Posted by The Experimental Asylum (RP Thread)

DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-08-28 16:03:05

The long awaited day was finally here, a chance to win some money to help with some work that could possibly help the human population. It was to help the disease that slowly wrapped itself around the world, slowly killing anyone who came into contact with it. Yet you still had hope, as it didn't yet reach your hometown in Ohio, in which the lab was also located in. The time to wait for the bus slowly arrived, you bouncing in excitement as you ran outside, yet the sight of the bus put you off edge a bit. It was quite rusty, it seemed like it was about to collapse at any given moment. Yet it didn't set your determination off as you climbed aboard, the noise of the inside greeting you nicely as you picked out your seat.

About an hour passed before the sight of the lab came into view, its white walls gleaming in the sun as the bus slowly approached it. Soon enough it was time to get off, and once you did a man was there to help everybody off, however the feeling around him felt cold and deadly. Once everyone was off he began to explain the rules to everyone, his gruff voice sending chills up your spine. It seemed like an eternity until he stopped, beginning to walk towards the entrance of the building, everyone following suit as you yourself was the last in line, the mans words still echoing in your head.

You were guided into a small room, chairs spread out for everyone, a little stage set out in front of them. Silently everyone sat down in their seat, and once everyone was seated the man walked up onto the stage. "This here is where you'll be staying for the next few months. I hope that you find yourself right at home in a few days, as we need everyone relaxed for this test. I assure you that this test won't be of any harm in any way, remember this will help humankind, not kill it. Now I shall introduce the leader in charge of this facility, please welcome, Mrs. Danica!" the man introduces, stepping aside, only for an older woman to step up, followed by a sinister looking person with white shirt and pants, setting the mood that he was in no good condition.

"Welcome citizens, I am Mrs. Danica. Tonight we will be introducing you to your rooms, and will be starting the tests tomorrow once everyone is well fed and ready," she explained, glancing behind her to check on the boy with the white clothing. "Do you want to introduce yourself?" she asked him, her voice shaking slightly as he nodded, a slight smile appearing. She nodded in approval, stepping aside for him to move forward, yet she leaned forward to whisper in his ear before he got to the front. "Welcome all, it's in my greatest interest to meet you all! I hope that you will enjoy your stay here, and we hope that you will help us to complete this goal," he started, before catching sight of a guard standing by the doorway, the switch clicking in his head. "Run away while you can, they're going to hurt you all, this isn't going to help-!" he was cut off by the man clasping his hand over his mouth, shouting for the guards to come in, and they did so, dragging everybody to their rooms, locking all inside of their cells more of. And all you could think of was escaping this prison, once and for all.

(This RP takes place a few months after this incident, the experiments causing the thinking of the subjects to change for the worst. Now will you be able to escape from this nightmare? And if you do, will you be accepted by society, or just die along with it?)

Current Event:

Drake- DragoGirl
Jade Peters- FrivaTheTerrible
Atticus- Skye
Alexandrea (Andrea)- IcyRaven
Ari- NamelessCreature
Jordan & Jacob- Kayla
Chloe Jean- Lynx The Mad Hatter
Serena Williams- QueenOfGrimm
Nikki- Eden

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Edited on 28/08/17 @ 20:47:32 by DragoGirl (#105388)

o_leander (#114927)

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Posted on
2017-09-09 18:12:01
Glancing over at a by standing guard, he stared into his unprotected eyes. A purple band ringed the guards pupils, making Luce's smirk widen. "Protect me." he snarled, and, almost robotically, the guard ran forwards and stood defensively in front of the young man. Crossing his arms, the curly-haired prisoner laughed sadistically. "Kill them." he commanded darkly, watching emotionlessly as his minion charged at Luce's visored guard, tackling him and knocking him senseless, before the others piled on top of him, knocking him out. Then, they turned to Luce, trying to avoid eye contact. One, whom he hadn't seen, crept up behind him and grabbed him. Thrashing, he snarled and flailed his limbs, feeling them occasionally connect. But, he was soon incapacitated, the guards each grabbing one of his limbs and pushing down his bandana. Hissing like a wild animal, he writhed in their iron grips, but to no avail. They began carrying him off to his testing chamber, all the while Luce was spitting insults and curses.

Shortly, a doctor came in, a growing smirk on her face as she glanced over the albino boy. "Oooh, I have an interesting one today." she enthused cruelly, placing her clipboard and pen on the desk, exchanging it for a needle. Flicking the capsule lightly, the doctor approached, having to kneel to get to his height. Angling the needle at his skin, he turned his head to glower at her. Growling in a way that seemed almost animalistic, he he head-butted her, hard. The doctor winced, reeling backwards, loosing her grip on the needle, sending it clattering to the floor. His arm, being so thin, slipped out on the binding, and he pulled them off his legs. Jumping up, he grabbed the needle and brandished it at her, gaze nervous. "Why you..." the doctor hissed, then silenced as he pushed the needle point closer to her aggressively, causing her to crawl backwards. The almost blind boy hated doing this, but he didn't want to stay here. Abruptly, she yelled for the guards, causing him to jump back, trembling. She laughed as a guard burst in, wrestling the needle out of Atticus's hands and shoving him into the chair, binding him again and then holding him down. The doctor, still chuckling, stood and grabbed up the needle, inserting it slowly into his right arm to ensure maximum agony. "This is your punishment for retaliating." she giggled darkly, ignoring his screaming as he thrashed. Finally, she injected the liquid into him and pulled out the needle, writing quickly on her clipboard. The albino boy gasped for breath, sobbing silently.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-09 18:30:45

Nikki jumped up and groaned. She looked at the brother. Jacob? Jordan? she was never really sure. "Be right back." She growled, painfully turning into the she wolf. She barreled down the hall, into the cafeteria, then outside, where a riot broke out. She grinned at Lucifer "What, i wasn't invited to the party?" She laughed, shooting herself at one of the guards.

(Kinda switchin' back and forth depending on whos active :p))

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-09 18:34:40
Chloe heard Luces struggle. Glancing over, then the guards grabbed hrr, she growled and jerked hard. Then they both started screaming in agony. Her green eyes were blood shot as both the guards fell, Chloe turned towed Luce.. that guard had protected him.. maybe he had a different power than she originally thought. Never mind that. Chloe knew her new capibilities. So one by one, all of Luces guards screamed in pain and began to drop down. Chloe just stood there at the end of the hall, still mostly in the cafeteria.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-09 19:01:41

Xenos just stared blankly at the white wall in front of him as the doctor put down the results. "Can I please be out now, this is boring me," Xenos said as he faked a yawn, yet the doctor didn't stop there. "What's with the eyepatch, may I take it off?" he asked as Xenos' eye widened, shaking his head vigorously. "That's the only thing that gets to you, well I'll keep that in mind for next time. Anyways, you're free to go," the doctor said as he opened the door, Xenos nodding as he stood. "Well, I loved my stay gentleman, I'll be off, I hope to see you next time," Xenos said in a cheerful voice, though it didn't sound like it. 'And now to wander the halls aimlessly, alone, well at least I can think to myself,' he thought, trying to cheer himself up, yet all he did was stand in the same corner of the cafeteria as before, watching all of the chaos happen around him, hoping that nobody took notice of him.

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Edited on 09/09/17 @ 19:02:22 by DragoGirl (#105388)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 18:31:55
Mia (mentions:Chloe)

Mia, the ten year old, still very young, walked into the cafeteria. Her vision was blurry from past tests, and she couldn't see where she was going. She ran smack dab into some lady (Chloe) she got up, brushed herself off, then the ten year old looked up at the girl, her vision clearing. "Sorry ma'am. That was my fault." The child had a slight bruise on her cheek, which made her expression all the more pitiful. She waited for the woman to scream at her, like Mrs.Danica did.

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Lynx 1.0 (#91211)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:01:38
Chloe didn't care. Her open palm connected with the girls forehead as she shoved the little girl off. "Watch it." She snapped as she made her way into the hall.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:05:26
Mia (mentions: Xenos)

Mia sighed. All she got here was pushed around. Then she saw a boy in the corner, wearing an eye patch. She was naive, so she walked over to him, offering her milk, the only edible thing in this place. "Are you thirsty?" She asked, smiling. The ten year old didn't know any better.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:18:09
(Don't mind me ._.)

Waking up with an unsatisfied grunt, toppling off her bed with a loud thump sound from her 'cell'. Isn't this a nice start? She thought to herself, trotting around before deciding to end up at the entrance of the cafeteria.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:26:33

Hearing a voice talk to him he opened his eye, slightly surprised that it was a child. 'Never knew that she would sink that low,' he thought as he listened to her, glancing to the milk. "I would love to have it, yet I think it's better off with you," he replied, grimacing as his voice came out scratchy. 'I really need to work on my voice,' he thought, yet he knew that just talking to himself would count him off as weird. Another person at the entrance caught his attention as he glanced over, yet soon ignored her as he knew that the child should be his first priority.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:29:00

"Oh, ok." Mia looked disappointed, but rebounded instantly. "My names Mia! What's yours?" Mia asked, grinning brightly. She still had her innocence, it may benefit her. Mia blue skirt swirled around her legs.

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sinister (#112820)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:31:06
Suddenly noticing a small child at the corner of her eyes, she was shocked for a moment, as Ari looked at the male she was speaking to. Shrugging, she made her way towards one of the nearby tables, sitting down. I don't feel comfortable here.. She thought to herself again.

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Eggs*~🥚 (#122992)

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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:37:04

As I went to find Nikki, I did find her but hid and watched. She looked... busy.

Only to find myself to hear a commotion, a guard protecting another prisoner? A guard attacking another guard?

I grinned, knowing that I found something that can make the Guard's turn at each other.

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Edited on 10/09/17 @ 19:55:48 by Jade (#122992)

Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:39:20

Nikki paused seeing a strange boy at the door, earning her a blow to the muzzle. She turned back into a human, the pain no longer as terrible. Punching guards as she went, she made her way inside, accidentally running in the boy (Eggy) "sorry, that was my fault." She said, offering her hand.

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DragoGirl (#105388)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:44:17

'Why is she still talking to me?' he wondered, thinking that his eyepatch would've warded her off. "Xenos," he responded simply, still not wanting to speak a lot. He tried to find something else to say, looking down to her skirt. "That's a....lovely skirt," he said, embarrassment overtaking him as he held his breath. 'Can this conversation end?' he thought, knowing that he would embarrass himself further if it continued.

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Eden [WCU] (#107390)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2017-09-10 19:46:36

Mia blushed. Awkward, she thought. "Errrr.... Thanks?" Mia just slowly backed off, her blue eyes glowing in confusion. 'Till she tripped over a bench, falling on her butt. She got up and ran outside, only to quickly come back in seeing the riot.

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