, friendly and tom. He doesn't like arguing most of the time, and is somewhat open to the others. Unlike his sister, he likes helping other cats and is quite naive. He won't usually ask questions when asked for help!and that what gets him in trouble sometimes. Not everyone else is like him.

But like everyone else,he has his own downsides. The thing is, he has one of the worst downside someone could have. His dark side usually resembles that of a murderer, and surprisingly, he won't deny it. Don't get him wrong, he isn't aiming for blood spill. He won't show it most of the time,but when needed, he won't stop from "using" it. He isn't a psychopath, neither a real murderer, he doesn't like killing cats. Let's just say, his dark side is that time when he "rages".

¤Other characters




24 moons old





Moonshard is a slim, rather long she-cat. She is extremely light-maybe even too light-, but not skinny. Her fur is soft and neither short, nor long. Her orange spots are strangely regular, unlike those of most cats. Her tail is pretty long, but not as long as her brother's. Her base is of a jet black, becoming almost invisible at night. Her spots don't help her camouflaging though. She might look fragile, but in reality, she is a leopard in a cat form. She can touch some speeds most cats can't. Her attack speed isn't slow too. She has a slender body and might appear attractive towards some.

Moonshard is a loyal, funny and bubbly she-cat. She will show her good side after you get through her shield. She is nonetheless random with neutral cats as well, but even more so with friends. She will stop at almost nothing(besides her own life) to protect them. She is loyal to her friends, but, unfortunately, I can't say she is as loyal to her Clan too. She left Skyclan because they seemed weak in her eyes.

But Moonshard has her own flaws, just like everyone else. She is extremely distant and suspicious at first, and might appear as shy. She is certainly not shy. She is clingy as well, meaning she will probably butt in a conversation just to have a bit of attention. She's not trying to anger cats, she just needs to feel accepted. Her insecurity usually makes her doubt her own choices if they've been commented by others.

¤Other characters:





56 moons


Straight, slightly asexual


Medicine cat

Emberstorm is a fluffy and sturdy she-cat. She's been known for being a feirce warrior. Her eyes are narrow and somehow seductive, even at her age. She is still a good fighter, but her old bones aren't helping. Maybe she retired too soon, maybe it was for the sake of Shadowclan.

Emberstorm is an ol', grumpy she-cat. She isn't the best friend one could have, but will do her best to help someone she likes. She is not one of the best medicine cats, but she's neither a mediocre one. She wants to be respected because of her old age, and she will spit back if anyone is disrespectful with her. She was a good warrior, but had to retire because she kind of lost the appetite(and she became kinda old). Emberstorm won't be someone you can count of usually, and that makes her a great spy. Try her, she's daring you.



27 moons





Spiderwhisker is a tall and large gray tom. He is larger than some males, standing at 1"9 feet. His fur is long and he is strangely the fluffiest cat from all the cats from the Clans. Perhaps, he has overgrown fur? Nobody will ever figure out. He might appear intimidating, although he certainly isn't. At least, not with his clanmates.

Spiderwhisker likes to think of himself of a tough, sadistic one, but inside, he has a huge, warm heart. He will certainly snap at you at the slightest tint of sarcasm or threat towards him. He will not back down from challenges and will have his guard up all the time, not allowing anything to get past, whether it be good or bad. He will open up to you if he feels a tiny connection between you, but not that fast. He'll have to make sure you won't betray him. And if you do, he will most likely become depressed and be even more aggressive towards everyone.



19 moons




Lionstrike is, despite his name, a small tom. His fur is of a bright yellow that usually glows orange with some orange stripes down his fur. He has deep green eyes and a few scars on his face, acquired during his apprenticeship. He has sharp, long claws and likes sharpening them constantly. Cats don't do that. Well, he does. Lionstrike has a long tail that ends with white.

Lionstrike is a ferocious and loyal tom-cat. He will stand down to absolutely to no-one, except to his leader, Nightstar. He is extremely stubborn and usually gets in trouble because of that. He is pretty flirty, no doubt about that, and if some she-cat ever catches his eye, be it from another Clan, she won't leave her alone until she feels at least a tiny bit attracted to him. He is intelligent and strategic, we could say almost brilliant. One could think he's the perfect cat, but he isn't. He is naive. Too naive. Maybe we will get rid of this flaw as he grows up. Sometimes, he is aggressive without reason and cruel, his fights sometimes ending with lots of blood, or maybe even the end of a cat. But not his.

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Edited on 16/02/17 @ 11:58:30 by ➽ℳoo∩❍{10/100} (#100696)

Kaz 🏳️‍🌈
ComsOpen (#66075)

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Posted on
2017-02-09 00:22:06
-Name: Brokenstar
-Gender: Male / Tom-Cat
-Age: 32 Moons
-Clan: ShadowClan
-Rank: Leader (If possible)
-Appareance: A large and very muscular dark brown tabby tom with a white muzzle and underbelly, has icy blue eyes.
-Personality: Ambitious, Dark-Minded, Cunning, Clever, Very Prickly (Easily Offended), Strong, Powerful, Brave, Bold, and Tough.
-Family: Thistlepaw

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-09 01:56:57
Shadowclan, Riverclan, Deathclan and Windclan are now closed until we get 5 cats for Thunderclan and Skyclan!

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Edited on 10/02/17 @ 10:18:50 by ➽ℳoo∩❍{Primal} (#100696)

Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-02-09 02:40:31

desktop-1453403154.png|| Name ||

|| Gender ||

|| Age ||
26 Moons

|| Clan ||

|| Rank ||

|| Appareance ||
^Above ^

|| Personality ||
Frostheart is a very friendly and caring cat towards the clan, rarely showing any signs of aggressiveness or irritation towards any cat within the clan. Though, because she rarely gets aggressive, that doesn't mean she can't be at all. Frostheart actually has a short-temper but can easily hide it with calmness, which makes it hard to tell when she is mad or not. However, there are times when Frostheart can be quite serious and more strict on her words when need be. Overall, Frostheart is a friendly feline who can hide her aggressiveness easily and be serious when needed, and has a soft spot for kits.

|| Family ||
8I6wjMe.jpg|| Name ||

|| Gender ||

|| Age ||
25 Moons

|| Clan ||

|| Rank ||

|| Appareance ||

|| Personality ||
Ashenrose is a very kind and caring cat who is quite friendly to all, even to those she who she isn't familiar with in any way. However, she does have a downside to her kindness, she trusts too easily. Trusting others quickly often gets Ashenrose emotionally hurt, but she easily gets over the pain and is back to her happy self, or that's what she let's others think. Deep down, Ashenrose has been hurt so much that, she appears to get over it quickly but actually hasn't at all. There are times where she can be seen alone all depressed, but she often brushes it off if another cat asks about it. Overall, she is a kind and caring feline who hides her feelings.

|| Family ||
Something she keeps to herself
|| Name ||

|| Gender ||

|| Age ||
20 Moons

|| Clan ||

|| Rank ||

|| Appareance ||

|| Personality ||
((Roleplayed out))

|| Family ||

|| Other ||

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-09 07:25:47

-Name: GhostStar (Quietstar has a brother, :P)
-Gender: Male
-Age: 24 Moons (Months)
-Clan: ThunderClan
-Rank: Leader
-Appearance: (Above ^) A black, ghostly looking cat with a huge scar in a moon-ish shape on his head. He has yellow eyes and tabby markings blending in with the black coat.
-Personality: A clever, cunning, unpredictable cat, often rumored to be a murderer of kits, but he truly is a sweet cat, much unlike his older sister, Quietstar. He is a introvert most of the time, and open to any or all.
Quietstar - Sister (Alive)
-Other: Dawn :v



Name: FinchFur
-Gender: Female
-Age: 26 Moons Old
-Clan: ShadowClan
-Rank: Deputy!
-Appearance: (Above ^) A snow shoe cat with blue eyes, and strange black markings on her nose. A small scar on her nose reminds others of her past.
-Personality: A calm female, FinchFur is very sweet and caring for all. She loves all, even if they are in different clans. But she is quick to fight if you hurt someone she cares for, including kits. She is often a very timid cat at first, only seeking attention in her great deeds. She doesn't like much attention, but with take it if she is having a bad day. That being said, she is very unreadable and you may think she looks at you with loathing, but it is just untrusting nature.
-Family: Wildkit - Brother (Stillborn)
Sharksong - Father (Deceased)
Brambleclaw - Mother (Unknown Locations; Most Likely Dead)
-Other: Dawn :3

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Christicat15 (#54511)

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Posted on
2017-02-09 08:29:22

"Now I've got thicker skin. I'm a warrior, I'm stronger than I've ever been and my armor is made of steel, you can't get in. I'm a warrior and you can never hurt me."


36 moons



A fearsome, yet attractive, dark gray brute with long, pure dark gray fur, literally every single hair colored with a pitch dark gray, not a single one any other color. Along with this, the fearsome brute has intimidating, yet captivating, strikingly green eyes that intensely stare at others as if he's staring into their soul. A gaze so intimidating that, if one was to keep contact with him, one's gaze would soon avert away from the unfriendly stare. Standing at a fearsome 20 inches (at the shoulder) and weighing at a startling 25 pounds (most of it muscle), Cobra is certainly larger than most, if not all, of the cats in all of the Clans, and is typically a beast of a male, with an immense amount of strength, alike that of his cruel father before him. He has rippling muscles like stone to the touch, earned from violent and rather aggressive training as a younger, and the large quantity of fights he has fought in his lifetime. Due to his size and intimidating figure, Cobra is a cat known to strike fear into others with his fearsome appearance, and is a bit infamous amongst the others; he is known to be strategic, intelligent, powerful, and merciless. But still, he has his weaknesses, including fire. Experiencing a fire incident as a slightly younger wolf, Hades now fears fire and won't have anything to do with it. But he's still powerful nonetheless, with long, razor-sharp teeth that are extremely sharp, much resembling those of his species' ancestor, the Sabertooth-cat, placed in a powerful jaw that can strongly use them to bite with an intent to kill.

This broad-shouldered male has many scars on his body from the many battles he has fought, including one down-across his left eye from his mortal enemy [OPEN], a long one down/across the left side of his neck, three faint claw marks on his left back leg, and a small, yet noticeable one across his dorsal bridge (nose). As said before, Cobra experienced a fire incident when he was around a year old, and has a scar to tell the tale; burn marks show on his underbelly, as well as on the bottom of his paws, though the scars don't hurt anymore. The fighter also has many other various scars on his pelt, but none as significant as the ones mentioned before. Plus a good amount of his scars, and muscles, are hidden beneath his fur. But not all, of course, still many show on his pitch black coat. Despite all the scars Cobra wears, the brute is still an attractive tom cat, though he does at first appear as a fearsome and intimidating brute- his fur, scars, teeth, piercing eyes, and his massive, muscular body all making this so.

Living a life tainted by loss, Cobra is very aggressive, an intimidating and impressive fighter, with a personality alike to that of an army general. Tough and merciless, he's not one to show any sign of mercy or submissiveness. If he has a legitimate reason, this fearless brute will take on any opponent and will rush into a fight, though his strength and size is very helpful. Lacking fear overall, there is but one thing he does fear; losing someone he loves. Whether it be romantic, friend-wise, or family-wise, this tom fears he'll lose whoever he cares for. Therefore, he's incredibly protective and would do anything for a loved one. Given his slightly short temper, Cobra is a very quick-to-fight brute and, due to his large size and strength, he can almost always cause damage on another if he attacks. He's very aggressive and is very likely to attack if he has a reason, quick to jump with claws out and teeth bared if he or someone he cares for is injured, insulted, threatened, or hurt at all, often causing damage on his opponent. Hence the name Cobra. Despite all this, he's an extremely loyal individual and, once he's committed to someone or something (a pack, or loved one), nothing can keep him from remaining loyal and devoted to them.

Cobra is also very un-trusting and reserved, and it takes a long time and a lot of effort for someone to enter this male's heart. Although this is true, if someone does manage to break through the stone surrounding his cold heart, Cobra is one of the most passionate and devoted males out there, able to hold those dear to him very close. And even though his rather reserved and cold personality can push away the females, he can be quite charming if he so wishes, and if he does ever find a mate, he'd be interested in having kits.

~ Fang [Father - Hate] [Deceased; killed by Cobra]
~ Lily [Mother - Love / Grief] [Deceased; killed by Fang]
~ Squirrel, Ice, Ghost [Other siblings] [Deceased; killed by Fang]
~ Ivy [Little Sister - Love / Protects] [Alive] [OPEN]

~ Crush: Open
~ Best Friend: Open
~ Enemy: Open (can be more than one, I have a small plot >:3)

( Keep in mind, these are my character's views, not mine. Do not get mad at me for a view my character holds against one of yours. And also, none of your characters should be aware of what my character thinks of them. )
Will be updated as he interacts with characters :3

Character Name - Rank - Player






*coughcough* kinda want him to MAYBE become leader at some point? Just putting him out there ;)

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Edited on 15/02/17 @ 19:51:18 by Christicat15 (#54511)

LilLeo (#101751)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2017-02-10 03:13:05

-Name: Scorchheart

-Gender: male

-Age: 4 years

-Sexuality: bisexual

-Clan: windclan

-Rank: medicine cat

-Appareance: a large fluffy calico tom with amber eyes. Has nicks in his ears and has a scar on his back left paw.

-Personality: for as large as he is scorchheart is a big softie and wouldn't hurt a fly. His large appearance tricks many outsiders into thinking he's a powerful warrior. Generally scorchheart is really sweet and a bit of a flirt most of the time but, will get sarcastic if he's hurt, upset, or working. He loves his clan and running around windclan territory while collecting herbs and other things.

-Family: Batwing ( brother )


-Name: Batwing

-Gender: male

-Age: 5 years

-Sexuality: heterosexual

-Clan: windclan

-Rank: warrior

-Appareance: a large dark brown tom with lighter fur on neck and tail. Has bright green eyes and a scar across his mouth

-Personality: Batwing is outgoing and social, he makes lots of friends and keeps them. He is charming to the point of where other clan cats have started to flirt back. He and his brother scorchheart get there flirty demeanor from there foster father , Darkheart who raised them to be social.

-Family: scorchheart (brother)

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Edited on 10/02/17 @ 10:24:27 by LilLeo (#101751)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 03:17:52
Both accepted!

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 16:47:37
The roleplay won't start until we get at least 5 characters for each Clan!

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-10 20:50:44

'I am not going guide you with kindness, I'll show you the way with my teeth'
-Name: RustFur
-Gender: Male
-Age: 23 Moons
-Sexuality: Heterosexual
-Clan: SkyClan
-Rank: Warrior
-Appearance: (Above ^) A scarred tabby cat (not so MUCH scars he is very ugly, just enough to intimidate others), yellow eyes, and a nipped off ear. He has the normal look of an alley cat, and there is no question if he used to be a known fighter in an alley. He has a bobbed tail, and has short fur.

-Personality: Aggressive, cunning, and untrusting are the simple words that describe RustFur. He hates most, and will not tolerate anything, unless your Cobra, or Darkness. He lives up to his looks, but has a secret soft side if you can find it. He also has problems trusting others, making it even harder to become friends with him.

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Edited on 11/02/17 @ 04:20:49 by Ouhsha (#84624)

『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 21:04:48
Ousha, I'll keep him in mind when we start the roleplay, but I can't make him a Deathclan warrior now, as stated above, only Thunderclan and Skyclan are open for now.

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⍟ chennie 🏜️
fulvous nrlc (#84624)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-02-10 21:12:54
Okay, I can change him to a SkyClan cat. I'm trying to have cats in different clans. :3

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『Moon』 (#100696)

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Posted on
2017-02-10 21:15:18
Yes please!:D

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