Posted by War Of The Rouges {RP thread}
KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:58:48

《Co-Admin = Nights Moonlilly》

(This RP is taken place in modern times and the territories are in forest regions)
Rouges are becoming an ever growing problem for everyone and need sorting out. However, they keep getting bigger in numbers and are actually starting to form a pack. A pack with no leader. A pack with no ranks. A pack with no rules. A pack that will see what it wants and kill for it. so as you can see this will become a problem. The Celestial pack are in great danger and need to start training right away to gain their strength and fight for their land. Rouges are coming for them; due to growth in numbers they need more territory and these guys happen to be right where they have set their mind to.
Rouges are coming and you need to get ready. Will you stay and honor your pack? or when it comes to battling will you run like the coward you are? Wait.. or are you one of the blood thirsty mongrals?

1) All Lioden rules apply
2) No God nodding or power playing
3) Don't push other players character(s) around
4) Don't make more characters than you can handle
5) Fade to black with mating or birthing. Minimal violence is allowed and needed.
6) All sexualities and genders welcome!
7) Hate the character not the player
8) Put pineapples in other if you read the rules
9) Pm the player to have your character be mates with theirs
10) Don't kill or seriously injure a wolf without players permission.
11) 3+ Sentences.

《Celestial Pack》

Alpha Male - OPEN
Alpha Female - Jessabel {played by me}

Beta Male - Duncan {played by Amber}
Beta Female - Dakota {played by Direwisp}

Lead Hunter - Vasta {played by Talavainia}
- Deon {played by Squirrelby}

Lead Warrior - Fenris {played by Twinky}
- Bandit {played by me}
- Ruki {played by Cheru}
- Dawn {played by Cherry}
- Drake {played by Sinbad}

Herbalist - Mercury {played by Adamymous}
Apprentice - OPEN

Tranier(s) - OPEN/LIMITED (4)
- Erebus {played by Cherry}

Pup Watchers - OPEN/LIMITED (4)
- Lilith {played by Nights Moonlilly}
- Layla {played by Friva}
- Miyuki {played by Cheru}

- Celeste and Arum {played by Nights Moonlilly}
- Vulcan {played by Adamymous}
- Lapis {played by Direwisp}
- Vega {played by Wub}
- Miyuki {played by Cheru}
- Chrysanthe {played by Wub}

Omega - Vale {played by Narvala}

《Rouges Pack》

- Talion {played by Twinky}
- Lidea and Kolton {played by Twinky}
- Braydon {played by Amber}
- Eclipse {played by Cheru}
- Vixen {played by Lawen}
- Samuel {played by Sinbad}
- Kodiak {played by me}

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 12:51:22 by KnightzTribe (#106481)

KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:22:57
((Oops well maybe he could stumble across them now?))

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 11:23:36 by KnightzTribe (#106481)

KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 11:37:25
Kodiak || Rouge || Mentions: OPEN

Kodiak had gotten himself into a fight by once again being a smart mouth. The other male was larger and clearly older than him so Kodi knew he needed to get away somehow without dying. He snarles in the males face and kicked at him with his back legs; trying to get him off of his shoulder. After a couple shoves the brute got off of him and was hit into a tree, Kodiak took the time to scramble to his paws and run off. He didn't know where to but just away. He had a few cuts and bites that he needed to tend to but he had to get a bit away first.

Running for a while the male grew tired and weak and wasn't using his senses or common sense too well as he had flopped down by a tree in pack territory. His head laid on the ground and he panted quickly; trying to catch his breath back.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 13:22:08
Eclipse - Rogue pup - Mentions: Bandit, Ruki, Dawn;

Eclipse watched the female would carefully, tilting her head a little as she took a step back away, unintentionally letting out a small laugh. She tensed a little, glancing at Bandit for a moment as she was a little bit unsure about whether she should respond to the wolf. Though, wanting to be a bit more confident and calm, she looked back to the unknown wolf. “I'm Eclipse.” The black pup said, her tone proud as she sat down, her ears twitching. “What's your name?” Eclipse asked curiously, tilting her head a bit to the side.

Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

Surprising, the young wolf has only then just woken up, still somewhat sleepy despite being asleep basically all day. Rather than walking out of the den immediately upon waking up, she stayed lying down for awhile as she more or less wasn't fully awake. After a while, the female decided to get up instead of being lazy. Rising to her paws, the slim pale furred female let out a silent yawn, stretching out her limbs before cautiously padding out of the den, looking around carefully. Miyuki wasn't much of a social butterfly and preferred to be alone, and that's exactly what she went to do. Even though she was slightly pessimistic about it, the wolf managed to successfully sneak out of camp, or so she hoped. Wandering around the territory, Miyuki was extremely cautious and alert, pausing every few minutes to make sure there wasn't any danger nearby. Though, she somehow managed to fail to see the unknown wolf lying against a tree as she wandered on.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 13:36:18
Bandit || Warrior || Mention's: Ruki, Eclipse and Dawn

Bandit glanced to Eclipse before looking to Dawn. Relaxing a little at the fellow wolf's change, she didn't seem like she hated the pup as much. He yawned quietly and laid down between his mate and the pup. His eyes wandered to Jessabel; thinking if he should talk to her yet or not. no wait, Eclipse needs to be with you. he thought to himself and looked at Ruki.

Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

The young male soon got his breathing together but stayed laid on the forest floor for a few moments. His head soon shot up and his ears twitched as he heard the quiet crunch of leaves beneath paws. He let out a quiet growl as he spotted a female, a female that looked quiet similar to him if it wasn't for his blood stained fur. She seemed to be younger in the slightest but also didin seem to notice him. Kodiak felt as if that was a good thing as he wasn't exactly in the best state to fight even if she was younger and smaller.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 13:48:42
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

The female froze upon hearing a faint growl, her ears perked straight up as she cautiously looked around, only then noticing the wolf lying near a tree, causing her to jump a bit in surprise. Trying not to seem like a weak or scared, Miyuki straightened her posture, turning to face the wolf who was most likely a rogue as she hadn't ever seen him before. Her gaze narrowed slightly, her ears seeming to shift back a little as she then spoke. “Who are you?” She questioned, her tone soft yet cold as she had spoken, her head tilting a little bit to the side.

((Will respond with the other two when CherryLady responds ^-^))

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:05:30
((Oki doki))

Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak cringed as she noticed him, hexamining pushed himself closer to the tree only to wince from a wound. He sighed quietly and looked at her. none of your damn business he thought and was tempted to actually say it but he figured he shouldn't. "A bear." He chuckled after a few moments seeing as his name was also a species of bear. He was still being a bit of a smart mouth but honestly couldn't help it. He wanted to get up but was afraid that would make him seem weaker or more of a threat.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:17:44
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

The wolf's ears perked for a moment at the rogue's words, soon flattening when he simply said a bear, which had managed to get the female a little annoyed. Annoying.. Miyuki thought, her gaze narrowing as she huffed and took a step back. “Tsk, why are you here? You're in pack territory, if you haven't noticed.” The female stated, her tail flicking as she kept her gaze on the male, still visibly alert. She was tempted to say something else, but kept quiet and instead, waited patiently for him to respond.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:26:13
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak tensed as he heard her speak again. "Uh..I-Im sorry.. I didn't notice.. I was running and um I just collapsed here.." He muttered. His demeanour clearly changing. He looked over his body and cringed to see he was no longer white. He looked back to the female and pinned his ears back as he slowly but hesitantly stood up; leaning against the tree so he didn't fall down. He eyes locked on her; wondering if she was going to attack him or get her pack or something.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:37:58
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

Miyuki seemed to notice his change in demeanor, a small sigh emitting from her as she shook her head a bit. “You're fine.” She said calmly, turning her head away. “You're lucky no one else saw you, or you'd possibly be more injured then what you already are.” The female pointed out, soon turning around and away from the rogue wolf, looking towards him. “If I were you, I'd hurry and leave before some wolf catches your scent.” Miyuki muttered, she wasn't trying to get in trouble by some wolf in the pack. If some wolf had managed to catch the rogue's scent, for sure they'd both get in trouble. Looking away from the male, she began walking off, though she wasn't heading back to camp anytime soon.

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 14:42:06 by ☪CheruWolf (#91514)

KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:45:23
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak watched her and soon tilted his head. She was letting him go? And turned her back to him? "I'm guessing your pack hasn't trained you..." He muttered and shook his head before sighing. "Could you possibly show me the way out?" He asked quietly. He would understand if she said no but he had no idea where he was and honestly needed to find his den somehow. Maybe it was close? He hoped it was anyway. Kodi took a small step away from the tree and watched her carefully.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 14:55:49
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

The female caught his words, a little flustered at this point at how true it was as she then glanced back at the male, visibly tensing a bit at his next words, a little surprised. She'd be willing to help him out, after all he was a bit injured and seemed harmless, but she hadn't exactly been out of camp too often, so she didn't really know her way around but she wanted to be positive, so she agreed. “Sure.” Was all she said as she turned to face the rogue slowly. She was a visibly cautious and alert as she soon walked past the male, glancing at him. “Come on.”

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 15:06:17
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak watched nervous upon waiting for her reply but when she said she would thay nervousness died down a bit. "Thank you." He said softly. Yes he could be cold but he had manners. He let the female go in front of him a bit before limping behind her. "Im coming." He said as she said 'come on.' She could tell she was on high alert and was cautious bit he didn't blame her as he was a rouge and she didn't know him as well as the fact he was covered in blood.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 15:14:50
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

The female kept a slow pace as she walked, knowing the male was quite injured. She was a bit tense as she hadn't really been around others wolves, if she ever was, it was only if it was needed or the wolves were close to her. The fact that this wolf was a rogue got her nervous, and not only that, but he was covered in blood, though she figured it was because he was in a fight so it didn't bother her that much, but she kept alert. Being careful, Miyuki continued walking on, keeping a slow pace as she occasionally glanced back at the male to make sure he was okay and still following. Letting out a small sigh, the female looked around, soon stopping as she figured they were already at the border of the territory. “Well, this is the border.” She sighed out, she'd be willing to go farther out but being out of the territory kind of scared her.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 15:35:25
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak noticed her occasionally look at him but decided to ignore it and continue following her. Thankful she kept with his pace. He was glad she was actually helping him instead of turning him into her pack as they could easily kill him at the moment especially sInce he wasn't exactly that old. His tail flicked slightly as they walked, his eyes wandering around the place so he would recognise it if he came across it again. He stopped as she stopped and sighed quietly but nodded. He looked around and tensed again; his ears pinning back as he still wasn't so sure on where he was. "Idiot..." He muttered to himself.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 17:50:49
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

Miyuki looked back to the rogue male, tilting her head a bit to the side as she soon turned to face him fully upon hearing him mutter something. “Hm? What is it?” She questioned, her tone was still a bit cold, however her demeanor was calm and somewhat gentle. “Is something wrong?” The female questioned again, genuinely considered as she examined him carefully, a little unsure of what the problem was.

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