Posted by Wandering Star - Zodiac RP - [Character Sheets]

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-07-18 15:38:43

Main Roleplay Thread


Edit this post to list your character sheet form.

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Edited on 18/07/17 @ 15:40:15 by Direwisp (#98474)

Direwisp (#98474)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 00:53:46

Dakota Silver

Physical: 19
Actual: 19,000


Sexual Orientation

Picture Source
Dakota is what would be considered a pretty girl. She stands at around 5'9 and weighs around 121 pounds, her fast metabolism giving her a lean body (though with all of the running she does she was guaranteed to have one anyway). She has long platinum blond hair and blue eyes which tend to range from a cloudy color to as bright as the ocean on a sunny day. And despite her time in multiple war movements she surprisingly doesn't have many scars. She has a single long (and nicely healed) scar on her inner left thigh from when she was younger. Tattoos are another story however.She has 4 different tattoos. Her first tattoo was an infinity sign that appears to be scratched out which she got on her left collar bone. Her second was a Wolf Tattoo on the side of her left thigh that starts just bellow her hip and stops right before the knee. Her third tattoo was a pair of wings surrounding a cross on her back. Her last tattoo was something simple compared to her second and third, it was a simple quote on her forearm, " Courage isn't having the strength to go on. It's going on when you don't have the strength"

Zodiac Sign


Dakota will readily lend a helping hand to the family, friends and the needy even if it means that She would have to endure hardship or loss.

You can count on Dakota, She will not leave you disappointed. Rain or shine, if you need her she will be there.

Patience is a virtue and Dakota posses it aplenty. She believes in doing the job right rather than being the first one to do the job.

Financially and emotionally, Dakota prefers to be independent and strong so that she doesn't have to look for support when life throws lemons at her.

Once she sets her eyes on something, Dakota will persistently put in all the efforts to get it. Failures and setbacks rarely dampens her spirits

Dakota is as loyal as a person can be and whilst it takes time to earn her loyalty once you have it you have an ally for life.

Although easy going and respectful, Dakota can be unbelievably stubborn and inflexible in her approach. So much so that when the logical arguments don’t suit them, She will just refuse to listen!

Dakota is so goal-oriented that she often forms a notion that the world revolves around her. Her self-indulgent streak makes her rude, and ignorant of others’ emotions at times, not that she will admit it.

While she is patient, she is also lazy, especially when ordered to do something. Dakota will not move a muscle till she is motivated to get up and work.

In her bid to secure her future and maintain a certain image in society, Dakota tends to become materialistic.

Possessiveness, which often translates into jealousy and resentment, is one major negative trait in Dakota. Many a times her possessiveness even costs her genuine relationships.

While it is good to value money, Dakota can sometimes take it too far and become frugal in the name of savings and building a better future.

Despite the strong front she puts up Dakota does have those lingering thoughts of "What if i was wrong? What if i pushed them away? What if they are all pretending and actually hate me?" Little things tend to get to her which is why she tries to master everything and be helpful to others no matter how it affects herself. She cant stand high disapproval from someone she looks up to, namely those older then herself. her insecurity would also explain why she tends to panic when she gets something wrong or forgets something that her mind deems important, something like food she made tasting bad or forgetting a simple thing such as to bring a pen with her to a test even though said pens are provided. Despite her panic state though if someones around then she will hide it, play it off as if its no big deal.

Short Bio
(Not required)

♉ Has Zodiac Symbol on inner right wrist ♉
Birthday is May 13th
Has a small crush on Pisces
Stands at around 5'9
Favorite song is Dirty Paws
As a earth sign Dakota has a shared control over nature as well as some overly high amounts of strength (higher then most zodiacs due to her zodiac type itself) and is able to shape shift.

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Dexpere (#119556)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 01:09:26



Sexual Orientation:

Standing at 6'1", Nathaniel has bronze skin and carefully gelled back short black hair. If his thick hair isn't gelled back (for one reason or another), it's a wild mess due to his habit of running his hands through it. He's well built with a single scar from a bullet to the left of his heart. His smoky blue eyes are often dull and he's usually seen in a cobalt sweatshirt two sizes too big along with normal casual attire.

Zodiac Sign:

Nathiel is often characterized by his pessimistic and sometimes cynical outlook on most events. Paired with his lack of trust for others, Nathaniel keeps few friends and even those are subject to his occasional bursts of distrustful scrutiny. Although he often has a standoffish personality, he can change quickly into a charming person if he feels he can manipulate his way into a better situation. This leads him into getting in positions that stir up more trouble than fun. Underlying all this is his extreme insecurity of himself. The few sincere compliments he gets are laughed at and any remark Nathaniel perceives as a personal attack is met with a harsh (and often petty) insult. To put it plainly, Nathaniel's got a superiority complex. He's secretly scared of drawing attention from outsiders to himself which causes him to hate crowded places (or really anywhere where large masses of people might find reasons to look at him). Using a carefully sculpted mix of passive-aggressiveness and general ignorance of others feelings, Nathaniel has no problem shaping himself into the group's top bad guy.

His tattoo of cancer is on his lower back. His zodiac power consist of him being able to influence all creatures pertaining to the sea with varying degrees of success based on size. The smaller the animal, the easier he can influence it.
He takes naps like you wouldn't believe.
Is lowkey amazing with kids.
Kids are probably one of the few things he doesn't hate.
He can heal people but it's both mentally and physically exhausting for him.

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Edited on 25/07/17 @ 01:59:05 by Dexpere (#119556)

RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-07-25 04:42:25
Sasori Akomi

Age: (18+)


Sexual Orientation:


Sasori is 6'8' with an nice athletic build. He has crisom red hair with matching red eyes. He has a tattoo of a red scorpion crawling over a pile of bones with red roses growing out of them that covers half Of his left arm. He also has a heart

Zodiac Sign:

Personality: Sasori is a very straightforward usually saying answers with a truthfully response. He can be closed about his feelings especially to strangers. He does have a mischievous side and likes to play harmless pranks on others. He really doesn't get angery easily but once he is, it takes along time for him to calm down. Sasori does have a soft and tender side to him, a side hardly anyone has ever seen. He doesn't mind being a shoulder to cry on or an ear to ramble about problems to, though he usually just stay quiet and wait til they finish before leaving. He likes to spend his free time by the water, reading a book and listening to music on his head phone. He loves music much he literally can't go a minute without it.

Short Bio: (Not required)

Src of tattoos:


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Edited on 31/07/17 @ 17:09:11 by RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 07:11:01


.: Name :.
Castilian Blue

.: Gender :.

.: Age :.
Kitsune years : 221
Human years : 21

.: Orientation :.
Bisexual | Biromantic

.: Personality :.
If you had to describe Cas's personality in one sentence it would be "Silent but deadly". The reason why is because even though his quite nature is what most see, if you attempt to get further into knowing who he is you may get snapped at, and you regret even thinking of befriending this psychotic person. He isn't keen on sharing anything; Information, food, rooms, heck even the living room. If you are a person who regretted meeting this person, you would now describe Cas as a selfish bastered who snaps at anything and everyone, much like a wild fox. Now if we had to pick words to describe him entirely they would be Distant, Cold-hearted, Jerk, self-centered, caged get the point; he isn't a social butterfly and basically hates anything. The only thing he would agree on with someone is if they decided to go do something stupid; which in this case he would promote that and probably even help them achieve their goal in being..well stupid. While we are on that note, he is willing to do anything that includes destruction or pain. So if you ever need someone to vandalize something, he's the guy; and if you need certain people to fight, he's the guy that would provoke two men against each other. He is influential, decieving most innocent souls into doing something that's to his liking. He is though rather studious, and is mostly seen reading a book when not up to mischievous deeds. Cas himself would be suprised if someone had actually went through the agony of trying to get to know him, the "real" him. All the previous stuff that had been said of him was fault of being a void kitsune, something that is entirely out of his control. If he wasn't a kitsune; or had been a tamed/different species of Kitsune, he could be a rather pleasant person to be around. He wouldn't need destruction and pain to feed him (Void Kitsunes feed off of others bad vibes/emotions). Alas, fate had deemed him a void kitsune, making him what he is till this day.

.: Human Appearance :.
Cas is about 6 feet and weighs around 146 pounds. He is a tall guy, and may seem slim, but don't let the slimness fool you. He is very strong and agile, due to his species. His hair is a dull black and his style is slightly shaggy, but is mostly straight and shows the typical gothic look. Adding more to his already dark looks is his misty eyes, they look haunting and when he gives deep and intense stares they seem to darken like ice heading into a gloomy storm. If we had to pick a color to choose the base of his eyes, they would be a blueish-grey. Though Cas can alter his appearence, he is always seen in this male form. The only thing he changes on occasion is his eyes. When you first meet him it is most likely you would see him and think he is blind, yes, he purposely makes himself blind. You may wonder, "Why go blind?", well lets just say this is just another trick he has up his sleeve. He does this to lure those who think he is weak, and this is were he decives all. He takes this chance to take advantage of most, since almost everyone would think he is vulnerable if he can't see, they are proven wrong by none other than himself as he takes them down, much like predator and prey. He doesn't kill his victims, but puts them in an unbearable state of pain so he may feed off of them, on occasions he does kill his victims but that is if he felt like it. His built is average, not because he doesn't like to be muscular, but keeps the deceiving trick more tempting. If we go into attires for him, he normally just wears a t-shirt, basic shoes, some jeans, and a jacket/hoodie or even a black long drench coat. He doesn't care much for carrying appearances and dressing up and would much rather dress up in dull colors so he may vanish whenever he pleases. He does indeed wear makeup around his eyes and sometimes necklaces and collars, but really doesn't have a reason to, I guess you can say he likes it.

.: Ability/Power :.
Void Kitsune

.: Shifter Appearance :.
Cas's true form is a giant silver fox. If there is an animal you would compare his height to it would be a horse. He currently only has eight tails but once he gets his last tail, his coat will turn into a gold. Though he is able to change his human appearance, he cannot change how his fox form looks, he may only down-grade it to a normal fox size and back. In this form he is able to use his fox fiire that engulfs anything it touchs, causing things like plants and trees to wither and die on site and creatures to rot and suffocate under the toxic fumes of the fire. He never tried it on humans particularly, but he has tried it on other animals and he can only guess that what happened to the animals would happen to humans as well. His fox fire is dark and contains hints of dark purple accents, which corresponds with how he is a void Kitsune. He has a crystal-like orb that is called a star ball hidden within himself that contains his powers. If someone had managed to get a hold of it, they would be able to control Cas into doing their bidding. Thus Cas never takes the ball out in order to never be tamed and be a free Nogitsune. Alas, there is another way he can be controlled and it is by making a contract and being a familiar to whom in question, and that is by kissing the kitsune. This is something Cas can't fully keep away from people, and in order to not be a familiar he doesn't affiliate in relationships and love.

.: Biography :.

.: Extra :.
- His birth of Date is unknown
- He has no family or relatives that are living
- Secretly he likes being petted
- He never sleeps
- He demands to be dominant of other animals, and will fight if needed
- He hates large crowds
- He likes the soothing noise of the piano
- He can eat Human food but it isn't as satisfying as feeding off of emotions, but can survive off of human human food
- If he doesn't feed regularly, his fox flames diminish which essentially kills him (with the exception of eating just human food)
- He fears and has a large hatred for dogs
- His powers arn't full known to him. So far he can posses fox-fire (But will later on will be able to learn to do illusions & invisibility)
- Picture is mine, Do not use.
- The backstory of The Kitsune
- (May or may not add more)

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Edited on 26/07/17 @ 07:33:40 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

The Joker Wolf (#93618)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 07:13:47

Lily Gander

.: Nicknames :.

.: Age :.
Physical - 18 years
Actual - 9,000 years

.: Gender :.

.: Orientation :.
Bisexual | Biromantic

.: Appearance :.
Pie stands at around 5'3 and weighs about 132 pounds. Her body is thin as most would say, but she isn't skinny to the point were you would see her bones. As you may know her build isn't much because she doesn't enoy excerising and would rather lay in water and enjoy her surroundings. Her skin tone is pale, but gives off a glow that seems almost enchanting. Her cheeks are flushed most of the time, or slightly pink. Her lips are lush and contrast against her pale skin. Her hair is long and wavy, and its color is a chocolate brown with some golden strands that are mixed into her thick hair. Her eyes are similar to the color of seafoam, but most would just say it is a light green that surround her pupils. Her size maybe small, but do not over estimate her since she is agile on land and quick in water. Her attire consist of loose clothes, but would mostly be seen in dresses. She doesn't like dark colors clothes, and would much rather enjoy light colors for example easter colors.

.: Personality :.
Pie is a kind and gentle soul, caring for most well-beings. She can be seen most of the time trying to help those around her and enjoys it. She can be shy at first glance but when you get to know he she becomes unbelievably sweet and nurturing. Her downfalls is she can be easily manipulated and distracted. Almost anyone can use her and she wouldn't even notice until it is too late. She can be over-emotional at times when she feels conflict going on between her and someone else or even between two other people. She tries her best to help people, and doesn't bother with her own situations unless she has nothing else to do. Her priorities are simple, other people's needs go before hers. She yerns for companionship and the experience of love, which easily makes her a daydreamer and can fantasize most of the time as well. She doesn't say this but she can become lonely when no one speaks with her, and can feel ill and down in the dumps when no one interacts with her but acts like she is fine. She can be fun and expresses herself in art, this comes in different varieties including; singing, dancing, drawing, and even playing musical instruments.

.: Zodiac Sign :.

.: Extra :.
- She has a tendency to pet animals and likes to give hugs to people who morph beware! (Or anyone in general lol)
- Her sign is found on her left hip
- Her birthday is February 21
- She enjoys the winter/Spring times, Summer/Fall not so much
- Her favorite animal is a Koi fish

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Edited on 25/07/17 @ 08:44:41 by The Joker Wolf (#93618)

LittleAntler [BLM] (#30151)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 12:46:40


Darius Albescu

Physical - 20 Years
Actual - 16,000 Years

Cisgender Male

Sexual Orientation
Homosexual, Homoromantic

The current mortal form of Darius was born in Romania, giving him a pale complexion,
along with an Eastern European accent. He has no freckles or moles on his body, although scars seem commonplace. The most noticeable scars are those on his face - Both on the left side, one starts just above his eye and cuts through his eyebrow, while the other nicks the upper part of his lip. He has many more scars, hinting at his bloody past, though the origin for many remain unknown to all except himself. These scars include a very deep,
graphic scar that runs along his right hip bone, just above his black Zodiac tattoo, and what appears to be a few other stab wounds to his stomach. Darius has light brown hair that is styled in an undercut, of which he takes great care to make sure it doesn't turn into a bowl cut, and he has golden-brown eyes. He is relatively muscular and possesses a 'fighter's' body type, given his time spent brawling in mortal bars. He is 6'3.

Zodiac Sign

Darius does not speak much, yet when he does, it's typically in a snarky remark.
His laughter consists mainly of bitter snorts and harsh grunts, making him seem quite unfriendly. He possesses quite extreme anger issues, and has been known to go out into town and brawl with ne'er-do-wells in back-alleys and in bars. Although seemingly aggressive, Darius is incredibly loyal and brave, and can be friendly if the other person approaches him with friendly intent. It would seem Darius is not openly hostile, and more likely just remarkably distrustful, and his sense of humor has come to reflect his pessimism. Darius, no matter what he might say,
is incredibly gentle when it comes to emotional matters, which comes as a shock to many. It would seem that his tough-guy exterior melts into a soft, warm center to anyone weaker, either physically or mentally, than him.
He suffers from depression, anxiety, and PTSD, but he has told no one, and hides many of his symptoms. Darius used to be very happy-go-lucky and optimistic, although none of the Zodiacs younger than Scorpio have ever seen that side of him.

Short Bio
Darius has told no one of his past, and if they wish to know, they will have to earn his trust. Darius's transformation from a sunny, happy boy into an angry ball of rage is something he doesn't like to talk about.

His birthday is August 1st.
He has a tattoo of the Leo symbol on his right hip.
He can transform into a half-man, half-lion creature when he is under immense stress. He is working on controlling this ability so that he can use it in the case of needing to protect one of his fellow Zodiac.
He carries brass knuckles with him whenever he goes into public.
He loves the beach and photography.
Do not use my OC without my permission.

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Edited on 29/07/17 @ 20:04:57 by Nicholas [Smilus Syndicate] (#30151)

Haolia (#80028)

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Posted on
2017-07-28 19:32:31
Name – Caleb Fulton

Age—18000 [ZY]/ 20 [HY]


Sexual Orientation – Bisexual

– His preferred appearance gives him bright blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. He’d stand at 6’3 and have a pale skin tone. He’s be a bit on the lanky side. If he travels to a place where such an appearance would be a rare sight, he’d tweak it [assuming that all the Zodiacs have the power to do this].
– He dresses in mostly monochrome clothing.
– Has the Gemini symbol on top of his heart

– When one first meets him, he’s actually rather snarky. However, if they’re visibly uncomfortable with it, he’ll try to drop it. Nonetheless, he is rather nice, though he maintains his distance.
– He does respect people quite a bit, though it really throws him off if people verbally recognize this. Part of it is because he doesn’t like staying around one place for very long, and having them respect him means that they’ll probably remember him and miss him—he’d rather fade into obscurity and travel across the world freely.
– He’s a bit of a people-pleaser though, so he usually tries to help out with whatever situation he finds himself in, even if he has to use a little bit of his powers.
– He’s pretty curious, though this mainly applies to human civilizations—he’ll leave Virgo to look at the plants.
– It’s hard for him to get angry, but if you do… well, it’ll be hard to placate him.

– Loves books. Usually prefers biographies and books of mythology, but will enjoy a novel from time to time.
– Can create a “clone” of himself. It cannot speak and usually looks like it was made from the night sky (like the celestial items in the firefly shop), and if he tries hard enough (read: puts in enough effort that he’ll collapse later), it can move. He can also make parts of the clone separately, though how much effort he has to put in making these parts [which do work—he can see out of an eye he makes and use an extra pair of arms] depends on their size and complexity.
– He spent a lot of time travelling through the cities of Earth. As a result, he probably doesn’t have a strong bond with most of the Zodiacs.

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RedEclipesWolf (#96769)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-09 21:21:02
Rosina Valquez

Age: (18+)


Sexual Orientation:


Image removed by moderator
Rosina is 5'4 with a nice hourglass frame. She has straight, thick, dark brown hair that falls just past her chest. Her eyes are grey that slowly bleeds into hazle in the center. She has a tattoo of her sign behind her left ear.

Zodiac Sign:

Rosina is adventurous and out going, always ready to take a journey no matter how difficult anf long it may be. She is very optimistic and loves to dream big, she has been known to be very blunt and honest. Rosina isn't one who dwells on misfortune and bad experience, she also hates selfish people and sore losers. Don't try to control her every movement, she extremely hates this and will distance herself from you. Rosina can be very ruthless when she feel like she has veen done wrong, her creativity showing in her revenge schemes. She can be very impatient at times and can get very frustrated if she is waiting for too long. Rosina is a strategist always ten steps ahead of her opponent. Rosina is naturally curious and a risk taker. Rosina hates petty drama and just likes to keep focus on the important matter of life. She loves making new friends but when it comes to love Rosina like to take it slow and steady. If she feels like someone is coming on to fast or strong she usually distance herself. Rosina will always be there when a friend needs her the most but will distance herself when she feels sad or depressed.

Short Bio: (Not required)
Rosina has been around the world, always finding a new adventure. She has learned many things and can speak eight languages.

Theme Songs: Cheap Thrills__song by: Sia ft Sean Paul... Wake Me Up__Song by: Avicii.. Mind__song by: Skrillex & Diplo ft. Kai

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Edited on 14/08/17 @ 18:34:55 by Msasi (#21461)

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