Posted by S E I Z U R E | Roleplay Thread

ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-04-20 03:02:53

Long before humans roamed the earth and established colonies, a different community existed. In Scandinavia, canines lived their lives with particular beliefs, a strict ranking system, and even adapted to creating shelters and tools in order to further their survival.

Only a few decades go, the previous king of the Highvalley Court by the name of Baseno declared dire wolves and grey wolves a menace to society. He ordered them to be killed on sight. Wolves were devolved, unintelligent, and violent. Dogs were considered the higher species; full of a regal charm and clean blood. Today, the wolf population appears to be extinct. This was until a nomadic clan of vikings called the Blackback Guard decided to set up in their valleys- and the vast majority of them do not appear to be pure-blooded. At the head of their pack is a vicious wolf-looking terrorizer hailed by the name Ragnar. It is his intention to slay the King, and rule the entire Scandinavian land alongside his violent pack mates. In the way of his plans stands the King, eager to execute the remaining wolfdog population and cement his hold of the throne. At the end of the day, who will reign victorious?

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Edited on 30/04/17 @ 18:50:54 by ̶b ̶l ̶u ̶e (#74490)

Gizani🐺Leo (#8877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-26 17:33:31
Female | 4 years, 7 months | Blackback Guard Slayer
Location: Blackback Guards Camp
Mentions: Fenrir [directly], Ragnar, Lucifer, North, Lena [indirectly]

Skera’s ears flattened slightly at Ragnar’s tone. Perhaps if he took the time to explain his thinking, they wouldn’t have to sit around twitching their tails with baseless plans. To her, it was wasted time that the Court could spend preparing for their assault. She assumed that timing was essential here and felt the pressure settle more heavily on her shoulders. With Ragnar having turned his focus to Salem - the Voodoo Queen - Skera let his abrasive comment roll off her back. Aggression belongs on the battlefield today.
She felt a surge of disappointment when she heard him call after Drift. Truthfully, she had wanted to see how the other dog operated on the field, knowing that she had also wanted to be a slayer. After a quick survey of the assembled Guard, she started to put together a team in her head. ”I’ll take Lucifer and North,” she said, pausing briefly, “And Lena, if you don’t mind.”
That left Fenrir with Daemon, Gunnvar, and his pick of the executioners plus Ignatius. It was an unfortunate fact that Ignatius would most likely end up as a last pick. Of course, this was nothing personal. He was still learning and she had a feeling in the back of her mind that neither she nor the two other male leaders would want that kind of liability. Gunnvar would be a good pick, seeing as he was older and possibly more experienced than the Lord Commander. He could be someone for the younger dog to lean on for advice.
”You can have your pick of the executioners, Lord Commander. I will take whoever you don’t end up calling.”

Male | 3 years, 6 months | Blackback Guard Executioner
Location: Blackback Guards Camp
Mentions: Ragnar, Skera, Fenrir, Lucifer, North, Daemon, Lena, Rahla {Open for interaction}

Kolvardi watched Ragnar’s display with vague interest. A few dogs were unnerved by his rash interruption of - what could be called - a war council, but the executioner only smirked. If he kept talking like that it wouldn’t be long before a female put him in the ground. He mused about what it would be like if his sister somehow dethroned the Jarl, but quickly placed those thoughts aside. The two might butt heads but he knew she wouldn’t want to risk some kind of political split between the Guard. She had always wanted what was best for the group, ever since they were whelps. Still, it was… Interesting to think about.
It must be an odd position for her to be in, talking to a younger dog that held a higher position than her. He wondered if Ragnar would have made her Lord Commander if she was born male.
Kolvardi soon found himself assessing the dogs around him. He listened carefully to Skera’s requests and nodded along to himself. Lucifer and North were strong dogs to back her up. He knew Lucifer, especially, had wanted to be a slayer. She was certainly built for it. The three of them would be a good team, adding in Lena for the speed that Skera might not have due to her size. He was a bit surprised when she didn’t call him to her side, but said nothing about it.
It wasn’t until Rahla made a start toward another Slayer - Daemon - that he tore his attention away from the team planning. What was she doing?

Male | 5 years | Highvalley Court Provider
Location: Highvalley Court Dens
Mentions: Jukka, Odin, Rana [directly] Dag [indirectly]

Derrien smiled at the assembled dogs. It was almost as if everyone had come together at once due to some unforeseen delayed circumstance. He felt the tension in the air travel like electricity through his fur. Or was that the feeling of a thunderstorm looming? No matter! This is how the most epic of stories began! He made a mental note to remember everything from this point onward so he could write it down when he got home. What a song this would make!
”Things are good, sir, thank you for asking.” he replied, dipping his head to the King as he approached, “We’ll go out and hunt immediately, Your Majesty. Hopefully, we’ll be back in time to keep the Knights fed before… Anything happens.”
Derrien seemed strangely chipper about the whole situation - probably because it hadn’t sunk in yet that he might be expected to fight. He was a bit too wrapped up in the incredible events unfolding before him. The provider could see it now: the King comes to request his faithful subjects to keep their soldiers fed before whisking his second in command away to plan what could be a decisive battle for the territory as a whole. It was brilliant! He only wished he could look in on what their hypothetical meeting would hold.
“Should we go find Dag?” he asked Rana, turning to her abruptly, “A bigger party might be able to take down more. We could find a knight on the way, too!”

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Edited on 26/05/17 @ 17:34:59 by Gizani Leo (#8877)

West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 12:02:50

female | 2 yrs. 9 m. | Highvalley Court ~ Provider | Border Collie mix
Location: Highvalley Court Clearing | Mentions: Odin, Jukka, Derrien[directly] Dag, Dakota, Beocca [indirectly]

Rana couldn't quite get used to the feeling of living with such dogs; these noble creatures spoke so highly yet... were all so distant. She accepted the commands from Jukka and Odin without a word at first, only nodding her head in agreement. When they each fell silent and her departure was expected, she dipped her head once more and bowed towards them both. "M'Lord. Lord Duke. May you have a pleasurable day," she murmured, voice seemingly forlorn yet as distant as she could manage. Snatching up her kill, she murmured a quick and muffled, "I'll be right back!" to Derrien before bounding away to hide her kill among the prey pile in the dens.

Returning shortly, she fell into place at the other Provider's side, ears tilting towards him respectfully as he spoke. Derrien, she believed, always seemed to be in a good mood, no matter how dire the approaching situation seemed to be. Rana's own pelt prickled as they turned away from their leaders, her only desire to stay and protect the only dogs that had ever allowed and offered her safety and shelter. "We should. Dag and any others that aren't busy protecting the borders," she murmured, half in thought. "And Odin did suggest taking Dakota or Beocca. It's a good idea." The larger the party, the more eyes on danger, should it choose to show it's ugly face. If only they knew exactly what to expect... and when to expect it.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-27 16:24:27
Female / 3 / NAID Hybrid (65/35) / Scavenger of Blackback
Mentions: Skera, Fenrir(slightly), North, Lena, Drift

Lucifer flipped her gaze towards Skera as her name was called, she flicked her ears in slight surprise. The slayer chose //her//, a scavenger, for such a hefty job? Maybe some rumors been spread after all? Ah well, she looked to North and Lena with a small dip of her head, claws digging deep into the earth as she thought of the possibility of the fight to come. Then the lord commander was mentioned, he'd get first pick of the executioners and then another would join this group. She shook herself off ever so slightly before moving to a respectful distance from the female. This was her chance to boost up in ranks, all because this slayer was female Luce didn't stand a chance. But now? Now she could prove herself, she didn't miss the looks she got from the other females also wanting to be a slayer. She'd simply curl her lips and slash her tail in response, usually sending them away with their tails tucked, but there was one who always persisted no matter what. Drift. That crazy she always shot looks her way and kept them up. She huffed lowly, glaring back as the husky mix narrowed her eyes. Lucifer was holding everything she had for later, right now? She was prepping for the fight to come.

Male / 1 1/2 / GSD hybrid (70/30) / Slayer of Blackback
Mentions: Rahla, Lucifer, Fenrir, Kohlvardi

Daemon flicked his gaze towards a young Scavenger as she approached, the she was pretty yes, but not his cup of tea. "You ready for this fight madam?" He chuckled deeply, him and Luce.. Born for the fight. He shook himself off before looking back to the fae. His gaze a little intense from all this planning and everything. He was ready to gooo. Though one of the executioners was staring the female down and Daemon simply shook his head. Whatever this female was doing, he could probably handle it right? right. Well, seems Luce was picked. That left many of the slayers for pickings towards Fenrir. He nodded at the thought, the male had much more experience, he wasn't called the Lord Commander for nothing! Tail swished along the ground as his attention remained briefly on the female before it drifted to the other mutts that could be in his group. The male was fine with whatever really, this would be great.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 17:13:04

Male | 1 year 6 months | Alsatian Shepalute Wolf Mix (65/35) | Lord Commander of Blackback Guard
Location: Blackback Guards Camp
Mentions: Skera [directly] Daemon, Gunnvar, Kolvardi, Ignatius [Indirectly] (Open for Interaction)

Fenrir nodded slightly before looking around and making a choice between the available executioners before replying. "Looks like I'm taking Daemon, Gunnvar, Kolvardi, and Ignatius then." He said semi loudly as to catch the attention of said dogs.

( Short, I dont really know what to respond with besides the names xD )

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-27 18:40:20
(Suggestion; Maybe describe attributes of said dogs? XD Idk)

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-05-27 23:06:11

((I also had Dag approach Dakota. Not sure if you missed it or not.))

| I G N A T I U S |
Male • 1 Year, 7 Months • Ibizan Hound Mix • Blackback Guard • Youngblood
Location: Camp • Mentions: {Directly} Cain, Fenrir / {Indirectly} Salem

"I was out collecting herbs for Salem," Ignatius replied, sure that was a fairly obvious statement. "I thought it might please her, but I'm sure she'll find a way to make it seem as if I were committing a crime." The sighthound had indeed missed most of the Jarl's speech, but it didn't take a genius to catch on to what was happening around them. "I got the gist of it." As Cain expressed some concern they would be separated Ignatius paused. Now that he hadn't thought of. Just as he opened his mouth to reassure his friend Fenrir called for him and his large ears folded back against his skull momentarily in dismay. "Wait here..." He loped toward the larger male, halting in front of him moments later. "Cain must come as well," he announced, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

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Edited on 28/05/17 @ 00:19:11 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

scout ➴ (#28482)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 04:58:34
Female | 3 years 5 months | Belgian Malinois x German Shepherd x Grey Wolf | Blackback Guard Scavenger
| Mentions: Skera, North, Lucifer

Lena's ears perked up at the sound of her name being called out. Skera had chosen her for her team. Lena found that she was quite pleased with this outcome, and moved to join the throng of wolfdogs forming around their respective leaders. She leisurely tilted her head in acknowledgement to North, Lucifer and Skera. Lena noted that all three of them had something that she lacked- an aptitude for fighting. Despite never actually having watched any of them in combat, all of them were heavily muscled and looked like a worthy adversary in battle- even Lucifer, the scavenger. Lena felt somewhat lanky in comparison. However, instead of feeling unsettled at the fact that she was the weakest in the group, Lena seemed nonchalant. As long as she stuck with one of them, she had a higher chance of surviving the impending war. It's not like she couldn't assist them in fighting, anyway- how hard could it be? If Lena wasn't separated from the rest of them, she would be fine. It would be easier to run away, too, if I had someone distracting the enemy, she thought blatantly. The scavenger was, unabashedly, a coward. While she wouldn't run away at the first peek of the enemies, Lena was the type to run away from a life-threatening situation, rather than staying and helping her comrades.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 17:13:57

Male | 1 year 6 months | Alsatian Shepalute Wolf Mix (65/35) | Lord Commander of Blackback Guard
Location: Blackback Guards Camp
Mentions: Ignatius [directly] Kolvardi, Cain, Skera [Indirectly] (Open for Interaction)

Fenrir's head snapped up when the smaller dog spoke, not quiet sure what to do. On one hand he himself already had four dogs, not including himself whilst Skera had three so it only made sense to make sure she had Cain. He knew he was going to end up with Ignatius and that was the main reason he had chosen Kolvardi. He wasn't blind, he knew that the two dogs had a bond of some sort. The last thing he needed was for something to happen on the battlefield only for Ignituis or Cain to rush to the others side. Then again he didn't exactly know either (or any of the dogs actually) on a personal level, having rather been alone when he had the chance. Being one of the younger dogs didn't exactly help. Never the less Fenrir decided to stick to his decision by saying a single word. "No. I dont want any... distractions on the battlefield for either of you. You will both need a clear head and if you spend your time watching Cain whilst you fight your more then likely going to end up bringing the whole group down. Besides, look at it as a reason to fight, so as soon as the fight is over the sooner you get to see Cain" Fenrir said as he gazed at Ignituis before directing his eyes towards Cain.

((I must have missed it because i never saw anything regarding Dakota, let me find the post before i put her reply up.))

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ɴᴏʀᴛʜᴇʀɴ (#74490)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 18:49:29

Male | 7 Years, 4 Months Old | Arctic Wolf x American Alsatian |Blackback Guard Slayer
Mentions: Fenrir, Ignatius, Cain

Rough, calloused feet kept the colossal elder firmly balanced on the bed of slate he stood on, silently watching as the younger canines sorted themselves out. It was an odd feeling, really, and one that Gunnvarr wasn't particularly enthused about. He enjoyed participating in pack strategics, but his opinion was rarely desired since aging. His ears perked up with interest as the limber form of the Voodoo apprentice strutted directly to Fenrir, intercepting the Lord Commander rather assuredly. The sight made him huff with amusement, giving his head a slight shake as he stepped down from his perch and sauntered over.

"If I may?" His deep voice was hoarse and unused as he beckoned the attention of Fenrir, in turn allowing himself to bow deeply in respect once he turned his way. "I'm honored to have been selected to accompany you for this contention, but I can't help but offer my thoughts in regards to Cain. Ignatius is bound to set his eyes upon his friends wounds while in hospice- not in the battlefield, for I assume he'll be put to work at healing alongside Salem. A companion for travel will not do any harm." Though I suppose we'll all be separated eventually before we reach Highvalley Court.

Female | 2 Years, 3 Months Old | Borzoi x Golden Retriever x European Wolf |Omega Prisoner of Highvalley Court
Mentions: Faline, Mimicry, Alexandra [directly] Ragnar, Kolvardi, Vansi [indirectly]

Long tendrils of fur from her tail tugged from beneath her back paws as she pedaled on it in an attempt to push herself further against the wall, the wide stare of her eyes never leaving the unfamiliar strangers who gazed at her. For a moment, she put herself in her former family's feet and imagined just what they'd do. Ragnar for sure would spit venomous threats their way, promise to spill their guts and feed it to their families. Kolvardi, as she can remember the executioner correctly, likely wouldn't utter a word. He'd let them kill him before he opened his mouth and would huff if they believed otherwise. Vansi? Oh Valhalla itself would welcome many lost souls if these dogs dared to cage her. She'd likely tear the whole dungeon down and bring every forsaken soul with her. Saba? Me? What can I do anymore? What would I ever have done if I remained with the Blackback's? The Borzoi hybrid's features flickered with confusion, meddling with her thoughts. Ragnar had spoken about these dogs and their desire to murder them all- to destroy their bloodline in an unrelenting genocide. How could she believe that, staring into the faces of such even-tempered creatures? Although further inspection of Mimicry didn't do much to soothe her fears. Her eyes peeled away from the Saluki and landed back on Faline, though she couldn't help but flinch at the sight of a new face. A large sturdy female had appeared, strong and full of power, yet still.. far from containing the same kind of thoughtless malice that any Slayer possessed. She sighed, deeply and thoughtfully, before responding in a quiet voice. "My name is Saba, and I am no longer a dog of the Blackback Guard. I wish to join your ranks and serve your King."

Male |4 Years, 6 Months Old | Grey Wolf x Beauceron |Blackback Guard Slayer
Mentions: Skera, Lucifer, Lena [directly] Kolvardi, Cain, Ignatius [indirectly]

The faintest hint of a smirk exposed white fangs as he inwardly agreed with Lucifer. He did want to see what Skera was capable of- and thankfully, he'd be able to. His nod was curt but respectful as he acknowledged Skera's order for him to accompany her patrol. As he silently allowed his eyes to analyze his companions, North's ears swiveled around and laid against his skull rather uncomfortably. As much as he wished to be alongside Skera, he realized that with that order he'd be working only with females. Momentarily he felt insulted; brutes were to work alongside brutes, that was how he was raised. Would it really be rewarding to fight a war with these females, or would he end up doing all the work? A quick glance at Lucifer and her hardened expression told him that was unlikely to be the case. Regardless of gender, they wanted to prove themselves; more than anything. He couldn't see himself having to throw himself in front of any of them, and quite honestly, he couldn't think of any other males he'd wish to fight alongside other than perhaps Ragnar or Fenrir themselves. Turning his attention back to the rest who were being recruited, his eyes narrowed slightly at the mention of the executioners. In an instant, North decided he'd want Kolvardi if he had any opinion at all. Ignatius was a curse and Cain.. well, he didn't know what Cain was capable of, or if he was capable of anything at all. Turning his attention away from the younger dogs, he looked down at Lena, taking her in carefully. "I hope you know you won't be leaving that battle ground without a few scars." He warned her gravelly, narrowing his irises sharply as he anticipated her reaction.

Male |3 Years Old | Chinook x Swedish Elkhound |Highvalley Court Lord Duke
Mentions: Odin, Saba, Darrien, Rana

Jukka nodded after Darrien, pleased at his eagerness to follow their orders without objection. The Provider did not appear in any way affected by the terrors that surely loomed ahead; he was either very gifted with disguising his concern or the weight of the situation simply hadn't gotten it's grip on him yet. "You as well, my dear." He called after Rana, his voice even and calm. With their company out of the way, Jukka became all too aware that he remained alone with his once-lover. He lifted his chin and cleared his throat, allowing the pale sage of his irises to rest on Odin's. "I wish to discuss the fate of our prisoner. As much as I believe the girl isn't of much importance to the neanderthals, I don't think we should keep her in our position. Kill her or throw her out." He stopped, his eyes flickering away as he recognized the harshness of his tone. He shouldn't be speaking of killing so vehemently. "With that.. what are we supposed to do? Sit here like wading ducks? We need to put more of a plan in order." And you need to ensure nobody tries to take your head on a stake in the dead of night. Somebody should be with you. He added silently, a thick cloud of panic sitting on his chest at the thought of the Borzoi facing assassination.

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Edited on 29/05/17 @ 06:26:08 by ̶b ̶l ̶u ̶e (#74490)

Teddy (#111823)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2017-05-28 21:22:04
Non-binary (female pronouns for simplicity)/ 4 years, 11 months/ Saluki / Omega of High-valley
Mentions: Faline (directly), Saba (directly), Alexandra (directly)

As the knight known as Alexandra walked passed her, the omegas face dropped to disdain. Quickly she got onto her feet and picked up her rose before turning to face the three other wolves, with dilated pupils and a position to either pounce or run, though either would be out of a fear induced hysteria. Thoughts ran through her head rapidly, mostly about how she's now out numbered by the 'malevolent' superiors, that took her dear brindle and split her mind in two. 'Maybe together you omegas could get away only partially dead?'

"Brindle, don't feel my head with such thoughts, they aren't the ones that did such things. This prisoner looks like she's come straight out of the litter with no fighting experience...if I were to do anything first I'd have to gut the priestess. Besides, I rather like it when others are in the cage." Mimicry stated after a long, deep breath.

Sitting back down as if nothing happened she regained her form and placed the flower under her paw. "Besides, these two don't have the guts to do what the others did." She added with a vindictive glance to the priestess and accompanying knight.

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Wolflord; G2 tobi (#17200)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2017-05-28 22:03:00
Female / 3 / NAID Hybrid (65/35) / Scavenger of Blackback
Mentions: Skera, North, Lena

Her gaze turned upon her fellow scavenger, while lanky the female had promise. The NAID hybrid moved closer to her than the others, her muzzle close to the others ear, "Just imagine it as hunting, think of the dogs as mountain lions trying to ruin the hunt yea? Or hell, think of 'em as small deer." She whispered before giving a nod and moving back to her original placement at the kinda edge of the group. Eyes traveled to North and Skera, all three of them were adapt for fighting, but Lena? Her not so much. She hoped the female would put her explanation to the test and take it close. Those dogs would take a chunk out of them sure, but these guys? Hell, this pack would shred the majority. Her teeth clicked together slightly, looking to Ragnar, hoping he'd hurry it up already.

Male / 1 1/2 / GSD hybrid (70/30) / Slayer of Blackback
Mentions: Rahla, Lucifer, Fenrir, Kohlvardi, Ignatius

The male looked to Rahla once more, "I've been beckoned, find a good group to tail yea?" He muttered before looking to Lucifer with a nod sent her way. The GSD mix then proceeded to wak to Fenrir, listening in on the conversations going on in the group. He tilted his head ever so slightly, shaking himself off once before sitting down near the groups leader. Eyes trailed to each hybrid in the group. He was one of the youngest, him and Fenrir that is. He was only a year and a half and proved himself to be a slayer. Muscles rippled, hidden by his thick pelt. Was he muscled? Lanky? Scrawny? No one really knew, and most loved the mystery.

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。 BlazeRed 。 (#27478)

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Posted on
2017-05-28 23:29:20

Female I 3 Years I Chinook Mix I High Priestess of Highvalley Court
Mentions: Saba, Mimicry, Alexandra [Directly], Odin [Indirectly]

Faline flinched at yet another different voice, but quickly calmed herself down after seeing it was just one of the knights. Alexandra, she thought her name was. She considered sending her away, but if she was going to be completely honest she didn't feel safe around Mimicry, so having the Knight there was comforting. "Oh, that's completely fine. You can stay if you'd like." She said. Seeing as Mimicry had started talking to herself again, she decided to ignore the Omega. Anything she was talking about was probably going to be disturbing, and she wasn't sure if she wanted to listen. Suddenly, the prisoner began to speak, and Faline quickly turned to look at her, her ears pricked up. Hearing what she had to say delighted Faline, but as much as she would like for Saba to join them, she wasn't sure if Odin would let her. That didn't mean she wouldn't try to convince him, though. "I'm going to step into the cell with her, but you two should stay out here. The poor thing's already scared, I don't want to lose her trust." She said to Mimicry and Alexandra. She made eye contact with the Knight for a few moments. Even though she doubted the prisoner would attack her, she sill needed Alexandra to be prepared in case she did.

Faline slipped into the cell, making sure the door shut behind her before addressing Saba. "That's wonderful! Though I'm not exactly sure how willing Odin would be to let you join our ranks. He isn't very trusting of outsiders. I'll see what I can do." She made sure to keep away from Saba. She understood if she was still fearful, and she didn't want her to feel like Faline was trying to corner her. "Would you mind coming a little closer, dear? I'd like to get a better look at you," Her tone was as gentle as always, and she sat down so that she was in a less threatening stance.

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Gizani🐺Leo (#8877)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-29 00:03:12
Female | 4 years, 7 months | Blackback Guard Slayer
Location: Blackback Guards Camp
Mentions: Gunnvarr, Ignatius, Cain

Skera gave Gunnvarr a polite nod, chiming in after him, “If it will keep their nerves calm before battle I see no reason to let them travel to the field with each other - as long as Cain joins back up with my group once we arrive.”
She then turned to Ignatius, straightening her back to look down at the smaller dog. His concern for his friend was understandable, but the slayer sometimes worried about his commitment to the Guard over his own personal desires. Neither assault group should risk being short a dog because someone is uncomfortable and there will always be casualties in war.
Skera spoke slowly, ”Cain is an adult, youngblood. He’s made it this far. I’m sure he will be fine in combat without you looking out for him.” she almost chuckled, “Hell, he’d be dead by now if he couldn’t hold his own. We all would.”
The wolfdog threw a glance in Cain’s direction, but said nothing.

Male | 5 years | Highvalley Court Provider
Location: Highvalley Court Camp -> Wall
Mentions: Rana [directly], Odin, Jukka, knights [indirectly]

Derrien grinned, “Splendid! The knights are probably watching over the wall - as usual. I wonder if they ever see anything interesting. Anything inspiring!”
He loped alongside Rana as the two made their way from the two higher ranking dogs. It had been quite a while since he had gone hunting with a group. In truth, the hound liked to go out on his own, catch a rabbit or two, and spend his time lazing around waiting to be intrigued by the world outside their territory. Some would call it lazy, sure, but what was the point of all this squabble if he couldn’t be in awe of the beauty that surrounded him? What was the point of living without art or song?
He kept talking, “If I was a bit stockier, I could probably have been a knight. I don’t think they get out as much as we do, though, and that would be dreadful for me. On the other paw, the best stories are always about heroes and their good deeds. Do you think any of us will do anything worthwhile when the Blackbacks come charging up to our door?”

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scout ➴ (#28482)

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Posted on
2017-05-29 02:14:58
Female | 3 years 5 months | Belgian Malinois x German Shepherd x Grey Wolf | Blackback Guard Scavenger
| Mentions: North, Lucifer

Lena slumped into a sitting position near the rest of her teammates, not-so-patiently waiting for everyone to sort themselves out and move on. She found herself next to the Beauceron, who looked as sullen as ever. The scavenger noted that he was the only male in the group, which was possibly why he looked somewhat... salty. Perhaps this was the cause of his discouraging words. To this, Lena only responded with a dry, "Well, this is a war." Lena injected just the slightest amount of sarcasm into her words to show just what she thought of the brute's intelligence. Did he think she was naive? While it would have been nice to survive the approaching battle with little to no injuries, the female knew that, as the weakest of the group, it was very unlikely that she would. Of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't try to escape unscathed.

Whenever Lucifer came over to give her some advice, too, Lena was amused. Did she really look that helpless? Actually... when compared to the brawny wolfdogs around her, yes, she did look helpless. Maybe she was being a little too unconcerned about her fate in the battle ahead. Lena startled herself out of her musings to reply to Lucifer, but found that she had already walked away. Mountain lions and deer, hmm? What a peculiar way to think of things. Lena's eyes followed Lucifer back to her seat at the edge of the group. The female did seem to know her stuff. Lena would try to remember her words for the future.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-05-30 15:39:46

female | 2 yrs. 9 m. | Highvalley Court ~ Provider | Border Collie mix
Location: Highvalley Court Clearing | Mentions: Derrien [directly] Dag, Dakota, Beocca[indirectly]

Already the air seemed clearer around the two dogs as they loped out of camp. The male Provider lightened the mood a great deal and when Rana glanced over, she met his grin with one of her own. Her golden, wavy coat glimmered as they rounded a sharp rock and stepped into a brighter patch of sunlight, unhindered by clouds. Her wavy-furred tail flashed white and gold like a banner.

"I'm sure they see beautiful sights that we normally don't catch, moving so much all day and all," she replied. Her duty was to her pack above all, and she tried her best to make her day as productive as she could. "Eagles in flight or elk, migrating across the plains, thousands of them." Rana's voice grew breathy with awe as she imagined the sight of thousands of elk moving in unison across the grass and dirt, antlers all moving forward. "But, then, they can't spend too much time admiring nature or we wouldn't be as safe as we are," she added thoughtfully. At his further commentary, she glanced the dog over and smiled a little. His fur was thick but she could tell he wasn't lying.

"Sometimes I wonder why we don't allow dogs to do both in their lives... but then, I wouldn't make such a good knight, I think." She chuckled and glanced his way before her ears perked. "Hmm. To be honest, I really believe so. What else are we to do when our home is attacked? A Provider cannot provide when their home is unsafe and in possible ruins." She paused and seemed to rethink what she was saying. Falling silent for a moment, and suddenly turned away from him. "I believe I hear Dag and Beocca, they must be behind that rock wall," she murmured.

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