Posted by Of The Black Moon - RP Thread

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-06 16:30:09

"Life once asked death,
"Why do people love me but hate you?"
Death responded,
"Because you are a beautiful lie but I am a painful truth... People do not realize that pain is a gift, as without the capacity for pain we can not feel the hurt we inflict"

The_Last_of_Us_Concept_Art_Lake_Vista_ALPicture Source
The virus, Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, is what had started the infection. the virus was originally unable to infect mankind or any living creature save for dead ants but that quickly changed.
A scientist had been studying the virus, intrigued that it was able to infect dead ants and keep them moving as it grew. However, unbeknownst to him, he would start a chain reaction that would end the world. His studies involved many things such as tearing the virus apart and getting down to what it really was (something he was only partially able to do) along with introducing it to different climate's and substance's. He made a grave mistake when he introduced it to a very humid environment and added some radiated blood (his own) to the fungus like virus. He mutated it. Then it infected him. he was fine for a while, about a week before he turned and attacked his community and fellow scientists. They thought he had somehow gotten the human version of mad cow's disease, (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) so they disregarded it. They traveled and eventually spread the disease around the world in the span of a month. Killing those infected only infected the air, pores from the fungus infecting it and eventually infecting everyone, the only trigger being a bite from one of the undead. but what happens when there are immune people? Those born after the air infection? It's simple. They have to run. After all staying means becoming a scientists subject...

Sign Up's

1. Follow all Lioden rules!
2. No being rude. Hate the character, not the player.
3. You control only your character, remember that.
4. Don't force interactions.
5. Be as detailed as you can! This goes for the rp and for the cs.
6. As per Lioden rules, keep it PG-13. Fade to black or take it out of the rp forums if you want to do something inappropriate. Cursing is allowed, just limit yourself.
7. Can't stress this enough, don't be rude!!! I've had so many bad rp experiences its not even funny.
8. This is LGBTQ+ friendly, if you are not, I suggest you leave.
9. Posts in RP should be an average of one paragraph or more.
10. Start posts in rp with Name | Location | Interaction

(Eldest allowed is 20)
1. Dakota Silver - Direwisp - (#98474)
2. Casey - KyaTessa - (#103028)
3. Max - Aretimes - (#86892)
4. Autumn Dire - Amber Da Pickle Unicorn - (#87487)

1. Daisy Chan - CuriosityKTCat - (#111607)

(Protects the Immune or helps the Scientist's)
1. Corey Chambers - CuriosityKTCat - (#111607)
2. Reserved - Christicat15 - (#54511)

Character Sheets

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Edited on 06/05/17 @ 16:51:43 by Direwisp (#98474)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-06 16:48:46
Dakota | Immune | Haven Front Gate | Interaction: Open

Things were bad, riots were becoming more and more common, The mayor had started to make guards frisk the citizens for any contraband such as a firearm or drugs. Anyone who looked into the Haven could tell that things were on the verge of breaking apart. And it was all because of one small incident. The haven housed around 100 people per sector with a total of 5 sectors, not including the guards and those in sector Alpha. That means there are around 500-550 regular citizens in the Haven. There are also three gates the lead into the Haven. All in all its a very secure place with the gates into the sectors and Haven its self being very hard to break through. The only issue is that once something gets in the sector becomes a death trap. Sector Gamma was the lowest ranked of the sectors, It housed those who did little work or were ill. Its a ghost town now though. A scavenger had come in, infected unbeknownst to everyone. The scavenger had headed into sector Gamma and eventually turned there, killing and infecting all. it had been a massacre and had started a chain reaction that changed everything in the haven. That's all in the past though.. Dakota though as her head snapped up at the sounds of footsteps approaching the gate she was guarding...

((And so it beings...))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-08 11:29:17
Alegría || Survivor ||Near Haven Gate||Interaction:none open
Alegría sat in a tree over looking at small convenient store though binoculars. "5..8..12 infected, locked in there. Looks like it is still loaded with supplies." She said seeing that it still had consumables and other supplies. "Alright here I go." She said jumping down and cautiously made her way towards the store. She took out two large machetes as she stood infront of the door. "1.. 2.. 3.." She counted before opening the door as the infected came out. She aimed a hit to closest one head, slicing it's head in two before slashing the others. She whistle a small tune as she walked into the store. She began to put stuff in her backpack until it was full.
((Didn't know it gory scenes were allowed so I skipped it..))

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Edited on 08/05/17 @ 11:30:35 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

CuriosityKTCat (#111607)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-05-08 23:29:18
Daisy | Scientist | Alpha Head Research Facility - Hall B15 (High Security) | Interaction: None

The burning white of cheap fluorescent illumination bouncing off blank walls had long become normal to the white coat scientists. Although it was a higher security floor nearly a hundred scientists milled about the narrow halls, fingers clutching clipboards like lifelines and eyes bloodshot with exhaustion. Still, in the haze of study and reports, the scientists retained the common sense to part ways for a single dazzling individual and her trailing lackeys. Daisy Chan, the pristine head scientist, known to all associates new and old. She was a political figure, a genius, a force to be reckoned.
Her blonde hair and pale skin, kept so from years of staying exclusively indoors, a habit sustained only by special daily vitamins, are symbols of purity among the masses, a sign of hope, for it was she who led the efforts for a cure. Only those who spent some time next to her knew just where that purity ended, and Demon Queen of Science started.
"Jeremy, dose me." She held out an arm, and the silver-suited guard beside her, presumably 'Jeremy', pulled a syringe out of a travel bag he had slung around his arm and swiftly plunged it into the crease above her elbow. She had to suppress a shudder as the A Grade Somnium coursed through her. The fast-acting medicine, which was commonly provided to the scientists in the facility as a replacement for sleep, is a cocktail of hormones and proteins packaged to release in such a manner that it simulates a entire night of good sleep. The result isn't 100% effective but it's become a staple crutch in a time where pressure is high and time is short.
A tall brunette bounces up to her, an older woman, but spunky - an intern for high-profile experiments, probably. "Excuse me ma'am," she pipes up, and seems to deflate when Daisy keeps walking past her. "Um, ma'am? Please, uh, wait-" the woman hurries to catch up to Daisy, struggling to keep up and steer around the crowds behind Daisy and beside her.
Somewhat amused by her confusion but wanting the stutter to stop, Daisy held up a hand, motioning with her fingers to keep up. "I'm listening." Her voice is low, and blunt, a shock to any who haven't spoken to her in private quarters. On television, she tends to have a higher, sweeter voice - a facade to sooth the masses and keep up a solid image.
Understandably, the stuttering individual paused for a brief second before working even harder to keep up. "Er, yes. Right. Dr. Yates wanted me to let you know that the experiments - which were amazing to witness-"
Daisy's tongue clicked, the sound echoing through the hallway, "Yates wanted you to give me your opinion on the experiments he was witnessing?"
"Er, well, no-"
"Then what?" Daisy still had not spared the woman a glance, instead pausing to yank a clipboard from a faceless white-coat's hands and scanning the pages.
The woman was intimidated, and paused again, but she let courage pool into her chest so that she could speak again. "Dr. Yates said Experiment 103045B's results did not support nor even nearly corroborate his suggested hypothesis, but they did show excellent potential for a close-range weapon that not only swiftly incapacitates the infected but negates possible production of air-borne pathogens and suggests we continue the research for Scavenger-"
The clipboard was pushed aside, thrust into the arms of a faceless other while Daisy pivoted. In the blink of an eye she turned, and gripped the woman's face between her fingers, digging into her cheeks to pucker her lips. She pulled the hold in, bringing the woman's face down within inches of her own. Her eyes blazed blue and the annoyance in them was almost tangible. "Let me ask you, is our mission to create weapons?" She waited for an answer, and when none came she tightened her grip and shook the other a little, voice heavy, "I asked you a question."
"No ma'am." the answer was curt, jumbled through her puckered lips and filled with fear. The woman began to sweat, anxiety quickly building and shaking her frame as Daisy's face went from cross to a sickly sweet mask, as though she were trying to maintain face while speaking to a child.
"Think about this for a second. As of now there are over 250,000 different engineered weapons whose sole purpose is to completely deanimate the undead remains of infected individuals. 150,000 of those weapons are recent developments created from failed experiments like the last 30 Yates has presented me. Personally, I think he's just trying to save face, but I couldn't care a lick about his wounded ego even if I wanted to. So listen to me, child. Are you listening?" She waited for the terrified woman to nod hurriedly before continuing, a sick smile on her face, "Tell him the next time he proposes anything but a cure for the infected, or a vaccine for the living, he will be the next test subject for his half-baked results. Can you tell him that sweetie?" When the other nodded again, she let go, and made a turn down a new hallway, leaving behind a shaking, confused recruit that would later consider joining another line of work.
Behind Daisy, who blissfully filed Yates onto her shitlist and away from her dominating thoughts, her small crowd of helpers following faithfully as she presented a keycard to open the doors to Room 20234BB. The room was as white as the hallway, but contained dozens of messy desks and whiteboards covered with equations that broke the monotone. Daisy's crew broke away behind her, taking their positions in the surrounding area, blending with the tired scientists that were in the room before and engaging in talk. Now with just two guards behind her, Daisy sauntered up to the front of the room. The white wall broke into a large monitor that spanned almost the entire back wall. Its screen was divided into what must of been a hundred small windows, each depicting security footage of random infected individuals locked into individual rooms. She focused on one room in particular, where a raving infected woman was repeatedly hitting her head against the wall. Her clothes were little more than rags, but the greasy stains and worn edges suggested she had been wearing that outfit for a while. She was shoeless, with ratty hair that was last washed a few years ago and gnarled limbs and wrinkled rotting skin that suggested she had lived long, and through many diseases. A short moment passed of just steady thump, thump, thumping, and then it suddenly stopped. As if it were a starving man given a greasy hamburger on a silver platter, it turned and shambled toward the far right of the room, where a heavily suited individual entered the room. As it began to gnaw excitedly on the individual's protected arm, a needle was expertly inserted into her jugular, the plunger sinking slowly as the serum inside poured into its main artery.
Slowly, it stopped gnawing, its grip loosened significantly, and it began to droop further and further until it lay slumped on the floor. Daisy almost let herself hope for actual results before the infected corpse jolted, convulsed for ten seconds, and then lay completely limp. The screen blacked as it was pronounced completely inanimate - and sitll infected. She didn't let herself be disappointed. There was little hope as there was, no need to waste emotions now. She sensed rather than saw someone walk up behind her.
"Freddy, how nice to see you - a breath of fresh air." She turned slowly, gaze fixing on the familiar face of Dr. Fred Glum, a scientist she had been working closely with recently. "What's the state of affairs?"
"Well," the man sauntered up to her, glancing at a tablet in his hands without really paying attention, "they still think the Gamma incident was an accident. There have been no reports of suspicion of otherwise."
Daisy laughed humorlessly, looking again at the hundred or so screens, "Good. We don't need any more discourse. Incompetence is better than corruption. People just don't seem to understand how hard it is to find and isolate test subjects of this matter." She walked over to the screen, and tapped one where an infected man stared mindlessly at a wall, torn clothes those once commonly found on the person of Gamma residents, "Nobody's going to miss these lazy rag-ridden flea bags anyway. Shame none of them exhibited signs of immunity or resistance. Then again, they all look very... old. I expected they would breed like rabbits, as they do in the slums. Where are the children?"
As Fred began to speak, the tone of his voice caused her body to lock up, bracing for impact - she knew she wouldn't like what he was about to say, "About that... Look, we have a mission, I understand that, but some people... some of us were concerned. Are concerned Was this really necessary? I mean, it's great that we have so many new test subjects and all, but-"
"Fred," Daisy spoke slowly, realizing that this was the first time she had a close look at all of the captured - and truly, none of them looked much younger than 40 years old, "Where are the children? My instructions were, and I quote,Begin the containment of subjects, with emphasis on those in adolescence or younger. Take both infected and healthy individuals. But everyone here has probably witnessed the first man get infected, and none of them are healthy. What the hell Fred?"
He squared up, back straightening and head held high in contempt, "We let them go. Deanimated the infected ones, and hid the ones that weren't in the Haven. Daisy-"
"Don't call me that!" she spat at him, anger causing her body to quake, "You haven't the right you filth. How dare you. I gave you orders that were to follow."
"We are not puppets, Daisy! Stop this madness, this isn't the way! We shouldn't be - shouldn't be killing all of these people, no matter what their lives may have been like. We shouldn't be opening them up when they're still alive either! Or trying all of these crazy drugs to replace sleep and increase production, this isn't right!"
She listened, stoic, as he raved on. Her shaking stopped. Her body relaxed. She seemed to begin to agree, nodding her head to his words. He began to think he had gotten through to her, and, smiling, he placed his hand on her shoulder. If she was beginning to listen, maybe they could fix everything. Start again. Maybe they could start something together.
She didn't look at him, seemingly ashamed as she rested her weight on the desktop, gaze fixed on the floor. Tenderly, her hand slid over his, lightly squeezing it... Then tighter, tighter, tighter yet, until, confused, he tried to yank his hand away, to no avail. At the resistance she began twisting his hand, further and further as he began to yell and struggle, until a sickly snap sent a thrill of satisfaction through her.
She felt the bones in at least three fingers break in her grip, maintaining an impossible bent-back position even after she tossed them away. He stumbled to the floor, sweating, groaning in pain as he cradled his broken fingers. A cry scratched out of his throat as she stepped right between his legs, heel grinding with as much force as she could muster. Blood rushed past his ears and the pain seemed to overtake his senses, so much so he could barely hear her as she spoke.
"Scum. Absolute trash. You think you're saving people? How many do you think you just killed."
Snap! Pop! ARRRGGHH!
She walked away for a brief moment to pull from behind one of her guards a heavy bat-like weapon, and sauntered back up to Fred's curled up, quivering figure, and planted her feet next to him and reared the weapon back, "By saving a few children, how many did you just condemn to a hellish life? The Haven is crumbling because of morons like you, who can't seem to follow," Thwump! "simple," Crack! "instructions." Crunch! Please! Stop! Please!
She tossed it aside, and planted her foot on his head, rolling it back and forth under her heel, "Hey Jeremy, I don't think he's learned his lesson yet, do you?" Ugh, uh, no more, no... "Take him into the isolation chambers, tell them to examine how infection spread when there is prolonged exposure to infected spores, significant starvation, and multiple bite wounds to set it off."
The sounds of protest and pain carried down the hall as he was forcefully dragged out of the room and through the building, but nobody stepped up to help.
Daisy stared at the screens again, feeling her anger boil in her veins still. "Jessica." a woman with deep wrinkles and high brow hurried to her side - one of her more reliable associates, part of the crowd, "Go up a level. I need recruiters to completely empty one of the clinics on the edge of Haven, near the Gates and have it filled with high profile scientists - ones under oath. Then they need to get guards or scavengers willing to hunt the outer sectors of the Haven for young individuals... anyone under the age of 20 who has had substantial exposure to the air outside. We need to do some testing. Someone in this god forsaken city has to have abnormalities, mutations. Immunity."
She began pacing, fingers tugging and threading through a strand of her hair as she thought aloud, "Maybe offer something if they go in for testing, anything to bring in as many adolescents and young adults and children as possible. Kicking and screaming if needed. Go. Now."
As she watched yet another infected - old, gross, non-adolescent and almost completely useless infected - convulsed under the failed efforts of her subordinates. A small voice told her that these were her failures too. But she squashed the thought quickly, filed it away to a place she wouldn't touch, because self-pity didn't solve problems. No. What would solve problems... is to hunt these people herself. Take them in herself. And dissect them thoroughly herself. There was no other way. She would find the cure, and end this hell.

((My other responses will not be anywhere near this long, this is just to establish a start to how the immune get to know they are immune/have means to run, and an introduction to what Daisy is like and is willing to do))

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Edited on 08/05/17 @ 23:30:05 by CuriosityKTCat (#111607)

Aretimes (#86892)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-05-09 09:01:56

"Max" | Scout | Haven's Front Gate | Interactions: Dakota

She was usually quiet when walking, but her mind was foggy today and her footsteps heavy. Hooked on small whisperings of conspiracy about the labs and scientists, she wasn't going to lie and say she didn't believe some of it. A few were kind of outlandish, but... some people didn't think the "Gamma Incident" was an accident. Max had also noticed these very few people were quickly silenced, be it they simply shut up or disappeared. Max could think whatever she wanted, because she could never actually say what she wanted. Writing it down was far too risky. Words can be uttered to the wind, but paper must be burned. Fire leaves residue, and any evidence can be damning in this day and age.

The girl looked up, sea-green eyes scanning the area ahead of her. Big, looming gate that cast an ominous shadow, and some woman. Couldn't be much older then she, (but Max was often mistaken for being younger because of her height,) and held herself like a guard. Probably was a guard, come to think of it. The Gates were usually void of people at the bottom around this time, the only guards being up top in the watcher's nests, so, this was a bit of a surprise. Had they changed the shifts without her knowledge? If so, she applauded whoever was stealthy enough to do so--because Max heard everything in this place--and if it was simply a bored guard, she would be a little more annoyed, rather then impressed.

With no planned greeting, she just stared awkwardly at the face and stood still, not unlike a deer caught in a headlight. Max blinked sharply, trying to think of something to break the icy tension. So, she waved--a bit stiffly, perhaps--before letting her hands rest at her sides. Guards could be twitchy when one put their hands in pockets, so, the scout knew better then to just relax and just stand there.

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 09:59:48
Dakota | Immune | Haven Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Max [Directly] open

If one looked closely at Dakota they would take notice of 3 fundamental things. 1.Her grip on the rifle slung over her shoulder was abnormally hard. 2.She was subconsciously alerting Fenrir and making the dog growl lowly from his position at her feet. 3.Her arms were tense meaning that should whatever was approaching from the shadows of the night make a wrong move it could very well end up with a bullet lodged into their skull. Luckily the figure proved to be a scout that was often sent out into the outside world to do whatever it was she did. returning the greeting with a nod of her head before making a quick jerk of her head to indicate Max was clear to approach Dakota slowly nudged Fenrir to stop his growling before she reached for a large notepad that hung next to the gate in a glass container to record the inning and outings of those who left and returned to the haven. "You just coming in to get more supplies before heading back out or are you actually going to take a breather for once and stay a while?" Dakota asked as she got ready to write down the info on Max's return from wherever.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-09 10:24:33
Alegría || Survivor || outside Heaven Front Gate || Interactions: no one
Alegría walked neared H F.G when a guard stopped her, he asked for her weapons. "No I am not going inside the gates, I am passing by." She growled backing up slowly holding on to her bag full of guns. When the man tried to grab her bag Alegría she kicked him in the chest and ran before he got back up. The guard ordered other to chase her and soon Alegría was surrounded. "Ya wanna fight, then I'll give ya one hell of a fight." She said pulling out both of her machetes.

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Aretimes (#86892)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2017-05-09 11:07:08

"Max" | Scout | Haven's Front Gate | Interactions: Dakota

Max tried to suppress an eye roll at the woman's oh-so-Guardly-reaction, and did so once her back was turned. If the too-strong grip of the rifle was enough, then the dog was overkill. Honestly, she knew people liked to be careful, but there was such a thing as being overly paranoid.

She listened as the Guard spoke, asking if she was here to get supplies or relax, and Max smirked lightly. She held up her hand for the first option. Truth was she was making rounds to inspect the gates, to better prepare herself when she did run, but, lying is better then admitting that.

Besides, they trusted her. Figured the ex-bandit was "cured," so to speak. She kept up the act, because food is food and shelter is shelter, but... family is family. Yes, it'd been years since she last saw her Caravan, but they didn't just abandon their people. They'd stay near enough to be found. She hoped, anyway.

Max stood and waited, glancing up at the huge gate. Maybe today... maybe today, she'd make her break. Get supplies, and head out for the last time. They'd probably think she died or something while out on the field... hopefully. They wouldn't waste precious man-power to hunt for one scout. Not to toot her own horn, but, she really hoped they wouldn't, despite the fact she was a fairly good runner. Top of her scout class, not like she needed the training. It was useful, sure, but, unneeded in the end.

Oh. She just hoped this guard knew she was mute...

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 11:20:53
Dakota | Immune Guard| Haven Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Max [Directly] open

Nodding her head once she had gotten her answer in the form of a raised hand Dakota quickly wrote down the required information before putting the notepad away and pulling the rather large gate open. "Okay then, you go get whatever your planning on getting, I'll be here" Dakota said as she took on that typical guard speech before she flopped down on a lawn chair placed to the right of the glass box that held the note pad. A quick search underneath the chair and Dakota was holding a blue tennis ball and was throwing it up as Fenrir jumped up to catching it before bring it back to her.

((Short, gotta do school stuff))

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Edited on 09/05/17 @ 11:21:20 by Direwisp (#98474)

Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-05-09 13:08:48
((Oh Christ, now I dont know how to start XD))

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ℬat-ℭat 😼 (#67654)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 19:38:09
Elijah (Eli) James Blackward| Inside the Haven| -Open-

“Do you think this will ever stop?” A woman’s voice sounded from somewhere behind Eli, however the male did not react. “Like, do you think we’ll actually survive this? Or do you think we’ll all just die? I mean I know we’ll die, but do you think we’ll get infected?” The woman spoke quietly, shuffling her feet across the gravelled ground. Elijah shrugged a shoulder bending over on the bench he sat on pulling up a pair of swords to examine them. Then woman took a few steps closer to the older man, “Personally I don’t think we’ll all be able to survive…I-I mean, those that often leave the Haven would be risking us all…Don’t you think so?” The woman watched as Eli studied his blades, she rose a brow slightly, “Why do you look at them so much? You don’t think they are contamin-“

“I like to look after my weapons…” Eli said abruptly not taking his eyes off of the meatal blades. “…Right, yes. But don’t you think you’re being a bit obsessive? I mean if they get broken or something you could always find another weapon.” As she spoke she perched herself on the far end of the bench. Eli shrugged again and placed his swords back in their sheath. “Personally I would do that, especially after being contaminated with blood and stuff…Much easier than cleaning and fussing over the weapon.”

The male straightened his back, rolling his shoulders back, “You talk too much..” He stated placing his sheathed swords back on the ground, scooting them under the bench a little with his foot. “Well…People do say that, but personally I don’t I do…Anyways I’m going to go find something to eat, would you like me to bring you something?” The woman said standing up slowly. Eli looked up to her, face expressionless, “No.” He said simply. Nodding the woman turned away and hurried down the path, before disappearing into one of the nearby buildings. Eli rolled his light brown eyes, the flecks of gold in them glinting slightly as they caught a few of the sun’s rays.

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CuriosityKTCat (#111607)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-05-09 22:01:33
Sorrel Lancaster | Guard-In-Training | Haven's Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Dakota

Today the air felt heavier than usual, the humidity stifling as crowds of people shuffled through the Haven, some cleaner than others, some stumbling about drunk although it was early in the day. Chatter about the Gamma Incident and its impact was scarce, forbidden, but Sorrel could tell by the way people's conversation faded as she sauntered by in her Guard gear that people didn't ignore it as much as the higher-ups probably wanted them to. Personally, Sorrel wasn't happy about the situation - people died, after all - but beyond that the conversation went too deep for her to want to get involved in the taboo discussion. Was Gamma not well protected? Are we well protected? Should we lock outsiders out? What about scavengers? It doesn't matter, Gamma was a waste of resources anyway. and so forth buzzed in her ears - and out the other side.
Still, the atmosphere was enough that Sorrel needed to make a change, curve the edge that told her to just make a run for it and let nature take its course (tempting as it was, it didn't feel like that would work, per se). So yesterday, on her day off, she changed up her style. Before, her motif was a pop funk theme, with bubblegum-pink hair, bright sundresses, and as many different colors as she could get in accessories without them clashing too much. Now, her colors were more subdued, but she felt power from it - black and blue. The bright blues made her happy to see on their own, but the sombre combination of the two made her feel like the hottest part of a flame, deeply passionate and burning with energy. Now her hair was a combination of her natural black fading into dark blue. She had some black lipstick left over from another style, but bought a little more just in case, along with a pallet of eye-shadow with more shades of blue than she had thought to consider. Currently she was fully made up, foundation smooth, eyelashes plump, lips black, her new Cerulean Sky eye-shadow a bright color that made her darker blue eyes pop. Her Guard uniform was slightly modified to show off her new tattoo, blue roses with thorny black vines curling around her left wrist. She declared it the tattoo that finished off the exotic garden-themed sleeve, and was already concocting plans to tie her right arm together into a masterpiece. First, however, she was excited to show off her new style to her co-worker, Dakota. She felt butterflies manifest in her stomach and crawl upwards, tickling her throat as she thought of what Dakota might think. She wondered briefly if Dakota wouldn't like it, but squashed the idea, and tried to think of something else instead.
No dice.
It wasn't until she actually saw the pretty blonde playing with her dog, Fenrir, that the feeling came to a peak. Chill, Sorrel. You got this. You are so cute today. Squashing one last thought of wondering if she looked too chubby and bloated today, she approached Dakota, one hand raised in a half-wave.
"Hey girl!" she called, high voice cheery, and she jogged the rest of the distance, "What's kickin'? Shift's just startin' for me, how's the Gate traffic look today?" She decided to play coy, wondering if the other would make a comment first without prompt.

((Hey Bat-Cat, I know it says you're inside the Haven, but where are you/whatcha doin? Like, what sort of situation would someone need to be in to approach you?))

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ℬat-ℭat 😼 (#67654)

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Posted on
2017-05-09 22:57:17
(Oh uh. I guess I'm just in the general housing area, not too sure what you call it..He'll be moving on from there in my next post anyways. But If one wanted to interact with him they could just be passing by and notice him or something like that. But like I said before he'll be moving on from that spot soon enough, and interaction oppituinites will hopefully become more clear. Sorry for the confusion, the post was a little rushed I have to admit.)

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CuriosityKTCat (#111607)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-05-09 23:04:09
(Oh no your post was fine! It's just like, it was written as if it were just an introduction/plot preview thing, but it said open in the interaction, so I didn't want you to sit there waiting, but I also didn't want to interrupt your plot, y'know? No worries!)

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 13:12:14
Dakota | Immune Guard| Haven Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Sorrel [Directly] open

Dakota had just thrown up Fenrir's ball for maybe the 8th time when she saw Sorrel approaching and wow did she look good... Maybe it was Dakota's love of the color blue and tattoos (she had four herself and the only reason she didn't have more was due to the risk of her bite being found, even if the chances were low considering where she had wanted her next one to go.) but she couldn't help but question the random feeling that overcame her. She furrowed her brow slightly before shaking her head and replying "Traffic's been fine, not much has happened today to be honest." She said as her eyes continued to roam over the change of hair color and the new tattoo something she was quick to comment on. "That one's new right?" she said as she nodded her head in the direction of the rose tattoo that reminded her of the design she herself had wanted to get, "It looks good" Dakota said as she flashed Sorrel her best smile.

((The design I'm thinking on having Dakota get: Blue phoenix on her right arm, starting at her shoulder and ending right before her elbow.

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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-05-10 13:39:15
((Well since I don't know what to do and all of these posts are too long for my attention span of twenty seconds, I'm going to have Autumn mill around the Haven. Because why not? Prepare for an awkward first post, guys.))

|Autumn Dire| Immune| Haven|Interaction: N/A Open|

Blonde hair continued to swish in the woman's face as she sprinted round the Haven's perimeter. She was trying to stay fit. It had become a habit of hers to do this for five hours a day. Separated and at different times, of course. As she ran, she took her time to watch all the different people in the Haven itself. ((Oh Jesus...I'm clueless...Help a poor pickle.)) She had noticed some people that looked easy to get along with. Though, she mostly kept to herself, it would drive a person insane no to talk to at least one person per day. ((Bahhhhhhh...Kill me now..))

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