Posted by Of The Black Moon - RP Thread

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-06 16:30:09

"Life once asked death,
"Why do people love me but hate you?"
Death responded,
"Because you are a beautiful lie but I am a painful truth... People do not realize that pain is a gift, as without the capacity for pain we can not feel the hurt we inflict"

The_Last_of_Us_Concept_Art_Lake_Vista_ALPicture Source
The virus, Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, is what had started the infection. the virus was originally unable to infect mankind or any living creature save for dead ants but that quickly changed.
A scientist had been studying the virus, intrigued that it was able to infect dead ants and keep them moving as it grew. However, unbeknownst to him, he would start a chain reaction that would end the world. His studies involved many things such as tearing the virus apart and getting down to what it really was (something he was only partially able to do) along with introducing it to different climate's and substance's. He made a grave mistake when he introduced it to a very humid environment and added some radiated blood (his own) to the fungus like virus. He mutated it. Then it infected him. he was fine for a while, about a week before he turned and attacked his community and fellow scientists. They thought he had somehow gotten the human version of mad cow's disease, (Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease) so they disregarded it. They traveled and eventually spread the disease around the world in the span of a month. Killing those infected only infected the air, pores from the fungus infecting it and eventually infecting everyone, the only trigger being a bite from one of the undead. but what happens when there are immune people? Those born after the air infection? It's simple. They have to run. After all staying means becoming a scientists subject...

Sign Up's

1. Follow all Lioden rules!
2. No being rude. Hate the character, not the player.
3. You control only your character, remember that.
4. Don't force interactions.
5. Be as detailed as you can! This goes for the rp and for the cs.
6. As per Lioden rules, keep it PG-13. Fade to black or take it out of the rp forums if you want to do something inappropriate. Cursing is allowed, just limit yourself.
7. Can't stress this enough, don't be rude!!! I've had so many bad rp experiences its not even funny.
8. This is LGBTQ+ friendly, if you are not, I suggest you leave.
9. Posts in RP should be an average of one paragraph or more.
10. Start posts in rp with Name | Location | Interaction

(Eldest allowed is 20)
1. Dakota Silver - Direwisp - (#98474)
2. Casey - KyaTessa - (#103028)
3. Max - Aretimes - (#86892)
4. Autumn Dire - Amber Da Pickle Unicorn - (#87487)

1. Daisy Chan - CuriosityKTCat - (#111607)

(Protects the Immune or helps the Scientist's)
1. Corey Chambers - CuriosityKTCat - (#111607)
2. Reserved - Christicat15 - (#54511)

Character Sheets

No thread generated. The original poster of this RP thread will be able to generate one for this feature.

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Edited on 06/05/17 @ 16:51:43 by Direwisp (#98474)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 13:57:39
(( Rip xD also sorry if it takes me so long to reply lately, At some point in time I hurt my wrist so writing takes a bit more effort then usual since i have to wear this brace thing for a little while and it keeps getting in the way ))

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CuriosityKTCat (#111607)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-05-10 19:00:37
Sorrel Lancaster | Guard-In-Training | Haven's Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Dakota

Sorrel tried not to pay too much mind on how Dakota's gaze traveled over her face and downward - she wouldn't have been able to handle knowing the exact path she took. Still, she struggled not to squirm under the appreciative gaze, and felt her face heat from the attention, and the implication that Dakota had noticed her tattoos enough to notice that it was new. It took her a couple of days to design the tattoo just right, and almost 3 hours to get the details exact when she got it done, so she was proud to show it off. It was still tender, but she paid no mind to it as she twisted her wrist a few times to display the full design, "Thank you," it came out more timid than she intended, and so she began to ramble a bit, "Yeah, it, uh, took me a few days to design it and I was with Percy for like 3 hours just nit-picking about the lighting and the thorns and I swear he must have been totally done with me by the end of it all but it turned out well so, like, whatever. What about you?" She patted Dakota's arm lightly, lingering a bit longer than necessary before pulling away, "Why don't you get another tattoo? You just got promoted so you can't tell me you don't have enough money."

((Don't worry about it! That's gotta suck tho, sorry to hear you have to wear a brace D: ))

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-05-10 20:10:51
Dakota | Immune Guard| Haven Front Gate (Outside Haven) | Interaction: Sorrel [Directly] open

"Hey your getting a permanent marking when you get a tattoo it only make's sense to make sure it come's out as best as possible Percy understands that." Dakota said as she took Fenrir's ball back from him before throwing it once again before she felt Sorrel's touch and heard her query. He mind quickly flashed back to her bite. It was located on her hips left side and though it wasn't very oblivious, the bite having taken place over a month ago making it heal rather nicely but even with the fully healed scar if one saw it they would be able to tell it was a bite mark and if she was being honest that terrified her. The scientists were getting desperate and he wouldn't put it past them to run tests on her until she just up and died. Shaking her head again she replied in as natural of a manner as possible as to not give away her momentary fear. Though I do suppose not getting one does set me out with as often I do get them... Dakota thought just as she spoke. "Just haven't had the time to yet. Plus I'm still working on a design. I have the basics but i cant decide if i want to add or change anything to it, I'm thinking of adding a quote underneath it." Dakota said as she pulled out the design she had been working on since before her bite. She wasn't lying when she said it was almost done the day she finished it was the day she got her bite. She handed it to Sorrel before continuing "I'm thinking I'll put it on my left arm since that one is still bare. It might have been good on my back but I already have my wings there so that crosses that out." Dakota said as she rubbed the broken infinity sign on her collar bone.

(( It's fine just sort of annoying, but at least it's my left hand and not my right. If it was my right hand I would be screwed xD ))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-11 12:30:49
Alegría| Survivor |Near Heaven Gates Entrance (outside)|Interactions: None open
Alegría let out a low growl as the guards surrounded her. "Come at me ya dumb son a.." One of the guards ran at her but she dodged it and hit him with the dull side of her blade as a few more joined. Alegría fought back but was eventually over powered. "A shit heads I worked hard for those weapons, give them back." She snapped from as three guards held her down and one took her bag of weapons. "Tell me are you Immune or a just a survivor." One chuckled as she put more pressure on his knee that was on her back. "Fuck you, all of y'all will die." She growled as the weight on her back became a little to much.

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ℬat-ℭat 😼 (#67654)

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Posted on
2017-05-12 23:33:53
(F' it I'ma post now, I was gonna wait till a few more people posted but, seeing as this rp has fallen kinda quiet, I may as well bump it back up with a response :3)

Elijah (Eli) James Blackward| Inside the Haven, wondering around| Survivor (Warrior)| Autumn Dire (Directly)-Open-

Bending down to pick up his swords again Eli stood up, and swung them onto his back hooking his arms though the straps (They sit on his back.). Lazily he let out a slight yawn, it was more out of boredom then actual tiredness, “Hey…Uh, I’m gonna go for a wonder..” He called out hoping that the woman that was talking to him before could hear him. Eli waited a few seconds, but got no real response, sighing he began to walk away. Dispute being off duty for the time being the male would always carry his swords with him. It was more of a comfort kind of thing, but one could never be too sure at times like this…

The male would wonder thought the Haven, with no real intention for several minutes. Then he caught sight of one of the Haveners (Lol idk anymore..I’m calling people that live in the Haven that from now on XD.); a blond haired girl who seemed to be running around the perimeters of the Haven. He’d often seen her running around, Eli assumed she was doing it for either exercise or perhaps for some kind of training, but he’d yet to actually say anything to her- Not because he was scared or shy, but more because…Well, he did not see the need to, she was another person trapped with him as far as he was concerned. But today, he felt a little differently, he actually wanted to talk a little. Weather it was out of sheer boredom, curiosity or something else was yet to be decided.

Waiting for her to notice him Eli gave her friendly smile and a small wave, “Having a nice run?”

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-05-12 23:49:46
Alegría| Survivor |Near Heaven Gates Entrance (outside)|Interactions: None open

Alegría managed to kick one of the guards off and slip free when they were surpise to see the gaurd fall back. She ran at the gaurd hold her bag and tackled him. "These are not yours to take, I will die before I let you have them." She yelled before two guards tackled her to the ground again, this time she held the bag tight as they one of them kicked her and another stomped on her back. Blood began to flow from her mouth most likely she had biten her tounge off. "You are all a bunch of cowards." She screamed as she was kicked again.

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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-05-14 05:56:40
((I was actually waiting for someone to bother Autumn XD))

|Autumn Dire| Immune| Haven|Interaction: Elijah|

Autumn picked up her pace. Up ahead she saw a guy she didn't know wave and smile. When she was in hearing distance, he spoke. The blonde woman put on the brakes. She stopped a little past him. "What on the Lord's name made this guy talk to me?" she thought. She usually put up a front that she didn't want to be bothered. But somehow, this guy didn't notice. She sighed and responded to him while jogging on the spot, "I have nothing else to be doing, so I guess so."

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Edited on 23/05/17 @ 12:44:44 by Amber Da Pickle Unicorn (#87487)

Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-05-23 12:45:13
((Where is everyone? ~Whine~))

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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-06-09 15:32:44

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-06-09 15:40:49
(( You know its pretty ironic considering the fact that when summer roles around people tend to have more time to do stuff but somehow you never hear from anyone xD ))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-09 17:40:06
((Yea my character really hadn't interacted with anybody so.. Yea))

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Amber Da Pickle
Unicorn (#87487)

Pretty Cool Guy
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Posted on
2017-06-10 16:18:29
((That so true, Dire XD But I dont want any of your rp'S TO DIE..Gods Contradict!))

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Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-06-10 16:18:38
(( Rip, well here's to hoping someone reply's so I dont end up bored as fuck for the entirety of my summer xD ))

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-06-10 19:02:06
Alegría| Survivor |Near Heaven Gates Entrance (outside)|Interactions: None open
Alegría watched as the guard checked her bag out and found her hand made bullets. "Well looky here boys seems we got ourselves a black smiths." The guard said as he showed them the littles hand made bullet. "Call commander, she would love to see this." The man said with a crooked smile. "Fuck you damn idiots, how long did you think those guns would last." She growled as she struggled under the weight of all the guards ontop of her.

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