Posted by The Experimental Asylum (RP Thread)

DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-28 16:03:05

The long awaited day was finally here, a chance to win some money to help with some work that could possibly help the human population. It was to help the disease that slowly wrapped itself around the world, slowly killing anyone who came into contact with it. Yet you still had hope, as it didn't yet reach your hometown in Ohio, in which the lab was also located in. The time to wait for the bus slowly arrived, you bouncing in excitement as you ran outside, yet the sight of the bus put you off edge a bit. It was quite rusty, it seemed like it was about to collapse at any given moment. Yet it didn't set your determination off as you climbed aboard, the noise of the inside greeting you nicely as you picked out your seat.

About an hour passed before the sight of the lab came into view, its white walls gleaming in the sun as the bus slowly approached it. Soon enough it was time to get off, and once you did a man was there to help everybody off, however the feeling around him felt cold and deadly. Once everyone was off he began to explain the rules to everyone, his gruff voice sending chills up your spine. It seemed like an eternity until he stopped, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the building, everyone following suit as you yourself was the last in line, the mans words still echoing in your head.

You were guided into a small room, chairs spread out for everyone, a little stage set out in front of them. Silently everyone sat down in their seat, and once everyone was seated the man walked up onto the stage. "This here is where you'll be staying for the next few months. I hope that you find yourself right at home in a few days, as we need everyone relaxed for this test. I assure you that this test won't be of any harm in any way, remember this will help humankind, not kill it. Now I shall introduce the leader in charge of this facility, please welcome, Mrs. Danica!" the man introduces, stepping aside, only for an older woman to step up, followed by a sinister looking person with white shirt and pants, setting the mood that he was in no good condition.

"Welcome citizens, I am Mrs. Danica. Tonight we will be introducing you to your rooms, and will be starting the tests tomorrow once everyone is well fed and ready," she explained, glancing behind her to check on the boy with the white clothing. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" she asked him, her voice shaking slightly as he nodded, a slight smile appearing. She nodded in approval, stepping aside for him to move forward, yet she leaned forward to whisper in his ear before he got to the front. "Welcome all, it's in my greatest interest to meet you all! I hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and we hope that you will help us to complete this goal," he started, before catching sight of a guard standing by the doorway, the switch clicking in his head. "Run away while you can, they're going to hurt you all, this isn't going to help-!" he was cut off by the man clasping his hand over his mouth, shouting for the guards to come in, and they did so, dragging everybody to their rooms, locking all inside of their cells more of. And all you could think of was escaping this prison, once and for all.

(This RP takes place a few months after this incident, the experiments causing the thinking of the subjects to change for the worst. Now will you be able to escape from this nightmare? And if you do, will you be accepted by society, or just die along with it?)

Current Event:

Drake- DragoGirl
Jade Peters- FrivaTheTerrible
Atticus- Skye
Alexandrea (Andrea)- IcyRaven
Ari- NamelessCreature
Jordan & Jacob- Kayla
Chloe Jean- Lynx The Mad Hatter
Serena Williams- QueenOfGrimm
Nikki- Eden

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 20:47:32 by DragoGirl (#105388)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-07 17:52:04
Someone bumped him on their way to their cell, eliciting a low growl from Lucifer. However, he let Nikki lead him inside. "No, no, it's fine. I have an escort." chuckling dryly, the young man disentangled his hand from hers. Already he could hear the footsteps of his guard. "Step away, miss." came the guard's rough voice, clasping Lucifer's shoulder. Waving in her general direction, he smiled and walked compliantly beside the burly guard, cane out in front of him.

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Edited on 07/09/17 @ 17:53:58 by Skye {TOASTTT} (#114927)

Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-07 18:01:43
Chloe entered her cell and sat down on her bed. Her army green eyes glared at the guards outside. She laid on her back them rolled.onto her back.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-07 18:13:06

It took a few moments before they came across Isabelle's cell, and Drake just shoved her inside. "There we go, alright, so we'll meet tomorrow in the cafeteria, alright? At the same table, and you better not be late, we have some important things to discuss," he explained, Isabelle nodding emotionless, Drake smiled in response. It took everything he had to keep himself from hugging her, telling her that it would be alright, that they would get out, and all he did was sigh. "I'm....sorry," he muttered, eyes cast down his smile disappearing. 'I need to act tough, or else nobody will let me lead, and he'll kill me for it,' he thought, chuckling at the thought as an image appeared in his head. It was him, yet a lot younger, with another boy beside him, both laughing on a bench, yet that boy wasn't the same in the current time, not at all. "I'll go now... see you tomorrow," he said out loud, looking back up to her with a smile, gently closing the door for her and stepping away to think over his actions. 'Why can't I just pretend, it would be better if I could,' he thought, standing for a couple of moments before he began to walk towards his cell, hoping to not get caught, as it was only minutes before they needed to be in their cell.

(Anybody who can guess who the mysterious boy was in the memory, you can have a cookie...or something...? )

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-07 18:30:04
(Totally luke)

Chloe watched Draje from where she lay on her chest. She squinted alittle... why did the little artist drawn drake as well?... it was weird. After she spoke to Eggy. She would talk to Drake tonight as well.. what was also weird, was how he was acting with the new girl. Was he into her? No, thay was unlikely... but He was acting rather reserved and dominant. Chloe rolled her eyes.. reserved and dominant was HER role...

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-08 03:35:25

" G'night." She replied, then walked to her cell. She lay in her bed, thinking about Lucifer. He was annoying, but in a charming way. She smiled. He was cute, though she'd never admit that to anyone. She closed her eyes, wrapped herself in her blanket, and went to sleep, the flower still tucked in her ear.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-08 15:00:52
Nikki (betcha its Luke :p))

Nikki woke up in her cell. She got up, dressed in her regular clothes, brushed her hair and teeth, and put the small bag necklace on her neck. She walked to the cafeteria, sitting in her usual spot. She looked around for lucifer, eyes glowing bright. She couldn't help thinking if he was thinking about her. She smiled softly to herself, still looking around.

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Edited on 08/09/17 @ 15:03:18 by Eden (#107390)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 15:55:48
After being led to his cell, the guard put on a pair of black visors. Taking off the young man's bandana, he swiftly chained Luce's ankles to his bed leg. Huffing, the curly-haired young man swung his chained legs glumly, before watching the guard leave. The night guard was then taking his shift outside of Luce's cell. Running a hand through his shaggy hair, the dark-skinned prisoner stripped off his shirt, before flopping onto his bed. Yawning, he pulled the blankets over himself, closing his eyes and drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

It seemed he had only just closed his eyes before they fluttered open. Groaning disbelievingly, he sat up and rubbed his bright green eyes. Glaring at the floor, he stood awkwardly, disentangling his shackles from the blanket. Pulling on his shirt again, he wrinkled his nose and walked to the extent of his chains. "Yo," he murmured sleepily, "can I go eat?" He knew he probably wouldn't eat, but whatever. The young man just wanted to get out. He noticed that his regular guard had returned, and he turned to the imprisoned young man. "Sit down." the guard ordered roughly, watching suspiciously from behind black visors as Luce obeyed, before entering. Kneeling beside the bed, he pulled a key from his belt and unlocked the shackles. His ankles were rubbed raw. Wincing, he gently poked them, biting his lip. The guard roughly grabbed him, pulling his hands behind his back and securing the bandana over his eyes. Leading him down the hall, the guard then released him, thrusting his cane into his hands. Luce laughed. "Gee, thanks." he chirped sarcastically, before cautiously making his way into the cafeteria.

Whimpering, the boy struggled to sit up. Going to push himself up with his arms, he yelped as only one moved. "W-What?! No, no, oh my God please no!" Lying there, his chest heaved with each shallow gasp, his eyes wide as he stared at his stubbed left arm. It was only really a shoulder, now. Tightly bandaged, though with faint scarlet stains. Wow, this place just couldn't torture them enough, could it? He just lay there, thinking about his life. Why did it have to be this way? He had lost his arm... Trying to move the stub, he imagined himself flexing his fingers, wishing that they were still there. Biting his lip piercing, he pulled it gently, not wanting to even try and muster the courage to sit up. He just wanted to wallow in self pity. Yeah, sounds like a plan. "I guess Mr. Armless isn't the only one now." he laughed dryly to himself, suddenly pondering over his sanity. What if I go insane? Maybe I already am insane? worried and depressed thoughts swirled through his mind, and he didn't realise he was crying until he felt them rolling down his cheeks, blurring his gaze. Sobbing he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth, just wished he were dead.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-08 15:58:44

The night passed by quickly, Drake's chocolate brown eyes slowly opening. A thought of Isabelle passed in his mind, and this made him get up immediately. "Now to see if we can escape today," Drake whispered, thoughts instinctively turning to Luke. 'I'll get you soon, don't worry,' he thought, soon enough walking out to head to the cafeteria. In his surprise he already saw Isabelle there, with another female a little away from her. Ignoring her he went over to sit by Isabelle, with her turning automatically, her happy gaze replaced with fear upon seeing him. "H-Hello," she stuttered, a nervous smile coming up as he just nodded, leaning in to begin whispering his plan. Yet after a few moments he felt a hand on his shoulder which made him jump, looking back to see Mrs. Danica. "Hello, I'm going to need you to come with me, we have another batch of people coming in and I think they'll love to be introduced to this facility by you," she asked him, leaning forward to whisper in his ear, only for him to shake his head. "Why not, I'll let you stay out of testing today," she pleaded with a smile, Drake's eyes widening as he nodded his head excitedly. "Alright, now come with me, we'll get this over with as soon as possible," she whispered as she took him by the hand, leading him out. "I'll see you later," he told Isabelle before he was lead off, quickly getting changed in his cell before he set off with Mrs. Danica, heading to the same room that they were in when they first came here.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:06:50
Chloe watched Drake folding her arms as she watched him go. She glanced toward Isabell for a moment before turning away and taking a seat at her usual spot. She put her feet on the chair.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:09:40

Nikki jumped up seeing lucifer. She walked over, smiling. "Hey lucifer." She chirped. She pulled her hair back behind her eyes, her green eyes glowing happily. She didn't have many friends, but lucifer was nice. "How ya doing?"

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:21:34

Her heartbeat was quicker than normal, leaving her obviously frightened. Suddenly becoming very emotional she put her arms on the table and covered her face, shoulders shaking lightly from the sobs.


Drake was now dressed professionally, which was ridiculous considering where he was from. "Remember, don't freak like last time," Mrs. Danica reminded him, Drake nodding silently once they arrived at the entrance. Mrs. Danica nodded once the man from before welcomed her onto the stage. A few minutes passed before it was his turn, and the noise in the audience silenced when Drake came in. All eyes were on him as he walked briskly to the stage, nervous once he got up and turned to face them. "Welcome everyone to your new humble home. It is in my best interest to welcome you to this facility, where we will be working to help all of civilization," he paused, searching through his mind. "We hope that you have a great time here, and enjoy your stay," he finished, not wanting to continue further as he stepped back, applause roaring as a few stood. 'Why are they so happy? They're going to waste their life,' he thought to himself, yet he still smiled as Mrs. Danica lead him out, the applause only ending once he exited. "That was a lovely introduction, you may now change and skip the test," Mrs. Danica finished, a bright smile on her face as Drake left to change, and headed to the cafeteria right after.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:30:19
Tilting his head at Nikki's voice, he gave a tiny smile. "Hey Nikki," he greeted. "I'm fine, except my ankles are rubbed raw from my shackles." sighing, he gestured towards his feet, where his ankles were red, the skin irritated. Shrugging as if his condition was no big deal, he pressed the back of his hand to his forehead, wincing at the head ache that set in. Snapping out of it as best he could, he shuffled his feet, waiting for Nikki's response. Maybe he could meet some different people today?

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:33:42
Chloe watched Drake closely, it seemed he was a pet to the boss lady. She scowled at him, maybe that was the off thing about hin.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:33:49

Nikki knew pain, and those red marks hurt. She looked from side to side. "I can heal it, if you want." She said, taking her pouch of dust off. "If you want to go outside, that is." She said softly, hinting that she shouldn't be seen healing him. She smiled gently, dipping her two fingers in the pouch.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:40:11
"Oh," brightening at her words, his brows raised and he nodded eagerly. "Yes, please... but, only one, alright?" he had some sick enjoyment of being in pain, but he wasn't one to turn down medical help. Tapping his cane lightly on the ground, he trotted towards the backdoor. Or... he hoped he was going towards the backdoor. However, it seemed he wasn't as coordinated as he'd like to think, and ended up bumping into someone sitting on a chair, but with their feet up. Stumbling, he winced, before straightening. "So sorry, I guess I'm not as great at navigating as I'd hoped." he chuckled sheepishly, leaning heavily on his cane as he tried to angle his face in the general direction of the person's face.

{He bumped Chloe}

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