Posted by War Of The Rouges {RP thread}
KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-07-25 14:58:48

《Co-Admin = Nights Moonlilly》

(This RP is taken place in modern times and the territories are in forest regions)
Rouges are becoming an ever growing problem for everyone and need sorting out. However, they keep getting bigger in numbers and are actually starting to form a pack. A pack with no leader. A pack with no ranks. A pack with no rules. A pack that will see what it wants and kill for it. so as you can see this will become a problem. The Celestial pack are in great danger and need to start training right away to gain their strength and fight for their land. Rouges are coming for them; due to growth in numbers they need more territory and these guys happen to be right where they have set their mind to.
Rouges are coming and you need to get ready. Will you stay and honor your pack? or when it comes to battling will you run like the coward you are? Wait.. or are you one of the blood thirsty mongrals?

1) All Lioden rules apply
2) No God nodding or power playing
3) Don't push other players character(s) around
4) Don't make more characters than you can handle
5) Fade to black with mating or birthing. Minimal violence is allowed and needed.
6) All sexualities and genders welcome!
7) Hate the character not the player
8) Put pineapples in other if you read the rules
9) Pm the player to have your character be mates with theirs
10) Don't kill or seriously injure a wolf without players permission.
11) 3+ Sentences.

《Celestial Pack》

Alpha Male - OPEN
Alpha Female - Jessabel {played by me}

Beta Male - Duncan {played by Amber}
Beta Female - Dakota {played by Direwisp}

Lead Hunter - Vasta {played by Talavainia}
- Deon {played by Squirrelby}

Lead Warrior - Fenris {played by Twinky}
- Bandit {played by me}
- Ruki {played by Cheru}
- Dawn {played by Cherry}
- Drake {played by Sinbad}

Herbalist - Mercury {played by Adamymous}
Apprentice - OPEN

Tranier(s) - OPEN/LIMITED (4)
- Erebus {played by Cherry}

Pup Watchers - OPEN/LIMITED (4)
- Lilith {played by Nights Moonlilly}
- Layla {played by Friva}
- Miyuki {played by Cheru}

- Celeste and Arum {played by Nights Moonlilly}
- Vulcan {played by Adamymous}
- Lapis {played by Direwisp}
- Vega {played by Wub}
- Miyuki {played by Cheru}
- Chrysanthe {played by Wub}

Omega - Vale {played by Narvala}

《Rouges Pack》

- Talion {played by Twinky}
- Lidea and Kolton {played by Twinky}
- Braydon {played by Amber}
- Eclipse {played by Cheru}
- Vixen {played by Lawen}
- Samuel {played by Sinbad}
- Kodiak {played by me}

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Edited on 09/08/17 @ 12:51:22 by KnightzTribe (#106481)

KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 22:03:21
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak grumbled; not wanting to answer her questions as he felt completely and utterly stupid for getting himself lost. Like what good wolf does that? He sighed and lowered his head in embarrassment before speaking. "I uh.. I don't know where I am..." He mumbled, answering the females question, even if it was quiet. His paw anxiously dug into the ground as he waited for the female to laugh at him or something like that.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-09 22:12:23
Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

The female wolf blinked, not exactly so surprised by his words as she more or less figured that out before she asked, but she did so anyways. She let out a soft sigh, her calm demeanor remaining as she lowered her head a little, keeping her gaze on the male. “It's alright, I could help you back past the border.” Miyuki suggested, lifting her head up a bit as she looked around for a moment, her gaze returning to the male as she waited for a response.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 00:51:06
Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak slowly relaxed as he heard the females offer. He thought overy it a few times as he figured she didn't get out of pack territory much or even at all. He didn't want to be the reason she got lost or hurt. "Erm it's up to you I mean...Yeah it's up to you." He said as he limped forward a bit, looking around to check if he could notice anywhere.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-08-10 11:42:59
Dawn - Female Warrior - Celestial Pack - Mentions: Bandit, Ruki, Eclipse

Dawn would sit down on the ground beside the pup, her tail giving a small thump. "Dawn, I'm a warrior in this pack," she'd say softly, her tone more gentle so she didn't seem as off putting for the pup. "I take it these two are looking after you?" She asks, tilting her head towards Ruki and Bandit. "You're in good paws if so," She chuffs.

Erebus - Male - Celestial Pack Trainer - Camp - Mentions: Jessabel

Erebus would eventually pad towards Jessabel, the sound of the rouges so close to their territory still heavy on his mind. As he approached he'd lower his head and tail, keeping his gaze low. "Jessabel, do you have a moment to speak?" He asks, feeling somewhat guilty for bothering her while she must already have a lot on her mind. But she was the Alpha and she did need to be aware of what was going on in her territory.

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Cheruwolf (G5 7.1k+
Ferus) (#91514)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 11:59:39
Eclipse - Rogue pup - Mentions: Dawn, Bandit, Ruki;

Eclipse smiled gently, looking up at the female. “Nice to meet you, Dawn!” She said happily, her ears perking up a bit as she soon glanced to Bandit and Ruki when Dawn spoke again. “Yup!” The black puppy said softly, smiling cheerfully towards the two males before looking back to the female warrior.

Miyuki - Pup watcher - Mentions: Kodiak;

Miyuki seemed to notice how the male visibly relaxed upon hearing her response. She nodded a little, the smallest of smiles forming. “It's fine, it's no problem really.” She said in a soft tone, the coldness in it seeming to have disappeared as she then began walking past the territory border. “I'm Miyuki, by the way.” The pale furres female said, pausing momentarily to look back at the male. “You coming?” She questioned, noticing the small distance as she looked away, resuming walking off, though her slow pace remained for the male.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:23:02
Jessabel || Alpha Female || Mention's: Erebus

Jessabel jumped a little as she heard a wolf speak, she looked at him and saw it was a trainer. "Sorry Erebus I must have zoned out." She said softly and sat herself up, making herself more presentable. "Sure, what's on your mind?" She asked gently, her head giving a small tilt to the side. Yes she had a lot on her mind but was still open to talk to her pack, especially if they had something on their mind.

Kodiak || Rouge || Mention's: Miyuki

Kodiak gave a small smile himself as she noticed the corners of her maw tilt up ever so slightly. "Thank you, Miyuki." He said softly and limped up to her side, walking with her. "Im Kodiak, you can probably tell why I said 'a bear' earlier.. sorry if that annoyed you but it was better than what I had on my head." He rambled a bit, making himself keep to her pace even if she was going slower for him.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:31:28
Lilith - Pup Watcher - Camp - Mentions:open

Lilith lifted her head and yawned sleepily. She didn't remember falling asleep but shrugged and slowly shifted so she could stand up without accidentally stepping on one of the pups. She moved to the side and stretched her legs. Looking around, she noticed the camp was more bustling than before and smiled

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 12:47:46
Mercury - Herbalist

Stirring from his own nap, Mercury yawned, standing up and stretching. He recalled the events from earlier - Lilith having her pups and meeting that rogue out at the edge of the territory. He still felt a bit guilty, not telling Jessabel about it, but hey. The rogue had meant no harm.

He padded out of the den, figuring that he should speak to Lilith before anything else. He poked his head inside the nursery. "... Everything alright?" He spoke softly as to not wake the pups.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:02:34
Lilith - Pup watcher

She smiled at the Herbalist and made sure her pups were safe and still asleep. "As alright as it can get?" she said unsure. She nodded towards the camp outside. "Do you mind if we talk out there? These little ones will wake up at the slightest sound" she said moving to the entrance.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:04:35
Mercury - Herbalist

He nodded and stepped back to let her out, following her as she walked. He kept quiet until they were far enough away. "They seem nice and healthy. I take it you named them all by now?" He sat down as he spoke, looking to her as he awaited a response.

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Nights Moonlily (#76015)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:10:51
Lilith - Pup watcher

She smiled and looked back at the nursery. "We have, the little grey girl is Celeste, the black boy is Arum, the bluish black female is Lapis and the last one who looks like me is Chrysanthe." she said looking back at Mercury. She looked at her feet in slightly shamed as she told the Herbalist what she was caught doing earlier. She closed her eyes and looked away slightly once she was done recapping the earlier events.

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GalacticRing (#68231)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:18:51
Mercury - Herbalist

He listened as she told him the names, but as she went on to recap everything else, he tilted his head. He didn't speak up when she finished at first, but after a few moments, he started speaking again. "Hey, everyone makes mistakes. I'll tell you something that happened to me earlier if that makes you feel better."

And he did, in a low voice, tell her about the rogue he found on the edge of the territory. He still didn't think she meant any harm, so he still wasn't planning on telling the alpha.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:20:48
Dawn - Female Warrior - Celestial Pack - Mentions: Bandit, Ruki, Eclipse

Dawn would gently tap the top of Eclipse's head with her paw. "I'm sure you'll be warmly welcomed among the pack. So long as you don't go getting into trouble," she offers, her expression still somewhat neutral while the occasional thumping of her tail told how she really felt. She did have somewhat of a tender spot for pups, but she had a stoic image to maintain afterall.

Erebus - Male - Celestial Pack Trainer - Camp - Mentions: Jessabel

Erebus would give a soft chuckle as he sat before his Alpha. "No worries, just something I noticed outside of camp. I was checking on the pups when I heard some howling not too far off, didn't sound like anyone in the pack. Had the pups on edge but I don't know how much weight a single rouges howl should carry,"He rambles, siting back onto his hind legs as he explains what went on. He'd probably look rather goofy waving his paws about as he spoke but it was simply how he expressed himself.

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KnightzTribe (#106481)

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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:40:35
Jessabel || Alpha Female || Mention's: Erebus

Jessabel sat straight as she listened to the male. She nodded occasionally as he spoke to show she was listening, not minding how he told her. Once he had finished Jess looked at her paws as she thought for a while. "This is concerning.. those rouges seem to be coming closer.." She muttered quietly, her tail flicking in annoyance. Her first concern was her pack getting hurt. "We need to start training tomorrow.. first with the pup watchers as they have no training as well as the older pups. Then with the hunters and warriors can help." She said to Erebus. "I will of course help. Will you set it all up with me please?" She asked kindly.

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CherryLady [WCU] (#115723)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-08-10 13:46:50
Erebus - Male - Celestial Pack Trainer - Camp - Mentions: Jessabel

Erebus would give a polite nod, landing his forepaws back onto the ground. "I've always been far better at teaching hunting but I'll do my best to teach them to fight. Shouldn't be too hard with the pup watchers since they'll at least sit still,"He chuckles softly, giving a flick of his ear. "We might want to bring in a warrior or two to help oversee fighting or maybe to act as sparring partners. It'll make for good practice."

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