Posted by Icestar and Falcon1211 1x1 RP

(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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2017-10-31 20:09:02
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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 18:55:35
Mike watched as she flew higher, he watched the movement of the wings, tail and head. Balance helped as well with flying.. just like walking also relies on balance. Without balance, you can't fly or walk very far or very long... he heard her question and statement, nodding at her words to acknowledge her and then looked up. "Then we shall go higher.." he said, flying up towards the clouds, not too slow but not too fast either.. he didn't want to leave her behind. When he got up higher, the air thinner and the sun brighter, his wings out stretched as far as they could while they flapped gently. He took in slower breathes as his eyes wandered back to her, wondering if she would come up this far. He stayed quiet, watching his surroundings as well as her.. if she started to fall he wouldn't hesitate to plummet down and attempt to save her. Even if she was bigger than him as a dragon, he would and would never hesitate.. he looked towards the clouds just above his head, though they were just out of his reach at this height, he still reached up with his hands to try and grasp it, as if it were tangible. As if he could actually feel the fluffiness of the cloud, that was merely precipitation carried by the wind. He moved his hands back down, touching the dressings on his chest before he looked back down at Dahlia. It still hurt so bad, but at least it wasn't worse.. he finally spoke up, "It is easier if you know how this height affects you.." he said simply, still detached and unwanting to get any closer in emotion.. he swore he would never let anyone else in.. never.

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:02:36
She seemed to be struggling, letting her tail help her balance slightly as she flapped her wings.
"Nrg..." She muttered trying to get higher.
She flapped slightly faster to help her stay up, but keeping a steady flap motion.
"I can barely breathe up here!" She huffed.
Her wings seemed slightly tired, trying to keep their speed constant.
Her ice cold breath started to come out in small smoke, like it did for humans in the winter.
From how heavy she was breathing, trying to catch her breath.
"It doesn't help that it's already hard for me to breathe from how cold my body is" She laughed slightly.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:12:30
Mike watched as she struggled, watched as her tail helped with balance, she was flapping faster... no wonder she was tired.. she was also huffing because of it.. he moved down so he was beside her. He was almost there in an instant. "You have to slow down... flapping faster won't help you up here.. it is causing you to breathe deeper.." he said, he tried to show her how he was doing it, how calmly he was flapping and how slow. He hoped it made sense... he had a thought.. though it sounded weird even to himself who thought of the idea. What if he carried her in human form up here? She might be able to see just how easy it was to breathe up here if she wasn't flapping to fast.. but he didn't want to suggest it.. how weird would that be? Hey there, I know we just met and you saved me, but would you like me to carry you up here as a human? Don't worry.. I won't drop you! yea.. that sounded soooo great. He moved away slightly after he had noticed he was almost close enough to her that his wings almost brushed her every time he flapped. He moved a good few feet away until he felt more comfortable.. besides, he didn't want to come off as creepy..

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:17:45
Dahlia slowed her flaps, glancing at him, taking deeper breaths to steady her breathing.
"Well I feel dumb" She laughed when she felt her face go pink from blush.
"I can fly faster if I'm closer to the ground, but its normally only over a field" She spoke.
Maybe one day they could go to her favorite field?
She should ask.
"I have a good place for relaxing" She said.
She remembered the field, a long grassy area with a few cherry blossom trees she nurtured.
"There are cherry blossom trees that bloom in the summer, I get to eat a bunch of cherries when they grow" She joked.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:30:43
Mike looked away from her when he knew she had the hang of it. Now, she didn't need to be here with him any longer.. not like he cared. He merely nodded after she spoke, nodded again as she said she has a good place for relaxing. He looked at her once again, his eyes dull with a hidden emotion, "Well, that's nice, but I better get going now. You have the hang of it so, there is no need for you to stick around with me any longer." he said simply, his tone completely detached as he descended towards the ground. He was acting like a jerk to keep her away, being nice only meant others would take advantage of you. He hated the reality of it.. but he didn't want to hurt her and he didn't want to get hurt.. so being a jerk is the only way he knew how to keep others away. When he landed, he folded his wings in until they disappeared once again into thin air. He stretched with a yawn as he stood there, not looking up towards her as he seemed to wait a few short moments before he slowly made his way towards his house. She didn't need him... I don't care if anyone needs me or not.. I do as I please.. I don't need anyone either.. feelings like love are a waste of time.. he thought to himself as he slowly made his way to his house.

(haha he is quick to leave XD)

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:33:48
((yup xD))

Dahlia sighed, soon landing.
She left her phone number on his door.
Maybe he would call her?
She sighed. Probably not. Oh well, she couldn't do much.
She got home and fed her dog, brushing him down.
She sat down, reading through her mail.
She celebrated, seeing that she was accepted into the academy she applied for.
Dahlia went upstairs and re-dyed her hair before taking a shower.

((Now what will we do? :o))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:52:11
Mike had gone inside and closed the door, walking just a few steps before he heard something at his door. He huffed, turned on his heel and walked to the door, opening it only to see a note with a phone number on it. He took it off the door, closed the door and once again walked into the house, kicking off his shoes before going to sit on the couch. He looked at the series of numbers on the paper and knew it was a phone number.. he had no idea why she would give it to him.. he put it on the coffee table before he got up once again and headed to the kitchen. He pulled a water bottle out of the fridge and opened it, drinking it as he went back into the living room. Looking back at the piece of paper as he slowly walked back in and sat down, he took another drink of it before picking up the piece of paper once again. He stared at it, setting the water down on the coffee table and pulling out his cell phone. Typing the number in to call it, his finger hovered over the call button.. he just sat there with the number on his screen, finger hovering and debated in his mind whether to call or not. Grumbling, all that was done was that he saved the number into his phone and tossed it over to the other side of the couch.. then he stared at his phone. Huffing, he muttered, "why am I so tempted to call her?" he said as he picked the water bottle back up and drank some more. Maybe he should? no.. she would think he was a nice guy.. that can't happen. No.. no... he was reaching for the phone and when he grabbed it, he grumbled at himself. He pulled up the number once again.. that was when he accidentally pressed call. Great job Michael! Just great! he thought to himself.. almost scolding his own stupidity because he thought he was being stupid calling her.. and the stupid phone wouldn't hang up!

(I already did c;)

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 19:55:59

"Hello?" She answered her phone.
She had stopped carving the jade block she had bought with saved up money.
She waited for an answer, wondering if it was Michael.
Her heart skipped many beats in this time, waiting those few seconds.
She tapped her foot gently.
Dahlia liked Michael. She thought he was nice.
Compared to her father.
He tried to enslave her dog!

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:01:57
Michael freezed at the sound of her voice, he sat as if frozen to his spot on the couch. He was hesitant, after a moment he spoke up, "Hello.." he said and then cleared his throat, "Sorry if I disturbed you.." his voice was different than when he actually saw her in person.. even though it was still detached, it wasn't as cold. He didn't know how to feel about her.. heck he didn't want to feel anything. Not even a simple thing as love... he wanted nothing to do with those emotions.. but it was clear that she didn't think he was a jerk. That fact had set him back a bit, wondering why she didn't.. he tried so hard to be.. but he guessed it wasn't working..

(sorry so short DX)

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:05:43
((Mine can be shorter, its ok!))

"Its alright, I wasn't doing anything important" She spoke.
Dahlia set the small block of jade down while she talked.
She hoped they could at least be friends.
"What would you like to speak about?" She asked politely.
She was using a gentle tone, as if a mother with her child.
Though she did like Michael..

((Fun fact, My real crush is named Michael xD))

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:24:26
(Omg really :o is he as handsome? Lol jk)

Mike was still frozen in place as she spoke, what in the world was he supposed to say? Then she asked him what he wanted to talk about in the weirdest tone he had ever heard.. he wasn't a child.. he was hesitant to speak once again. "Um.. you know.. just stuff.." he said and as soon as it came out of his mouth he felt stupid. "I mean.. how's your paintings and stuff coming..?"he asked awkwardly. He felt stupid at the moment, he couldn't think of things to talk about and it was driving him crazy. Besides.. if he was boring maybe she would hang up and not want to speak to him? He thought about it and thought it might not work..

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:27:14
((Actually yes, very muscular but witty xD))

"I'm carving something out of jade tonight" She spoke.
She glanced at her block that she'd barely touched.
"I'm just not strong enough to make big indents yet" She laughed.
"And Just so I don't have to clarify it later, I make weird voices sometimes, My apologies" She said.
She seemed calmer when she spoke, as if to genuinely apologize.

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:36:04
(Wow o-o I made a character of your crush... haha that is quite the coincidence XD)

He listened to her and yet he still refused to move from his spot. He had no clue why.. it was just talking over the phone.. he just stayed quiet as she laughed and didn't understand the joke if there even was one. Then she apologized for making weird voices.. this woman was weird.. "Um.. it's fine.." was all he said before he went silent again. After a moment he spoke again, "What are you making out of jade?" He asked, trying to keep the conversation minimally awkward as possible. Now it was just weird for him because he didn't usually call anyone.. more so everyone called him of all people. Sure he had a few friends.. he wasn't completely alone.. he just preferred not to love anyone besides his own family. The girl he used to love ruined the feeling for him long ago.. he didn't want to go through that again. He didn't want to hurt anyone either though.. if they said they liked him then he wouldn't have anything to say.. he would just wish they didn't. What would he tell someone? Sorry but I don't want to love at all? Oh yea.. very great and thoughtful..

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(Falcon1211) (#121693)

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Posted on
2017-11-06 20:38:47
((yup xD))

"well.. Its personal, But it's my mother before she died. My dad made his wolves kill her" She sighed.
"It isn't really important though, Whats going on with you?" She asked politely.
She glanced outside to make sure it wasn't getting too dark.
She wished she didn't come off so strong.
What if she ruined whatever could have happened?!
She shook her head. She always messed up though!

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Icestar (#72469)

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Posted on
2017-11-08 11:09:03
Mike went silent at those words, 'made wolves kill her', they made a shiver run down his spine. That was personal indeed.. but why tell him so casually? Then she spoke of importance and he had no idea what to say to that. He was silent for a moment more before he answered her question. "Nothing much.. just hanging out on the couch.. thinking of going for a flight down to the mountains to see the birds migrating back.." he said simply, answering her question as quick and painless as possible. Then, he stood up with his phone still on his ear and then walked to the back door, opening it and closing it behind him. He sat on the porch swing that was just a few feet to the right of the entrance. He swung it gently when he sat down, staying relaxed and calm now. Why was it so hard for him to speak to her over the phone rather than in person? What was wrong with it...? He just swung back and forth gently, as if it were just being blown by the breeze.

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