Posted by WIELD | Starting

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-12 13:41:59

1. to exercise (power, authority, influence, etc.), as in ruling or dominating.
2. to use (a weapon, instrument, etc.) effectively; handle or employ actively.

OOC/Info Thread


There had always been rumors of wolves with special powers who roamed the land. The stories, however, were always taken lightly. After all, they were just stories - right?
One pack, called the Veraen Pack, learned the hard way that fairy tales are sometimes more real than they first appear. It began with the birth of a litter - two small male pups. They seemed like any other pup at first. But soon, it became apparent that something was wrong. Torin, a small black pup, could disappear into shadows and reappear a short distance away. Terik, a grey pup, was just at home underground as he was above. As they grew older, their powers also seemed to grow. Torin could now play with fire, although he was not very good at it. Terik, however, had taken a darker turn. His powers were darkened, but this was too much for him to handle. Soon, this erupted into destruction. Terik lost control of his powers and the ground began to split apart, killing many of the Veraen Pack in the process. Soon after, Terik disappeared. Torin was dumbstruck. The remainder of his pack wanted nothing to do with him or the rest of his family. Though his parents had been killed in the destruction, they had left behind another young pup, who Torin took with him when he left.
Out on his own, Torin went to the mountains, where he discovered much about himself and the powers that he and his little brother possessed. Once he had found all that he could, Torin roamed for a while, before he learned of others like himself. Curious, he sought them out. The few that he could find joined him. Soon, Torin had developed a pack of his own, where he could protect those like him. He called this pack the Pwerus Pack. Now, wolves with powers are seeking him out, looking for his protection and the fellowship of others like themselves.
Will you join them?


✘ LioDen's guidelines are to be followed at all times. Brush up if you need to.

✘ Hate the character, not the player. OOC negativity will not be tolerated.

✘ We're going to try and be active. If you know that you're going to be gone for a while, please notify me. Otherwise, your characters will be removed.

✘ This is a literate roleplay. 1+ paragraphs with proper grammar, spelling, etc. is expected. Writer's block is understandable, but DO NOT overuse this excuse. If your posts are consistently short with many errors, you may be asked to leave the roleplay.

✘ This is a roleplay about wolves with powers, but do try to keep things balanced. No character should be overpowered. In unpowered combat, it is expected to be fair - no one will hit every time and no one will dodge every time.

✘ You will be allowed two characters to start off with. Once you have posted about ten replies to the roleplay thread, you will be allowed another. For any more, PM me and I'll decide if you can have another.

✘ There are no humans in this roleplay. There are also no dogs. Keep this in mind c:

✘ Moderate swearing is allowed, but do not overdo it. In accordance with LD's guidelines, any and all mature content (mating, birthing, etc) is to fade to black or be taken offsite.

✘ Character sheets are to go only on the character sheet thread ^^

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Edited on 27/06/17 @ 20:37:46 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-12 14:07:40


Ranks in hierarchical order


Alphas [1/2]

Torin • 4 yrs • Male • Played by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)
[Alpha female tbd in roleplay]

Betas [1/2]

Devaki • 4 yrs, 2 mns • Male • Played by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

Healers [1/3]

Evania • 2 yrs 8mns • female • played by BlazeRed (#27478)

Hunters [5/8]

Kilian • 3 yrs • Male • played by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)
Kalgnak • 6 yrs • Male • Played by TinyBoops (#113796)
Iris • 3 yrs • female • Played by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)
Patch • 2 yrs, 6 mns • Male • Played by Legolas (#81091)
Aalin • 3 yrs • Female • Played by MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

Warriors [3/8]
Ceyla • 3 yrs, 11 mns • Female • Played by 🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)
Valandur • 3 yrs, 10 mns • Male • Played by West (#43497)
Lucrece • 4 yrs, 3mns • Female • Played by Doug Dimmadome (#54723)

Apprentices [1/4]

Turnip • 8 mns • Female • Played by TinyBoops (#113796)

Nursing Mothers [0/3]


Pups [0/6]

Omegas [0/3]


Loners [3/5]

Rana • 2 yrs, 7 mns • Female • Played by West (#43497)
Siku • 5 yrs • Male • Played by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)
Charlize • 3 yrs, 9 mns • Female • Played by Legolas (#81091)

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Edited on 02/07/17 @ 14:26:45 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-26 19:27:47



Current Season: Spring
Weather: Calm, overcast skies, temperature dropping, slight breeze
Temperature: 57 degrees Fahrenheit
Time: Morning, just after sunrise

Current Camp: Northern parts of the territory; a rocky outcropping that has created natural caves is claimed as the current camp; dens have been dug into the previously shallow caves; wolves sleep in a scattered manner about the dens, not according to rank - only the alpha has his own den.

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Edited on 27/06/17 @ 20:45:48 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-06-27 21:15:55

[ Torin † Male † 4 yrs † Alpha † Shadow, fire † Mentions: - ]

Waking up alone after a nightmare was always a shock. Torin thrashed himself awake, his pale golden eyes looking about wildly, until he discovered that he was - once again - in his own bed, in his own den. The large, dark wolf was laying down, his heart beating madly in his chest. And, once again, he couldn't remember what had thrown him into such a state. The deer pelts under his body were chewed and clawed up - ripped to shreds in some places. And Torin couldn't remember what had caused it. So he lay in his den, breathing raggedly as if he had just come from a run in the forest, pondering another night of interrupted sleep.

Finally, light began to shine through the trees and the cave lit with a faint glow. Torin took this as his opportunity to leave. He lifted himself up and trotted out of the den, as if he was trying to escape his dreams. It didn't seem like any other wolf had gotten up yet that he could see. His pale eyes darted distrustfully around the camp clearing like whatever creature plagued his nightmares would show itself. It was unlikely, he knew, so he quickly wiped the mistrustful look from his face, replacing it instead with one of stoic emotionlessness.

With a small huff, the alpha male made his way over to a small aspen that grew at the edge of the camp. He studied the small tree for a moment before settling down beneath it. As he was laying down, he noticed a small, green leaf at his paws. The male gazed at the leaf, regarding its greenness for a moment. Spring was surely here, if this was a sign of it. All the same, a chill was beginning to tinge the air, and the little bit of dawn light was quickly snuffed out by rolling grey clouds. Sighing, Torin turned his attention from the sky back to the leaf. He stared at it intently for a moment; it started to smoke, and then a tiny flame was visible. At the tiny flame, Torin frowned. The licking orange flame then turned black. Heaving another sigh, the dark-colored male extinguished the flame with a paw.

[ Kilian † Male † 3 yrs † Hunter † Nature, water † Mentions: Devaki, Torin ]

A sneeze in his sleep seemed to be the thing that awoke Kilian. The brown male still lay in his bed, eyes wide open, as he tried to figure out why he had woken up so suddenly. He came to the aforementioned conclusion. Annoyed at himself, the male shut his eyes again tightly, hoping to will himself to go back to sleep. This, however, was not a possibility - something he knew very well. After a few minutes of attempting to go back to sleep, Kilian gave up.

The mouth of the cave seemed to be beckoning him as it filled with soft light, only to be dark in the next instant. Curious, the male pushed himself up off of his bed and padded towards the cave mouth, being careful not to step on any sleeping bodies. Once at the opening of the cave, he sat down and peered upwards. The sky was darkening - a sign of upcoming rain. Of course there would be rain, Kilian thought cynically to himself. At least the plants will be watered, he amended.

The male lay back down. Not to go to sleep, but simply to rest before the day started. Little flowers already began to spring up beside him. He knew they wouldn't last long underneath the overhang of the cave, but these blooms seemed to follow him everywhere. Ah, well. Devaki is sure to be up soon, organizing the patrols. Or maybe Tori'll do it today, he wondered lazily, laying his head down on his paws.

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Edited on 27/06/17 @ 21:18:38 by 🔵 Saturn (#38235)

MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-06-27 23:02:35
Aalin / Female / 3 Years / Hunter / Water, Air/ mentions - Devaki- Torin

She had always loved the watch the dawn, the first blush of light in the moody greyness of early morning. She was frustrated she had missed it, instead awoken by the chatter of birdsong that happened sometime after sunrise. Though the camp still seemed rather deserted she wished she had been up earlier. She shook herself and tried to sharpen her gaze, though it seemed rather blurry with sleep. Devaki was sure to be up shortly,
she would sort the hunting patrols out. She calculated the grey skies, sun unable to break the great misty wall. She sighed, winter seemed as to be setting in. She would miss the spting and the good hunting and tempers it brought with it. She heaved in the morning air and tried to remember the taste of elk on warm nights that were filled with laughter and fun. Perhaps Torin would be organising the patrols this morning. The alpha would want to make sure food came back, Winter seemed to pang everybody's hearts with desperation.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-06-28 21:19:11

| I R I S |
Female • 3 y/o • Pwerus Hunter • Air & Water
Location: Camp • Mentions {Indirectly} Torin

Nightmares taunted her as she slept, or rather memories that played over and over again in her mind every time she attempted to rest. The dreadful snarls of coyotes she had once called friends, the feeling of teeth scraping her muzzle and tearing at her ears, the sight of her precious daughters torn, lifeless bodies as she fought tooth and claw for her life, and finally the cold emptiness that crashed over her when she returned to the briar and found Arrow curled beneath the bush’s protective branches where she had left him, frightened and whimpering. Unusually pale eyes blinked open slowly and for a long time the cream she-wolf simply stared at the stone walls of the cave she had taken shelter in for the night.

A chill rushed down her spine as a cold breeze drifted inside through the entrance. It was time to get up. Rising to her paws, she forced herself out into the camp, gaze sharpening as she tried to pick out images through blinding rays of the morning sun. Her eyesight was especially poor under direct sunlight, at times even painful. A condition she had been born with and never tried to understand, merely accepting it for what it was. A flaw that made her unfit to take as a mate according to some. It was why Erebus left her no doubt, fearful she had cursed their pups with her affliction. He had been wrong. Arrow and their daughters had all been perfectly healthy.

The scent of smoke reached her nostrils and her gaze soon after landed on Torin, watching as the Alpha snuffed out a burning leaf. She said nothing, instead settling beneath the shade of the outcropping, the camp growing clearer with the help of the shadows. If only she had been gifted with the powers of darkness. Instead it was the wind and the water that answered her beckoning.

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| S I K U |
Male • 5 y/o • Loner • Nature & Ice
Location: Edge of the Territory • Mentions: OPEN

Siku had left his den in the middle of the night, when the moon was still full and bright in a dark sky. He had seated himself at the center of a small field and tilted his head back, staring upwards. "Ancestors," he called, his voice deep, and gravelly from lack of use, "have you forsaken me?" It had been moons since he'd had any inkling they still watched over him, and the silence surrounding him seemed a bad omen as did the scarcity of prey. Siku's mind drifted to the pack he had last left and his resolve returned, if only for their sake.

"Ancestors, we need you more than ever now. Do not abandon us. Help our young to grow wise and strong. Guide their paws and minds. Nourish them with your spirit. Bless the healers who keep the pack healthy. Direct the hunters who catch our prey. Strengthen the warriors who protect our borders..." Some time after that he had curled up in among the tall grasses, his thick pelt protecting him from the chill of night, and slept beneath the stars. The pack he prayed for wasn’t his anymore, but he still held a fondness for them and wished them well, wherever they were.

Now the sun had arrived and it was time to rise. He groaned softly upon standing, his limbs stiff and sore. "This is what you get for sleeping outside you old brute," he scolded himself, a hacking cough exiting his lungs. Siku shook any remaining scraps of foliage from his pelt and continued onward. Each step he took sent a jolt through his aching legs and he was reminded once again why sleeping in the open was never a good idea for an aging wolf like himself. He might not be an elder yet, but he was no spring chicken either.

Siku broke into a run, hoping to both warm himself up and loosen his tense muscles. He startled a hare that had flattened itself against the ground, hoping to blend in with the landscape and in a rare moment of reacting on instinct he tore after it. The hare didn't get far before his teeth sank into its flesh, quickly ending its life. "Thank you ancestors," he whispered softly. "Go to your own spirits now hare. Your time on this Earth is done." Scooping up the deceased prey, Siku settling beside a nearby boulder poking out of the ground, his flank resting against the cold stone as he began eating.

He polished off the hare in a few neat bites, soon after seeking out a stream to cool his parched tongue. Even the blood of his prey hadn’t satisfied his thirst. The scent of water greeted his nose within minutes and he followed it to a sizeable lake that stretched across the land. Lowering his head to lap up a few mouthfuls of the frigid liquid, mischief briefly glittered in his amber eyes before reaching out a paw, his black pads just barely skimming the surface as blunt claws dipped beneath it. The water turned solid, a thick sheet of ice spreading from his claws and swiftly racing across the lake’s surface.

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Edited on 28/06/17 @ 21:20:05 by Potato Lord [MAIN] (#33076)

Arcan (#97595)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-06 20:45:42

Kali| 3 Yrs & 6 Mnths| Female| Warrior| Light & Air| Location: Camp| Mentions: Torin

A chilled breeze drifted across the female's thick pelt, stirring the fine hairs and bringing with it the scent of rain, all too familiar with the season of spring. Opening steely blue eyes, the calm gaze landed on the darkened clouds rolling ever closer, the view obstructed by the walls of the cave. To be honest, the she-wolf had been awake for a while, since the sun had begun to rise in the horizon. She didn't know what forced her to remain in the waking world, perhaps a sense of unease, but her body had become stiff with her stationary position. Waking the others within the den seemed rude to her, and so she had stayed still, allowing herself time to ponder life as the sky grew lighter. However, now the camp was stirring, and it wouldn't be offensive to move from the warm bed that she laid on. Standing on long legs, the stunning fae stretched the ache from her muscles, giving her hide a good shake to rid it of any clinging moss. On light paws she padded into the open, the air around her immediately brightening. It was something that just happened, especially in times of darkness, like when the moon stole the sun's rays and the sky became inky with shadows. Kali exuded a gentle glow, and it took great concentration to make it go away, and it usually returned within minutes afterwards. Swiveling a well-formed skull, the female caught sight of her alpha, his dark pelt blending in with the shade that dappled the ground beneath the tree. A small flame momentarily flickered to life, feeding off of a tiny plant, before being snuffed out by a large paw. It seemed her leader was troubled. This thought caused a frown to curl her lips, and before she knew it, her body was on its way towards him.
"Greetings Torin, how are you faring this morn?" Her calm voice danced through the air, smooth as velvet, holding a hint of an accent from distant lands. Despite the question, if the male decided to look up, he would see a knowing expression in her eyes. As if she already knew what was causing him such unrest. Of course that wasn't true, but Kali had a knack for reading others, and it often seemed like she knew their thoughts beforehand. If anything, she could lend a listening ear.

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Edited on 06/07/17 @ 20:46:48 by Arcan (#97595)

Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 13:40:29
Kalgnak | 6 years | Male | Hunter| Earth, Fire | Location: Camp | Mentions: Iris

Kalgnak wakes abruptly. No sleep-addled state ever came with his waking, nor any pause to center himself. As soon as his eyes opened, he was ready for the day.

Kalgnak stands and shoves his way out of the den. Any and all grumbles from still sleeping pack mates are ignored as he pushes past them. Outside of the small cave, the sun has rose over the trees. Kalgnak has to force himself to hold in a grumble of annoyance at his own tardiness.

Already feeling a foul (well, fouler) mood coming on, Kalgnak looks around camp for signs of any sort of activity. Nothing. All the others who are out are either lounging or chatting. Even Iris. Kalgnak is thoroughly disappointed. Even so, he stomps over to Iris and sits beside her. After a few minutes of awkward fidgeting by Kalgnak, he asks "Do you think we will go after the deer by the north stream again?"

Turnip | 8 months | Female | Apprentice | Ice, Nature (minor not expressed yet) | Location: Camp | Mentions: Aalin

Go. Go. So close. Turnip lets out a loud yip that startles her awake. She looks around the den, confused as to where the rabbit she was chasing had gone, until the realization that it was a dream hits her. "Oh," she mumbles, "but it was so plump..."

With a loud sigh, Turnip stands up and stretches. A few of her bones pop- 'the sign of a good rest', her mother would say. Not even bothering to pick the twigs out of her fur, Turnip heads out to the main area of the cave. Already many of her pack mates are gathered, which sucked. If there were only one or two wolves besides herself, she could try to sneak up on them. However there are just to many to even try it this morning. Guess a morning wrestle will just have to do.

Turnip surveys the wolves who were currently awake. There is the alpha and that glowing wolf, neither of whom would be fun to play with. On an outer edge is the grumpy hunter and the nice one. If that half-tail wasn't there she would approach Iris, but he is way to mean to try that with. The alpha's brother was also out but, she really didn't want to play with him.

Finally, Turnip spotted her victim. She bounced over to Aalin and slapped her front paws on the ground. Her tail wagged excitedly and she let out a small bark. "Want to wrestle?"

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MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-07-07 17:50:07
Aalin / 3 years / Female / Hunter / Water - Air ? Location : Camp / Mentions : Turnip

She looked at the spirited young she-wolf happily slapping her stumpy paws against the ground. She grinned, it was refreshing to have such unconditional happiness in the coming cold of the Winter. She wagged her tail and play-bowed.
"Okay! Show me your moves!" She jumped slightly, ruffled her back fur slightly and flicked her ears back and forward. She was behaving like a pup, but she couldn't care less. She wanted to play, it was getting boring getting older.

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Tinyboops (Clean) (#113796)

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Posted on
2017-07-10 07:36:05
Turnip | 8 months | Female | Apprentice | Ice, Nature (minor not expressed yet) | Location: Camp | Mentions: Aalin

Turnip let out an excited yip and bounced back onto all fours. She began to play-stalk around Aalin. Turnip tried her best to put a tough expression on her face, but she was sure her wagging tail was throwing off the vibe.

With a playful growl, Turnip leapt at Aalin, throwing her weight into the jump and hoping to knock the other off her feet. The whole while, Turnip's tail was wagging viciously and she let out soft, playful grunts.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-10 12:59:27

| I R I S |
Female • 3 y/o • Pwerus Hunter • {Major} Air \ {Minor} Water
Location: Camp • Mentions:{Directly} Kalgnak / {Indirectly} Torin, Kali

Iris rested her head atop her paws, eyes half closing as the warmth of the dawn sun seeped into her pelt. It was not the coziest of mornings, the light breeze ruffling her fur carrying a sharp chill with it, but the she-wolf couldn’t complain. The cold season was drawing to an end, and warmer days lay ahead.

The heavy plod of paws coming toward her had her head raising, pale gaze falling across Kalgnak’s gray-brown form as he settled down beside her. She could sense his irritation before he even spoke and chose her words carefully. The older male was one of the more temperamental hunters and she was uninterested in dealing with an argument.

“We will have to wait and see what Torin says,” she replied mildly, glancing toward where the alpha currently rested, conversing with Kali. “I certainly hope so. The day will grow dull hanging around here for much longer.”

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🔵 Saturn [lion
skulls] (#38235)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 22:34:41

[ Torin † Male † 4 yrs † Alpha † Shadow, fire † Mentions: Kali, hunters ]

The slight scent of smoke reached Torin's nostrils as the tiny fire he had created was vanquished. He stared at the ground for a moment before he noticed that some hunters had gathered outside. He turned his gaze towards them, regarding them for a second before looking up towards the sky. Clouds loomed overhead threateningly, prompting the alpha to get the day started. Maybe the hunters could go out before the rains started and the prey disappeared.

The dark-colored male was about to rise to his paws when he was approached by the glowing huntress, Kali. This female had intrigued him ever since she joined his pack, as he had only heard of light elementals such as herself before. She greeted him, sounding calm. He regarded her, his ears perking at the knowing expression she held. His own expression was calm, emotionless. His pale eyes betrayed nothing - he made well sure of it.

"Well enough," Torin responded. "Just hoping that the rain waits until we can get some prey for the day."

His voice was even, and he told her the truth. With a flick of his ears, he rose to his paws and stretched his long limbs. He then proceeded to pad towards the hunters, expecting Kali to follow him. As he approached, he yipped a greeting. "Good morning, all. I hope you're all prepared to go out. We'll need food before this rain starts," he said lightly, his pale gaze moving between the gathered hunters as he spoke.

[ Kilian † Male † 3 yrs † Hunter † Nature, water † Mentions: ]

The clouds overhead were casting a dreary feeling over the camp, or so Kilian thought. He lazily watched the camp, uninterested even as his fellows began gathering. However, he figured that now was good a time as any to get out of the cave and begin socializing. With a huff, the brown wolf pushed himself to his paws and sauntered over to the hunters. Iris and Kalgnak were close together, while Aalin was nearby - wrestling, it seemed, with an apprentice. Another hunter, Kali, was close to where Torin was resting under a tree.

Kilian approached Iris and Kalgnak, although they were both wolves he was thus far unsure of. Kalgnak was known to be grouchy and Iris likely wouldn't tolerate his usual antics of flirtation and playfulness. Bored already, Kilian gave a friendly glance between the two wolves. "Restless already, eh?" he asked, sitting down near the two. A small chuckle came from him before he turned his attention to where his brother approached.

Torin was ready for an early start. Kilian gave the alpha a sideways glance, before nodding in agreement. The air had begun to be tinged with the smell of rain, so perhaps it was best to get going quickly.

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MoreTeaPlz (#115505)

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Posted on
2017-07-11 22:47:07
Aalin | female | hunter | Water , Air | Mentions : Turnip , Torin

The large dark coated male approached silently, he drifted to the middle of the hunters that had gathered loosely in the clearing. "Good morning," he began in a voice low and even that made her shiver. He sounded cold and dark and wounded perhaps but it was a hard thing to translate to one's tone. She turned to the playful apprentice and gave her a sad smile. "Looks like I'll be away hunting for a bit, the pack needs food." She hated the way the smaller wolf's smile dropped. "Hey! It's okay, it's okay." She looked around for a remedy for sadness. She was bad at things like this. "If this rain clears up after I've hunted I'll ask Torin if I can take you out for a hunting lesson." Half of her instantly regretted it. Combined with the hunting training an energetic apprentice would exhaust her. She would again arise late, Sark had always awoken to watch the sunrise and without any words of acknowledgement, they would sit together on a small hill to silently watch as the sun slipped to the skies. She padded closer to Torin before she could regret it too much and sat to watch him give out his instructions.

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🌻roseistance🌻 (#58710)

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Posted on
2017-07-12 20:09:07

Ceyla ✦ Female ✦ 3y 11m ✦ Nature ✦ Fire ✦ Warrior ✦
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: {Indirectly} Torin

The sound of scuffling paws caused her ear to twitch in annoyance, peeking her eye open to light streaming into the den. Groaning, she sat up and flinched at the light that had slowly filled the den. Many nests were already empty, so she assumed patrols were to be made soon. Being careful not to step on any others still resting, she quietly made her way outside by the others. With a heavy shake of her thick fur, she sniffled, the cold air pricking her skin. She hated when it was anything below 70, especially when it was cloudy. Grumbling she plopped down as Torin began to greet the pack. Yipping a small morning to him as he made his way towards the hunters, she rolled onto her side, wondering if someone was willing to spar with her for the day.


Devaki ✦ Male ✦ 4y 2m ✦ Shadow ✦ Water✦ Beta ✦
✦ Camp
✦ Mentions: {Directly }Iris, Kilian, Aalin, Ceyla, Kalin, Torin, and Kalgank

Devaki's paws slammed the trunk of a tree as he sent numerous barks up its core, some idea in his head that the squirrel would be willing to crawl back down if he showed his dominance. Anger heating him, he dug his claws into the bark and left a mark, huffing as he jumped back down, looking to the sky. It was easy for him to tell that the rain was going to start soon, his core able to feel it when it was still hours away from just drizzling. With a sigh, he began to make his way back to camp, knowing that the pack would need his presence. His golden eyes glittered as he sprung into view of the others, his pillars moving into a faster motion as he edged closer to the group of waiting wolves. Suddenly, he was there in a matter of seconds as he appeared in Torin's shadow. Hiding a grin, he sat down and peered at the larger male as he greeted the others. Assuming the small crowd was itching for patrols, he cleared his throat a bit and scanned the awake pack-mates.

"Iris, could you bring Kilian, Aalin, and Kalgank on a patrol, please?" He stated, rising to his paws. "Ceyla and Kalin and I will go for a border check." He finished, glancing at Torin for his approval of patrols. A slight guiltiness pricked his skin as he had been here late and the others had been waiting. With a light groan, he slowly padded over to the den, sticking his head inside and sniffing. Sure enough, many bodies were still idle in sleep. He snorted and let out a loud bark, the sound hurting his own ears in the small space. That would surely wake the rest up. Backing away from the entrance, he sat his flank to the chilly ground as he waited for everyone to be ready.

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West (#43497)

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Posted on
2017-07-14 19:54:42

Male | 3 yrs. 10 m. | FIRE & air | Pwerus Warrior
Camp | Mentions: Torin, Devaki, packmates

Val had gotten a few good hours of sleep when he first laid down much earlier that night, but he had awoken with an uncomfortable shiver sometime in the wee hours of the morning. His golden-amber eyes blinked blearily open, foggy and momentarily blind. The brute clinched his teeth silently, ears flicking as his eyes adjusted to the early morning twilight. He was tucked near the side of their cavernous den, his sides warm against the smooth rock that was managing to keep his heat rather well. The short, shallow breaths of his packmates could be heard from across the den, and that sound somehow lulled him back into a dosing slumber into the morning.

The next time Valandur awoke it was to a few wolves gently padding from the den, tails held high over the still slumbering canines. He blinked a few times, much more awake than he had been the first time he'd awoken. He peered outside, already shuffling into a sitting position and shaking his head to clear the rest of his morning fuzz. His perked ears caught the tail end of his Beta's voice calling out patrols. Val's name was withheld for obvious reasons and he was quick to stumble to his paws and ready himself for the outside world.

A sudden loud bark rang through the den and echoed, causing him to flatten his ears and grumble in immediate dissatisfaction. "Alright, alright. I'm up," he called, half-stepping and half-hopping over the awakening wolves. He blinked into the sun upon making it outside, the darker browns, grays, and black in his pelt warming in the rays. He sidestepped around the Beta and sent him an apologetic look, murmuring a quick but respectful, "Good morning. Where should I be?"

Female | 2 yrs. 3 m. | EARTH & nature | Loner
Edge of the territory | Mentions: none

It had been a cold night for Rana, tucked into a rocky, leafy crevice by herself. She curled into herself, her tail tip covering her twitching nose to retain heat. It couldn't have been more than five days since Lokin was lost to the falls, but her body was already losing much-needed weight and her fur had never lost it's shine like it had now. When her eyes opened this morning, the hazel-green was dull but sad. She glanced to the rolling gray clouds forming in the distance, her head barely peeking out from the den she was inhabiting. A drop of perspiration from a leaf above her den fell onto her nose and the young wolf instinctively sneezed, ears flattening.

Rana glared at the darkening sky and slowly unfurled from her resting place, her muscles stretching and twinging as she crept from her crevice. When she was on steady, grassy ground she shook her thick fur out and sighed heavily. Her stomach felt empty but she hadn't felt hungry in days. A few ravens cawed overhead and she watched them as they alighted from the trees and flapped off into the distance. They'd found the territory of the wolves with powers like them but... Rana had lost her desire to find the wolves within with Lokin's disappearance.

Stretching her back legs one last time, she grumbled to herself and set off on a small path she walked to a nearby creek quite frequently. It was something to do because she was so unused to lying around, but her body ached with loneliness and the loss of her brother's presence. It was hard to admire the nature around her when the only thing she could see was her younger brother barreling headfirst over a cliffside. Rana blinked hard and turned towards the right, padding over some smooth rocks and stepping into the clear stream. Tiny fish moved past her paws and she closed her eyes and felt the water around her. None of the wolves she'd ever known had the power of Water but it had always been refreshing to her and she thought it coincided well with her Earth and Nature abilities.

"Oh, Lokin," she murmured quietly, crumpling into the water and gently dabbing at it restlessly with her paws. She was unsure if she was crying or if she even had tears left, but she naively laid in the water and stared into the moving stream.

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Vespering [MAIN] (#33076)

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Posted on
2017-07-14 22:03:53

| I R I S |
Female • 3 y/o • Pwerus Hunter • {Major} Air \ {Minor} Water
Location: Camp • Mentions:{Directly} Kalgnak, Kilian, Devaki, Aalin / {Indirectly} Torin, Kali

As Torin approached and announced a hunt would soon be held she flicked Kalgnak lightly on the flank with her tail. “There’s your answer, I suppose,” she commented before rising to her paws and moving to meet the alpha and Kali as they drew nearer to the resting hunters. Her ears flicked in acknowledgment of Kilian’s comment, though she paid the tan furred wolf little mind, leaving Kalgnak to answer him instead. As Devaki called her name and left her in charge of a hunting patrol her ears perked and gaze expressed shock, but she quickly dipped her head in acceptance. “Of course.”

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

| S I K U |
Male • 5 y/o • Loner • {Major} Nature \ {Minor} Ice
Location: Edge of the Territory • Mentions: {Directly} Rana

He crossed the lake with lazy bounds, the ice returning to liquid form as soon as his paws passed over it. Ice was not his main power, but Siku had lived long enough to gain more control over his lesser ability than a young wolf would have. Soon enough he touched solid ground and left the lake behind, the grass frosting slightly under his touch. He traveled as far as the creek uninterrupted, the scent of a female wolf becoming apparent on the wind the closer he came. Amber eyes narrowed and Siku approached with caution. He knew well enough even a lone wolf could be dangerous. He found Rana half submerged in the water, seemingly consumed by grief. “I hope you aren’t attempting to drown yourself young lady,” he commented, slowing to a halt along the bank.

((Sorry for the short responses. Writer’s block is not my friend.))

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