Posted by The Experimental Asylum (RP Thread)

DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-28 16:03:05

The long awaited day was finally here, a chance to win some money to help with some work that could possibly help the human population. It was to help the disease that slowly wrapped itself around the world, slowly killing anyone who came into contact with it. Yet you still had hope, as it didn't yet reach your hometown in Ohio, in which the lab was also located in. The time to wait for the bus slowly arrived, you bouncing in excitement as you ran outside, yet the sight of the bus put you off edge a bit. It was quite rusty, it seemed like it was about to collapse at any given moment. Yet it didn't set your determination off as you climbed aboard, the noise of the inside greeting you nicely as you picked out your seat.

About an hour passed before the sight of the lab came into view, its white walls gleaming in the sun as the bus slowly approached it. Soon enough it was time to get off, and once you did a man was there to help everybody off, however the feeling around him felt cold and deadly. Once everyone was off he began to explain the rules to everyone, his gruff voice sending chills up your spine. It seemed like an eternity until he stopped, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the building, everyone following suit as you yourself was the last in line, the mans words still echoing in your head.

You were guided into a small room, chairs spread out for everyone, a little stage set out in front of them. Silently everyone sat down in their seat, and once everyone was seated the man walked up onto the stage. "This here is where you'll be staying for the next few months. I hope that you find yourself right at home in a few days, as we need everyone relaxed for this test. I assure you that this test won't be of any harm in any way, remember this will help humankind, not kill it. Now I shall introduce the leader in charge of this facility, please welcome, Mrs. Danica!" the man introduces, stepping aside, only for an older woman to step up, followed by a sinister looking person with white shirt and pants, setting the mood that he was in no good condition.

"Welcome citizens, I am Mrs. Danica. Tonight we will be introducing you to your rooms, and will be starting the tests tomorrow once everyone is well fed and ready," she explained, glancing behind her to check on the boy with the white clothing. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" she asked him, her voice shaking slightly as he nodded, a slight smile appearing. She nodded in approval, stepping aside for him to move forward, yet she leaned forward to whisper in his ear before he got to the front. "Welcome all, it's in my greatest interest to meet you all! I hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and we hope that you will help us to complete this goal," he started, before catching sight of a guard standing by the doorway, the switch clicking in his head. "Run away while you can, they're going to hurt you all, this isn't going to help-!" he was cut off by the man clasping his hand over his mouth, shouting for the guards to come in, and they did so, dragging everybody to their rooms, locking all inside of their cells more of. And all you could think of was escaping this prison, once and for all.

(This RP takes place a few months after this incident, the experiments causing the thinking of the subjects to change for the worst. Now will you be able to escape from this nightmare? And if you do, will you be accepted by society, or just die along with it?)

Current Event:

Drake- DragoGirl
Jade Peters- FrivaTheTerrible
Atticus- Skye
Alexandrea (Andrea)- IcyRaven
Ari- NamelessCreature
Jordan & Jacob- Kayla
Chloe Jean- Lynx The Mad Hatter
Serena Williams- QueenOfGrimm
Nikki- Eden

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 20:47:32 by DragoGirl (#105388)

Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:50:25
She scowled at him and stood up, he could feel the wind rush around as she stood quickly. "Watch it next time." She growled. From the agressive movement to the wind giving off her height, it would have been easy to think Chloe was a dude. But once she spoke, she was clearly female.

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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 16:57:03
Trying not to smile, he bit the inside of his cheek. "Watch what? If you haven't noticed, I'm blinded by this cloth." gesturing to the bandana tied secured over his closed eyes, the young man stepped back, tipping his head slightly as the whoosh of her standing reached him. Tall. Hm. And feisty... He smirked. "No need for such hostility, ma'am." So badly did he want to peek out from under his bandana and see into her mind. Perhaps it would provide a clue as to what made her this way.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 17:05:20
Chloe was extremely tough, plus she was perfectly sane, life on the out side was harder than this. "Somethings telling me you stumbled into me on porpous." She warned folding her arms. Quire frankly, chloe was beautiful, could be a runway model... if it weren't for her attitude.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 17:05:24
Chloe was extremely tough, plus she was perfectly sane, life on the out side was harder than this. "Somethings telling me you stumbled into me on porpous." She warned folding her arms. Quire frankly, chloe was beautiful, could be a runway model... if it weren't for her attitude.

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Eggs*~🥚 (#122992)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 17:17:17

I woke up with sweat and fear, it felt like it was sucking me up.

Quickly, I work myself up again and walked out of my room and into the hallway. Looking both ways, lazily.

My next target was... another girl.

((Guess who! <3))

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-08 18:02:09

Nikki watched as he exchanged words with Mrs.Attitude. She waited patientently for them to finish. She turned and looked at the other people, wondering who to talk to. She glanced at some guy, walking down the hall.


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o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 18:36:54
Shaking his head earnestly, he huffed. "Mere assumptions. I'm not rude enough to bump someone on purpose. Anyways... my friend is waiting for me, so I ought to go," waving his hand dismissively, he offered an apologetic smile. "Again, sorry for being an inconvenience." With that he turned and tried to locate Nikki. "Yo, Nikki, can you help me get outside?" he said in a softer, gentler voice.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-08 19:25:20

He was out of breath once he got to the cafeteria. He looked over everyone, smiling once he spotted Isabelle. He rushed towards her, narrowly missing Eggy as he ran past. Yet once he got within a close distance he slowed down, turning his smile into a frown as he neared her. "Are you alright?" he asked as he saw her head down, honest worry coming from him. 'She's just some person, kill her, she's weak just like you! You don't have the courage to kill her, do you?' a voice asked, a light chuckle echoing after. It strangely sounded like someone he knew, yet he shrugged it off as he sat next to Isabelle. He hesitated to put his hand on her shoulder, to try and comfort her. "It's alright," he said in a gentle tone, one he rarely used if at all. Other times it was full of anger or others just plain. Out of instinct Isabelle leaned into him, resting against him as he struggled to support her, yet didn't want to go until she was alright. 'This is completely natural, everyone does this to help a friend,' he thought, and this was true, he only thought of her as a friend, nothing more, nothing less.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 19:58:55
Chloe rolled her eyes and sat on the table once again. her feet on the bench below. She always sat like this, the only actually odd thing about her... she folded her arms and glanced around slowly.

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Eggs*~🥚 (#122992)

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Posted on
2017-09-08 20:05:41

I blinked in surprise when Drake quickly ran by me, he radiated fear and paranoia.

I watched quietly, sighing, then leaved them alone. Rude to eve drop.

Lightly, I smile, and skipped around to find Nikki.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-08 20:12:23

It seemed like silence enveloped the two, until Isabelle broke it with a question. "Y-You don't h-hate me?" she asked, gasping for breath as she began to calm down, Drake trying to find a way to explain it. "No, I don't, it's just....I have a problem with my thinking, and it causes me to snap, even if the other is trying to be nice," he explained, Isabelle nodding lightly in return, then it seemed like she was instantly happy at the flick of a switch as she tore herself away, voice filled with cheer now, bouncing in her seat. "That's the same with me, but I wasn't exactly born with it, it was....forced upon by my parents. It's called Split Personality Disorder," she explained in turn, Drake's eyes widening as she said it loud and clear, and even though it was a sad thing to talk about, she was still bouncing in her seat from excitement. He left it at that as Isabelle looked around at the others in the cafeteria, putting every face to memory and hoping to talk to them in the near future.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-08 20:23:50
Chloe got up suddenly, standing on the bench before she stepped on and moved to the corner of the room. she was feeling a violent episode come on, her anger rising and her heart beat growing rapid. she sat down in the corner and tried to relax.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-08 20:34:18

Voices flowed through into his room, gently waking him up from his sleep. 'Is it morning already?' he thought, not daring to speak for fear of his voice breaking due to him not using it often. He slowly began to get up, yawning as he did so and stretched once he got all the way up. Pain flooded through the right side of his face, making him cover that side as he searched urgently for the black piece of leather. Finally finding it he carefully put it on, satisfied as the pain slowly died down. After going through his silent routine he stepped out of his cell, and deciding that the voices were the best option he headed there, groaning lightly when he saw that it was the cafeteria. Wanting to go in quietly he slid in, walking straight for a corner, steering clear away from Chloe as he always did. Once he reached his corner he stood with his back to the wall and leaned against it, peering at everyone, slightly disappointed that he only had vision on one side of his face.

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mbat🦇 (#110701)

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Posted on
2017-09-09 00:23:07

( hi guys I am sorry I have not been active I got my electronics tooken away before I could tell yall by I'm back and better than ever!)

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-09 03:08:46

Nikki turned. "Oh, sure." She took his hand awkwardly and led him outside. It was slightly colder then before, and Nikki shivered when she sat. "Ok, where do you want me to heal?" She asked, taking her pouch out again.

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