Posted by Shadowclan

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-08-21 05:08:50
Here's Shadowclan!

Special event: none
(( if you don't have a cat please go to this link))

Cats allowed to RolePlay here (so far!)
-SwiftStar (Leader)
-BlossomPaw (med cat apprentice)
-RavenClaw (Warrior)
-ShadowLeaf (Med cat)
-LightningPaw (Apprentice)
-OwlSong (Warrior)
-RussetFlight (Elder)
-SplashPaw (Apprentice)
-Chase (Abandoned Kit)
-Chance (Abandoned Kit)
-Snakepaw (Apprentice)
-IvyTail (warrior)
-CinderFrost (warrior)
-Sunfall (warrior)
-StripedTail (Deputy)
-HoneyKit (Kit)

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Edited on 14/10/17 @ 05:26:20 by Eden [WCU] (#107390)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 12:00:37
((Yeah, HoneyKit is a very stubborn cat. She honestly doesn't care what others think, I swear if chase and chance were thrown out she'd go with them x3))


HoneyKit stayed with her crowd of clan mates, but she sat up front. For a kit, she was quite large. Almost an apprentice. She was four moons old, but she never really had 'kittish' behavior. Her ear flicked as the leader and deputy shared. She just her smile. Of course they would stay. Star clan willed it so.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 12:13:03
Swiftstar|Leader of Shadowclan|68 Moon Black Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Stripedtail, Sunfall, chase and chance, all
Swift star listened to the cats assembled, his head bowed and eyes almost closed as the voice washed over him. Each statement had a point, each cat making their opinion known. Sunfall and Stripedtail both had good points, and he nodded at each in acknowledgement. Finally his eyes widened, and he leaned so his chest was slightly forward of the log. An appraising glare glittered in the sunlight, looking the kitty pets over. One smaller and more reserved the other defiant for a pet.
"What do you say?" The two were quiet for cats who's fate rested in the clans paws.
"You don't have our blood. You were not born into the clan life, the invisible bonds and strengths that bind us are not inherint with you. " the words were blunt, for Swiftstar was not one to sugar coat the facts.
"However, if you chose this life, and it chooses you there will be no greater reward. You will have to work twice as hard to prove your worth, but in the end you will he stronger for it. If you can't handle that, then the warrior life isn't for you. If you cannot see yourself committing to your clan, your new family, then return to your soft life. Plenty of two legs would take in a mewling kit."

(I get it, but it sometimes feels as an intentional disregard of my posts, or like his character and status doesn't matter. Just sort of a mention.) But I get character choices lol)

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Edited on 15/10/17 @ 12:29:42 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 12:28:10
Chase & Chance | Camp | All those around

It was Chase who noticed the gaze of the leader first, his pale grey eyes locked with Swiftstars own gaze, "I would make sure you would not regret taking us in." He stepped away from his brother, turning around so he could look up at Swiftstar without craning his neck back. He stood proudly in front of both clan and leader, head high as his tail flicked excitedly behind him, "I want you to give me the chance to show you that I'm just as much Shadowclan as any of you are." Emboldened by his brother Chance slunk up next to his brother, lifting his bright green eyes up to look at Swiftstar. Though more timid than his brother, his eyes showed no less determination in them as he spoke, "M-Me too. I want to prove that I'm not useless to you."

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 12:36:03

HoneyKit showed her smile now. She beamed as her new friends pledged their loyalty. Friends. It felt nice to say that. She never had friends, she was just the weird annoying kit who nobody liked. Her father had been a good warrior, which helped boost her confidence, but still. Everyone needed a friend. And now she had two!

((Yup, JUST friends *wink*))

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 12:50:50
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions everyone

StripedTail looked at the kits he was impressed “ do you understand what your pledging yourselves to? If you join our clan you must be loyal, your clan comes before yourself even if you die in the process.” StripedTail held chases gaze. “ clan life is not easy there will be times when you won’t eat for days, you might even see your closet friend die.” StripedTail’s eyes clouded with sadness for a moment, “ so you understand what I’m saying? Both of you”

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 15:29:30
Chase & Chance | camp | All them kitties

It was Chase who spoke for both of them in answer to StripedTails questions, with a flick of his tail he gestured to his brother, "Nobody wanted us until we got here, no one cared about us. It was just us against everything. We have nothing to go back to, no-one to miss. Our life hasn't been all that easy as it is, and if we die, then it was for a good reason. We understand what you're saying, and we are not changing our decision." Chance nodded in agreement to what his brother said, glancing down at his paws before speaking as well, "I don't wanna die for nothing..."

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 16:38:39
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions everyone

StripedTail was astounded at the kits brave words he smiled at the two. He knew that it was his leaders decision but once he finished mentoring lightningpaw he hoped he’d get to take on this kit as an apprentice. StripedTail looked at Swiftstar his eyes shining, this couldn’t have been a coincidence this had to be an act of StarClan the warrior thought to himself.

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Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 17:07:38
Splashpaw | Rank - apprentice | Age - 11 moons | Location - camp | Mentions - Swiftstar, Chase, Chance all

Splashpaw padding into the clearing as her clan leader called a meeting. Her different colored eyes flashed in surprise and annoyance as she spotted the two kits for the first time. But she sat down and listened to her leader speak, along with the kits and the other warriors. More mouths to feed it sounded like. How could they handle that? They had an injured cat right now, and there seemed to be less and less food every day! And two more cats who couldn't hunt wouldn't help. Splashpaw let out a small, quiet sigh, it seemed as if everyone was excepting the kits though, she would have to as well. Though Splashpaw was very loyal, and a very friendly cat once you got to know her, she seemed to be kind of mean sometimes if you didn't know her, and it was hard to get into her heart.

Gingerfang | Rank - elder | Age | 126 moons | Location - camp | Mentions - Owlsong, Chase, Chance, Swiftstar, Lightningpaw, all

Gingerfang turned away from Owlsong hesitantly, going to the elders' den. Only to be stopped in her tracks by her leader's call. She gritted her teeth, couldn't a cat get any rest around here? None the less, she padded forward to sit in the clearing. Gingerfang spotted the two young looking cats by Swiftstar. She hoped they had as much respect for their elders as Lightningpaw had! She didn't want to have to deal with two more disrespectful youngsters than she already did.

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ys.| (#121220)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 17:35:17
Swiftstar|Leader of Shadowclan|68 Moon Black Tom|Location- Camp|Mentions- Chase/Chance, Clan/ Gingerfang
Ears were pricked, listening to the cats speak. They had bravery, yes but confidence now was different than when a cat had a hungry belly and fatigue in their bones. Regardless, even if some of the clan hissed and muttered their dissent, he had bigger issues in mind. Besides, they could always leave if the clan life was to harsh, although not to return. With a curt nod, he straightened back to his authoritative posture, blinking down at the clan.
"Then, it's decided. The kits can stay." With that, he leapt from the fallen log, the flick of his tail the signal of dismissal. He himself however, had one last task to attend to. With his gliding gait, he went to the kitty-pets, peering at each in turn. He did not know them, nor was their mother or kin here to give him any inkling of the kits personalities. Therefore, his next task was particularly unique.
"To shed yourselves of your kitty-pet life, you will take a clan name." It was not a question, but a statement. A requirement of them choosing this path. His expression furrowed slightly, eyes closing for a moment. finally the pale gaze opened to stare at Chase.
"From now on, you will be known as Shadowkit." Eyes moved to chance. "And you, Littlekit." For a moment the tom paused, as if waiting for the kits to act, before shaking his head ever so slightly.
"Our clan has many codes we follow, while you are new and young, I expect you to work hard like any kit to larn our ways. Learn from your elders, earn respect and you shall get it in return." With that, he turned in a graceful arch, tail raised, before he paused, turning his head with a few last words. "Honeykit will be your denmate until you apprentice. " He felt letting the disrespectful kit and the newcomers spend all their time together was going to bite him in the flank, but that was a problem for another day.
Instead, the tom merely sauntered off, his paws taking him towards the elders. His head bowed and tail lowered slightly, the utmost respect in his gesture towards the cats, singling out the closest.
"Gingerfang." Lean limbs folded under himself, looking at the she-cat with a gentleness he reserved for the cats who's service to the clan had been long, and dutiful.
"Are the apprentices feeding you all well?" While he carried himself with the strictest of mannerisms, no cat could say Swiftstar did not care about his clan. making it a point to check on the different groupings of cats, so he best knew how to fend off the hunger and the oncoming cold. It would be his first leaf-bare as leader, and although he had the utmost confidence in his skill, with threats looming overhead, he wanted to cover all his bases.

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Edited on 15/10/17 @ 17:37:01 by Peachie||Lights Off~ (#121220)

Spaghetti Enthusiast (#121187)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:00:54
Gingerfang | Rank - elder | Age | 126 moons | Location - camp | Mentions - Swiftstar, Shadowkit, Littlekit, all

Gingerfang nodded to her leader as he came up to her in a polite way. The ginger she-cat felt satisfied that he had shown respect to her. "Oh yes." she nodded gratefully to the younger cat. "There are a few apprentices that could work on their manners, but there are others who are respectful and they deliver prey to me often." She meowed, her old eyes showed her sanctification with the performance of some of the younger cats. She angled her ears towards the newest ShadowClan cats. "I can only hope they were taught enough manners to respect their elders like some of our apprentices." Gingerfang meowed. Though she hoped for their respect, she also hoped that they could prove themselves worthy. And it seemed they would make fine warriors some day, judging by their words today. Though it didn't seem like all the cats were excepting the newcomers just yet. Oh well, trust would come with time.

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The Drunken Uchiha
Prodigy (#38424)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:07:40
Shadowkit & Littkekit | Swiftstar, Honeykit

The two kits beamed at the decision made, they could stay! With an excited bounce the two brothers were about to run off when Swiftstar stopped in front of them, they looked up at him, listening to what he said closely. Shadowkit tiled his head as his new name was given to him, Littlekit mirroring the action. They looked up at him in silence as he spoke, soaking in each word like a sponge. They watched him turn and walk away before turning around and looking for Honeykit, Shadowkit was the first to spot her and he bounded off in her direction, coming to a quick stop in front of her, his tail flickering excitedly as Littlekit came trotting up behind him, an amused look on his face as he stopped next to his brother. Shadowkit was the first to speak, shifting from paw to paw excitedly, "We got names like you!"

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:31:51

HoneyKit smiled, booping his nose with her tail. "I knew you would." She laughed. She got up and looked around. "So... Where should we go? The nursery?" She asked the toms, a dazzling smile on her honey colored face. She flicked her tail, waiting for an answer.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:39:49
StripedTail-Deputy- camp-Mentions ShadowKit LittleKit LightningPaw HoneyKit

StripedTail watched as SwiftStar gave the two kittypet's their new warrior names, after the tom padded away the deputy Strolled over to them. " Hello ShadowKit and LittleKit. I expect you two to adapt well to clan life. The deputy purred, eyeing them both with approval. The blue tabby's warm smile turned serious " I also except you three not to get into any trouble, especially you HoneyKit. You listen and respect everyone in this clan." He said looking hard at HoneyKit. " HoneyKit since it seems you've lost your respect the only place you'll be going for today is to the elders and get rid of any ticks they may have and replace their bedding" StripedTail hated to be hard on her but she needed to learn to have respect for her elders and leaders. Turning back to the two kits he said "Do your best to show every cat your just as good" StripedTail turned and padded away looking for his apprentice, he wanted to start the young cats training right away and it was already almost sun high. sighing the tabby stalked off calling for his apprentice.

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Edited on 15/10/17 @ 18:44:19 by CottonCaat (#127324)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:50:05

HoneyKit laughed softly so the deputy couldn't hear. She winked at Shadowkit and Littlekit. "He thinks it's a punishment, but really I love hanging out with the elders." She whispered, grinning. She flicked her tail and hopped up. "So, would you rather serve my 'punishment' with me, or let me do it by myself?" She asked the toms.

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🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)

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Posted on
2017-10-15 18:58:38
((I know were not sup[posed to but I cant help but point out that HoneyKit Is so much like SnowKit all defiant and crazy!! XD))

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